flying-womrats · 13 days
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Crystal Pools Center for the Healing Arts (hospital lot, minimal CC)
Featuring a (nearly) seamless blending of old magic and modern science, the Crystal Pools have served Glimmerbrook in one form or another since time immemorial.
Features: Almost no CC: set up for @pandasamacc 's Childbirth mod, but perfectly functional without it, and no other CC used*.
Should have everything required for the doctor career- exam rooms, an X-ray machine and treadmill, surgery room, lab analyzers, staff breakroom etc.
Also a tiny food court, a couple nurse's stations, a maternity ward, a functional faux elevator, and a pharmacy with a cauldron for crafting magical remedies.
Packs used: Get to Work, Get Together, Get Famous, Growing Together, Spa Day, Realm of Magic, Vampires, Everyday Clutter Kit.
* The medical posters are by @aroundthesims, but in "no-CC" photo form thanks to a user on the Gallery.
Simfileshare | Google Drive Also available on the gallery under @flying-womrats (will appear as "Glimmerbrook Hospital" due to character limits; CC must be enabled.)
Drop me a comment if anything doesn't work! (Edit 5/26/24: Reuploaded to fix a couple oversights like the lack of outdoor lighting. Also it now no longer requires Seasons as I was only using like, one item from it.)
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flying-womrats · 3 months
deleting (probably)
I'm feeling some kind of way about staying on tumblr in light of recent events (less about the sellout to AI than the CEO having a transphobic hissy fit, tbh) and will likely delete my main blog soon, which I'm pretty sure means the sideblogs will go down as well.
I haven't decided where to mirror what little CC I have yet, but I'm not removing it from simfileshare or Google Drive so the links in any reblogs (pretty sure the most important things made it to maxismatchccworld) should remain active. I put my Lunar Lakes builds on the gallery, username flying-womrats.
Edit: Or, you know, it's The Depression(TM) talking. Even if I cut down my use of the site, after sitting on it for a couple days I think there's no sense in actually deleting. I am going to mirror my stuff to my Dreamwidth though just in case the hellsite ever goes down. 👍
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flying-womrats · 4 months
it's only a fraction of liliili's content tbh but it's what I had, glad I could help!
Liliili cc
hello readers and old cc hunters ;) thanks to the amazing help and contribution of our fellow simmer @flying-lemons, we are now able to share with you a folder with liliili cc you can download from.
here is the link
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flying-womrats · 1 year
3/19/23: Batch-fixed for infants and reuploaded. Thank you as always to the Sims 4 Studio team for having our backs. :D
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@puderosasims Gem Eyes recolored
I needed some unnatural eye colors for my supernaturals, faliens etc. to match the defaults I’m using and, to my surprise, nobody seemed to have done it already.
The Deets:
35 non-default eyes in Sandwich Unnaturals shades
Enabled for random (due to reported glitchiness with children and non-random eye colors)
Color tagged: the blue, green and aqua shades are tagged as such, while the rest are “amber.”
Works for spellcasters! I checked!
Doesn’t require the original, but if you’re downloading this you probably have them already.
DOWNLOAD (Google Drive) | Mirror (Simfileshare)
@puderosasims for the eyes + recolor .psds
CC used in preview by @ratboysims, @pyxiidis and @simthropology
@maxismatchccworld (thanks as always!)
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flying-womrats · 1 year
this DLC has been out for a mere two days! We have so many creators who are updating their CC as quickly as they can; so many servers trying to help us out as things break and need to be fixed.
They have provided fair warning about obvious mods and cc that will likely break during this transitional period and some of you freaks can't be chill?
I hope EVERY help server shuts down until the twenty first in solidarity with those mods who have been harassed.
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flying-womrats · 2 years
Release things publicly after the event anyway- people have jobs or family things going on or are in a wildly different timezone and can’t always catch the porchlights!
Reminder for simblreen if you go the riddle route; remember not everyone is good at riddles and autistic folks especially struggle so try not to be a stickler about people having to guess your riddle ^^
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flying-womrats · 2 years
I’m know I’m not the first person to say this, but any newbies on tumblr really need to understand how different this is from a lot of other social media. Particularly tiktok.
I just saw a creator on tiktok reminding followers that it’s actually a problem when someone goes back to the earliest post and watches all the posts chronologically, liking and commenting along the way. The stupid app recognizes it as spam or something and then kinda puts a halt on their account? Literally punishing people for positive engagement?? 🥴🤦‍♀️
I’ve already heard people saying years back how they don’t want to be “creepy” and go through a persons blog, liking and reblogging tons of stuff. But think how many more people are going to be worried about it now, thinking they might do actual damage! Most people, especially younger people, are so used to the way tiktok works now. So please, do not ever worry about this on here. Just remember-
You will never do any harm if you go on a like and reblog fest through someone’s tumblr blog! The only risk you’re taking is to make the blog owner weep for joy!! 😭🤣
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flying-womrats · 2 years
EA Early Access Situation
Got the news yesterday but I was thinking about what to say.
As EA clearly stated, I will not make Early Access content anymore. Everything will be free since the date posted. This feels bittersweet for me, to be honest.
I’m not gonna lie, I’m a bit scared. You guys know this is my way to pay college, therapy, meds and many other things, and now is where I kindly ask you to stay and support me. I have nowhere to go at this moment and I feel lost, I have to find any other income now and to be honest I DON’T KNOW how.
However, this is like removing a big thing from my back. It’s like getting out of an abusive relationship with my own self. I’ve been feeling so bad the last days I can’t even get out of bed, all because I HAD to make content worthy of an Early Access to be able to pay bills. I don’t have to overwork myself anymore now, and this is the bittersweet part. 
Anyway, I’ll still be here, and I’m happy this will be back as my hobby (that’s how it started), but yet, please, keep up with me and help me fight :)
And THANK YOU, permawall guys. I hope you’re happy.
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flying-womrats · 2 years
UPDATED AGAIN 8/2/22: Now compatible with High School Years!
The toddler bed didn’t need an update (if I understood correctly anyway), but you’ll need to redownload the other two. Thank you to @myshunosun​ for their tutorial!
@maxismatchccworld​ @sssvitlanz​
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Simple Separated Mattresses in 52 shades
This is another recolor born of necessity: basically, I wanted to have a set of plain-colored beddings on hand that weren’t big and fluffy with maxed-out stats, and wasn’t finding them. So I made some.
The Deets:
52 swatches each: full Autumn in August palette with off-white sheets, plus two extra swatches (black + black sheets and white + black sheets)
Double, single, and toddler sizes
Mesh by @wildlyminiaturesandwich​ included thanks to her generous TOU
Properly tagged for University
Color tagged for your filtering needs
Middle-of-the-road stats (uses the tuning from the BG mission beds)
Looks great with @brazenlotus​‘s bed linens
DOWNLOAD (Simfileshare) | Mirror (Google Drive)
Mesh: @wildlyminiaturesandwich​
Palette: @pleyita​
Bedframes in preview: @brazenlotus
@maxismatchccworld (thanks!)
Preview of all three sizes under the cut:
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flying-womrats · 2 years
Some things should just stay in your drafts.
I’m not even against early access, but maaaaan do a couple of the rants I’ve seen on simblr tonight hurt the early access cc creators’ case more than they help it.
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flying-womrats · 2 years
For me, EA updating their policy in regards to CC + monetization of UGC is a blessing in disguise.
I've been here since 2015, so I've experienced the metamorphosis of this community as both a consumer and creator of content. Over the years, as paid and early access content have become normalized, I've seen so many creators have joined in on the CC making rat race as a way to get some fast cash. Instead of releasing fun passion projects and interacting with the community at large, they work tirelessly to hit deadlines to meet patron, monetary, and follower goals. And there has just been this overwhelming feeling of loneliness and stagnation in the community? I cant quite put my finger on it.
I miss the days of us having fun, sharing our creations + inspo with one another, sharing resources, teaching one another how to create, etc. and ever since CC became so heavily monetized, we've stopped sharing with and encouraging others, and it's just plain sad.
If the prospect of profit is removed, I'm hoping we'll all support one another again and just have fun with creating, rather than worrying about our bottom line and boosting numbers. And if you want to and can support your faves? Do it! Like, reblog, share, donate if you are able. Just don't ever feel as though it's a requirement to enjoy this game, because it isn't.
I know my thoughts and feelings may seem unrealistic and overly optimistic, but I hope we can all come together again and enjoy our pixel projects.
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flying-womrats · 2 years
No Hot Roots for Toddlers (April ‘22 SDX Hair Hiders)
No image because 1) I’m lazy and this was for my personal use first and foremost and 2) the whole point is that you *don’t* see the hair. ;)
Anyway, these are just some quick and dirty CAS overrides to hide the “Dua Lipa” hair and hopefully prevent it from appearing on randoms. The download folder contains separate files for each age group in case you want to pick and choose (because, well, see the post title), as well as a merged file.
If you want a single-colored version of the hair instead, @ice-creamforbreakfast​ has a lovely recolor (and fix for the flying hair issue.)
Enough rambling from me, here's the:
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flying-womrats · 2 years
Bad Townies Outfit Fix
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Manually or automated!
I have been playing the sims 4 and using MC command center (MCCC) for years now but I only recently learned MCCC  can be used to stop the invasion of the ugly townie outfits. For me this means no more time spending hours on making over townies because their ridiculous outfits break the immersion.
I will address three ways in which you can use MCCC to fix your townies, two are automated and together they fix all outfits, and one is manual. I explain how to use them in this post. All three of these methods use outfits saved by MCCC. Because saving these outfits is a lot of work, in the end, my document with saved outfits can be downloaded so you don’t have to go and save a bunch of outfits yourself! (No ad-link/SimFileShare). Because we all play in a different way, there are some different files to choose from. These outfits can be automatically used by MCCC if placed together in your mods folder. More is explained after the cut.
Note that these are not the only methods to fix ugly townies, you could also use files that disable ugly clothes for random, a mccc setting so townies will come from your library, etc. However, I won’t be addressing those methods here, because I like the method I will describe here the most. And this post is already super long :) 
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flying-womrats · 2 years
hey CC makers! please stop:
- only hosting your stuff on simsdom, or whatever they’ve renamed themselves to in an effort to shake off their well-earned bad press these days
- hosting your stuff on TSR in tyool 20 fucking 22
- keeping stuff behind “early access” paywalls for several months at a time. it’d almost feel more honest to perma-paywall it at that point
- "not only are my sets permanently paywalled, but if you want anything but the newest set, you have to pay extra.”
Especially that last one. Gross.
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flying-womrats · 3 years
it’s my favorite time of the year 🍬
I know I *could* wait a week or two for people to release their stuff instead of checking tumblr for porchlights all weekend, but it feels more special this way, you know? Plus I always end up finding another creator or two I hadn’t noticed before... my poor mods folder lmao.
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flying-womrats · 3 years
UPDATED 7/6/21: All three beds are now compatible with bunk beds! They slot properly and are usable underneath EA and CC loft beds/top bunks.
I also removed a bunch of weird blank duplicate textures from the double bed and added a zip file with all three to both mirrors.
If you downloaded any of the beds previously, please redownload and replace. You’ll have to rebuy the bed in game as well (sorry, it was the only way to get it to actually work.)
@maxismatchccworld @sssvitlanz
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Simple Separated Mattresses in 52 shades
This is another recolor born of necessity: basically, I wanted to have a set of plain-colored beddings on hand that weren’t big and fluffy with maxed-out stats, and wasn’t finding them. So I made some.
The Deets:
52 swatches each: full Autumn in August palette with off-white sheets, plus two extra swatches (black + black sheets and white + black sheets)
Double, single, and toddler sizes
Mesh by @wildlyminiaturesandwich​ included thanks to her generous TOU
Properly tagged for University
Color tagged for your filtering needs
Middle-of-the-road stats (uses the tuning from the BG mission beds)
Looks great with @brazenlotus​‘s bed linens
DOWNLOAD (Simfileshare) | Mirror (Google Drive)
Mesh: @wildlyminiaturesandwich​
Palette: @pleyita​
Bedframes in preview: @brazenlotus
@maxismatchccworld (thanks!)
Preview of all three sizes under the cut:
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flying-womrats · 3 years
Can't believe I'm making another post about Adf*y in 2021 but here we go...
I'm sure you all know the new adf*y page which (i'm pretty sure) adf*y skipper can't skip anymore, the one where it asks to send notifications and won't let you proceed until you let them send notifications.
I accidentally just allowed one of these notifications (not at home and using a janky mouse on a pillow, keeps going crazy), so I immediately headed to my chrome settings to get rid of it.
I'm going through blocking everything before I delete it (just so I feel better about it truly being gone lol) and I see this:
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I'm thinking, what the hell is a payment handler and why is it set to allow?? That super doesn't sound good... And after some googling I find yeah, it's probably not great.
So, what's a payment handler? Basically, it's when google saves your payment details to autofill later on when you're making an online purchase. So that includes your credit card, debit card, paypal, ect, details. (Source - askcybersecurity.com) Now these are usually fine on legitimate sites but this site specifically:
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You just google 'christianivory.pro' and every result is how to get rid of it because it's malware. (That picture was after I cleared the cookies it had already stored, no idea what they were)
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(btw, I wouldn't recommend clicking on any of these since malware/viruses are often hidden behind fake anti-malware ads/programs)
Luckily I don't keep any of my payment details saved so I'm pretty sure I'm fine after deleting it and MalwareBytes or Windows Defender hasn't detected anything. I can't say for sure what it would have done if I hadn't of deleted it, it seems to mostly be notification spam but the fact that it was trying to access my payment methods doesn't sound all that great. Even if having the payment methods allowed doesn't do shit, I've had money stolen from me through an adf*y virus before (source - my tumblr)
Like I said, I'm pretty sure I got lucky because I don't save those things but I'm going to offer a hypothetical situation which could be extremely likely in our community specifically;
Lets say I'm a 14 year old simmer who uses their parents computer to play the sims. I've recently discovered custom content and my favourite creator uses adf*y, but since I'm young and new to the community I have no idea that adf*y can be bad and I trust this creator so they would never link me to anything that could harm my computer... right? So I accept that adf*y notification and don't think anything of it, I get the CC I really like and I'm happy. But that notification I just accepted has saved my parents credit card details. I'm sure you can guess where the rest of this situation goes.
So this is me, creator to creator, telling you need to stop. I know finding a source of income can be awful right now, but your source of income could be coming at the expense of someone else who did not agree to this.
If you think your content is worth a price then I urge you to start a Patreon, Ko-Fi or even a paypal because these are platforms that are safe for both parties and are OPTIONAL. Adf*y is not optional for the downloader.
Stop putting the younger and more susceptible people in our community at risk. As creators it is likely that we gain a larger following so stop taking advantage of that. Especially if you're older or are someone who preaches the safety of our younger members in this space, step up and actually practice what you fucking preach instead of just saying it for likes and reblogs.
I am genuinely sick of this, I've been in this community for over half a goddamn decade now and I've posted before about adf*y, as have dozens of other people and this shit is STILL happening.
I am so close to wiping my old laptop and recording myself going through creators adf*y links and downloading as many malicious things as I can JUST to prove to people that adf*y is not safe. And no, I wouldn't blur out blog names, I would specifically be calling people out on their shit. This isn't just petty simblr drama, this can actually affect peoples lives.
It's Adf*y?? We all know it's bad, stop using it for the sake of our community members!?? I'm gonna start calling people out for pretty soon?? STOP PISSING WHERE YOU EAT
how to remove notifications on chrome:
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Checking/removing payment methods on chrome:
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I'm sure there are some of you who will take issue with my post for whatever reason so:
1. Don't comment saying that we should just keep downloading however many adfl*y skippers or avoidant addons or be careful about what we click, that is not the point of this post. We shouldn't HAVE to do that just to get cc, and new/young community members DON'T KNOW THIS.
2. SimGuruDrake explicitly saying creators cannot use permanent paywalls
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source (sims forums)
video on adf*y (old but still relevant info)
video (this dude basically just speedruns getting malware from link shorteners and the ads on the sites lol)
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