floshortus-a · 3 years
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Officially over at @floshortus​ now.!
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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Officially over at @floshortus​ now.!
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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Officially over at @floshortus​ now.!
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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Officially over at @floshortus​ now.!
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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Officially over at @floshortus​ now.!
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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Officially over at @floshortus​ now.!
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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➳ - - - This WORLD can HURT YOU - - - ➢
                                          ➳  - - - It cuts you deep and leaves a - - - ➢
                                                     ↪   SCAR   ↩
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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I’m going to be moving this blog over to a new sideblog to @perditus​ soon. Because my muse has been very sporadic I think it would be better to keep them all within reach instead of all over the place I’ll drop the link and a new promo when I finish!
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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@sevensav--d​ - 2 and 4 for Riku
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Swapped || OC Monday Asks // Accepting
2. In a SWAPPED version of your muse, what role would they play? ( villain, hero, vigilante or civilian? ).
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They would be a hero, but much like their villain counterpart, reluctant and not out of their own free will.  Their ambitions never really align all the way in villain or hero verses, because they only do so out of necessity rather than choice. Riku doesn’t choose much for themselves. 
4. In a SWAPPED version of your muse, what is their goal, ambition or maybe even motivation?
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Ironically, it doesn’t change. They simply want to be USEFUL, regardless of whether or not they’re worth existing as a person entirely. In their hero verse they’re picked up by the commission rather than a villain, and so their identity revolves entirely around simple working for others. It’s kind of like Hawks, but they lack any attachments. Their only REAL motivation is to have a butterfly garden one day, and that’s present in ALL verses. 
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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Feel free to send in as many as you’d like! The more the merrier!
1. What single moment in your muse’s life would have to be altered in order to change their path? Is it one moment, or maybe several smaller ones over time?
2. In a SWAPPED version of your muse, what role would they play? ( villain, hero, vigilante or civilian? ). 
3. Is your muse happier in a swapped version of themselves? Or are they sadder or angrier?
4. In a SWAPPED version of your muse, what is their goal, ambition or maybe even motivation? 
5. In a swapped version of your muse, how is their quirk? Is it stronger or weaker? Are there little details they unlocked due to the change, or maybe they lost some abilities? 
6. Is your muse’s appearance different in their SWAPPED verse? How have they changed?
7. Is your muse’s health better or poorer in a SWAPPED verse? Do they take care of themselves or let themselves go? 
8. In your muse’s swapped verse, how is their relationship with their family? Do they keep in touch with them or are they cut off? 
9. Did your muse go to school in their SWAPPED verse? Where?
10. In your muse’s swapped verse, do they regret who they’ve become?
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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@thevanishingshop - Tell us your top five wholesome headcanons for Adaline!
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Unprompted || Always Accepting
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1. When her tail moves it throws around soft little sparkles almost like pixie dust. It’s virtually harmless and doesn’t even irritate the eyes though. 
2. She’s considering going on to medical school after graduating as well, so she can duo as a doctor and hero. 
3. When she gets too emotional, she uses her native language instead of Japanese or English ( French ). 
4. Her pet bunny Momiji is her best friend in the entire world. She’d be lost without him! 
5. She loves bright, pastel colors! All of her clothing is bright and soft in some form, she rarely wears anything dark unless it’s school required! 
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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[ I have a headache ( not related to anything here dw ) so I’ll be logging but that was a fun! ]
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floshortus-a · 3 years
“C….Corn?” Gwen scratched her cheek.
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“ CORN? I suppose I can try that -”
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floshortus-a · 3 years
@pluviacuratio​ - "I would think grains, but you can probably find some sort of store that would sell you feed for them."
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“.....Is there a DIFFERENCE? No. I will just ASK I GUESS”
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floshortus-a · 3 years
@repressedkindness​ -  “ Seeds? ”
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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“ what do chickens EVEN EAT ”
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floshortus-a · 3 years
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            “  it’s a little chicken .  “
      IS all he says ,  voice neutral as always as if this was meant to happen .  “  read somewhere that in the united states ,  some schools have the students take care of eggs like that for some classes .  to learn responsibility ,  or something like that .  “  of course ,  the egg being fresh from a farm was shouto’s idea ,  though .
      “  you’re wanting to change ,  right ?  then take care of it .  try not to mess this one up ,  now that we are at it .  “  and with that ,  he is gone ;  as cool and calm as ever .
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He’s staring bewildered at this tiny little creature in his hands. Enji doesn’t dare move his hands, afraid he might knock the little thing down or something terrible. And luckily it doesn’t move, simply chirping a few times and just wiggling around. 
“ Shoto I don’t know h- SHOTO?”
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