flower-child2021 · 1 month
your friends think about you, y'know? they smile and think about goofy shit you've said. they pray for you. they smell your perfume in a shop and think of you fondly. they tell anecdotes involving you to strangers and friends. they remember the way you hug or bite or high five and want to repeat it with you. they love you. i promise.
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flower-child2021 · 6 months
You know that Chris Fleming line that goes "Call yourself a community organizer even though you're not on speaking terms with your roommates"?
I honestly think every leftist who talks about the "revolution" like Christians talk about the rapture needs to spend a year trying to organize their workplace. Anyone who sincerely talks about building a movement so vast and all-encompassing that it overwhelms all existing power structures needs the dose of humility that comes with realizing they can't even build a movement to get people paid better at a badly run AMC Theaters where everyone already hates the manager.
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flower-child2021 · 6 months
Crazy In Love (Pt.II to Crazy for Loving you)
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Summary: You still found him strange, but he's a bit hotter when he keeps staring at you and visiting at times he shouldn't be.
Note: This thing is long as hell! Also once again there are some mentions towards what you look like but nothing specific. Also also, this is my first-time writing smut.
Warnings: 18+ sexual content, smoking, drinking, mentions of blood wine, cursing. Feyd being a bit OOC
Word Count: 7.53K
Part I
You walked with your family to a glass box that over saw the colosseum. You knew their customs fairly well. You read a lot, but you learned better by watching and doing. Which is why you were so shocked to see such a big colosseum so, rudimentary. So basic, so plain. Truly if he was such a good fighter there should have been more spectacle and challenge. Especially since this challenge was apparently in your honor.
You stared boredly as the crowd roared for their best and famed fighter. A part of you desperately wanted to roll your eyes, but unfortunately the Baron was watching your every move while in front of him. And while you didn't necessarily fear him. You feared the consequences brought on by his arrogance.
However, the mornings events you found yourself more and more intrigued by your husband to be. Not him mentally but him physically. You wanted more of it. More of him.
"Sister, are you ok?" Paul asked quietly, coming to sit besides you and hand you a glass of a clear colored liquid.
You looked over at your brother and sent a small smile. "I'm fine.. Just.. amazed at how basic their gladiator fights are." You whispered silently before taking a sip of the liquid.
Paul siffled a laugh at your commentary. "It's all for you." 
"Never knew I was that important." 
"Of course you're important. At the moment you're the most powerful person in this place." 
You glanced over slightly at your brother. A part of you appreciates that he realizes the weight of your situation. But a part of you feels jealous. He would never have to go through this. Marry for the sake of this kingdom. He would never be forced into a marriage and be forced to produce an heir. He could do whatever he wanted. Marry into some high family and then have his consorts on the side. 
You shook your head lightly. There was no point in getting angry at him, you knew the fate of your kingdom if you were not to marry. But it also wasn't just the fate of your homeland, it was also the fate of Lady Jessica and the Bene Gesserit. It needed to happen.
"I wonder who his opponents will be." Paul wondered aloud.
"Probably some fallen soldiers captured in war." You responded, eyes never leaving the arena. 
You watched as a group of men slowly walked out of some panels. It was clear they were drunk or drugged by their reactions to the paleness of the arena and the roar of the crowds. 
Oh, how strong and mighty of him to fight drunken soldiers. There's no honor in that, no actual fight in that. Just blood and show. You became disgusted at the thought. What has to happen to a people to enjoy watching drugged soldiers be slaughtered. To strip them of their honor in such a way. It was not a show a strength but just another show of ego raising. 
6 versus 1. Through numbers alone that was interesting until you remember that he is one of the best fighters in the known universe. 
And blow after blow, slice after slice. One man fallen after another, he stood victorious, knife in hand pushed towards the darkened sun with minimal damage to his porcelain skin. Only minor cuts and bruises.
As unamused as the rational part of you was. The irrational part just wondered how'd he'd feel under you. How'd he sounds injured. You knew he liked blood.. But what about his own? 
"He is our crowned fighter. You should be thankful he's marrying you and not fighting you on the battlefield." The Baron said watching you get up and pouring yourself another drink.
You let out a light hum before giving the Baron a small smile. "I'm quite thankful you have agreed and blessed this marriage. So that I do not have to see him on the battlefield." 
You drowned your drink before walking with the rest of your family to the guest wing. ''You're mother,"
"She's not my mother, father."
He sighed before starting again. "Lady Jessica has trained you well. I would've just not spoken." He finished with a chuckle. 
You let a sigh before looking up at your father. "You know I was never one to stay silent. Fortunately, I've learned when to speak and when to stary quite."
Duke Leto smiled at you before giving you a small hug. "You always got in trouble as a little girl for that." 
You smiled solemnly as you walked closer you your room. "Tonight is the engagement dinner and tomorrow you're handing me off." You said sadly, you grabbed his hands into yours and raised on your feet to kiss your father on the cheek. 
"When I come back, you'll have a grandchild. Or children." You said with a watery smile. 
"Well, that's something to look forward too. No matter who the father is," He responded smiling back at you. 
"You must go get ready; dinner will be soon." 
You smiled and walked into your room. You shut the door gently before your shoulders fell. It was time, it was truly time. 
"Why are you crying." 
You snapped up your head and roughly swallowed. "What?"
You stared at him in your tub. His hands caressing the black-lined sides. He tilted his head sideways, eyes never leaving you. 
"I'm not crying. I was-" 
"Well, you were about to cry. I've never seen a woman cry in that context. Whoever makes you cry like that, tell me so that I may slit their throat and have their tongue for dinner." He said pointedly. 
A part of you wanted to be disgusted but the other half of you was speaking without thinking. 
"And what if you make me cry like that? Can I have your heart for dinner?" You stated raising your brow. Something about this man made you and your tongue reckless and dangerous. 
"You have a dangerous tongue." 
"You should see what else this tongue can do." You shot back quickly, your feet placing themselves right near the tub. 
He stared at you with a smirk turning into a smile. Before pushing himself out of the tub. 
The urge to look down was starting to become a harder fight so you looked up into one of the corners of your chambers. 
He laughed at you while wrapping a towel on his lower half. His chest still sparkling with water. 
"Aw, so confident. I know Lady Jessica didn't raise you that way." 
"No, it's a family trait." 
"Speaking without thinking no wonder, you got yourself into this position. Coming from a house so powerful... yet so.. stupid." He said with a smirk.
Anger rushed through you like a hot wave. You hand whipped out and your fingers found themselves wrapped tightly around his throat. 
You stared at him sharply. "Don't you ever talk about my family." 
Instead of pulling away from your grasp he simply laughed and closed the distance between the two of you. A part of him had to admit, you did have a good grip. Too bad your hands weren't strong enough to seal the deal.  
"You must feel so powerful right now," He whispered in your ear before tugging slightly on it with his teeth.  "To be fair, you're very sexy when you're angry. Remind me to rile you up before our wedding night. I want to see how well you can choke me while I fuck you." He said softly, kissing down your neck and shoulders with each word. The hand around his neck found it's place on his shoulder, your head leaning up to give him more room.
"Or maybe better yet, I tease you all night. Bind you up till you're in tears." He whispered again, massaging your hips through your satin dress. Your body betraying the rational part of your brain and trying to find something to grind on. 
"My lady it's," You maid, Minnie, gasped at the scene and dropped the dresses in her hands. "I apologize. I'll be outside."  She muttered, slamming the door behind her. 
You let out a shaky breath, reality washing over you. You pushed yourself away from the man, blinking quickly. "We're not married yet, and I have a dinner I must prepare for-" You rambled as you picked up the dresses. Unfortunately, Feyd still had other ideas. He walked quickly behind you before slamming your bodies to against the doors of your chamber. Quickly finding his way through your dress and to your bare breast. 
"Oh, come on you don't want it to end now." He said alternating between kissing and sucking on your neck. 
You couldn't think straight, but at the same time this is all you been dreaming about since the first encounter in your room. 
You threw you head back on to his shoulder and grinded yourself on his thigh. The pleasure sparkling through your system. 
He kneaded your breast found a spot on your neck that ripped a guttural moan from you.  "Please Feyd.. I'll let you have me in all the ways we can think of, but we must get through this wedding." 
He stopped his ministrations and you wanted to curl into yourself to ignore how badly you wanted this to continue. 
"I have to admit, you're going to make a wonderful ruler someday." 
You opened your eyes and turned slightly to look at the man you were leaning on. Blue eyes met yours and for the first time your worries about your marriage were fully away from your mind. 
"Thank you, my lord." You said with a sheepish smile.  
He gave you a small smirk before pushing you away from him and leaving the room. 
You stood there in shock trying to regain your breath and still your heartbeat. But your maid rushed in with wide eyes startling you. 
"My lady what was that? You are not yet married; it is impolite for you to be alone with him. Your wedding is in a day. You must control yourself." She said slyly before bursting into giggles. 
You stared at her with wide eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Oh, Minnie be quiet. This may not get out to my mother. Do you understand me." 
"Yes ma'am." Minnie said with a small curtsy before setting the pieces of your dresses down on your bed and walking over to your vanity, to get you prepared for the evening.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. The white cotton fabric twisting over your neck, with an empire waistline. The corset underneath pushing your breast up making them look pillow like. The dress was flowy and had frills that reminded you of the ocean. It had a low back which allowed for Minnie to add a painted white snake to the vast skin on your back. Your hair was slicked back into a simple braided ponytail. With large circular gold hoops that had pearl teardrops at the bottom. 
You were running late and had one of your guards walk you to the dining hall. This was, potentially, the most stressful dinner of your life, it had to go well. 
Your guard left you before you walked into the room, silence taking over. You were stunning, a sight to be seen. Minnie made sure to rub you down in a rosy and musky perfume oil that one could smell from halls away and made sure your skin glowed in the black and white lighting. 
You gave both families present an apologetic bow.  "I apologize for running late, the maids forgot my clothing." You lied. 
You walked quickly yet gracefully to your side of the table in-between Lady Jessica and Paul. The more powerful men at the table sitting opposite of you three. 
"I should off them for wasting your time." 
"I'd rather you not." You said quickly, bringing your wine goblet to your lips. You stared at Feyd while you sipped your wine, and he watched while he ate a grape; your eye contact unbreakable.
Paul and his father shared a glance while silence filled the dining hall. 
You weren't going to be the first to break contact but, you were the smart one in this battle and looked down at your plate. 
You quietly drank your wine and shook your head slightly in amusement. The man you were going to marry was nothing more than what he appeared as: a man. A violent man that was very sadistic, sure. But a man with an ego that had never been checked and was raised on a planet where the amount of blood you spilled was equal to one's ego. How simple. You had to fully admit now however, is that you were fully attracted to the man. He lit a fire in you that you honestly don't want to put out. 
A part of you is slightly shocked that he wanted you. Not in a 'does he think I'm pretty way' but in a 'I will do whatever it takes to make you feel pleasure and scream my name way.' Honestly, he's quite giving. 
"And how did you think of my nephews fighting." The baron asked bringing you out of your thought spiral. 
You glanced at him quickly before turning to the baron. "To speak openly my lord, I believe he deserves more of a challenge. For such a skilled fighter there should be more obstacles in his way. The battlefield is littered with items to dodge and jump over. I believe it would show the universe how.. skilled.. of a fighter he is. It's also better entertainment." You stated confidently and slowly. 
Your eyes scanned the table, and you felt the nails of Lady Jessica dig into your thigh. You smiled at the Baron. "I used to study the arts, my lord, and creating entertainment is one of my many past times." 
The baron was going to respond but was cut off by the introduction of foods. Now this was something you studied for. Instead of the tradition six course meal they had three or four if you consider outrageous amounts of drinking after the main dining event. Fruits and wine as the first meal, the main meat and assorted breads as the second, and sweets in the form of wine or actual food as the third. Truly a bit basic, but it makes sense for a house that prides itself on its fighting skills instead of their hospitality. 
Chicken breast, steaks, salmons, and tuna tartare; various vegetables high in fiber and breads high in whole grains. You scoffed to yourself as you made your plate. Of course, a planet that valued fighters would have the highest quality proteins and vegetables brought in from other planets. You carefully picked out an assortment of foods and ate quietly. You wished there was some sort of music or something to fill the silence. It was a very uncomfortable silence yet you were pretty sure Lady Jessica would be the one to kill you first if you said something, so you remained quiet.
"At least it's actual meat. I thought they'd feed us human remains." Paul voice said in your head.
You glanced at your brother. "Please, they're at least trying to remain civil, I'm surprised we haven't been forced to drink blood yet." You responded in your head forcing your face to remain neutral. 
"Who knows. I read in the books that they used to do that one their wedding day." Paul mentioned, causing you to glance over at your brother. 
"Please no. I hate pain." 
"That sucks for you considering the family you're marrying into." 
You let out a small sigh and drank your wine. Or what you assumed was wine. It wasn't sweet, but certainly not dry. Almost like a pomegranate or a cherry, 
"I must say your wine, is excellent." You said politely while filling up your plate with more rice and salmon.
 "It's a mix of blood and pomegranate. Blood for the protein and fruit to sweeten." Feyd responded. 
You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from gagging. From beside you a deep sigh came from Paul to still himself from laughing. You made eye contact with your equally shocked father before going back to your food. 
That is when you learned that you should stop asking and commentating on things. 
The main course was taken away from the table and you were told that dessert would be eaten in the guest room. 
The walls were lit with soft white-grey lighting, with glass doors leading to the balcony. Cigars, hookah, and dark liquor lined the tables. You quickly walked outdoors with your brother on your heels.
He quickly slid out a pack of cigarettes from his pockets. "It's a mix." He mentioned before lighting it and handing it to you. You took a deep inhale before a breath and watched the smoke leave your mouth. 
You passed it over and Paul took a breath before a cough came out. "I don't know you do both spice and nicotine." 
You rolled your eyes in amusement. "It's not even that much. Just enough to take the edge off." 
The two of you looked at each other before laughing. "Blood my ass." 
That sent your brother into another fit of laughter. "This is why I don't drink."  
"No.. Instead, you sleep with your maid." You laughed. 
Paul looked at you shocked before shooting back "Oh, speaking of sleeping with people,"
You let out a load groan knowing what he was going to ask. 
"Is that why you're soon to be walked out of your room naked?" 
You took in a breath of your cigarette. "No. And plus, he wasn't naked he had a towel." 
Paul grabbed the cigarette out of your hand and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that's what people where when they were previously naked." 
You looked at him with wide eyes before laughing. "No, he was taking a bath in my room for some reason." 
"He wanted you to join." 
You stared at him and the smoke whipping around his face due to a gust of wind. "I did not join him. You would've though. Your morals are very loose." 
Paul gasped at you and lightly hit your shoulder before the two of you turned around and looked inside at your family talk to your soon to be in-laws. 
You watched Feyd prepare a cigar for your father and pour the baron a drink. You would never tell your brother, but you wanted Feyd badly. You wanted his lips and fingers on your skin. You wanted to be on top of him. You were ashamed. Not at your feelings but because you had feelings for such a twisted man. But you wanted him deeply. 
You took in a sharp breath realizing out empty your lungs have been. "I'm going for a drink." 
"Hopefully not blood again. The last thing I need is you coming back and craving the taste of blood." Paul said sarcastically before dropping the cig and stomping on it. 
You rolled your eyes in amusement and went over to the bar to pour yourself what you assumed was whiskey. 
"I wouldn't have taken you for a drinker." A voice asked next to you. 
"I personally prefer cocktails, but straight is fine as well." You said not looking at the man. 
"And a smoker as well. We all this work to make sure of your pregnancy went well and yet here you are submitting to such basic desires." 
You swirled your glass a couple of times before downing it, not responding to the accusation. The heat of the alcohol and a heat of his voice spreading through you. 
"With the way you behave I'm pretty sure I'll end of pregnant regardless." You said dryly and without much thought. 
He stared at you shocked. He's never had someone address him in such a manner. "You always surprise me." He said pouring you another drink. 
"You don't surprise me. You're as horny as a 16-year-old boy hiding pictures under your bed," You said turning to face him and picking up your newly filled glass. 
"But then again you grew up motherless so I'm not that surprised you get everything you want." 
That was a low blow, and you knew it. You had no idea if he actually had parents or not but either way a part of you wanted to test how angry he could get at you. 
"Well, our children would have a mother. Would you not give them everything they want." He said smoothly. No anger detected. A part of you was a bit disappointed.
You lifted the glass to your lips pondering the question. "Our children will need to know how to rule. They need to be strong enough to make decisions but levelheaded enough to know when diplomacy beats war. If it's a personal need they can get it, but their wants come after their people. They need to understand they rule a people, not just themselves." You stated softly before once again throwing back your drink and going to find your brother or father. 
Feyd stayed where he was and watched your figure move about the room. He would never tell anyone this, but he hated the idea of this marriage when it was first proposed. Killed many teachers and servants over it. But you. Gods, you. You were the most intelligent and beautiful person he'd ever met. And Gods, he wanted you more than ever. He had his concubines "sent away" after the first meeting. Which he now thinks wasn't the best decision, he needed a release, and his hand wasn't the perfect solution. 
He wasn't the kind for marriage, but he understood like you, unless he was married his father would never allow him to take the crown because there was no way to insure a legitimate heir. A worthy heir. Yet here you were. Forcing yourself into his life. And he wouldn't change a thing. 
The night came and went and the next thing you know you were getting awakened by Minnie to bath and prep for the wedding. 
You sighed as you stepped into the soapy warm water. The aroma of incense sticks and bath oils fully relaxing you. "I don't know what I'd do without you Minnie. You sighed as she put a detangling shampoo through your curly hair. 
"And you won't, your father put in word for me to stay here with you and keep up your usual beauty maintenance." She said scrubbing your scalp. 
You sighed contently before grabbing a net sponge and scrubbing down your arms. 
Minnie finished washing your hair and divided your hair in sections before coming to your side and applying an exfoliator to your freshly washed arms. 
"Minnie, may you put some music I need something to fill the silence." 
She nodded before going over to your alarm and pressing play. Thousands of songs of been collected and put on to your alarm and all that had to be done was press play. It played different songs depending on the time of day. Plenty of songs from ancient earth. 
The sounds of violins and pianos softly filled the air putting you at peace. The only thing breaking it was the sound of your door opening and closing revealing Lady Jessica in her morning robes.
Minnie bowed at the Lady before coming back and helping you in the bath. 
She stared at you before letting out a deep sigh. "I've prepared you for this moment since you were a child and yet here, we are. I don't think I will ever fully understand you and your ways, but I do believe that you'll make a fine wife to the na-baron. Just promise you'll come back after you have your child. I would love to meet them. 
You sent the older woman a smile. "Of course, I'd want them to meet and see their homeland. I'd also think dad would be awfully jealous if we do her christening here." 
Lady Jessica sent you a small smile before her face become somber again. "I will see you later." 
You sent her a small smile as she left the room. You and Minnie finished your bath in silence. 
"My lady, shall you have more cigarette while I do your final waxing?" 
Your eyes almost bulged out of your head when you remembered. "Yes." 
Minnie laughed before going to a beauty box that sat your vanity and pulled out a cigarette and your favorite lighter. "Light it one last time miss." 
You laughed and lit your last cigarette and took a deep breath. The smoke playing with the white lights in your room. 
You looked over a minnie getting her wax supplies ready. "Are you ready miss?" 
You puffed the air out of your lungs and held the cigarette between two fingers while you nodded.
You winced but stayed calm. The spice in the cigarette calming your body. 
Minnie finished her job before putting on a facemask and starting your nails.
 "Why are they do pointy?" 
"To mark your man of course." She said with a giggle without looking up at your shocked face. 
You wanted to be shocked, but the spice was still rolling through you and made your mind conjure up way too many delicious images in your mind. 
"Um my lady? Would you like a design?" Minnie asked checking over your cuticles and making sure the shape of the nails.
 A marble would be nice, a nice red and black." 
She wiped the mask off your face before starting on the nail color. 
The sun was fully risen, and the music had changed to some more upbeat songs that the two of you sung to as your brother walked through the door and slammed face down on to your bed. 
You looked over to your brother confused. "What's going on." 
Somehow and someway, your husband, managed to have a conversation that has managed to turn to a drinking game. It's 9 in the morning. Your wedding is in three hours. I cannot be out there." Your brother complained, voice muffled by the bed. 
You and minnie laughed at his predicament. 
"Um what do you think we're doing." 
"You're light drinking because you're responsible." He sighed before coming to your vanity looking for a cigarette. When he was lucky in his findings, he lit it and turned around and leaned on your vanity before lighting it.
Minnie stared at you in the mirror before going back to detangling your hair with a blow dryer. The three of you stayed in a comfortable silence. 
"When I am setting her curls would you like me to do yours? You too need to look presentable at the wedding. The emperor and the princess will be there." Minnie mentioned looking at the boy. 
"I- That'll be great Minnie, thanks."  He said deeply sighing and taking another drag. 
You went back to humming the music playing in the background before looking over at your brother. 
"You'll miss me huh." 
He looked down on you. "Of course I will. Now all the attention will be on me, I don't- I don't do well in the spotlight and you know that." He said before tapping the ashes and passing it over to you. 
You nodded in agreement. While he's a good fighter and a fast and strategic thinker he wasn't much of a diplomatic person. He didn't work well with slow moving plans and thinking of treaties and how things would fall in place. He was good with the here and now. Good at winning. You were good a diplomacy and thinking into the future. You were good at hearing the plans and finding a place for everyone, even the nonfighters. Not that you weren't a good fighter. You were strong and clear headed and could very easily defend yourself. Wonderful in hand-to-hand combat. The benefit on your side being that because people thought you were a woman they thought you as small and gentle. But when angered. May the Gods help them. 
She put the rollers in your hair and a net before shooing you away to another chair to start your makeup and skincare. 
A knock at your day scared you all out of your gentle silence and you went to go answer. A small woman, equally pale and bald pushed a cart with food into your room. "Breakfast my lady." She muttered. head bowed and not looking you in the face. 
"Thank you." You said with a small smile. 
She nodded before leaving the room. 
You pushed the cart towards the vanity and Paul grabbed what looked like a piece of bacon. "Geeze what was that about." 
You shrugged and poured yourself some milk and got yourself a small assortment of bread and meats. You mind was trying to wrap around how badly they treated their servants. Sure, no matter how well you treated the servants, they were still servants. Their lives still came secondary to yours, but they were still human beings to be treated with respect and dignity. You shook your head and finished your meal in silence. 
Minnie finished Paul's hair just as you finished brushing your teeth and making sure none of the water got on your freshly made face. 
"Ok! Let's get your hair done then you're dress on, then I will clean this room and prep your items to be moved. Minnie said patting your shoulders. 
Paul got bored of watching Minnie do your hair, so he gave you a kiss on the cheek and then went to go get ready. 
You sat in silence while she put the last hairpins in place. The food sobered you up so there was nothing to stop the nerves from bubbling. 
"You'll be fine. And from what I've seen the na-baron is just as interested in you as you are him. You're going to make a fine queen. Plus, I'll be here with you so if you ever need someone to talk to, you can pull me aside and I can grab a bottle of wine." Minnie said softly giving you a smile at the mirror. 
You walked over to where your dress was ready and stepped in it. It was rather basic. A simple white dress with a black lined A-line neckline and laced bell sleeves that came off the shoulder and stopped at your wrist. The coreset underneath connected to black laced garters. An emerald necklace with three smaller jewels on the side and a bigger, teardrop shaped one, in the middle. the band filled with smaller diamonds. Your earrings being irregular shaped pearls harvested at sea right by the castle. 
The fourth knock of the day. Your father. "Come in!" 
Your father stepped in and smiled at you. "You look beautiful my love." 
You walked over to him and gave him a tight hug. "I'll miss you." 
"I'm not gone yet." He whispered into your hair. 
Minnie stood two the side with the wedding veil in her hands. It was long and took hours to mend. It was passed down through the generations. 
"You are the product of a strong kingdom. You were raised to be strong and kind. You are going to make a wonderful leader and wife." He said pulling from you and looking you in the eyes. 
You gave him a small smile before he leaned down and kissed you gently on the forehead. "Now let's get your veil on and get to your wedding." 
You stopped the tears from falling as the fabric was placed on your head and over your eyes. Minnie pinned it in place before nodding to your father. 
He took your arm into his and walked you out the room. Minnie quickly grabbing your dress from behind and lifting it. 
You walked silently to the great hall in which you were to be married. The three of you stopping as you approached the door. Your dad gently passed you a ring box. It was tradition for both the man and the woman to exchange rings signifying the marriage and alliance between the two families. 
You took it in your hand and nodded at him. The guards surrounding you nodded in confirmation and opening the door. 
The soft sound of violins filled the air, and the families present rose. You held your head up and squared your back as you were trained and walked with your father down the aisle. 
You couldn't see very clearly but you could see Feyd and the officiator standing at the end. This was your end and yet you're beginning.  
The music came to a slow ended as you took your spot in the front. 
"Today ladies and gentlemen we witness the union of Feyd-Rutha Harkonnen of Giedi Prime and (Y/N) Atreides of Caladan. A marriage that solidifies and binds the allegiance of these two kingdoms. After the reciting of their vows, they shall exchange rings that solidify their marriage. Lady Atreides, do you have your vows."
Vows were something that you had very much not prepared. You nodded before joining hands with Feyd. 
"I, (Y/N) Atreides, swear to honor my husband and stand beside him in life and death, sickness and health. I swear to produce and raise an air honorable to the Harkonnen family. To honor and protect our love. I swear to you Feyd-Rutha that I will stay by your side as long as I physically am able to." You said confidently and slowly, words ringing out over the hall. 
"Lord Feyd-Rutha Harkonnen, do you have your vows?" 
He nodded towards the officiator and turned fully towards you. "And I Feyd-Rutha Harkonnen swear to protect you, your honor and kill for your honor till the day I die. I swear to be yours and by your side from this day on until I die. To serve you and our children till death. I, Feyd-Rutha Harkonnen, am yours as long as I breath." 
You took a deep breath. Aggressive, you knew. Egotistical, you knew. Romantic, or at least as romantic as he could physically be a shock to your very core. 
"The rings." 
Feyd dug into his pocket which you reached into your dress while you presented the rings to each other. Both rings with each families branding on the sides of each ring. He slid your gently over your ring finger and you did the same to him. 
"With the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife." 
A small smile graced your face as Feyd gently lifted your veil. He pressed a small yet passionate kiss on your lips before turning to the audience and lifting your interlocked hands to show your union. 
You two were the first to leave the hall. 
You smirked at him slightly while you quickened your pace, following his quick strides. "I thought I was going to get more." 
He stopped and turned to you. "I would've but fortunately I have a bit of shame. Or else i would've taken you right there." He said darkly. His eyes filled with lust. 
"Oh." Was all you managed to let out before following his walk again. 
You pushed through two doors, to a bedroom you assumed was his. Before he slammed you against the door and kissed you like a man drowning and you were his oxygen supplies 
You couldn't help but moan at his hands sliding down and feeling your body. He broke with a sigh followed by a needy moan coming from you. "Get out of your dress before I cut you out of it." He demanded. 
You swallowed before unzipping the sides and letting the dress fall to the grown leaving your undergarments. Feyd unpinning your corset while you unpinned the veil from your head. The two items falling at the same time. 
He let out a guttural groan seeing your breast fall from their lifted place in your corset. He dropped to his knees and groped one in one hand and sucked on the other. The sensations of him alternating between sucking and nipping your nipple had your head fall back and small quick breathless moans come from your throat. 
He switched sides and deeply inhaled the scent of roses, nicotine and spice. God, he had heard of men going crazy simply over a women's scent, but he never knew how addicting it could've been in real life, in his very hands.
Between the sucking and groping, the flames and need of want was making your head lightheaded and your core crave. Unfortunately, his hands had you pinned against the wall, so your body resorted to grinding on any piece of him you could find. The added sensation of the grinding and the friction of lace underwear, you making you see stars. Gods, what an odd place to cum but that's all you were chasing at this point romance be damned. 
"Don't stop. Please don't stop." You moaned loudly, trying to find something to hold to. Feyd moaned at you trying to get off and the vibrations of against your nipple finally gave you relief. Your back arched and toes curled in their socks. Your orgasmed continued to wash over you, causing your legs to shake and Feyd to gently bring you down to the ground. He watched you catch your breath for two seconds before he found himself tackled to the ground with your chest on his and one leg lodged between yours. You kissed him hard and passionately before grinding yourself down on his leg again. Shocks from each grind making every nerve sparkle in your body. That's when you got the smart idea to kiss down his neck and leave a mark where everyone could see. 
A question was on Feyd's lips before a moan came out when you bit down and began to suck and roll the skin between your teeth. He pulled your hips down and grinded into you. Your eyes rolled hear the beautiful sounds coming from him. Gods it was the most beautiful thing in your life, and it was also, somehow, turning you on even further. 
"Please, baby please." Feyd moaned trying to get you to pause your ministrations. He realized you weren't going to stop so he paused and flipped you over. 
You stared breathlessly and wide-eyed at this change in position. "If you do not stop I will take you right here on this floor, do you understand." He whispered tapping your nose. And instead of a verbal response you simply lifted your head and took his finger in your mouth and gave it a hard suck.
Any resolve Feyd had completely broke as he dropped in body weight onto you and bit into your neck ripping a whine out of you. Feyd wanted, no, needed to be in you. But he knew he needed to prepare you. He removed his finger from your mouth before giving you a hard kiss. Teeth and tongue clashing messily clashing in a frenzied passion. He left your mouth and began kissing downwards. First on your neck, then the hickey forming on your neck. Slowly between your cleavage and beneath your breast before he kissed your clit through your underwear. 
"Please Feyd, please." You whined as your hands scratched his shoulders. Your nails filling their role when you realized the shiver that went down his spine. But luckily, he wanted this as much as you did so he wasted no time in taking off your garters and underwear before subjecting you to the heat of his tongue. 
He groaned at how wet you were before going to suck on your clit. His arms locking and holding your thighs in place. He was going to eat you like his last meal and he was starved, his tongue going between sucking and licking you. 
You let out a choked sob, the pleasure making your hands bang the floor and tears spring from your eyes. You tried to move your hips but you were shaking too much and he was far too strong and had a firm grip on your thighs. "Oh my Gods." 
He smirked to himself and gave your thighs a quick kiss. He loved your thighs he thought to himself. Big, round and warm. Seeing you naked beneath him made him want to give you enough children to build an army. Beautiful hips for him to hold, Gods he was blessed to have married someone as beautiful as you. But that was enough admiring before he went back to your clit and added a finger to your core. 
"Gods. Fuck, fuck, fuck," You gasped as felt his finger. But it wasn't enough. "Add another finger." 
He hummed against you before adding another finger and hitting a spot that made a silent scream be ripped from your lungs. Quick gasps were the only thing bringing air into your lungs. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head while your nails dug into his shoulder making him moan onto you. However, the pleasure was getting to you and you started to push him away. 
He left your clit and came back to give you small kisses. He was hard as a rock and if he were a lesser man probably would've came at least once by now. But he was not a lesser man, he was a better man, the best man. And he wouldn't come until he was in you. 
When you finally came to, you too stared at each other in deadline. Feyd was going to compliment you before you stopped. "I need you to fuck me now." You mumbled your hands reaching down to his to his pants attempting to take them off. 
He smirked at you before taking every off quickly. Desire rocked through you again when you saw his lower half. 
You would have never admitted this to anyone, not even yourself. But you would give him an army of kids if he kept this act up. 
He claimed in between your legs and stroked himself one more time before positioning himself and slowly pushing in. 
Yep. Definitely an army of kids. He wouldn't even need to ask. It would just happen. 
You gasped a moan before whipping your hands to his waist. 
He dropped his head to your shoulder. "Babe, I need you to calm down." He whispered. He said he was a better man, but you were proving to him that he was no different than any other. He wasn't even fully in yet and yet you two were about to become parents. 
Unfortunately for him, you realized this, and the rational part of your brain wanted to humble him and make a mess of him. So, in his ecstasy filled daze you managed to flip the two of you over and sank fully down onto his cock. 
The two of you gasped, heat filling the both of you. You found leverage on his chest before pushing yourself up and creating a rhythm that had the both of you seeing stars. 
He stared at you above him in wonder and awe. He would give you anything you asked and anything you wanted. He'd kill a god for you if you asked. Every story about jealous men killing in their wives honor made so much sense. 
You slowed significantly enough for Feyd to bring you down and his knees up to keep thrusting into you. The finish line was so close and the moans in his ears made him the fastest man alive. 
He groaned one more time and it was over for you. Your core clamping down and your third orgasm washing over you like a monsoon and his first hitting him like an earthquake, cum filling you and hopefully bringing the seeds for a child. Fresh tears sprang from your eyes at the beauty of it all. Heartbeats beating wildly out of control, sweat dripping off your bodies and onto the floor. 
He pulled out gently causing a whimper to come from you. You stayed on top of him, and he placed his arms around you. Silence filling the air. 
No one said a word before you started to get grossed out at the feeling of your sweat. You dragged yourself to a standing position and walked yourself over to the bath and started some water. You ungracefully slid into the tub and watched the dark liquid come out. 
"Black water?" You asked the naked man infront of you.
"It has healing properties." 
You nodded in standing as you watched the liquid fill the tub. 
"Move forward." He asked softly.
You moved and felt the man come into the tub behind you. The two of you sat in blissful silence completely ignoring the reception being held in your honor. 
However, your guest did not forget. Sitting comfortably in the guest meeting hall that held your family after yesterday's dinner.  
"Where's my sister." Paul asked the princess. She glanced at the boy before rolling her eyes. "Making babies." 
Paul looked at her in disgust before walking away to find his father leaving Princess Irulan to roll her eyes in amusement. 
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flower-child2021 · 6 months
Crazy To Love You
(Feyd x Reader)
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Summary: You hated him. You hated his planet. You were the sun and the stars. Of warmth and gold. Yet, for some reason, you do find black appealing.
Note: While this is a reader insert, there are mentions of brown skin, but other than that, it's fairly neutral
Warnings: 18+ content near the end but nothing explicit, mentions of blood and use of the word whore.
Word Count: 2.35K
Everyone said there was something complex about him. About the man you were about to marry. In her opinion, there was nothing complex about the man. He was easy to figure out and it didn't take a shrink to realize that. He was violent and cold. Obsessed with blood and the cries of a man he knew he was about to kill. 
He was nothing special and yet here you were getting ready to get sent away.
"You are to marry him." Lady Jessica coolly responded while she watched your maids put the finishing jewelry into your hair and bodice. 
You stared at her from the reflection of your vanity mirror. 
"You don't get better than this. You're a daughter of your fathers' whore-" She started angrily. 
"Get out of my head. The least you could do is that." You snapped before the Reverend Mother walked through the door. 
"I don't understand how you managed to raise such a disobedient child," The older woman dragged. 
"And child I don't understand how you could be so stupid." She said smacking you on the back of your head. 
You sighed and stared at yourself in the mirror before applying lining your lips with a soft brown and filling the rest of the empty space with a dark red. And no, you weren't stupid to not know what was going on. Lady Jessica messed up and bore a son and so in the eyes of the Reverend Mother, you were the best choice. You were still of the Duke's blood and by marrying the na-baron and producing an heir you would bring the houses together and create a perfect union. You knew this, you knew this ever since you came of age. You knew it more and more in every etiquette lesson. 
Raised like cattle for slaughter. Or not slaughter but more so for breeding. 
 A knock on your chambers broke you from your thought process, you looked to your door to see your brother peek into the room. 
"He's here." 
You sent the young man a small smile before standing and heading out with Lady Jessica and the Reverend. 
Your ladies-in-waiting walked silently behind you with your luggage in hand. They too knew of the rumors of the man you were bound to marry. The grotesque nature of his uncle and family. 
The warmth of the sun warmed your skin, but it didn't seem to reach past it. You had known these halls all your life. Stared at the paintings and art that decorated the walls. You'll miss the yellow of the sun that allowed your brown to become even richer in the warmer months. 
When you were younger your nursed like to joke that if there were goddesses you had to have been the child of the sun. Unfortunately, today proved that no such being existed because why would she curse her child to a polluted waste land with a sun as black as night. 
They arrived at large doors to the negotiation room. Guards of both families lining the walls. You followed the two older women into the room while your ladies-in-waiting stayed outside. 
 You sat next to Paul and across from your husband to be. 
Feyd was... Not stunned no. Not amused either. He had heard about you as a child and adolescent and even met you at some point in those years. Yet here he was, intrigued. You looked almost entirely out of place and in place at the same time. He could tell you were strong willed, but then again, any man in the room could tell that. 
You sat with your back straight and head high. Your eye's moved to each person as they spoke. 
As much as he would never admit it. You were beautiful. Not seductive, not sensual. You were beautiful. You're skin complimentary to the gold in your hair and the gold threads in your bodice. Your skin shined in the lazy afternoon sun. Your lips plump and decorated in red. You were stunning. 
"Then it is settled. You two will be wed by the next full moon," Feyds uncle rasped, a greedy smile upon his lips while he stared at you intently. 
"Come it is getting late and we must make our way back. Have her maids put her items on our ship. There's to be a solar disturbance. And I don't want to be here longer than I need to, this heat is starting to annoy me." 
You swallowed intensely. "No." 
All eyes snapped to you. Feyd tilted his head slightly to the side in curiosity. 'A fighter' he mused. This should be interested. 
"I have never been Giedi Prime, and since I am to be married in a week, I would like my family to join me, a proper wedding, and an introduction to your culture and customs. There is more than enough time to organize my request." You stared at the two leading men at the table. Inside you were shaking and fearing the worse. While you still had enough status to marry into a High Family, it didn't take away the fact that you were born out of wedlock. But fortunately, your voice stayed strong and didn't betray your nerves. 
Lady Jessica started to open her mouth to reprimand her but was cut off by laughter. Well, it was more of a bark but humor present, nonetheless. 
"I agree to your terms, child." Feyd's uncle said staring at you.
"I do not understand." Lady Jessica muttered staring at you in horror. 
"This will either be the greatest match in all the high families. Or the worst thing to come from your House." 
You bite the inside of your cheek, jaw flaring. The handshakes and contracts were signed. 
You walked silently and quickly to the informal meeting place of your home. Maids scrambling to get other items for your family and to leave promptly. Lady Jessica hot on your tail and delivered a quick slap to your face when you turned around. 
"How dare you embarrass us like this." 
"Not to intrude on family... matters... But as she is my bride, I'd prefer if you don't leave marks on her. That should be my job soon enough." A voice said boredly. 
She whipped her head to look behind her and stared at the pale man behind her. Before gritting her teeth, giving a small curtsy and walking out quickly. 
"It's impolite for us to be together without a chaperone." You stated. Eyes following his every move. You didn't trust him. How could you? He was a bloody murder, that craved blood and bones. You would consider him uncivilized if it wasn't for the fact that he came from a royal bloodline. 
"Hmm, you see something you like?" 
You squeezed your dress in your hand to stop you from being annoyed and rolling your eyes.
"You know I heard you were sweet. Demure. But you seem to like a fight." 
"A fight that was not, my lord. Just a request. I am to be whisked away to a place where I am nobody and have no rights outside of you. So yes, requesting my family and have a civil wedding, is the most basic request." 
He gave you a smirk. Him slowly getting close to you, almost like a snake. "You sure are mouthy, I hope it's the same on our wedding night." He whispered, closely to your ear. 
His hot breath sending a chill up your spine. You watched him walk past you to the window. He was incredibly pale and hairless. No blemish or scar in sight. Was that genetics or cosmetic you would never know. How dark was it on his planet to make someone so pale? Paul was pale, but his skin warmed and tanned during the warmer months.
You glowed in the sun; you understood the sun. The sun gave light, it gave colors. A black sun... Would strip things of light. Nothing exists in a sun like that. 
The reality of your situation started to bare its weight on your shoulders. You knew why they needed the marriage to work, you knew why you needed to produce an heir. It would create an alliance forged in blood, it would tie your two kingdoms together and prevented them from going to war. It would protect your kingdoms economy and exports. But why a place so cold in dark. How were you to live? To raise a child or children. How were you going to raise your children. With dreams and fantasies of a kingdom they'll never know. Shall they become their father? Murderous and craving madness and death? 
You let in a deep breath, to help settle you. You were to be married and have a child. That's it. You were raised to do so and do it you will. Nothing more, nothing less. 
"We are ready for departure your majesties." A voice rang through the room.
You nodded at the man before taking a look back at Feyd and realizing that he's been staring at you the whole time. 
The next few days were spent learning about their "castle", which in your opinion was a bland fortress meant to keep people out and in.  The days were spent watching bloody sparring matches in preparation for his big fight and preparing for the wedding. 
Skin was cleaned and body was scrubbed clean. Herbs and foods to increase fertility feed three times a day. Lessons on how to "please a man" in way too much detail. Nothing like what you expected your wedding day to look like. When you were younger you imagined white dresses and days of getting to know your soon to be husband by the waves. Intimate and flushed glances at each other over dinner. Excitement and butterflies. And all there was to greet you was darkness. Black suns and pale heads greeted you at every corner. You prayed your child you look more like you. Or at least a mix. 
 You woke up to the sound of your sun alarm. You're glad you brought it with you. It imitated actual sun light and reminded you of home and warmth. You cuddled back into the pillows when you realized your maids weren't there. Breakfast and a long intensive bath could wait. You hardly did anything and yet had intensive baths every morning and night. After five days you were surprised, you had any skin left. 
Feyd watched you silently doze off again, perched away in a corned you have not seem to realize. He chuckled lightly at the last time you fully conversed. 'Not polite.' What he was going to do in one days' time wouldn't be very polite to her parents either. 
He watched you as you walked softly to the vanity you had set up in your room. It was simply a desk and a small mirror, but it worked for what it was. For what you had access too. 
You hummed lightly to yourself as you took your scarf off your head and took out the rollers. The maids given to you had no idea what they were doing when it came to your hair. It was the last thing that you had for yourself... Only yourself. 
Feyd walked over silently, almost leaning down to your ear whipping backwards and grabbing your wrist. 
No words were said, outside of the sound of heavy breathing. 
The two of you stared intensely at each other before the man's eyes wondered over to the knife in your hand. Sharp and ready to sink into the next victim. 
He raised what you assumed would've been a brow if he wasn't hairless. 
"Did you intend to kill me." 
"It didn't matter if it was you. The knife was intended for whomever decided to get that close to me without out announcing themselves." You spat. 
He smirked at you, "So you do know how to take care of yourself."
"My father didn't raise a stupid damsel."
"Very clearly he didn't." 
You two stared at each other before he went and bite your collarbone. A guttural groan coming from his throat as he smelt your rose body oils from the night before. 
You gasped, shocked, your hand dropping the knife and your body arching towards his. A surprising mix of sharp pain and pleasure dancing through your body to your fingertips. 
"I thought you hated me?" He whispered grabbing your chin and forcing you to keep eye contact. 
Truth be told as much as you hated his home, his planet, the whole preparation of practically being wedded purely for alliance reasons. You got used to the idea of being his. 
He was smart and quick on his feet. Intelligent and willing to amuse your intellectual ideas. He let you fight him and berate him when you were alone. He guarded you and defended you. And he was taken with you the moment he met you. Many women were raised to be obedient, silent, and just take what was given to them. If he was going to become the Baron one day he'd need a woman that was going to raise his children to be strong. Your union was perfect, anything that he lacked you had. 
"I hate you invading my space. If you wanted to come you could've asked or at least told me." You stated. A terrible and needy heat starting to fill your body. 
He smirked at you before crashing your lips together. Teeth and tongue clashing in a battle of dominance. His hands threading through your hair and yours finally getting the relief of feeling his body. 
You broke away to breath, head being lifted by the upwards pull of your hair. 
"I would love to continue this but, this is impolite, remember." He said breathlessly, backing up slowly. 
You stared back at him. Becoming painfully aware of the want in your core and the electricity running through your body needing release. 
"Fuck you." 
Feyd laughed at your temper tantrum before leaving your room and leaving you to deal with the mess he started. 
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
Do you understand what equity is?
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
i know we're all sick of self-care being a marketing tactic now, but i don't think a lot of us have any other concept of self-care beyond what companies have tried to sell us, so i thought i'd share my favorite self-care hand out
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brought to you by how mad i just got at a Target ad
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
All ill say if the us supreme court decides to turn over the indian child welfare act and i don't see white people talking about it, especially white lgbt people, i will be pissed
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
My family with my grandma
fathers casually dropping the craziest lore of their lives in the middle of a conversation
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
Pinterest is the reason I have a Tumblr 😌💀
i actually dont mind tumblr posts reposted to pinterest. the 13 y/o "pinterest in the only social media my parents let me have" girlies deserve a little treat
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
Mav doesn’t understand Memes. The daggers tried (they tried so hard) but they’ve created a monster. All he sends is raccoon memes - please send help.
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flower-child2021 · 2 years
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reposting this from twitter bc it's making me lose my mind
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flower-child2021 · 3 years
I see Margaret Atwood on this list!! Amazing poetry list!
Poetry recs? Like your absolute absolute favourites
Okay these are the ones that made me die a little
“all people are driven to the point of eating their gods” 
“if I love you / is that a fact or a weapon?”
“the kingdom of god is within you because you ate it”
“the blood in your mouth – I wish it was mine”
“his mouth is heaven, his kisses falling over me like stars”
“I am singing now while rome burns”
“that corpse you planted last year in your garden,  has it begun to sprout? will it bloom this year?”
“so the gods sank to human shape with longing”
“those imperial, disimpassion’d eyes”
“this beautiful speed will be the end of us.  those are stars in our teeth.”
“if love wants you, if you’ve been melted into stars”
“out of the ash I rise with my red hair / and I eat men like air”
“your body hurts me as the world hurts god”
“lessons on loving a prophet”
“and I, infinitesimal being, drunk with the great starry void”
“tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine”
“to love a prophet is to become their desert”
“the void rushing up to greet us in the absence of god”
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flower-child2021 · 3 years
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flower-child2021 · 4 years
From Mexico to the World
Obrador's government is a rapist. Please don't let this go to a hole, help me making it viral, or something, someone out there has to see this, please.
Every day, 11 women are murdered in Mexico
The president approved a rapist as candidate for governor of the state of Guerrero.
The president raised a wall in front of the national palace, making of this a direct aggression towards women.
This government hates women and we cannot remain silent!!
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flower-child2021 · 4 years
Good day everyone. Its me again, Maria. I will never get tired of asking help for my family, just a little recap: From the start of the pandemic I was laid off on work and because of all the people who helped me and my family, I was able to helped my brother in his last days, he is a dialysis patient but unexpectedly passed away last Nov 13, 2020. I was able to provide food for my family, my mother, brother and 8 kids, they're my nephews and nieces who is orphan. We were able to live in a safer house because of the donation i received from all the generous and kind people. Its 2021 and there is still no sign on when the pandemic ends. Im asking again your help for donations for food, medicines and bills. I promise to give back to people in need when I can. 😭🙏❤️
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Please send it as 'FRIENDS AND FAMILY' to avoid deduction on your donation 🙏🙏🙏
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flower-child2021 · 4 years
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I’m so sorry it’s disorganised but this is the best I can do before they take away our WiFi
Edit: Alright so slight connection and update. The military’s gonna be in power for one year now? And I don’t know that’s just disgusting honestly. Also by the way the pictures I have posted in this post are from Twitter written by someone not me. By disorganised I meant I didn’t have the time to arrange the pictures in order because my WiFi got taken away. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the account who wrote this as I was in a hurry to post this so yes 😔
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