fluffyteddylove · 11 years
"But kaoooooru, I am just a little kid. I don't have the grace or maturity to be cute." She inwardly blushed at the last bit, not like she can deny one of her sister's opinions. Touche Kaoru Touche. "Though it nice that you think that of me, Kaoru."
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Shaking her head a moment to get back on the objective at hand. "Kaoru, what so wrong about you looking like a boy? I think you look fine the way you are. I don't mind making you girly, but just because you appear like a boy doesn't mean you aren't cute." The thought of Kaoru in a something girly seemed foreign but at the same time she was rather curious what Kaoru would appear like in more feminine attire. "I-I know! We should try a more simple skirts and accessories before we attempt dresses. You seem more of a skirt person to me anyways."
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“…Eh?” Came the initial utterance to Mirai’s dismissal of her own cuteness. “Whaaaaat? You don’t think you’re cute? You’re totally cute, Mirai! At least, I think so!” The soccer player nearly sounded offended that the pinkette didn’t see herself that way, though people seldom thought themselves cute. Which was soon proven be her own head shake in response to being called cute herself.
“No-no! One of the players on the boy’s team mistook me for one of his players today! That means I look more like a boy than a girl! I don’t want that! I just want to look… cute, y’know?”
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
Drafted Nico and Bunnyboo. Going to go work on Mami's replies. 
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
She had been rushing all over the place today. From her room, to the crafts closet and various other places about the house. The first time in awhile, she was designing a special dress for her teddy bear. Needless to say, all the materials seemed to be placed all over the home. Who knew how difficult it was to collect it all up. 
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Suddenly a lightly sensation came over her shoulder. No longer able to move forward, she turned to the sight of Kaoru. Before she could ask why the other had been looking for her, the request came forward. Her...cute? Kaoru must be mistaken of what cute was since she certainly was not that. 
"Eto... Kaoru, I am not cute so I don't know what you are thinking about." Regardless she looked about Kaoru figuring plenty of cute ideas for her sister. Actually there was so much her sister would look good in. She might be wrong about her being cute, but that didn't mean she didn't wanna help. "Though I would love to help, but you are already really cute the way you are. Anything you wanted to try in particular?" The blush was silently noted to herself. No need to embarrass her sister further, right?
“Oi! Mirai!” 
For some reason, finding the small, pink haired girl had been more trouble than it normally was that day. Kaoru had combed the house a number of times, and didn’t find Mirai until her fourth sweep, at which point she was lightning fast at gently resting her hand on the bear collector’s shoulder before she could get away. “I’ve been lookin’ all over for you!”
She had an important question to ask. Well, it was also a little embarrassing  and that much was apparent by the light blush on her normally colourless cheeks.
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“This is kinda a weird question, but uh… You’re the cutest girl I know, so I figured ya could help me out. I’m trying to look… cuter. And I was wonderin’ if you could help…”
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
"I am so done with all of you. You Nico zombies...all of you!"
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"I am not a Fujoshi!!!!!"
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
It had her slightly worried with the delay in response. The slight hesitation made her ponder just how much Nico's words were true and if she was actually consider killing her. Letting out a light sigh, she turned toward the home and walked back against her better judgement.
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A-Alright..I will...I will come back. I didn't mean to anger you so much. Sorry...sorry Nico. I promise I will never cut it again. I..I will make up for this. She sent while sniffling from both fright and genuine regret to have bothered her sister so much.
After a little while, she went to her room.
The response was somewhat delayed, due to the fact that Saki had just netted herself a Kanna.
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Teach you how the fuck to FLIP A BREAKER, and not just slice the cables. Thy’re expensive and intricate, as well as freaking difficult and dangerous to replace. If you’re worried about your life, you don’t have to be. I’m not petty enough ta kill someone over this.
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
Nico's voice came out loud and clear. It was obviously very serious in its threat, but she was torn between her teddy bears and keeping her neck. After all, who knows what Kanna had in store for her when she returned. Frightened on many levels, she began looking both towards the train station and the house.
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W-what will you do to me if I come back? I...All I wanted was to get you out and ... I didn't mean to anger you this much...
A legitimate question with her life on the line. Teddy bears could be brought back from the dead at least.
The first place Nico went was Mirai’s room and find one of the teddies in there. They were some of Mirai’s most prized possessions, weren’t they? After finding it… She tore its arm off and left it. Collateral damage for what she’d done to the power.
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WHEREVER THE HELL YOU ARE, MIRAI, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW. Making use of the telepathy that Magi had, she screamed out to the pinkette mentally. OTHERWISE ALL OF YOUR TEDDIES WILL LOSE THEIR HEADS!
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"Kaoru! That is not helping!!!" As if her running for her damn life wasn't enough, now she had an audience it seemed.
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“It’s okay, Mirai! You’ll grow tall soon enough!”
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"My life flashed before my eyes... It was short..."
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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Well shiiiiiit, she didn't expect Nico to be that furious. Actually, the last time which was an accident was already a deadly experience, but now she has done it with the intention to. This appears to be a plan not well thought out. Well plan B!
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"I-It looks like I better start heading off to Russia! DON'T KILL ME NICO!!!" Not waiting for any response, she began rushing towards the nearest train station. She needed to get out of here.
Thank goodness she had set the coding program she used to autosave every five seconds, otherwise she would have been even more furious than she was with the power being cut. And she had a feeling she knew exactly who had done it. Power outages were one of the few things that actually made her mad. If you want to turn a computer off, you have to do it the proper way and not through suddenly cutting the power.
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“MIRAI, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?” Was what she yelled as she exited her room for the first time in who knows how long.
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"Whoops, it looks like the last of the chocolate chips were lost with that last batch I tossed. Oh well, I will get more of those later...."
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"That didn't work on get her to come out. She is quite resistant this time. Hmmmm what can I do to get her to come down..." She pondered as she wondered inside yet again. That plan was almost certain to work normally.
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"I know! Let's cause a power outage again!" Eager to try anything to pull the other out of hiding, she quickly rushed off to the area she remembered them placing the power line.
In one quick move, she turning into her magi form and sliced the area that buried the important cable.
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“I’m worried about how fresh that cookie dough was… Hopefully it was spoiled and needed throwing out anyways.” Thank goodness she didn’t know it was fresh.
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"It not getting her to come out.. weird. Then again she didn't come down when I made this earlier this morning either.."
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"Or she is trying to trick me again..." At that, she decided to commit and dumped the cookie dough into the dumpster. 
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“… I get the feeling something bad is about to happen… But seriously, how long has that cookie dough even been around?” That was a genuine question she was asking the air in her room.
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"I can take care of it for you, Saki."
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“I need to discipline my writer…”
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((You mean Umika?))
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“Not that writer, I meant you! Why haven’t you been working on those replies!?”
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((Uuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhh but how do I words))
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"Now for my first magic trick, I shall dump all this cookie dough into the dumpster and it will magically disappear!"
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… How long have we even had that cookie dough for? I didn’t even know we had any, I’ve been up here so long.
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"Oh? So that means you are a stalker. Interesting, I never met one before. Saki told me of ones that followed her about, but I never believed such a thing existed till now." She lightly poked the lady as if some otherworldly creature.
“I follow magic signatures. If you’ve got a power, I can identify you apart from anyone else who does and..I can definitely find you. More than that, because of magic residue, I can find other people with powers…if they’ve been around you.”
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fluffyteddylove · 11 years
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"Nico, come out from wherever you are and face me!" She yelled out as her stomps could be heard throughout the household. Then it dawned upon her an idea!
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"Don't mind me as I just.... STEAL ALL THE COOKIE BATTER FOR MYSELF!" At that she rushed the fridge took the bowl and gunned it out of the house.
Cloistered away in her room, Nico heard the shout of Mirai saying that what she had done wasn’t fair. Seems she’d finally figured out that there wasn’t a photo of her smiling in that album of Saki she hadn’t known about until she’d admitted to it
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“Prank successful.”
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