flightofreedom-blog · 7 years
ah what a tangled web we weave
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
     Alfred had met Lucie coincidentally, but it was a meeting that he wouldn’t ever regret. The girl was sweet and caring and excitable which only worked as a fuse to his excitement. She was essentially someone he could actually see himself wanting to grow a closer platonic bond with. When she had asked him--he thought that was how it went anyway, he might’ve invited himself--to watch her swim some laps, he thought why not. Alfred had always liked swimming, he naturally excelled in it. Though, he had never cared much for watching others swim or swimming competitively.
     Lucie may have changed part of that for him.
     As she began racing down one pool ledge to another, Alfred had found his interests piqued by her talent. She was incredibly fast, faster than he understood. All he knew is if there were a team, she should join it. 
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     “You were amazing!” Alfred praised, jumping up from the bench he was sitting on to his feet. “You were practically making waves with how fast you were going? Wow, I just! How--?” He didn’t know the terminology to praise her or critique her effectively so he was reduced to a fumbling mess. “I think you’ll be disappointed to see my performance.” Alfred laughed, a bright grin on his face regardless.
      “I--hah, I’m actually already in a swim suit.” Of course, it was underneath his regular school outfit. “I was planning to hit the water later today since it’s a good way to work out, you know? But it’d be perfect to hit it now--Just know I’m not that good.” He chuckled a hint of insecurity hidden within the laugh.
lakehouse // lucie & alfred
Her hair lay in pigtails on her back, completely soaked, no doubt. She seemed too excited to be swimming in the indoor pool, but she still got out and in with no trouble - smiling every last lap. She smiled at you as she got out and retrieved a towel from the pile on the small metal bleachers next to the older boy. She picked it up and squeezed her ponytails within the towel, and you could see it immediately become wet. After that motion she wrapped it around herself. 
She loves swimming and she loves showing people what she can do. She loves the looks they give even when she doesn’t know if they are watching or not. “How was I?” she asks, not fully comprehending how short the amount of time it took her to finish the tenth lap was. “I mean, I think I did pretty well?” she questioned herself in her sentence, something that was a bad habit of her’s. 
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“We should see how you do!” she exclaimed excitedly at the thought. She smiled at alfred, hoping he would accept the offer. She had been thinking about starting a swim team ever since she read that the school didn’t have one. She only knew to start here - with the one friend she had seemed to make just because he wandered into the pool area. Probably looking for somewhere and someone else she thought. “I would love to see it..if you are cool with it! There are swim suits that you can own in the locker room! I already got mine, clearly!” she smiled wide and kicked her feet out from under her towards the pool. 
She sat on the side of the pool as she waited to hear what alfred wanted to do. She bubbled with excitement, feeling exuberance with every breath. I hope he wants to do this… She giggled as she splashed herself with her feet. 
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
      An American. Now, Alfred has met Americans here and there, it wasn’t as if they were a small percentage of the school body but that didn’t make him any less excited when he met some. He felt like he had some connection with them; an understanding of fads and culture that was popular there. Of course, the problem also relied on what part of America they were from. This girl didn’t seem to come from where he did but that’s mostly because Alfred was always moving around due to his father’s jobs.
      From what he could tell, her accent was from the South. He never knew why he felt this way exactly, perhaps because his father’s parents were from the south, but he felt at home when around those with the deep accent. “Haha, not to brag but...” Alfred joked, indicating he agreed full-heartedly that he was quick. 
      “I haven’t seen you around! Mind sparing a minute?”
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              with some sort of food bag clutched in her hand, amelia had               been MOWING people down as she ran through the halls. she               always enjoyed being the first in the class so she could shove               her food down her throat before the teacher began his lecture.               coming to a SCREECHING halt as one victim addressed her               speed, the woman eventually spun around to stare up into his               SIMILAR set of blue orbs. 
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              “ tryin’ to head to class, hehe – ya must be quick on ‘yer               feet if ya ain’t fell yet! ” her warm, southern accent seemed               to be challenging him.
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
The young lady’s response had gotten a tint of pink to grace his cheeks. The sheepish grin stretching his lips before had turned more coy--a look he only truly got when a understood a flirty comment and it didn’t fly right by his head. He had never learned how to respond properly when face with it. It was quite a contrary to his usual bragging and boasting attitude that was meant to be more as a joke, but one would think that someone with such confidence would be better around compliments. 
He laughed, a brush of nervousness in it as he shot back a compliment, “I don’t usually bump into cute girls.” He was very thankful she was since he always found language barriers difficult to work with. His father kept telling him to learn more tongues but it was hard. Those who were bilingual he had to give a lot of props to. “Phew, I was scared for a minute there. All I know is a bit of French.” He always had trouble speaking it back but understanding he was good at.
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 “I’m Alfred. Right back at yah.” Sliding his hands in his pocket, he leaned back and gave a glance to the crowd of students attending the orientation. “I’m guessing you’re new.” He asked, figuring that was why she attended the orientation. “Are you excited to start?”
the girl’s a-straight up hustler || Open
Felice had always thrived in social settings, she had learned from a young age the right and wrong ways to get what she wanted and talking people up in places like this were the best ways to get what she wanted. She didn’t want anything other than social interaction at this point, so that benefited her very well. It seemed that others were here milling about for the same reasons. She was glad to be away from her parents and siblings. It made her life a little easier being on her own, not that she didn’t love her family; of course she did but she was glad to be away from them too. She could have more fun if she were on her own.
She had not counted on so many people from so many places, this was very exciting to her. She had not ever met people from some of these places, if they were not part of the areas right around Italy, chances were she was a stranger to them and their customs. So, learning new things about new people was another very exciting prospect to Felice.
Not looking where she was going contributed to her collision with a much larger body. Her attention diverted from some girls talk to each other in Spanish, which she was eavesdropping she would admit, but she was looked at the much taller male as she nearly lost her footing.
She watched him pick up her phone, and she smiled brightly as he returned it to her.
As he tried to answer her, she smiled wider. He was American? Would have been her guess, she was alright with accents she knew, but she hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting very many Americans; which was shocking considering how many tourists came through Italy; but her parents were not overly social with people they didn’t know; tended to keep it in the family and close friends; but of which there were lots so she was used to large gatherings; just of noisy Italians like herself.
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She smiled lightly as he motioned to her phone, “Si, si, it’s fine. I drop it a lot; though I usually don’t have a nice looking man to pick it up for me afterwards.” She answered with a bright smile. “Also, it is fortunate for you, I speak English.” She said with a grin, “My name is Felice, pleasure.” She tried again, this time in a more common tongue.
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
Alfred had a very lethargic way of walking. He would only walk quickly if he were excited to get to his destination--and at that point, he would no longer be walking. “Huh, I’m not stopping you, am I?” He was clearly distracting him but  the question was if it was alright to do so or they’d have to cut this encounter short.
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“That depends, what does being a viking mean.” Alfred pondered it a moment, unsure of whether it was a good or bad compliment; but just could be said about a cowboy. “If you mean strong and cool, then yeah. That’s pretty accurate.” 
“well,” he chuckles underneath his breath, lifting his hand to rub at the back of his neck sheepishly; alfred isn’t technically wrong with what he’s meant as a playful jab. usually, if not worried or stressed, tino is full of pep (or caffeine, that remains the greatest mystery). he moves his hand from his neck up to ruffle the back of his hair which makes it stick up in weird angles, but he pays that little mind. “i wasn’t racing! just walking fast! had places to be… y’know?” 
trying to play it off, he chuckles again: this time it is more lighthearted. “it isn’t every day that someone calls you a cowboy,” he admits. “should i call you a viking, in jest?”
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
Oh, that glare had gotten him to provide the Scottish man with an innocent--amused yet with a touch of fear--grin. He raised his hands defensively. He did not feel like getting punched this early on in the school year. This early on in the day too.
After receiving his initial response, Alfred thought his interaction with this quick-tempered redhead was near over. He didn’t think he would stop and pick up his offer. “Yeah, there’s a place between science classrooms, a classroom that no one ever uses, a...Lot of places.” He stopped his rambling midway, not about to give away all the rooms he found nor did he want to give his bargaining chip so fast. Not that he didn’t already give part of it away. 
There was still the matter of what he was trying to get away from. Something that he found surprising considering this man’s look. Whatever had managed to make him so frantic was a story he’d like to hear. “I’ll take you to one if you tell me what’s got your goat later.”
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Despite the blonde’s attempt to conceal the jollies he seemed to have gotten from seeing one of his peers nearly face planting into the hallways marble flooring, Alistair had easily been able to see through the boy’s little cover-up. The sounds of laughter sparking a grumble or irritation from the Scot’s throat, Alistair shot the unknown student a quick glare before looking back over behind his shoulder.
As much as he would love to rip this kid a new one for laughing at him, Alistair had bigger things to worry about. He needed to find some place to lay low until his next class. Given he was on a free period now he had a good half hour until he would be expected in the Chemistry lab. Of course, he could run to the dorms and hide out in his room, but by the time he reached there it would be time for him to turn around and go back. No…he needed somewhere closer, much closer. 
“Nae. It’s not. So why don’t’cha turn around and keep your damned numpty nose out of me–…” The redhead’s insult trailed to a stop as the other boy’s offer managed to sink through his thick skull. “Really now?” Alistair inquired as he backed off a tad bit, more than willing to let the blonde redeem himself in helping him.
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
put ‘loaded question’ in my inbox:
and i’ll generate a number 1-45 for a question my muse will ask yours. angst, fluff, smut, humor, etc.
Keep reading
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
someone: do you speak french?
me: ah oui oui mon ami je m'apelle lafayette
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
Alfred had nearly laughed at the display in front of him. It tickled him how the boy had almost toppled over in his desperate attempt to keep from crashing. Alfred placed a hand over his mouth a couple of snickers leaving him without consent. “Nothing,” He replied with a shrug of his shoulders. However, his eyes showed just how curious he was to know the answer. Though, a part of him did find this guy menacing so he decided to tone down the part of him that would blatantly taunt.
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“Are you being followed?” He asked bluntly, catching as the man’s attention focused on what was happening behind him. That would explain his rush. “Not that it’s any of my business--” He was quick to interject, guessing that was what was going to come next. “But I know a couple of good hiding spots.”
Having seen the incoming blockade, Alistair had tried to slow himself down. The last thing he needed right now was to crash into someone. That would only get him bruised and…possibly caught by what exactly it was he was running from. His steps instantly screeching to a halt, the teen’s eyes grew wide, feeling himself starting to fall forward, his equilibrium having been thrown off over the sudden loss of motion. “Sh–…Jesus!” He cursed, it taking all of the redhead’s willpower for his body not to fall down like a harvested log. 
“What’s it to you?” Alistair snarled as he looked over his shoulder, not looking directly towards his inquisitive peer, but instead behind his back. Nothing there, yet anyway… 
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
Orientation was social ground, ground he was very familiar with and enjoyed more than sitting in a classroom. Admittedly, he wasn’t thrilled about coming back here. Boarding school was the opposite reason he had come to England in the first place. Though, he couldn’t put it past his mother to pull this on him. At least she had done him a favor in the end. This meant time away from her. 
He had gotten to visit his father for the first month of that summer and it was a relief to leave. Still a child, he associated England with his memories and never felt right there. Returning again made him feel like something was off. He was brilliant at appearing laidback and effortlessly happy, and for the most part he was. But he still felt like he couldn’t truly accept himself being there.
Alfred had just bid goodbye to some of the friends he made the previous year before going to meet the Year 11 student he was there for. That’s when he had accidentally bumped into a younger schoolmate.
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“Ah, sorry!” Alfred pardoned, picking up her phone quickly and hoping to god he hadn’t broken it. 
“Uhhhh, Ciao?” Alfred answered with a sheepish smile, only understanding words that sounded close enough to Spanish for him to guess what they meant. Her name is Felice--hah, sort of like feliz. That was cute. Pleasure to meet you, maybe? Ah, forget it, even if he understood bits and pieces because of an old friend in America didn’t mean he could speak any of it back to her. 
“Sorry, I don’t know Italian.” Alfred admitted with a shake of his head, wondering if she knew English enough to talk to him. Deciding she didn’t, he became more expressive with his hands, pointing at her phone to indicate what he was referring to. “Is your phone alright?”
the girl’s a-straight up hustler || Open
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Most people would have thought orientation to be dull, but Felice? No, this was something else for the young Italian. She was able to people watch all those around her, smile, make conversation. She was at home in situations like this. She did very well for herself in a group and this was no exception. Soon as she was let out by her parents and she was off on her own, she knew this schooling was the best thing that had happened to her in a while. Twirling a few of her loose hairs around her finger, she smiled at people as she passed them, looking longer than she needed to at a few boys. Her eyes shown brightly under her long eyelashes, her expression mischievous.
Giving no one in particular her attention, she moved around the common area of campus trying to acclimatize to her surroundings. She saw people throwing discs, others sitting on towels talking amongst themselves. She smiled, moving out of the walking path so she could just watch the groups mingling. This was just what she needed, school away from home. Her mother constantly breathing down her neck about being a good wife was making her crazy. She couldn’t take it anymore, and her father was never there to placate and when he was she felt the need to make sure everyone got along; it was smothering.
Here? She would have to answer to someone; but no one she cared about personally. Letting a teacher down was very much a different thing then letting down Momma and Pappa, she could handle letting down a teacher or two; she could make up for it with some sweet words and extra credit. School was not top priority for Felice. The social aspect that would come from this though, that was her end game.
Pushing her long hair over her shoulder, she turned and ended up running into the back of someone. “Mi perdoni!”  She gasped hurriedly, taking a step back. She smiled lightly as the other as they bent to pick up the phone she managed to drop while not paying attention to where she was going. “Grazie.” She returned as she slide her hand around the phone, “Ciao, sono Felice , ma i miei amici mi chiamano Lee . Piacere di conoscerti . Come ti chiami ?” She asked, extending her hand, smiling.
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
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Hetalia aesthetics 4/∞ - America
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
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     “Didn’t look like it to me. Unless you always have a kick in your step.” Alfred argued, not realizing how right he was with that statement. A stem of curiosity budded from the blatant lie only to be cut down by assurances of his own absurdity. Or maybe his lax attitude of not thinking too much of it if it wasn’t affecting him. “The bell didn’t ring. You really got to be racing?” He grinned, his tone filled with more jest than allegation. 
     “Yeah? Never heard the slang used before?” He assumed. Slang differentiating greatly between countries made this school a little difficult; however, it never discouraged Alfred from using his own. 
tino expects the contact; he braces himself for it, because it would be likely for one of them to topple over. when the contact never comes, he cracks open his eyes and lets out a (relieved) chuckle. his gaze flickers up to alfred’s. 
   “just was– y’know, walking!” he exclaims a little too quickly, looks a little too suspicious as he shrugs and looks out into the bustling hallway. “places to go and all that!” tino says, but doesn’t uproot himself. 
his look is quizzical.
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“did you just call me cowboy?”
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
Hamilton // Alexander Hamilton
Mulligan, Madison, Lafayette, & Jefferson : We fought with him
Laurens & Philip : Me? I died for him
Washington : Me? I trusted him
Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, & Maria : Me? I loved him
Burr : And me? I’m the damn fool that shot him
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
My past has tasted bitter for years now, So I wield an iron fist Grace is just weakness Or so I’ve been told. I’ve been cold, I’ve been merciless But the blood on my hands scares me to death Maybe I’m waking up today
I’ll be good, I’ll be good And I’ll love the world, like I should I’ll be good, I’ll be good I’ll be good, I’ll be good For all of the light that I shut out For all of the innocent things that I’ve doubt For all of the bruises that I’ve caused and the tears For all of the things that I’ve done all these years Yeah, for all of the sparks that I’ve stomped out For all of the perfect things that I doubt
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
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      “Whoa there, cowboy, you’re going to hurt yourself.” 
      Alfred gently mocked the student that had come very close to crashing into him. However, he was quick on his feet and had managed to dodge it effortlessly. It helped that sports were a pretty big part of his life. “What’s the rush?”
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
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i told my suitemate that i’d stay up to study for the chem test….
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