floshoe2 Ā· 4 months
in case people who followed my other account see this iā€™m going to be honest. I have, for more than a month now, noticed that my hyper fixation, I guess you could say, on Florence Pugh has lessened. itā€™s nothing against her, or anything she did. My love of her has lasted 2 years, thatā€™s the longest Iā€™ve ever cared about a celebrity before.
I started watching a show called The Rookie and my brain has kind of shifted over to that show right now. there will always be a special place in my heart for her, just like all of the other celebrities Iā€™ve loved. I even have a tattoo that resembles her. because she has had such a huge impact of my life. but with my other account being terminated, itā€™s kind of helped me realize that I was probably never going to be able to finish all the drafts and requests I had on there.
iā€™m absolutely heartbroken that the account I had for 3 years is gone, everything is gone. I guess I kind of have to grieve that. iā€™ve also learned from my mistakes and I will not leave all of my writing in one place, so if i end up writing again iā€™ll be sure not to do that.
if it was up to me, I wouldā€™ve left all the stories I wrote up, but thatā€™s obviously out of my control. I may come back eventually, who knows, but for now this is where my ā€˜storyā€™ ends. I know I havenā€™t been active on that account for quite a while. but i am very grateful for the people that interacted my stories, enjoyed my stories, the people that interacted with me personally, the mutuals I had. you meant a lot to me and i wish i couldā€™ve been more active but my heart just hasnā€™t been in it for a while. Iā€™m truly sorry to the people who enjoyed my stories.
if no one sees this, then I guess Iā€™m just talking to myself, but this is been a little therapeutic for me, to officially say goodbye to this era of my life. iā€™m nervous and scared because this app, florence and her characters, and the people in this fandom have been a constant in my life for the past three years. if you made it to the end of this post, thank you for taking the time to read it.
- Lizļæ¼ļæ¼
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floshoe2 Ā· 5 months
hey guys. itā€™s floshoe. tumblr lost its shit and terminated my account out of nowhere so all my stories, asks, and drafts are gone.
I guess itā€™s partially my fault for only typing my drafts on the app. ļæ¼
sorry to fill up your feed using these hashtags but these are the hashtags I wrote for. And Iā€™m truly sorry that everything is gone. I emailed them about it. Hopefully, Iā€™ll hear back from them soon?
unless I can get my account and everything back, Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m not gonna keep writing because this is unbelievable. I was struggling already with writing, but now that everything is gone, Iā€™m done.
iā€™m sorry. ļæ¼
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