fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
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Meet my friend GAD. Also known as General Anxiety Disorder. He is not an overly friendly foe but he is incredibly loyal and will not leave your side no matter how hard you try. 
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
whenever people talk about primal urges half the time they’re talking about something sexual, but it’s like, sometimes you just gotta climb a flight of stairs like that, you know? it’s like my body is telling me, “buddy, five thousand years ago everyone would have bolted up stairs on all fours. it’s okay, it’s natural.”
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
My general feelings about life lately
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
Definitely one of my most favourite films ever!
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
im kinda happy but i also really wanna get hit by a car at the same time
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
Dear Person I hate
Now I know I'm going to get told off by certain people for this one and from others I may get pity, but try seeing this from my point of view as if it is a completely separate entity from me.
Dear Person I Hate
You. You have caused so many problems in my life that I can't even count. Yes you've done a lot of good but lately I can only see the bad. You've caused me to give up one of the things I wanted most. You've caused me to completely isolate myself from some of the best people I've met. You've caused me to become a complete bumbling blubbering idiot who doesn't know what to do with herself, doesn't know what to do with her life and just generally doesn't know about anything. You cause problems which I then get upset about and then you don't tell me why which just makes the matter worse. You make me feel like complete and utter shit sometimes resulting in me just lying in bed crying for hours and days for no reason. At the times where I need my family most, you cause me to isolate myself away in my room so for all that I'm protecting my family from this negativity I'm making myself far worse. This is me giving you your eviction notice. Either sort things out or get out. You could be the making of me, or the thing that causes me to crash and burn and I hate you for it. Go sort your life out, and whilst you're doing so you can sort mine too. K thnx byeeeee xxxx 
[Yes I'm referring to my own mind here just incase you were a little confused]
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
dear best friend, dear furyofthenorth
"Dear Best Friend"... Ask me this before I started uni and I couldnt really tell you. I wouldn't know what to say as it was somewhat of a mystery to me. I seem to be the type who might have had a best friend, but then I come second best to someone else and get left out a little. Kind of like the third wheel of friendships kind of thing. But since starting uni last year I do have one person in particular in mind. So:
Dear Best Friend,
Stop being such a douche :p For all that we fall into and out of arguments near constantly you are one of my favourite people in the whole wide world and I know that sounds stupid but it's true. You know how close I am to my family and you rank pretty highly in there so be honoured! I love how we have completely differing opinions on so many matters but in so many other ways we're just as wonderfully weird as each other. If there was anyone I could tell anything to, no matter how stupid, bizarre or just plain mental, it would be you. You may think at times that I'm not telling you much of what I'm thinking and I know you worry about this but in reality you still get the bulk of it. It just shows how little I tell to others during those times. You were there for me through all the shit that happened over the past nearly two years and even if when that shit was just in my head. So thank you. And I better be getting to see you soon if my head will allow it :) [insert "I love you bro" type ending but cba with that...]
Dear Furyofthenorth
Sup' bro? Miss you dude!
For all that the majority of first year I thought you were a grumpy pain in the backside who would just complain pretty much all the time (and yes I'm aware you're exactly the same haha) I have come to appreciate this and realise it's full potential particularly in the joy of drunk people watching! It sounds stupid but I genuinely look forward to our brilliant analyses' of the drunken public of St Andrews (ok so maybe that says more about me socially than anything else... lol) But yes I feel that in this past year I our powers of sarcastically reading people have indeed improved both our lives be it just when everyone else is completely pissed and we're not yet lol Anyhooo I hope you're well and that I get to see you the next time I'm up which is soon so make space! :)
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
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I might need these.
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.
Dear person I hate,
Dear person I like,
Dear ex boyfriend,
Dear ex girlfriend,
Dear ex bestfriend,
Dear bestfriend,
Dear *anyone*,
Dear Santa,
Dear mom,
Dear dad,
Dear future me,
Dear past me,
Dear person I’m jealous of,
Dear person I had a crush on,
Dear girlfriend,
Dear boyfriend,
Dear [insert URL here]
letters to you
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
#dude this is like the best crossover with my childhood like ever
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
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If feelings were displayed as squirrels...
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
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Thursday night was a weird night. In my bed doing nothing but listening to The Draw by Bastille and all of a sudden I'm lying the in tears. I already know I'm one of those over emotional people who cry over seemingly nothing but this is the first time that I can think of where I've cried purely because of a song. Before hand I was actually ok. I didn't feel particularly great but I was ok. I've been okish a little bit more lately but I have a pattern of periods of ok-ness before a big crash so I was due one. Since then I've been teetering on the edge, waiting for the actual fall because that and various dreams I've had are gearing me up for one. Yes people could say that I talk myself into it and that if I expect it, it will come. But no, I'm basing this on what's happened before, patterns, like a real scientist. Last night I woke up crying from crying in my dream. My family had moved table in a place I didn't know and I wasn't told they were moving. This resulted in me having a complete public breakdown in this dream. Nothing in particular has triggered this. Nothing has happened lately but it's affected me all day. I went out with my dad and youngest brother and sister but without my mum and I was even funny with that and it was only for a few hours. Things are looking great for September aren't they? And that's a whole other kettle of fish that's about to erupt because I actually need to start making decisions about what I'm actually going to do regarding my immediate life beyond this summer :( #toomuchfun
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fluoxetineisfun · 10 years
This is way too cool
The Augmented Reality TARDIS: It’s Bigger On The Inside
This amazing Whovian built a wooden Tardis that is literally bigger on the inside! With help of an augmented reality app, that is. Now, that’s talent! 
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fluoxetineisfun · 11 years
I may or may not be hyperventilating at the idea of this...
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This made giggle :)
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