florababy2017 · 2 days
【Georgia】💕Daily Monitoring: Our egg donors have begun their stimulation injection treatment, marking an important step in their journey. This is not only her 🎈achievement but also the result of our team's hard work. Stimulation treatment requires careful monitoring and adjustment, and as a professional team, we will provide full ✨support and guidance to ensure a smooth process. Wishing them a smooth and successful treatment!【格鲁吉亚】日常监督:我们卵妹开始了促排针治疗,这是旅程中的重要一步。这不仅是她的成就,也是我们团队努力的结果。🎇促排针治疗需要精心监控与调控,作为专业团队,我们将全力支持和指导,确保顺利进行。祝愿她们治疗过程平稳成功
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florababy2017 · 3 days
【Georgia】Warm Moment Share: Our two loving mothers have successfully completed their pre-transfer checks. Each step is a testament to our joint efforts, and every bit of warmth is a beautiful blessing for the future. We believe that their perseverance, combined with our professional support, will surely lead to a happy outcome【格鲁吉亚】温馨时刻分享:我们的两位爱心妈妈顺利完成了移植前的检查。每一步都是我们共同努力的见证,每一份温暖都是对未来最美好的祝福。我们相信,她们的坚持和我们的专业支持,一定会迎来幸福的结局。
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florababy2017 · 4 days
【Georgia】Our surrogate ✨mother’s checkup showed that both twins have strong heartbeats! This is an incredibly precious moment, as the sound of their heartbeats🎉 symbolizes the arrival of new life. We are deeply grateful for her selfless dedication, and 🎈we will continue to provide full support, looking forward to every miracle in the journey ahead.【格鲁吉亚】我们的爱心妈妈孕检显示双胞胎都有胎心啦💕!这是一份无比珍贵的时刻,双胞胎宝宝们的心跳声象征着新生命的到来。感恩她们的无私奉献,我们会继续全程守护✌️,期待未来的每一步奇迹。
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florababy2017 · 8 days
【Georgia】Today, 💖our loving surrogate mother underwent a comprehensive pre-transfer checkup, and all indicators are excellent. She is fully prepared for the ✨upcoming transfer. We are truly grateful for her selfless dedication! We will continue to provide full support, 🎉ensuring that every life is brought into the world under the care of love.【格鲁吉亚】今天,我们的爱心妈妈进行了移植前的全面检查,一切指标良好,🌸为即将到来的移植环节做好了充分准备。感恩她的无私付出!我们会继续全程守护,确保每一个生命都在爱的呵护下诞生。
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florababy2017 · 9 days
【Georgia】Today, 💖💖three surrogate mothers underwent pre-implantation check-ups to ensure their bodies are in the best condition for the upcoming transfer. Every step of the way is filled with love and hope as we join these brave ✨women in welcoming the miracle of new life. We are grateful for their selfless dedication and wish all families the realization of their dreams!【格鲁吉亚】今天三位爱心妈妈进行了移植前的检查,为了确保她们的身体处于最佳状态,😘以迎接即将到来的移植。每一步都充满了爱与希望,我们与这些勇敢的妈妈们一起迎接新生命的奇迹。感谢她们的无私付出,也祝愿所有的家庭梦想成真
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florababy2017 · 10 days
【Malaysia】💕Today, we successfully welcomed our clients and assisted them with the check-in process. We also gave them a tour of the surrounding area and thoughtfully introduced the local culture and customs of Malaysia. ✨We hope that these detailed arrangements will help them quickly adapt to life here. We will continue 💖to accompany them throughout the journey and look forward to everything going smoothly as they move closer to realizing their dreams!【马来西亚】今天顺利接到客户并协助他们完成入住手续,并带他们参观了周围环境🎊,悉心介绍了马来西亚的风土人情。希望通过这些细致的安排,能够帮助客户更快适应当地的生活。我们将继续全程陪伴,期待接下来的旅程一切顺利,早日实现心中愿望!
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florababy2017 · 11 days
【Georgia】Today, we accompanied our surrogate mother for her prenatal check-up. Seeing the clear little face on the ultrasound filled our hearts with emotion and anticipation. This tiny life is growing and developing, and each check-up reminds us of the miracle and beauty of this journey. We wish all surrogate mothers and babies health and happiness, and we are here to support your happiness every step of the way.【格鲁吉亚】今天陪同我们的爱心妈妈进行了孕检,看到B超单上清晰的小脸蛋,心里满是感动和期待。小小的生命已经在孕育中成长,每一次的检查都让我们感受到宝宝的神奇和美好。愿所有爱心妈妈和宝宝们健康平安,我们为你们的幸福护航 
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florababy2017 · 16 days
【Georgia】Good 💖news! Our loving surrogate mother has successfully passed her prenatal check-up, with all indicators being normal. This is not only her personal 💕victory but also a proud moment for our entire team. Every new life is a miracle of love, and each successful check-up is a beautiful promise for the future. Let's wish our surrogate mother a smooth pregnancy ahead and look forward ✌️to the arrival of the new life!【格鲁吉亚】好消息!我们的爱心妈妈顺利通过了孕检,各指标均正常。这不仅是她个人的胜利,更是我们整个团队的骄傲。每一个新的生命都是爱的奇迹,每一个顺利的孕检都是对未来的美好承诺。让我们祝愿爱心妈妈接下来的孕期一切顺利,并期待新生命的到来!
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florababy2017 · 17 days
【Malaysia】Early this morning, ✨we accompanied our client at the hospital, waiting for the doctor's check-up. Every step is filled with hope and anticipation, and it reminds us of each family's 💕longing for new life. Witnessing our clients' journey from anxiety to peace of mind is the greatest sense of achievement in our work. Wishing for a smooth day and the arrival of good news!【马来西亚】今日清晨陪伴客户💖在医院等待医生的检查。每一步都充满了希望与期待,也更感受到每个家庭对新生命的渴望。我们见证客户从忐忑到安心的过程,是我们工作中最大的成就感。希望今天一切顺利,✌️期待好消息的到来!
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florababy2017 · 19 days
【Malaysia】Today,💕 I’m accompanying a client at the hospital as they wait for their pre-IVF examination. This is not only a significant step in their life but also a reflection of their boundless 🌸hope and confidence in the future. I'm truly honored to witness and be part of this journey. May every moment of waiting become a stepping stone towards a beautiful future.✨ Keep going!【马来西亚】今天,陪同客户在医院等待试管前的检查。这不仅是他们人生中的重要一步,也是对未来的无限期待与信心的体现。我们能够见证并参与到这一过程,我深感荣幸。愿每一刻的等✌️待都成为通往美好未来的基石。加油!
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florababy2017 · 20 days
【Georgia】Today's share: ✨Photos of our loving mom carrying twins during her pregnancy! She is not only a bearer of new life but also a strong and beautiful mom throughout her pregnancy.💖 Every step is filled with love and hope, witnessing the miracle of life. We are here to accompany and 💕care for her every step of the way, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the twin babies!【格鲁吉亚】今日分享:怀有双胎的爱心妈妈孕期生活照! 她们不仅是承载着新生命的天使,更是在孕期中展现出坚强与美丽的妈妈。每一步都充满了爱与希望,😊也见证了生命的奇迹。我们全程陪伴,用心守护,期待着双胞胎宝宝的到来
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florababy2017 · 23 days
【Malaysia】We successfully received✨ our clients today and assisted them with the check-in process, officially starting their IVF journey. 💖We are dedicated to every detail to ensure that our clients feel safe and reassured during this✌️ important journey. Thank you for your trust; we will continue to accompany you, and together, we look forward to welcoming new life!【马来西亚】今天顺利接到我们的客户,并协助他们办理入住手续,正式开启试管婴儿旅程。每一个细节我们都全力以赴,🎉只为客户在这段重要的旅程中感到安心与放心。感谢客户的信任,我们将继续陪伴左右,期待共同迎接新生命的到来✌️!
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florababy2017 · 24 days
【Georgia】Warm 💖Sharing: Our two loving surrogates underwent comprehensive medical check-ups simultaneously, and all indicators are normal! ✨Their health is the greatest assurance for the future new life. We are grateful for the selfless dedication of our surrogates and the professional 😘care of the medical team. We will continue to accompany them with care, jointly 🌸safeguarding this precious hope.【格鲁吉亚】温馨分享:两位爱心妈妈同时进行了全面身体检查,指标一切正常!她们的健康是对未来新生命的最大保障。感谢两位爱心妈妈的无😊私奉献和医护团队的专业照顾。我们将继续用心陪伴,共同守护这份珍贵的希望
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florababy2017 · 26 days
【Georgia】We are thrilled to announce✨ that our three Thai surrogate mothers have successfully completed their embryo transfers! Their 💕courage and dedication are truly admirable. Thank you to all the medical staff for their professionalism and meticulous care. Let's cheer them on and 🎊look forward to the birth of new lives together!【格鲁吉亚】我们满怀喜悦地宣布三位泰国爱心妈妈顺利完成了胚胎移植!她们的勇气和奉献让人敬佩。感谢所有医护人员的专业与😊悉心照顾,让我们共同期待新生命的诞生,一起为她们加油吧!
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florababy2017 · 1 month
【Georgia】Today's Share: Our surrogate💕 mother has started her pre-transfer medical examination, a crucial step in the journey. With her love and strength, she is ✨helping another family in need. She embodies true love and dedication through her actions. We will do our utmost to provide her with the best medical services and support to✌️ ensure the entire journey proceeds smoothly.【格鲁吉亚】今日分享:我们的爱心妈妈开始了移植前的身体检查,这是旅程中的关键一步,爱心妈妈用自己的爱心和力量,帮助另一组需要帮助的家庭,她用实际行动诠释了什么是真正的爱与奉献。我们将尽全力为她提供最好的医疗服务与支持,确保整个旅程能够顺利进行
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florababy2017 · 1 month
【Malaysia】Our surrogate mother has safely arrived in Malaysia! We have arranged 💖a comfortable accommodation for her, hoping that she feels the warmth of home and the reassurance of care during this special journey. We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the selfless dedication of every surrogate mother. We will continue to care for them 💕with all our hearts, accompanying them every step of the way. We look forward to this beautiful journey bringing more hope and happiness!【马来西亚】我们的爱心妈妈顺利抵达马来西亚!并为她安排了舒适的住宿环境,希望她在这段特别的旅程中感受到家的温暖和安心的呵护。同时感谢每一位爱心妈妈的无私奉献,✨我们将继续用心呵护,陪伴她们一路前行。期待这段美好旅程带来更多希望与幸福!
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florababy2017 · 1 month
【Malaysia】Today,✨ I accompanied a client to the hospital to pick up medication and took the opportunity to experience the street scenery of Malaysia. Amidst the busy💕 work schedule, it’s a different kind of enjoyment to let clients experience the unique culture and 🎈warm sunshine here. I wish every client can fulfill their dreams on this land, and I also hope everyone enjoys health and happiness.【马来西亚】今天陪同客户前往医院取药,顺便感受了一下马来西亚街道的风景。✌️在忙碌的工作之余,带客户感受这里的独特文化和温暖阳光,也是另一种享受。祝愿每一位客户都能在这片土地上实现他们的愿望,💖同时也希望大家都能拥有健康与幸福。
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