fluffpastry · 11 years
Chisami shook her head. "Nope! No sleep!" She giggled and looked at the plate that Kozue slid over to her. She stared at it before --her face fell into the cake and she was out cold.
Kozue narrowed his eyes at Chisami as he sat down at the kitchen table. “You’re being weird, have you not slept?” he asked her, raising an eye brow. He knew how she got when she was tired and she was definitely being a little loopy. Still, he cut her a slice of cake, sliding the plate over to her.
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fluffpastry · 11 years
Chisami nodded her head. "I want Kozunii-chan the most, though." She smiled and looked over at the kitchen table. "So feed me!" Okay. So... She was weird when tired. Sorry, Koko.
Kozue had dodged a bullet with that one, but he was glad she had seemed to fall for it, perking up for a bit. He heaved her forward, “Come on, don’t you want a slice of that cake? I came all the way here just for you.”
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fluffpastry · 11 years
"Akihito?" Chisami's ears perked and she smiled, nodding her head. "Mhm! I like Akihito-kun a lot for some reason! He likes glasses like me!" She giggled before hugging Kozue's waist. "But I also like pretty blue eyes." The brunette glanced up at Kozue and gave him a gentle smile before putting all of her weight on him.
Kozue paused putting a finger up to make a rebbutal but something told him he shouldn’t. That Chisami obviously knew what happened to him, that he was gone. It was probably a way for her to cope, so he didn’t push it. Instead he went along with it. “Ah. I mean, Akihito? Don’t you watch that new show? Kyoukai no kanata?” 
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fluffpastry · 11 years
Chisami nodded her head and frowned before freezing momentarily. Akito. Akito? Who was that again? "Akito? Who's... that?" She asked Kozue, turning to him. 
"I haven’t seen you in a long time, I tried calling a bunch of times but there was never any answer…" He told her, frowning a little back and following her into the hallway. He didn’t really want to ask but felt he should "…is this because of Akito?" 
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fluffpastry · 11 years
Chisami held Kozue's hand on her head and nuzzled it before shaking her head. "I'm not okay. I'm sad and lonely and want company and I want Kozunii-chan around especially." She frowned and pulled him into her house. It was surprising he didn't notice her now flat stomach after it was... bloated for a few months.
"Ah, Chisami…Hi…" He was a little surprised by her affections, but he fondly patted her head in return. He held up the box that had the cake in it and handed it off to her "I haven’t seen you in a while, but you seem ok?" 
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fluffpastry · 11 years
Chisami didn't mind the door bell being rung over and over again. Honestly, if he didn't, she'd probably have fallen asleep. She was just so tired lately. When she answered the door, she tackle-hugged Kozue, giving him a biiiiig kiss on the cheek. "Kozunii-chaaan!" She nuzzled up. Okay. She. Was.... very sleepy.
Kozue sighed, pulling the swiss roll cake out of his fridge and throwing his jacket. It didn’t take him long to walk to Chisami’s house, ringing her door bell impatiently until she answered it. 
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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"O-Okay..." She stuttered, cautiously entering his house. "Aaah... Your house is nice." She smiled shyly, nodding her head. It felt weird being in a new house, that was for sure.
Manami took a moment to get himself up, stuck to his drawing. He scrambled to get up and to the door. The door slid open, cautiously at first, however, once he realized it was just Chisami he opened it completely. “H-hey.. C-come up… to my ro-oom. I h-ave the games r-ready.”
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fluffpastry · 11 years
[text] Just a good nii-chan. [text] <3
[text] Making me bring it to you what am i your butler?
[text] be there in 10
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fluffpastry · 11 years
Chisami took note of the boy's address, surprised to see that he didn't live too far away from her. She got ready and grabbed a bag before heading over to Manami's house. 
When she finally got there, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door, feeling her heart pound against her rib cage. Holy crap. How long has it been since she'd really spoken to anyone?
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After texting his address to the girl, Manami went right to his computer and picked up his tablet and pen. The best way to pass time while waiting for someone was to draw.
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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kougamy asked: Haruka or Rei?
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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She had kept quiet and away from others after the news, so getting a quick response from a text she sent moments before really wasn't something she was used to anymore.  [Text] Okay QwQ That was all she could really say. This was strange... talking to people again.
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Manami stared at his screen blankly until her response came through. From there and smiled a little bit, pleased she’d still had his number and responded to her. 
[Text: Chisami] Oh! Here let me get that for you. 
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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Chisami wasn't doing much that evening. She simply sat in her bed, flipping through various manga until her cellphone went off. Manami? She'd only spoken to him once, but she remembered the boy well enough. She sighed and debated whether or not to answer the text, but decided to do so should the poor boy worry. [Text: Manami] Pick them up? I don't remember where you live... QAQ
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Manami let out a deep sigh and smiled. He’d just finished the last game Chisami had let him borrow. She’d said to text her once he’d finished and that was now his plan. He’d been so happy with that games. Part of him wished to tell her, the other was scared half to death of even letting her past the front door. Either way, he needed to return these games to her now. 
[Text: Chisami] Hey I finished your games. Wanna come pick them up?
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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k-kitahara said: [text] Well good because you’re the only one I asked anyways.
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Rolls around in bed. [Text] Bring me cake, Kokonii-chan. Chi misses you.
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fluffpastry · 11 years
[text] Free roll cake to who wants it. ┐(´-`)┌
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She's sad and misses people, so she'll take cake.[text] (`・ω・´)” meeee.
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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"So sleepyyyyyy....." 
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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Hiatus is over so I'll be on more often. Also, heads up, a lot of stuff has happened that I should write drabbles for... But... Updates are.... Chisami had a miscarriage due to the stress of Akito leaving her and his death, so... she's gonna be pretty weird and mopey. Just saying. Anyway, Kiru is here so.... yaaaay!
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fluffpastry · 11 years
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Chisami blinked, "Well, it's just hard to travel with so much to carry. It's better if I stay away from such activities, really." He hadn't noticed? She gently rubbed her stomach before looking up at Kozue, "That's why it's better with a partner."
Living World ll OPEN
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"Why’s that?" He asked, following after the small girl. What was hard about groceries? You found what you need and paid. At least, that’s what he did. 
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