floatible-blog · 5 years
Perhaps he shouldn’t have been so forceful, but it’s too late now – for when Togami seeks answers, he’ll stop at nothing to get them. Her answers, thankfully, are satisfactory enough; to be honest he didn’t expect her to answer all of them, and what she did say only fed into his curiosity even more. “London? I’ve been there a few times – assuming it’s the same place you’re speaking of. I’m from Tokyo, myself.” Tactfully – surprisingly so – he omits that he doesn’t care much for the city; perhaps it’s his French heritage, but he much prefers Paris. “I’ve been spending most of my time in the library as well – but if you’re trying to learn more about Spirale, I’m afraid you won’t find anything. I’ve been searching for information about this place for weeks and have learned practically nothing.”
It’s a strange place. Quite the understatement, really; all he can do is nod, agreeing with her sentiment. Despite his barrage of questions and answers being more than a bit tactless, he does pick up on her melancholy; for a moment he hesitates, strangely enough – it’s not as though he’s really cared about someone’s feelings other than his own, save for a rare few – and is thankful when she brings up a question of her own. “This?” Raising an eyebrow, he holds up the book for a moment, then out to her so she can take a closer look; “Arsène Lupin, gentleman thief…as far as I know, he’s a complete work of fiction. However, in my brief time here so far, I’ve come to learn that what might be fiction in one world may be reality in another.” 
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Still, after saying that, he has to take a moment to process all this – for while what he says is true and he is coming to terms with the odd relationship between fiction and reality and multiple worlds…he can’t help but be excited to hear that one of his favorite fictional characters might be a real person somewhere. “You’re saying…you know him? How fascinating…perhaps we should sit down, so that you can tell me a bit more about him. And yourself, of course.” Again she has no choice in the matter; he’s already heading towards the tables. However, he pauses for a moment, looking back at her, the lightest of smirks – or no, was it smiles? – gracing his lips. “I’m Byakuya Togami. It’s nice to meet you, Cardia.”
     He repeats the knowledge she’s come across so far - that is, the lack thereof existing in this world, about this world. She couldn’t lie that the news is saddening, but in a way it’s reassuring that she could cease her search, or at least not feel obliged to a constant stress over the matter. The young man’s gaze is confident as he speaks, and that alone gives her the confidence in herself - at least, in that she isn’t alone in the struggle.
     His words are interesting - that fictional words are reality here, in some way, and that may even include her own. It’s a broad concept to understand, but Cardia will have to take time to digest this one.“Fictional, huh... Lupin is very real, at least he is to me. But, in a place like this, anything is possible, isn’t it...” Although, none of this changes her sentiment toward Spirale; on one hand, her poison seems far less potent than before, but on the other, she is still far away from anything she knows - a far more lonely feeling than any she’s known before. Putting on her best smile, she acknowledges his introduction. After all, this is the first person who has shared any useful information, let alone held a conversation with her. She follows him to one of the tables, likely to sit down with books in hands and furthering the discussion. “It’s nice to meet you, Togami. Thank you for telling me all this... It’s nice that it isn’t just me who can’t find out anything about Spirale.”
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     Part of her feels guilty, for this is only a chance meeting, and she’s taking up a stranger’s time - but in another way, she senses a kinship with him, as if they’re walking on the same trail with the same destination. While firm and fast, it’s clear that he is genuine as he speaks and shows interest in what she says, something rare to come across. Seated now at one of the tables, crystalline gaze glances at the novel titled after one of her companions once again. While he states he wants to learn more about her - and Lupin, naturally - she can’t help her own curiosity. “Is Lupin also famous in Tokyo? Um, I mean, fictionally. I’ve never heard of such a place, by where is it?” Her knowledge of the rest of the world outside Europe is limited, only learning of it and the geography, social customs, and history from Saint Germain - everything else is vast and void as far as she knows. Togami already has shown he’s well-read and knows many things of the real world, even if their idea of the ‘real world’ is not the exact same one.
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floatible-blog · 5 years
“I’ll admit I’m not quite sure what this is,” he says as he hands over the golden gift wrapped box, a small present containing endless possibilities. While part of him worries that this might come off as a cop out, he hopes that what might be inside might very well make her Christmas. “The Marketplace said that it will give you a ‘small trinket from home;’ what that might be, I have no idea. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it – I’m quite curious as to what may be inside.”
     “A small trinket from home…?”
     Curious, her eyes run over the gold box, should an intense look at it bring about any outstanding hints as to what it should contain. However, nothing comes of this, and from every point of view it’s a normal box. Looks can be deceiving, and Cardia is no stranger to this notion. Gloved digits tear the gift wrap away, and then opening the box - and before her own eyes, a familiar suitcase appears to drop out from beneath it, and the now-weightless box is empty in her hands. Blinking twice, it’s hard for her to process what just happened, but it’s almost too good to be true. Originally on her way from Saint Germain’s mansion back to Wales, to ease the burden of her companions and live alone as a monster, the trunk Lupin gifted to her was the only material object she had with her as she ran away wordlessly.
     Her heart pangs, and the box drops from her own hands and the doll-like girl kneels to the suitcase, hesitating for a moment whether or not it’s real - but her hand reaches and it displays all of the personal items she packed on her way to her lonely home, prior to arriving here. The dishware and pillowcases and all are tightly folded and arranged in the very way she packed, making it clear it hasn’t been tampered at all. Many questions come to mind, primarily the fact it has arrived without a scratch, and who could have gotten their hands on such a unique item…
     Her reaction spills over nonetheless.
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     “I… don’t know what to say. I know you said you didn’t know what was inside it, but… I couldn’t ask for anything else.” A tearful laugh and the brunette looks toward the man, her gratitude clear just from expressions alone. “I can’t thank you enough, thank you Togami!” Later, she will take the time to show him everything in it, from the poison-proofed wear and wares to the few photographs of the friends she has mentioned before, and share the few, but wonderful and vibrant, memories with someone she is forming new ones with.
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floatible-blog · 5 years
A box delicately wrapped - with the help of Mukuro, who aided the shopping and packaging - rests in her gloved hands, and is extended to him. When the box is opened, it reveals a plush robe and slippers in a matching gray color. It's often difficult to find a gift for someone who has generally everything they could need, but she was assured it would be more than a great gesture for him. "Merry Christmas Togami! I hope this helps you feel at home, I'm glad to have a friend like you here."
It’s soft. As though he’s holding a cloud, the robe seems to instantly trap the heat from his hands, keeping them nice and toasty – perhaps he’ll never let it go, then. The matching slippers are just as plush, and he almost wants to change back into his pajamas so he can put it all on. It’d be a bit ridiculous for him to walk around with a robe on on top of a full suit, after all. 
As he unfolds the robe so he can view its full glory, he’s reminded of the perilous events of a couple months ago, when Halloween went horribly awry. Of how he had spent so long wrapped up in a blanket because his clothes were stained with blood and gore. Had that been why she had bought him this, so that he never had to be without some kind of coverage again? Perhaps, perhaps not, but he appreciates the thought all the same. 
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“Thank you, Cardia. Though this place may not be my home…it’s much more comfortable with people like you in it.” A bold statement from a bold man – and he can’t meet her gaze, a light blush rising to his cheeks despite his best efforts. Showing affection is so terribly hard, and he hates the weakness that comes with it…but perhaps…perhaps it doesn’t necessarily feel bad. 
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floatible-blog · 5 years
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    || “It’s merely brisk at night–” A coat-wearer has appeared! “ but that is without saying how quickly the weather may change. However, sleeves are preferred, if only for the ability to do… this.” Ophelia demonstrates but tugging her sleeve down and hiding her hand. “ There is something inexplicably comforting about it..?”
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     “I... I see.” She tugs at her own sleeves, which are perfectly cuffed at the wrists, unable to do such a movement. Even if she were to do as the other did and buy a coat, Cardia couldn’t justify potentially burning one were her other garments not covering. A constant predicament the girl carries with her! “I hope it doesn’t come to the point where I need one,” she speaks partly to herself. Although, her curiosity of the other woman’s jacket arises - in the case the poisonous girl ever were in a situation calling for a jacket. “Where did you get your jacket?”
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floatible-blog · 5 years
“Thank you for coming here,” he begins in a rare display of manners, “I wanted to get your opinion on this.”
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He’d never say that he wanted help, even if it was from someone as kind and understanding as Cardia – nor would he ever admit that he was nervous, almost afraid to open the box he had found in his bedroom, neatly addressed to him. The only other time something had appeared out of thin air had been that bicycle; however, it hadn’t been wrapped or boxed, clearly just a bicycle. This, however…anything could be inside, and after the events of a few months prior, he wouldn’t trust whoever had brought him here or ruled over this place as far as he could throw them (which, with his negligible strength, would not be very far). 
In the hopes of getting a second opinion he called Cardia over, to see what she had to say…and for moral support if he did happen to open it. Not that he didn’t trust Mukuro to do the same, but if there was something embarrassing inside, well…he wouldn’t hear the end of it. Cardia, at the very least, would be kind and tactful enough to look the other way…or at least, he hoped. 
“I found this present this morning, addressed to me. I’m not sure what to do with it; the logical conclusion is to open it, of course, but I have no idea what might be inside.”  Picking it up, he holds it out for her to see, to take if she wishes to. “What do you think?”
     A quick call and Cardia found herself at the front steps of Togami’s home, then ushered into his room. Were it not for his terse words and the crease of his brows, Cardia would have expected he was simply inviting him over, yet something else seemed to weigh on his mind. He is strictly formal, more than he ever has been with her, and it raises her curiosity in the object he mentions: one that simply, from out of nowhere, delivered itself to him. Her eyebrows raise as he shows her the present, and can only wonder what would be behind the gift wrap.
     “I don’t know where it could have come from... but I think because it has your name on it, you should open it.” She reaches for the present, but hesitates; not having any idea what it could be, she only wonders if she’d do more harm than good to examine it. It is his gift after all. “I wonder if it came from someone who cares about you, and wants to show you... Um! I mean, it didn’t come from me, but... It’s only fair to you and the sender that you open it.”
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     Porcelain cheeks flush when she becomes more conscious of the words she spoke moments ago. Of course, were it her she would have given a gift directly, and naturally she had no way of buying gifts until she could find employment. “If you’d rather have me turn my back while you open it, I don’t mind. In case it is something private...”
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floatible-blog · 5 years
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"It isn't really necessary for me to wear a coat if it never gets very cold here... right?"
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floatible-blog · 5 years
Grateful that she doesn’t make the situation any more awkward than it already is for him, Togami takes a seat next to her and is quiet for a moment, unsure what to say or do other than gaze up at the night sky above. It’s beautiful in a way that he’s never seen before; having always lived among the the city lights, he’s never seen the stars sparkle so clearly. Of course, the girl sitting next to him is just as so; her eyes glisten as she speaks, a gentle smile on her lips. Not that he only admires her beauty, no – she’s sweet and smart, a kind girl who is quiet yet a fountain of knowledge of a world beyond his own. Though he’s only spoken with her once before, she’s certainly piqued his interest – in more ways than one, and hopefully she will continue to do so.
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“You could say that,” he replies, looking up for a moment longer before glancing over at her; honestly he’s not quite sure why his feet brought him here, but it wouldn’t be the first – or the last – time he’s had trouble falling asleep. His mind moves too much, too quickly; nearly impossible to stop, it’s become even worse now that he’s been torn from everything he knows. He can’t find comfort in paperwork, solace in a job well done; for now he’s simply alone with his thoughts, and books can only distract him for so long. He wants to start working again, to succeed – but he has no idea how to; there’s no way he could ever be complacent working under someone else. The lack of information when it comes to just about everything on this island is infuriating, and he longs for answers of just about any sort. Could the girl sitting next to him possibly help? Or rather, the real question: could Byakuya Togami ever bear to ask someone else for help?
     “Well, at least you aren’t alone anymore. It’s a lot easier having company sometimes...” The young woman trails off, her gaze skyward once more. Perhaps it’d be easiest for her to make small talk than to ask something possibly intrusive or unrelated to anything he might be interested in. She can’t help but be curious about him, who she has encountered a few times now. Rather, despite being a very abnormal person - after all, few his age are as composed, serious, and headstrong as himself - he feels normal, in his own way, to Cardia. Sitting just as firm as the words he speaks, he doesn’t seem quite completely comfortable right now; she wonders if it’s simply the disparity of knowledge of one another being new friends.
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     “Togami... if you don’t mind me asking, I want to know what your life was like before you came here, to Spirale I mean.. It’s like we come from two very different worlds, I want to know about other places, besides Wales and Steel London. Even if I can’t go there myself...”
     Trailing off, the girl sighs dejectedly; although her intent of running away from her friends went awry, appearing on this island in the blink of an eye, she could only wish to someday return in hopes of being allowed to see places she could only know from literature. If she could ask anyone here, she’s confident in Byakuya to be honest, and perhaps be the most genuine person she knows on this island. Even if the doll-like girl is anxious for whatever may come, perhaps the conviction he carries with him is enough to soothe her worries.
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floatible-blog · 5 years
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     Since I only have a few drafts on this young lady, here’s a starter call for Cardia! Like for a short starter, may be selective but currently no cap on likes!
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floatible-blog · 6 years
                                                  @floatible​ 。• ↷  LIKED .
             the weather was decent out, and fuka had yet to touch on the idea of exploring the vast land of isola.  everything was fresh & new to her.  the architecture to the people.  even technology is something new to her.  today would be another day of likely only walking so far so that she wouldn’t get lost.  cafes, antique shops, and a handful of other small shops seemed to have their wares on display.  none of which fuka could currently afford.  maybe a hunt for a job would be in order soon … but– what could she even do ?  what was she even good at other than cleaning house, and doing laundry ?
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            her train of thought shifts as something more exciting captures her view.  her own reaction was like a child’s seeing a vast candy store for the very first time.  doe eyes grow a little wider and a smile begins to spread and pull upon the corners of her lips.  she only barely recognizes the girl as her neighbor.  fuka’s never personally spoke to her, but anytime was better than never !  it would probably be best if she would get to know those around her.  maybe she could even make friends.
                                        “ your dog is so cute !  he looks like a little gentleman.  ”
     Dust in her pocket and Sisi at her side, Cardia has given up her research for the day, instead walking about and relishing in being able to simply do so. Just days before, she had no choice but to bunker down in her home with her newer friends - but now, nothing is to stop her from breathing in the fresh air and watching people and taking in the scenery.
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     The Corgi’s bark interrupts her daze, looking over at the girl who speaks to her; pink hair and similarly rose-colored eyes, she stands at about Cardia’s height, donned in a long sleeve dress and a huge grin on her face. Something about her is familiar, and the brunette is almost sure she’s seen this girl before. As Sisi runs to the newcomer as if greeting her himself, Cardia returns the smile. “Do you think so? He really has a personality of his own, but... he seems to really like you!”
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     After a few moments does she realize, while she does not know her personally, she has in fact seen her before: the girls are neighbors. “You don’t live far away from us, do you? My name is Cardia, it’s nice to meet you. Are you also from... somewhere else, that isn’t here?” While ordinarily she’d rather enjoy some small talk, something about this girl feels like, she too, is far away from her home.
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floatible-blog · 6 years
     Edea practically danced her way about Pearl Street as she visited various shops and tried on various pieces and outfits. She regained a little of her wealth from home and if anyone thought she wouldn’t seize the opportunity to go on a little spree, well they thought dead wrong. She had picked up a few things here and there, had a selection of shops have orders sent to her residence, and was about ready to head home herself when inspiration struck her. She had gazed through the window of another boutique, one she had yet to visit, and saw several absolutely delightful pieces.
     Once she entered, she noticed a stunning piece being inspected by another woman, and made her way over- though not born of any will to take the piece for herself. No, when the woman stepped back, Edea took the garment off it’s hook and held it up about a foot away from the woman. 
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    “It’s absolutely stunning! This would be perfect on you. They have some shoes over there that would compliment it well, and some rose gold jewelry with your complexion? No one would be able to resist!”
     She is delighted by discussing fashion, styling outfits, and something about this woman made her want to create a whole line. Her voice lilts with excitement and vibrancy, and the grin she offers is nothing short of exuberant.
     “Oh, um...” How to tell a complete stranger you can’t actually wear normal jewelry or clothing, because otherwise you will completely burn it? Who knows (not Cardia)! She looks back down to the sweater she was previously looking at, wondering how to respond to the girl’s kind words. The brunette may not know this stranger, but her words are genuine and energetic, and she’s at a loss of a response to the suggestions.
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     “Thank you, I appreciate your kindness, but... I can’t wear this stuff right now. You see, I... don’t really have a lot of money right now.” An additional glance at the price tag was enough encouragement for words.“Maybe someday soon,” in the unforeseeable future, “I’ll be able to though.” Observing both her fashionable suggestions and her similar manner of dressing, the blonde is quite lovely herself; is she something like a regular around these parts, or just a casual passerby? The accessories she mentions would be far more suiting to someone more normal and beautiful like the girl grinning at her side. A small smile rises just being around someone so energetic, and she can’t help but talk more to her. “Do you come here very often?”
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floatible-blog · 6 years
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Animate bonus art for the Code Realize Musical Blu-Ray.
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floatible-blog · 6 years
Togami and Mukuro had somehow made it to Fibonacci, the hordes of Shamblers and Spectres thinning out a bit the farther they were from the shoreline. Decorated in gore and drenched in sweat, they make their way to The Surface; there’s a house in particular that he’s looking for, not stopping until he sees the number 159. Initially, he had made some poor attempts at excuses; he wanted to rest, to take a shower…but the soldier saw right through him, piercing gaze as sharp as her bloody knife. Of course he wanted to check on Cardia; they had parted ways before the city had turned into a bad horror film, so he had no idea if she was safe or not – and the thought of her being harmed or worse was more of a nightmare than these creatures themselves. 
Taking a deep breath before he does so, he glances over at Mukuro before rapping on the door, a quick, curt knock that he hopes will be loud enough to alert anyone who’s inside yet brief enough not to alert any remaining Shamblers that might be in the area. The few seconds before the door opens feels like a lifetime; without realizing he holds his breath, exhaling only when Cardia peeks out and waves him on in. Before he can say anything Mukuro quietly tells him that he’d best take care of his ‘lady friend’ and that she wouldn’t be staying; before he can ask where she’s going or what she means by ‘lady friend’ she’s already gone, a blur in the night. Though he’s bemused, a bit of a smirk tugs at his lips: there’s a reason Fenrir’s emblem is a wolf, after all. 
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Entering, he finally feels as though he can breathe; a sudden protective urge nearly wills him to pull her into an embrace, but not only is the very thought embarrassing, but – well, he’d rather not coat her in blood and guts. “It’s alright; I didn’t expect you to come looking. Actually, I’m glad you stayed here; it’s like a bad horror movie out there. I don’t know what happened, but there are zombies and ghosts all over…the girl with me, Mukuro, was helping me kill them.” Sheepishly looking down at his once immaculate suit, he lets out a sigh. “Perhaps I’ll take you up on that offer of a shower, though. I feel disgusting.”
     Closing the door with an unthinkable force after the shadow disappears, Byakuya inside her house now, Cardia is urgent. At the least, he is seemingly unharmed, only decorated with the insides and outs of the creatures, whatever they are, outside. He tells her of the story leading up to this moment, and she’s relieved. Whoever this Mukuro person is, must be a force to be reckoned with - but she will spare all the questions for after immediate concerns are addressed.
     “Yes, you should clean up... The shower is upstairs by my room.” She speaks while leading him there, realizing as the grabs the rail while taking each step, her hand is shaky. Her nerves are at a peak, admittedly; worried for his safety and then, as if on cue, appearing right at her front door, the least she can do is clean him up and let him rest until... well, whatever may come next.
     Now standing in the doorway of the bathroom, she isn’t sure where to go from here; she is urging him for a bath, although her mind is immediately filled with thoughts of the potential of seeing him... without clothing. “Should I... help? I mean, I know you know how to work a shower, even without glasses, but... Um, you’ll be okay from here, right? I don’t have any clothes for you, I can wash them, if you can... um... you know...” Is it embarrassment or her nerves which jams her words together? Nobody, including herself, ever thought she would be asking anyone, especially him, to remove his clothes; is it because she knows of shame, or something else underlying her awkwardness?
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     “I’m sorry. I’ll leave you with... the rest. Leave your clothes outside the door, and I’ll find something for you to wear until your suit’s dry!” She turns away, the cool air around her makes her realize just how flushed her cheeks are. While Byakuya showers, she fishes around in her room, the closets nearby, for something he could wrap himself in until after she has cleaned and dried his clothes. A knock on the restroom door, and she speaks again, “It is’t much, but it will work fine for the time being,” and her gloved hands set a large, soft blanket down next to the pile of bloody clothing. She’ll work downstairs to clean the suit to the best of her ability; gloved hands just don’t seem to do the same job, although she would be more than happy to instead help him find a new one after all of this passes.
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floatible-blog · 6 years
Send ‘!!’ and I’ll write a para description of your muse from mine’s perspective. | Accepting!
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Delicate. Oh, he knows she is strong – for she has endured much, much more than he can even imagine. Yet she seems so fragile, as though she could break in an instant; alabaster skin is as flawless as porcelain, so much so that he’s tempted to reach out and poke it to see if it indents beneath his finger, pinched to see if they’re in a dream. Despite the small smile that tugs at her thin lips, sadness flashes in her cerulean eyes; hidden beneath long lashes they sparkle in the light, a fire within their watery depths. If nothing else Cardia Beckford is a contradiction: she is graceful yet clumsy; she is demure yet firy; she is knowledgeable yet naive; but above all, she is – herself. She is unique, and most of all, she is considered worthy of his time – more than worthy, even, he wants to spend it with her, to learn everything about her. The real question is: is she willing to let him in? (Or rather…is he willing to let her in?)
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floatible-blog · 6 years
The minutes seem to pass as though they’re coated in molasses, trudging on for hours. Small talk with Cardia is attempted but quickly fades into the silence; he’s much too anxious, too annoyed to carry on a conversation. Thankfully she realizes this and lends him silent support instead, a sentiment he’ll need as his phone vibrates and notifications pop onto the screen. 
Well, it’s a miracle Amami isn’t dead yet, but just because he’s avoided the monsters for half the journey doesn’t mean the second half won’t be dangerous. Promises are made and rarely kept; his skepticism isn’t unfounded, as both the business world and high school are filled with empty words, lies both white and black. And yet, again he has no choice but to wait, to put his trust in him; it’s simply infuriating, this feeling of powerlessness. However, there truly is nothing he can do: going out to find him is a foolish death wish, a thought that doesn’t even cross his mind. If anyone’s going to die here tonight, it isn’t going to be Byakuya Togami – as selfish as that may be, one death is better than one death and another needless one.
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[txt] I still think you’re making a mistake…but of course I’m going to let you in.
[txt] Just know that if you do die, it’s your own fault.
Actions have consequences, he thinks as he hits send. Harsh, yet truthful; it’s the only way he knows to express his affection, chiding and lecturing those he cares about in the hopes of guiding them towards the same perfection he himself possesses. Of course, impatient as he may be, he knows that perfection is carefully forged, a painstaking process: it’s taken him years to reach this point, though if you were to ask him he’d claim that he was born perfection. It’s all a bluff, all of it – that shy boy from nearly ten years ago before the competition certainly wasn’t perfect, and truthfully…the one sitting here right now isn’t either. But he’s as close to perfection as can be – he has to be. 
Silence is broken by a light knocking at the door, and with a glance and a nod at Cardia he gets up and nearly tiptoes to the entrance, blanket still wrapped around him (as of course he isn’t going to let Amami see him in nothing but his boxers). With a deep breath he opens the door, slowly turning the handle; it’s opened just enough that the boy can slide through and closed immediately afterwards, locked and bolted as though gears and metal would be enough to keep zombies and ghosts out. “I don’t know how you made it here in one piece, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me,” he sighs, shaking his head; “Now come in and sit down, but be quiet about it.” 
       As soon as he slides into the open door, he half-collapses. Exhaustion and stress finally piling up enough to cause him to simply give in. It had been an adventure and a half – and frankly, even he wasn’t sure how he had made it here in one piece. There had been enough dangers. There had been enough things going on. Even seeing some of the things he did… that should have been enough to make him call it quits. And yet? He’d made it. He’d steeled himself and did what he’d felt he needed to do. Making it to where his friend was hiding out.
      A smile plays at his lips then, as he looks up at the other from his position on the floor. He felt weak and absolutely drained. But he was grateful to see the other.
      SOMEHOW, he felt he was safe here. The bad feeling he’d had evaporating… at least, for now. “It’s a bit of a wild story. But, if you want it, yeah. I’ll explain.” With that, he gathers himself together… Lifting himself to his feet (swaying a little as he did – exhaustion still clear in his actions) and doing as instructed. Coming in a bit further into the building and attempting to be fairly quiet as he did so. The last thing he wanted to do was cause enough of a scene that he brought trouble to them here, now that he’d made his way.
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      He’d apologize later. He wanted to talk to Togami one-on-one if he was going to apologize for his actions – and explain them – however? Being the guest of a new building? It was probably about time he met the person whose home he was intruding upon.
      “… but before that, may I ask to meet your friend? I believe you said you were bunkering down with others, right?” Rantaro asks, offering a half-hearted smile at the other. He was excited to meet anyone else that the other would consider a friend – after all: Togami was one of few people he’d met on the island whom he’d become quite used to visiting. One of few he’d met here, that he would consider a friend. So? If the other had other friends here – a friend of a friend, is my friend. That was the sort of laid-back mindset that was always how the youth worked.
     The quiet of the room encases the two of them, sitting side-by-side in such a fashion not to bring unwarranted attention to themselves. The small talk ceases very shortly into Togami’s visit, however long it will be; fortunately for him, Cardia bought food only days before chaos struck, even if she has no necessity in the purchase or preparation of meals, she feels the habit of it keeps her on routine, keeps her normal.
     Occasionally looking up despite the silence, she looks to the young man she’s befriended, who she never expected would be wrapped around in one of her blankets, his honey-like hair still wet and his clothes, hanging to dry, in the same fashion. She’s admittedly embarrassed to see him like this, although one glance at him upon arrival, and that was by far worse without argument. He is frustrated with the situation, she’s sure of that much; the best Cardia could provide is wordless support. 
     He looks from her to his phone from time to time, and then one telling glance and he stands, fuzzy blanket and all, to exit the room. She gave her approval already, and the doll-like girl awaits the arrival of a third person who will wait through the madness in House 159. Her curiosity is hard to contain, blue eyes watch from the hallway - she followed him, a bit further behind - as a boy about Byakuya’s own age enters the house. Without scar or mar, at that. The same was the case for the girl he is friends with too; how all of his friends are faring well even in this situation, not a clue. If they are anything like her own friends - the very ones she left behind - who are strong, talented, agile, brilliant beyond belief... then he is in safe hands.
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     After a few moments, the girl finally appears from around the corner, observing their interaction. Togami’s concern is real, even if it’s displayed in a most indirect fashion. She smiles inwardly, without realizing it; upon first impression, one would gather he’s an icy, impersonal individual, although he’s far from it. He isn’t much different than Cardia, in more ways than one. Speaking up finally, the brunette realized she needed to speak, rather than looking strange at the two of them reuniting.“You’re... Togami’s friend? I hope you’re okay, it looks... awful out there. It’s been safe, you should be fine here if you want to wait it out with us. I’m Cardia, by the way. Oh, Togami, I could make something for you both to eat too if you want, I’m sure you’re both hungry.”
@onzoushii 〉 advxntum 〉 floatible
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floatible-blog · 6 years
     This is not what Cardia expected. One evening she was with Togami, sharing the memories of those lost to her, and the next she is holed up, awaiting in the corner of the house by herself for some sort of safety. After her arrival to Spirale she knew better than to go out when disaster strikes, else she’d be face-first into danger, this time the monsters outside looking more threatening and ominous.
     Waiting is a tiring, exhausting option. At the least, nobody has attempted entering the house, but there is also no other individual who can sit motionlessly without food or entertainment as she does. Being an artificial creation can have its ups and downs. The books borrowed from the library sit atop her desk, unread, as she’s too restless to consider doing anything but surviving. She has only made a few friends in this city, but she has to wonder what they’re doing when hellish creatures are running amok, surely they aren’t out there fending them off too? Her mind flashes to Togami, who kindly went with her just the night before to the parade, who has become a friend from pure serendipity despite their hostage-like situation in this unusual world. Lost in her worries, the brunette sits in her chair, waiting for whatever may come—
          Until a knock at the front door rings out like an alarm. Her gut tells her to just go look; on the other hand, what sort of turmoil waits behind the door?
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     She can’t believe her eyes when her feet carry her to the front door: just glancing in the view hole; standing side-by-side is Togami, alongside him a stoic girl who, likewise, is covered well in the remains of those they must have slain to get here. Opening the door, she hardly can say anything, their appearance completely shocking. The black-haired girl mumbles something Cardia can’t quite hear; then, like a shadow, the girl is gone. In just that moment, the serious aura coming from her is not unlike Van Helsing’s; she will have to ask about her later. In her doorway now stands Byakuya Togami, who she waves to enter as she speaks to him. “Thank goodness you’re safe. but - come inside! I was worried about you... I’m sorry I didn’t go searching for you, I was afraid to leave here... It looks horrible out there. Oh, and you should do something about your mess, too... The shower works fine if you want to borrow it.”
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floatible-blog · 6 years
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Cardia doodle
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floatible-blog · 6 years
     @onzoushii | continued from here
          "What if nothing wants me because I do not want me?"
     The words come through her mouth before she can filter what she’s going to say. Her sadness wasn’t intended to be forced onto him too - but he reacts before she can say anything else. Before she realizes, he reaches out to her, flinching as she does so; it’s only natural for her to expect to hear a burning nearby, even if he reacts the same way. Her clothed shoulders protects him from her poison, at the least. His grip is firm, as are his words; he’s clearly frustrated by her words, and she takes it that she has consequently frustrated him unintentionally.
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     “I’m sorry... I... Don’t think I’m worth keeping around, most people...” Several pauses, attempting to bring to words what her life is, what she is, and she tries to make sense to Togami, but nothing comes. How could she tell him, that she is nothing but a monster, a poisonous being that will bring nothing but destruction? Will this still happen in Spirale, or is she simply a ticking time bomb? She wants to believe the words he says - after all, so far he has been factual, and direct; he isn’t one to sugarcoat anything, this much she knows even from their few interactions so far. She can’t help her feelings, after the trials she’s been through, how could she so easily forget the way she was treated, or what happened as a result of her simply existing --
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     “Do you really believe that? I... want to think that too. Has... anyone ever hated you, just because you are who you are? Even if you don’t really have a choice in that?” Really, she wants to just say what it is, and be out with it - but he’s an ordinary person, someone who doesn’t need to carry her struggles with her. She shouldn’t put her weight onto anyone else - that’s why she left the mansion, although... it leaves her here, in a strange land far away from those she no longer wanted to burden. Cardia doesn’t want to make the same thing happen to one of her only friends here, will he understand?
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