flyingdecoy · 4 years
Hinata looked up from his lunch, staring up at the older man, eyes wide. Did he say Agent?? Like Agent with a badge Agent? Well dang.. that did sound important. Not that Hinata new what the heck a misper was, problem some cool term for like some evil super villains or something? Like in the comic books! Mister Misper, and his evil sidekick mister... mister.. uh well the name didn’t matter, it was still cool. The part that Hinata really couldn’t let go of though was the Agent’s name. Gecko, like the little lizard in all of those weird American commercials. Hinata couldn’t help himself when he sputtered out a loud guffaw. 
“Gecko, really? Please tell me that is your first name! That is the best name ever!”
Hinata stopped himself mid laugh, realizing that he sounded rude, and thought about what his mother would think about his behavior. He quickly jumped out of his seat, bowing quickly. 
“I am so sorry Agent sir, you just have a cool name is all. Um but no I haven’t seen any of this mispers.” He said with quotations around the mispers. “Are they like a secret organization? Wait sorry you probably can’t tell me that, right?”
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‘             Excuse me.’ Throat cleared as John approached, FBI-badge flashed open for a brief moment to let them inspect. Well. It at least looked a whole lot like an FBI badge. The whole fake-agent routine had never let him down before, but he had to tread light around here. This wasn’t just another job. He couldn’t jump in the Impala once it was over or trust Singer to cover his ass if someone rang to check credentials. For whatever reason, something had brought him here and leaving didn’t seem an option which meant he had to be careful. Had to pick his suspects with caution, avoid neighbours or former clients that might know him to be Winchester. Not whatever fake film-reference name he’d picked as his alias. So far, so good. Would it last? Doubtful. The risk was worth it to find his sons. ‘I’m Agent Gecko. I’ve been investigating two mispers that might’ve passed through.’ He hadn’t seen a single sign of Sam or Dean since memories came flooding back, but that didn’t stop him hoping someone else could have. Badge lowered and his other hand raised to show an old photograph of his sons. ‘Do either of them look familiar?’
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flyingdecoy · 4 years
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Was Hinata impulsive? Yes. Did this apply to his purchases as well? Yes. So when Hinata passed by a toy store, with a bright orange alien stuffed animal in the window, he knew he had to get it. 
Hinata walked out of the shop, stuffed animal gripped in his arms, wiggling around like an excited puppy, rubbing the soft fabric in his hands. 
“Isn’t he the cutest?? I think I’m in love!! Now I just need to name him!” 
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flyingdecoy · 4 years
Hinata liked to move, he was a very active young man. His mom said always said he had more energy in his one pinkie than most people had in there whole body. Even as an adult Hinata found that he was more productive if he was moving. It became part of his routine to listen to his recorded class lectures, or audio versions of his textbook as he ran, trying to soak things in ways that worked best for him.
He was pretty oblivious to the world around him, until he walked past the yoga studio, seeing the crying child with the woman.
“Oh uh, sorry, I’m not here for yoga. And I’m definetely not her parent, but maybe I can help.”
Hinata likes to think he was good with kids, Natsu always said he was her favorite brother. Granted he was her only brother, but that was beside the point.
He crouched down in front of the little girl and smiled brightly,
“Hi there! Aren’t you adorable? Don’t worry, we will get you home in a jiffy! It will be an adventure!”
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SHE COULDN’T believe how hot it was today. she would need to turn the ac a little up.. but not too much. Her yoga studio had just opened, a third store in her chain of studios. Just as she was about to unlock the building, she felt small arms wrap around her and a gentle sob. Blinking the elven maiden looked down to see a child. Who’s child was this? Not hers. Hers were grown.... thriving. As far as she could remember. Arwen knelt down before the child, clearly scared and lost. She needed to calm them before she could help them, she needed information. Softly, her voice rang out in a small song, familiar elven to her—- a mythical language to most. She heard footsteps as sobs quieted. “I’m sorry.” She spoke. “But the studio is closed for the time being until I can find the parents of this child.... or perhaps you are their parent?”
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flyingdecoy · 4 years
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Oh! You must be HINATA SHŌYŌ! I heard you were one of the people invited to try out our all inclusive town! Is it true you’re actually from HAIKYUU!!? Oh! I’m sorry, you’re right. You’re just the EIGHTEEN year old COLLEGE STUDENT. Are you sure you don’t remember LOSING TO AOBAJOHSAI AT INTERHIGH? See you do! I knew it was you, you still give off that ENERGIZER BUNNY, NUMBER 10 JERSEY, JUMPING SO HIGH HE SEEMS TO FLY, CAN DO ATTITUDE vibe. I hope you find HIS TEAMMATES here! 
Name: Hinata Shoyo
Sexuality: Asexual. Why spend your time thinking about sex when you can play volleyball?? 
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic, because like he may not have any interest in sex, but he loves cuddles, and hugs, and dates (When he takes time off of practicing to go on a date that is.) Like he will never admit it, but he can be a real sweet boyfriend when he tries. 
MBTI: ENFP (The campaigner)
Alignment: Neutral Good
1. gender & pronouns
Cis Male, and He/Him
2. where is your hometown?
Sendai, Japan
3. what was your fake life like?
Hinata’s fake life was similar to his in the canon life, in the way that he lives with his mother and little sister, and has a love for volleyball. He grew up pretty simply, he lived with his sister and mother, who he still tries, to this day, to do right by always. When he was in his last year of middle school, he found out about the game of Volleyball. All of a sudden, the boy who spent his whole life up until that point floating aimlessly, not sure what to do with himself, he finally felt he found his purpose, volleyball was what he was meant to do. Ever since that day, Hinata put everything he could into learning how to play volleyball. Within the next year Hinata found himself playing for his highschool team. He may be small, but made up for it with his high jumps and quick reflexes, becoming a star in his school, and soon Japan. After his team made it to nationals his third year, he was scouted by many teams and schools, but when he received the letter from Ouray, saying something about finding his true team mates, he knew he had to go there. So he packed up and headed there. He is enrolled in university, and still plays volleyball, ready to go pro once he he graduates. 
4. where were you taken from in your canon?
Hinata is taken from the end of season one, after Karasuno was defeated by Aobajohsai, mainly because I just started season two, but like I’m already in love with all the characters. So yeah he is taken from after their defeat at interhigh. 
5. anything else we should know?
So basically Hinata is a mixture of a cute puppy and a gremlin. Like the boy is super cute, and many people he knew back home had this habit of trying to protect him, like he is a small child, which like, technically that isn’t wrong, because like he is small and he is barely not a child, but he is also like a feral goblin child at times. Like the boy is all sunshine and optimism, filled with so much energy that he could power the whole city of Tokyo for a whole year via a hamster wheel, but like at the same time, he is terrifying when he gets all fired up. He also has a complete and utter lack of self preservation and self care. Like the boy will spend days practicing volleyball, running on barely any sleep and a handful of goldfish. He is a good loyal boy, but tends to have a very one track mind. 
So like I am up for any connections, but here are some of the basic ones: 
Friends, like any type of friends, friends that encourage Hinata’s impulsive behavior, and cause chaos with him, friends that challenge him and make him push harder, and for hinata, the all important mom friends, aka the ones who try and stop him from doing stupid crap and like probably the only reason why he is still functioning.
Rivals, because like, no one can tell me that this boy doesn’t like try to make rivals wherever he goes. Like admittedly he doesn’t always realize that he is doing this but like he is definitely  competitive, and his refusal to give up tends to leave him competing with at least a few people. 
Flirations?? Like so he totally doesn’t realize that he is flirting with them, like he isn’t trying to flirt, he is being friendly, but man it has probably happened more than Hinata liked to admit. He is just a sweetheart, and wants to be friendly.
People to play Volleyball with, because like you would be sorely mistaken if you believed it wasn’t his first goal when arriving here. Adding onto this, anyone who would want to work out with the pipsqueak. He is a runner mainly, when he isn’t doing volleyball of course. 
Classmates, since he is a university student?????? I have no clue what he is studying because like he doesn’t really wanna be in school, but he doesn’t want to let his mom down, plus the whole draw to Ouray. 
Platonic cuddle friends?? Because like my boy gives some mean cuddles, and likes to snuggle XD. 
Someone who finds hinata really annoying, and doesn’t hide it, because like lets all be honest, that amount of energy is enough to annoy at least one person. 
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