#flying like a crow || intro ||
brotherwtf · 27 days
You know how John can't sing, but Gale smiles when he does. I can imagine when Gale is at a very low point in his life, he asks John to sing for him. John is taken aback because he did not expect it, but ends up singing blue skies in a low whisper to Gale while caressing his hair and now I'm crying.
AHHHH omg this is gonna make me sob :(( Gale just needs comfort in any way he can get it :((
John could tell Gale wasn't doing well. It manifested in the worried way he would wring his hands together, the way his fingertips would bleed from constant biting and picking, and constant worrying of his lower lip. He was tense whenever John reached for his hand or wrapped his arms around him, but John didn't pry. He knew he was like this sometimes as well. All part of the territory.
But it didn't mean that John ignored Gale's habits, in fact he had even more of an eagle eye on him than usual, watching for the crack that would inevitably come.
John didn't expect it to manifest in Gale asking him to sing to him.
They were cuddled in bed, Gale's arms wrapped around John's waist with his head tucked into his chest, eyebrows furrowed and clearly concentrating on something that was bothering him.
"Can you sing to me, John?" Gale mutters and John stops the thumb rubbing on his shoulder.
He huffs a laugh, half expecting Gale to be joking, but stops when Gale still keeps his head buried in his chest.
"You know I can't carry a tune in a bucket, doll," John says and feels his heart swell when a smile flicks over Gale's face.
"It's nice though. Happy. Haven't been feeling very happy lately," Gale says.
John smiles sadly, peeling Gale's arms off of him and getting off of the bed. Gale is about to make a frustrated noise when John starts humming the intro under his breath, grabbing both of Gale's hands and swaying gently.
"Never saw the sun shining so bright, never saw things going so right," John starts, and smiles at how pitchy and strained it sound.
It pulls a small smile from Gale as he sits up, allowing John to move his arms in a mock dance.
"Noticing the days hurrying by," John sings, hoisting Gale to stand with his body weight, smiling even wider when Gale huffs in frustration.
"When you're in love, my how they fly," John croons, spinning Gale gently and pulling him into his chest, smacking a big wet kiss on his cheek before crowing the chorus with Gale in his arms.
It's awful, would have Sinatra rolling in his grave, but the smile that spreads across Gale's face is worth his horrible singing skills. John quiets down to a hum after that, swaying Gale around in a loose version of a dance. He tucks Gale's head under his chin, sighing as Gale lets the cords in his back expand in comfort.
"You feeling happier now?" John asks.
Gale nods into him, and John can practically feel the smile coming off of him.
"Always happy when I'm with you,"
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crossedsabers10s · 6 months
Do you have any hc about Damon's season 1 powers? I'm especially interested in shapeshifter!damon. The whole concept is quite fun to imagine. Also why do you think he has these extra powers? Personally after the whole lily thing I like to imagine that Damon is an untrained heretic. Also a scenario where hos powers would be revealed to scooby gang and/or the mikaelsons.
okay, okay so. Prepare for a short essay. (Sorry)
Intro!! So, in the Vampire Diaries books, vampires have Powers (capital letter and all) that feature things like weather manipulation, shapeshifting, flying, elemental control, telepathy, I think they can see auras or sense other vampire's Power. The books and the show are only like barely related. A lot was changed to make the show. (The Salvatores' ages, for one--they'd been Renaissance era men who'd killed each other in a duel over, you guessed it, Katherine. A ton of characters had personality changes (show Bonnie is better, imo), and book Caroline was an antagonist, plus Jeremy straight up didn't exist, Elena had a v young sister. So on, so forth, everything ended up super different.)
The show started off a (teeny) bit closer to the source material, but sharply diverged, including getting rid of the Powers thing. Something about it being too supernatural???? in the vampire show??? idk might have to fact check me on that one think I read it somewhere random.
But, as we know, it's heavily implied, and outright stated in some cases in early S1 that Show!Damon has access to some kind of power. Controlling the weather, controlling animals (perhaps shapeshifting, but maybe just a connection), and a long distance kind of hypnosis.
What we know about it:
In episode 1, a crow is seen following Elena around. It shows up multiple times. In the car with Bonnie, at the graveyard, when she goes to the Salvatore House for the first time. The crow heralds Damon's reappearance to his brother. Stefan says, "Crow's a bit much-" which implies this is a Thing that he knows about. Damon replies, "Wait until you see what I can do with fog."
The very first scene Damon is in, the opening with the couple on the way back from some concert (i think) it's foggy. They mention something about it that implies it shouldn't be foggy, or that it wasn't previously. Like, "What's with all the fog?" At the graveyard, Elena sees a crow, then it starts becoming much more foggy.
Bonnie, at some point, touches Elena and says she sees a crow, some fog, and a man.
It's foggy when Vicki is attacked.
So. We've established those two things. Moving on.
There's that one scene where Damon is locked up and long distance compels Caroline to free him--i think after calling the crow into his cell and eating it to gain that strength? maybe--it's heavily implied because he fed on her they have a connection he can use to influence her mind without direct compulsion.
I'm sure there's other examples, but I can only watch so much of S1 at a time.
OKAY!! now that that's been established, time for the fun headcanon stuff.
Firstly, I also love shapeshifting!Damon! Tis good fun and it lets me project gender envy i mean it's a great metaphor about vampires being inhuman!! Yes! That! Nothing else ahahahahaha. Something something, predator's perspective, something something instincts. In the book Damon could turn into a large crow and a wolf. Highkey wish they'd kept the crow thing as more than just the occasional motif. It could have been so much fun!! Crow minions!!! Crow friends!!!! Crows bothering the fuck out of people he wants to annoy!!!!! Damon trades shinies and food for things!! Somehow always has a snack on him. Crow drama??? Just casually mentions weird lil bird rivalries. Crows are Smart! They are super social!!! They hold grudges!! They absolutely have Drama on par with Mystic Falls. It could also be played for angst; Katherine announces her return with with a bunch of bird corpses in the Boarding House. Damon, who is unsympathetic to human deaths could be visibly upset by this!! Also nicely plays into the 'likes animals but pretends he doesn't bc it's a weakness' thing.
Comes home and there is feathers in his hair, nearly blending in. Except, on closer look, they're positioned oddly, like they'd been growing from him instead of just settling there. Then he brushes them off or shakes his head and they fall away. Maybe Stefan notices he's a bit more prone to tilting his head at things to get a better looks. Is a bit more easily distracted/more prone to notice shiny things.
A crow follows Elena around and maybe she makes friends with it. Or a crow comes across Stefan having some angst fest in the forest and bothers him into a better mood.
I like the heretic thing!!! I also just think the Salvatore bloodline is magic charged bc it's a doppelganger line!! They've got Silas germs!! Maybe Damon is a little bit more psychic than he should be. Maybe his compulsions require less effort and his dream-walking is better than vampires twice his age!!! Mild telekinesis would also fit in with early S1 nonsense! moving doors to creep Elena out!
As for his powers being revealed... I mean. Suddenly he's more valuable to the Originals? Not as much as Elena was, but there would prob be more recruitment efforts than in canon. Plus, Kol would be more interested in him as more than a batting target. Klaus and Elijah may press the 'saved ur life thing' more. Hm... I guess it would depend on when in the show? Early seasons and it just makes him more a threat. Stefan maybe assuming he did something to a witch??? Later in the seasons and if he develops those powers it's fun to imagine him having to learn to use/control them + having to deal with increased need for blood to fuel them. If it was a matter of him keeping them secret, I'm sure the Drama will manifest with 'how could you not tell me!!' and so on and so forth. Technically speaking, I imagine it'd be put in the same place as Jeremy's medium powers. Brought up when needed. not entirely sure, may think on it later
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datmoongamer · 4 months
Massive Golden Age Cayde-1/2 and Micah Abram loredump
TFS spoilers. You have been warned.
Reddit mirror here.
TL;DR: Cayde played cards with Micah when her parents were busy sometime after he shot at her and grabbed her. She remembers. He doesn't.
I couldn't find a video of their full dialogue in this quest online, so here it is. Lotta important stuff regarding Cayde-1/Cayde-2(?), Micah Abram, and how much they remember today.
Bolded text: what you came here for.
Asterisk*: Supplemental lore linked at the bottom.
Video of the full dialogue (minus the quest intro in the Arbor of Light): youtube link
(Didn't record Micah's beginning dialogue about Anwar*. It was about how Anwar was a close associate of the Speaker and that although he was interested in Darkness, he was unflinchingly loyal. If anyone did, please drop a link!)
The Final Shape Looms
Three days before the allied assault.
(Guardian approaches the Pyramid)
Cayde-6: Europa- I ain't even there, and I can feel all that cold in my bones.*
Micah-10: Do... you remember Europa, Cayde?
Cayde-6: Bits and pieces, yeah. I ain't a big fan of numbers lower than six, but there's still pieces of them in here, rattling chains. Haunting.
(Guardian runs into Cabal)
Micah-10: Guardian, my fears were correct. Anwar's signal was last detected inside the Europan Pyramid. Complicating matters, you aren't alone here.
There is a detachment of Cabal that landed a few hours ago. Elsie sent me data on their movements.
Ghost: They don't appear to be Witness-aligned forces. This could be more of Otzot's people.
Micah-10: I'd heard rumors of some fracturing after Calus's death, but... I don't know what to make of this.
Cayde-6: Well, some people feel more comfortable with a leash around their neck... whether it's guiding them to behave, or misbehave.
(Guardian enters the Pyramid)
Cayde-6: Seems as though the Cabal have made it inside the Pyramid.
Micah-10: Scans from Ghost show movement near the heart of the structure and unsettling activity inside.
It's like the Pyramid is reacting to your presence, anticipating something.
Cayde-6: Did you ever figure out who was flying this? Crow gave me a lowdown on the situation, and that part was, y'know, suspiciously blank.
Micah-10: We did not.
(Guardian moves through the Pyramid)
Micah-10: Cayde? Do you remember anything from your first Exo incarnation?*
Cayde-6: Some. Ain't... exactly happy to talk about what I do, either.
Micah-10: Was there a child?
Cayde-6: I think. I don't know. I remember bits and pieces. Shadows of faces. It's all... it's a jumble. Micah. Why?
Micah-10: [sighs] It's nothing. It can wait for a more private moment.
(Guardian enters the statue room)
Cayde-6: Oh, that's one of those big, screamy statues.
A dissenter: What is done must be undone. Your time is running out. Your time is running out!
Cayde-6: Aaand they're screaming here too. Cool.
(Guardian kills Valus Dralgur, the Exiled)
Ghost: I'm having a hard time picking up Anwar's signal. It stops here, at the statue.
Micah-10: Oh. [exhales] Oh no...
Elsie just... found him. [clears throat] Shards of him. Anwar. At the Ziggurat.
Ghost. I... No... He's dead?
Micah-10: We should go collect his remains.
Ghost: We'll go right away. I'm... so sorry, Micah.
Micah-10: [sighs] Me too, Ghost.
Cayde-6: Hey, kid. Why don't I come down and meet you? We can chat about whatever. Anything, your pick.
Ghost: Thank you, Cayde.
The Veiled
Return to the Arbor of Light to discuss next steps.
Micah-10: I've... [sighs] never told anyone this, but I knew Cayde. Before he was a Guardian. Before I was a Guardian.
We were both on Europa, before the Collapse. I found out about it after the BrayTech facilities on Europa were unearthed.
I... know Guardians aren't supposed to go digging into their pasts, but I did. I found my Exomind archive... [takes deep breath] I found myself.*
[sighs] Micah Abram. I grew up on Europa, and even then, I was struggling to understand my identity, in so many ways.
As a child, I was having dreams- visions sent to me by the Traveler. I didn't understand them then, but I do now... It was preparing me.
For this. For loss. For losing people. Like Anwar. Like Cayde.
Cayde was the personal bodyguard of an Ishtar Collective researcher named Maya Sundaresh. He was an Exo before I entered the program.
He... helped me. When my fathers were away on work, Cayde would talk to me. Play cards. Teach me how to cope with isolation.*
Cayde doesn't remember. And... that's OK.
I can hug him, one last time. And remind him that he was missed. That he saved me.
*Anwar: Ghost Stories: Pressure. He and another Ghost, Dejana, search the ruins of Tower North and talk about the Speaker.
*Cayde on Europa: Legacy's Oath Helm. Cayde-6 has a flashback about Cayde-1, who was guarding an Exoscience factory with Knox-4. A kid (Micah Abram) startles him, and Cayde-1 shoots at her (she was a young boy at the time).
*The child Micah asks about: Your Friend, Micah Abram: LETTER 5, Your Friend, Micah Abram: LETTER 6. Micah Abram tries to sneak into an Exoscience factory. She is disturbed by the conversation the guard Exos- Cayde-1 and Knox-4- are having, so she runs, but she's caught by Cayde-1. Cayde-1 shuts down after catching her. Micah escapes.
*Cayde and Maya Sundaresh: Cayde's Treasure Island Book. The journal of the previous versions of Cayde. Cayde-2 (or Cayde-1?) was a bodyguard for Maya Sundaresh, and he was in love with her.
*Micah, before the Exomind project: Embraced Identity. Micah Abram, 17, female.
*Micah's dreams and her busy parents: Your Friend, Micah Abram: LETTER 7. Her parents were busy. She had dreams about being an Exo before she became one.
Micah's gender: She was female when she entered the Exomind project, which means she transitioned before she became an Exo. Your Friend, Micah Abram: LETTER 2 has her saying she'll grow a beard and her father, Wesley, says he has a son in Lost Lament: Locate Dead Exos.
Ace and Queen: Cayde-6 — Mementos from the Wild. Once upon a time, there was probably a real Ace and Queen, but Cayde-6 does not remember them, as per The Man They Call Cayde: Bad Beat. It is likely that his imagined versions of Ace and Queen are based on Micah and Maya.
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bookscorpion73 · 9 months
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🦂Hi i’m Scorpion or Pince! 🦂
🍃 i use she/they pronouns 🍃
🤎 i’m bi asexual 🤎
🌱 i am a minor 🌱
🍂 dms are only open to minors, asks are open to all 🍂
💚 please dni if you’re a jerk (homophobia, transphobic, racist, sexist, etc.) 💚
👜 i am an INTJ and Scorpio (don’t laugh I know my life is scorpion themed) 👜
🌿some people have lives, i have @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies 🌿
🍄‍🟫poetry sideblog @you-could-let-it-all-go 🍄‍🟫
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#scorpion.txt for textposts
#scorpionsketches for drawings
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I like wayyy too much music to name but some of my all time faves are:
Taylor swift
chappell roan
paris paloma
joe satrini
maisie peters
girl in red
august greenwood
madilyn mei
please give me music recs i love them!
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I also love musicals! My favorites are:
Heathers (the one with Barrett Wilbur Weed)
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Epic the concept musical
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Tfota, Six of Crows duology, we hunt the flame duology, king of scars duology, ouabh trilogy, better than the movies, rengades trilogy, good omens, iron widow and divine rivals. aDSoM
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————————————————tv————————————————— Helluva boss, star-trek, studio Ghibli, little women (2019), dune, amphibia, the owl house, gravity falls
Thank you so much @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies for making this amazing intro page for me <333
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worminthelibrary · 1 year
studyblr intro
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hi everyone! i’m a student in justice studies resuming my posting for the school year, so here's my re-introduction! I plan on using this blog to record my productivity so i'll have something other than grades to look back on :)
about me
my name is indigo
i use they/them and she/her pronouns but any pronouns will fly
starting my third year in university in the united states and i’m 20 years old
i study justice studies my focus this semester is critical race studies & ethics of science and tech
i have a minor in spanish linguistics
stay caught up on my many class readings!
study one subject per day
classes this semester:
biotechnology (law/policy)
race, gender, and sex in science fiction
spanish linguistics II
classics & philosophy seminar (TA)
im like if a crow loved writing - i love all types of collecting, journaling, scrapbooking, doodling, and i have many different types of physical and digital notebooks.
i am jewish, and judiasm is a qualified Interest of mine, alongside other religious and spiritual studies! i also love philosophy and tarot!
that's all! i hope i can make a few mutuals along the way!
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WIP Questionnaire ±2
I was tagged by @rjcopeseethemald! I haven't done one of these in a while and really enjoyed the questions here, so I decided I'd give it a go for my wip: Wings of Faith!
Original from @illarian-rambling.
If you want to know more about Wings of Faith, check out my post here!
RULES: 1. Answer as few or as many of the following questions as you’d like! 2. In passing the tag along to others, you can add one question of your own, or replace an existing question.
This art is a bit old but it's the last time I've drawn everyone all together haha
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1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
Surprisingly enough, Emmie (a main character, but not the protagonist) is the first part of my wip that I created (See the red girl on the top left). She was the protagonist of the very first book I wrote in fifth grade, and I wanted to pay homage to that work by including her. However, she's changed a LOT since then (even her name!), and the only remaining carry-over is the red streak in her hair.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Intro song: "Run to the Devil" by Dragonwyck or "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult. Outro song: "It Will Come Back" or "Francesca" by Hozier Instrumental: "Dragonlord Placidusax" from the Elden Ring Soundtrack or "Danse Macabre" by The Oh Hellos
3. Who are your favorite characters you’ve made? Why?
Andrew, my protagonist, is by far my favorite character. Writing from the POV of an incredibly sensitive, incredibly traumatized person (who feels things very deeply), while outwardly projecting a cruel and defensive facade is... *chef's kiss* Otherwise, I'd have to say Emmie. She is a very layered and multifaceted character with an incredibly important role to play in the story, and her kindness is refreshing amid a mostly hardened cast of characters.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Six of Crows fans
Dante's Inferno fans who don't mind me bending the lore a bit
Fellow ex-Catholics
Fans of Hozier's "Unreal Unearth" album
Supernatural fans into the "corrupted angel x man struggling for redemption" dynamic
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Keeping the facts straight. This has been a 10+ year project and sometimes I forget the revisions I've made, and accidentally cut out important details...
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Yes! Rimfaxe is a wraith, aka a shapeshifting shadow monster that takes the form of the things he's killed and eaten. (See the top left of the art above!) Emmie stole him from the government and now he's basically her kid.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
They mostly walk (or fly on Rimfaxe)! Because Hell has a ceiling, the authorities restrict car transport to government officials ONLY to keep down emissions.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
A giant, chapter-long fight scene that I've been working on for a literal year. It's TORTURE. Can't explain much else because of spoilers haha.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
The main romance is an mlm enemies-to-friends-to-lovers angel x demon pairing! (Angel x demon pairings where they're both assholes>>>>>) Also I feel like there's been a void in lore-focused media dealing with angels and demons, and I'm hoping Wings of Faith will fill that void!
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
That I get it done after 10+ years... and that people will like it :')
11. (Added by rjcopeseethemald) What pieces of media have been the most inspiring to you for this wip?
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The Inferno by Dante Alighieri
Hozier's "Unreal Unearth" album
Adding a Question 12: Is there a part of your wip you wish that you could change, but it's too late to go back now?
I don't want to bother anyone by tagging them directly, so I tag anyone who sees this post and wants to do it! Blanks below.
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Who are your favourite characters you’ve made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your wip?
What pieces of media have been the most inspiring to you for this WIP?
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slowdive1994 · 9 months
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🦂Hi i’m Scorpion or Pince! 🦂
🍃 i use she/they pronouns 🍃
🤎 i’m bi and asexual 🤎
🌱 i am a minor 🌱
🍂 dms are only open to minors, asks are open to all 🍂
💚 please dni if you’re a jerk (homophobia, transphobic, racist, sexist, etc.) 💚
👜 i am an INTJ and Scorpio (don’t laugh I know my life is scorpion themed) 👜
🌿some people have lives, i have @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies 🌿
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#scorpion.txt for textposts
#scorpionsketches for drawings
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I like wayyy too much music to name but some of my all time faves are:
Taylor swift
chappell roan
paris paloma
joe satrini
maisie peters
girl in red
august greenwood
madilyn mei
please give me music recs i love them!
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Tfota, Six of Crows duology, we hunt the flame duology, king of scars duology, ouabh trilogy, better than the movies, rengades trilogy, good omens, iron widow and divine rivals.
<insert spotify link of choice here>
@bookscorpion73 here’s your intro!!
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jasminelyoko57 · 2 years
Detective Yuu (Meitantei Conan AU) [Masterlist]
Ahem, before navigating, I would like to introduce myself first: READ INTRO HERE
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You can share your thoughts by click on the ask! But, read this first!
OCs masterlist here | TWST retro drawings collection
Endless Night Detective ([illust] read it on AO3, HERE)
(Note: Yuu is referred as they/them here. This took place outside of Twisted Wonderland setting, aka the modern setting (London, UK))
Introduction (you’re here!) - characters’ nationalities - memes (#2 | #3 | #4 | #5) - SHIRAYUKIHIME_1812 - drawings
Groups: Junior Detective League -  The Octavinelle Mafia - The MI6
Special: a wolf’s story
Cases involving Junior Detective League
Trapped in the Department Store = discovery - noise - chaotic
Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion = The Pond [#1]
Crewel’s Vase Video = curry troubles
The Phantom of Baker Street = [teaser] | [drawing] - critique - takeover - terrible period
Cases involving the Octavinelle Mafia
The Farewell Party Encounter = Crossroads of Betrayal [#1] - March of the Mourners (under way) [#2] - March of the Mourners (arrival) [#3]
Countdown to Heaven = nobody understands my feelings! - attempting to cross - among the evacuees - destined with explosions - fly across
Head-to-Head Match with the Mafia = the invitation - the confrontation
Cases involving the MI6
World History Teacher vs. Ace Trappola = Questioned suspicions
Secret Silence at the Film Development Studio = the viper
BEST TO LISTEN TO: “Revive” and “PUZZLE” by Mai Kuraki, “Tsukamaete, Kon’nya” by Leon Niihama, “Mysterious” by Naifu, “Misty Mystery” by GARNET CROW
Since Detective! Yuu is a thing, I’ve been thinking about Yuu is a famous yet sassy teen detective. 
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(Image by 13番目に)
However, when they discovered a shady deal after solving a murder in a concert, they were knocked unconscious by two men in black (Leech brothers), then Jade force-fed them a lethal apple-flavored poison which left the remnants untraceable when examined by forensics, to silence them.
However, the two wouldn’t thought that Yuu survived, because their body has been turned into a child instead! 
With the help of Professor Divus Crewel, our stylish yet sadistic scientist and inventor, they have to keep their identity secret from the world, lest the two will come back to eliminate them for good. 
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(Image by Pixiv Id 4300140)
Besides Crewel, Yuu meets the people who ended up as invaluable allies in their quest to take down the mafia - one of them is Epel Felmier, codename “Sleep Kiss”.
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(Image by Chinen Rimi)
Epel Felmier (child identity: Ronald Crewel) is a scientist who formerly worked under the Octavinelle Mafia headed by the powerful and well-connected boss Azul Ashengrotto. He is the creator of the lethal apple-flavored poison called “SHIRAYUKIHIME_1812″. 
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(Image by Pixiv Id 3299532)
When he heard that his cousin was silenced, he immediately rebelled against the mafia, which ended up him being locked in a gas chamber. Desperate, he took out the aforementioned poison to take his own life, but he instead shrunken too. He escaped from captivity and he passed out in front of Yuu’s house before taken in by Crewel.
However, their existence doesn’t go unnoticed by a mysterious man, Jamil Viper. A MI6 agent who spies on Yuu and Epel, and hunt the mysterious Octavinelle Mafia. He seems knows something about an Epel Felmier more than anyone...
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(Image by Kuroiwa Madoka - Pixiv Id 40130971)
- Azul and the tweels are just... too perfect to be villains (well, they’ve been that way since the beginning lol).
- Yes, Epel is Haibara here, like they shared the same motif = poison.
- I was about to put Crowley to be the role of Professor Agasa, but he seems too absent-minded (and I DON’T TRUST YOU, YOU MASKED HEADMASTER). Sam was almost perfect for this, but there’s something missing. 
- In the end, I chose Crewel instead, because he’s also knowledgeable about chemistry, just like Haibara. I bet that his jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold personality can spice their lives, ayeee.
- Yep, Jamil take the role of Akai Shuichi here, but he’s in the MI6, while Akai is in the FBI. Both possess a certain allure that I can’t even describe.
- The codenames used by the mafiosi is based on their personal unique magic.
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giantmushyfriend · 8 months
Talking about the Crowley Clipped Wing Theory (ft. a small portion of Ethel Cain talk, autonomy and the reclaiming of it, stars, and why Aziraphale loving Crowley's fallen angel traits may mean more than we initially realize)
I will never get over the headcannon that Crowley cannot use his wings to fly because they were clipped before his fall. It hurts on so many different levels, but mostly for one:
It is just another reminder of what he is. What he was made to be. He can do good as a demon all he wants, he can save the world, he can fall in love, he can separate himself from other demons by associating with a different type of animal than we've seen most demons portray (i.e., bugs, reptiles, creatures that are viewed as scary and gross, as opposed to a crow, which despite still being seen as a bad omen, is held in much higher regard) but certain aspects of him will always reap the punishment of simply asking questions. He cannot fly, and in that way, he is once again reminded for eternity that he was cast to slither on the ground as a snake, a creature now commonly associated as a symbol for trickery, malicious behavior, and betrayal, for the rest of time. Like his eyes, it is a permanent reminder that those who were supposed to love him and cherish him cast him out for something so juvenile as asking questions, a reminder that on some level, he loves his creator more than so loved him.
It reminds me so heavily of one of the songs of an album that I think Crowley would really like, Preacher's Daughter by Ethel Cain, specifically one of the lines from Family Tree (Intro),
"And Christ, forgive these bones I'm hiding
From no one successfully
Jesus can always reject his father
But he cannot escape his mother's blood
He'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers
But he'll never escape what he's made up of"
Like Cain's exploration into generational trauma, Crowley, whether he wants people to see it or not, is still grappling with trying to dissociate himself from Hell because he doesn't believe he belongs there (i.e., "all I ever did was ask questions" "I never meant to fall"). But the world around him, the institutions of Heaven and Hell, have shackled him to it; he can never escape it. He cannot free himself of this association. He can change his appearance (i.e., portraying black wings that look more like a bird than demons, hiding his snake traits, changing his name from Crawly to Crowley). He feels robbed of that autonomy, which is cemented by the fall, taking both his vision (because of his eyes, snake eyes) and his ability to move freely by taking his ability to fly, and he's trying to refine himself by making choices that take it back, which makes it even more crushing when we look at these things he inherently can't get rid of. Like mother's blood, he cannot escape what he's made up of.
And as if that wasn't painful enough, there is also the salt to the already gaping wound by limiting Crowley's ability to fly; they further limit his access to the stars. Heaven knew how much the stars meant to Crowley; he took such pride in his creations, and they were the thing he loved most. They took this into consideration when thinking about his eternal punishment, firstly by taking away his ability to physically see his creations, as his snake eyes cannot see the stars since they are so far away, and then by making it almost physically impossible for him to go see them up close by making it so he could not fly.
Now, Heaven probably doubted Crowley's imagination because we all know he was 100% ready to drive the Bentley to Alpha Centauri with his houseplants, maybe husband, and Queen tapes in tow- but that is beside the point.
Things like his wings and eyes were meant to strip Crowley of everything he had when he was an angel; they're meant to be a punishment, a reminder of the privileges he lost when he asked questions. They are designed to make him feel nothing more than a lowly creature cast to the Earth and make him hate what he is. And that's why theories of Aziraphale loving these aspects of Crowley, finding them beautiful, are so meaningful. Because, at the end of the day, Heaven is no longer what it should have been, Crowley recognizes that. He understands that Heaven, alongside Hell, is dysfunctional and corrupt. So, when he sees this angel, the one thing who he sees as inherently good, the best thing that Heaven has ever produced, loving these things that he's supposed to hate, are meant to mark him as a disgrace to all creation, it's like a freight train. Because, to him, Heaven's opinion doesn't matter. He has Aziraphale, who loves these traits because they are so unabashedly Crowley. Aziraphale loves how he has reclaimed these traits, and for him, that's enough. He may not be able to escape the fact that he's a demon, cast out for something so juvenile as asking questions, and he may never be able to fully separate himself from Hell, but it's in these small strides of stepping away and reclaiming things that were meant to be a punishment, that is so endeared to the only being who he truly loves, that Crowley finds peace. And isn't that just beautiful?
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lonesomeseafairy · 1 year
Twst has a lot of lore and I love it BUT-
Is it just me or did anyone Noticed that, in the Wonderful and Addicting intro of TWST, Crowley leaves his coat behind, and is next seen transforming into a Crow and flying into the mirror??
Any theories on what does that mean?? Because I think this will show up in Chapter 8 or smth Idk!
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littlelcvestory · 1 year
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
from @crowpricorn <3
i technically have 11 works but for the sake of this i'll only do my six of crows bc i'm proud of those more :)
and i wake with your memory (over me) - Wylan was two red solo cups in and the music was way too loud.
i wanna teach you how forever feels - There was a kind of endless that Jesper liked, that of the extensive fields of jurda on his father’s farm, the never-ending orange flowers with its green leaves spreading for miles and miles.
the day is gonna come (for your confession of love) - Jesper was in a sour mood, which was unusual considering he was at a party. Jesper Fahey, the king of partying, was uncharacteristically sat in the less rowdy hallway adjacent to the main room where people had shoes off and drinks held in red solo cups.
sparks fly (whenever you smile) - Wylan set his flimsy pillow on his neatly folded bed in the corner of his room. It was a rather large room, one that was constantly cold and dry so he had to wear a coat.
and, of course, the WIP romeo and juliet au - The Exchange was bustling in the late Kerch afternoon. It was but a small little courtyard tucked between warehouses, right in the heart of the Financial District where merchants and businessmen would make their trades. Most commonly, it was silently agreed to be neutral territory between the Van Eck empire and the Fahey business.
(i know this intro is very... intro-y, but trust me on this one, it gets better)
tagging: who ever wants to do it <3
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 3 and 4
Episode 3
-ah yes you finally get the magic mirror to work and the first thing you do is CLEAN
-Ezran is a literal ray of sunshine and he’s about to get his heart crushed this is awful
-not telling him right now is only gonna make this more painful. For me.
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-“I have something to give you, in private” LETTER???
-girl this is not the time for JOKING oh my gosh
-I’ve waited an entire season for him to get that letter back and he’s not even gonna open it yet??? You’re KILLING me
-all I’m hearing is that we get more Soren and Claudia sibling content
-I love how Lujanne isn’t some all-knowing being, just a funny old lady who can do magic tricks, like she gives the same vibes as the grandmother from Moana
-oh my gosh I thought Ellis went back home but she’s still here do her parents even know where she went
-sparkly hands kinda looks like a Star Wars character, but in a good way
-now that I’m thinking about it all the characters could pass as Star Wars characters, maybe it’s the clothes
-Callum and Ezran aren’t moving either they planned for this betrayal or they’re dead
-I was wondering why Rayla hadn’t annihilated Soren by now
-wait so are Callum and Ezran still back with Lujanne thinking nobody left yet
-bruh if they went through all this just for Claudia to still catch them they deserve to lose
-awwww I knew we’d have to leave Ellis at some point but I’ll miss her
-I’ve been calling sparkly hands a he but now getting a closer look at him he might be a she so if you’re screaming while reading this I’m sorry but imma keep calling him a he until I hear otherwise
-note to self: the dudes name is Corvus
-I cannot get over how beautiful Phoe-Phoe is
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Episode 4
-bruh what the heck just happened
-wait so does every single guard know sign language for Amaya that’s cool
-ok so can sparkly hands hear him too or just see him
-well obviously y’all weren’t gonna have Phoe-Phoe the whole time you can’t just steal Lujanne’s bird
-“let’s go judge and criticize things other humans do, and then do the exact same things ourselves” human Rayla is getting a little too real
-just once I want a show where the magical being is just as scared of the human as the human is of it
-“Welcome to me water home, the Ruthless! Named after me dear wife, Ruth, who sadly… doesn’t enjoy sailing” HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA WHO WROTE THESE JOKES
-“Me left eye was taken by a flock of mutinous seagulls!”
“Wow, and what about your right eye?”
“Don’t know, came at me from me left!”
-“the last thing I remember I was talking about Narcolepsy then falling asleep!”
“Yeah that’s about right”
-stop even the parrot has bangers
-bruh is sparkly hands making him do all these things for a spell or just to test him
-first we have a badass general who’s deaf now we have a talented ship captain who’s blind, The Dragon Prince fighting ableism since 2018
-“did he just say the word squawk?” HAHAHAHA
-even if Amaya wasn’t deaf sign language is actually such a great way to send silent signals to other soldiers
-technically Zym is already the king of the dragons since the former king is dead
-also this screenshot
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The perspective makes it look like the lightning is hitting Rayla and I’ve decided that’s either A) romantic metaphor, she’s catching feelings first, or B) she’s gonna get struck by lightning
-“if you die out there I swear I’ll kill you” literally imagine any of your otps saying that to each other and tell me it’s not true love
-idc if he can’t talk Zym is literally my favorite character ever
-respectfully how the heck does that look like a primal stone, you just made a circle with your hands, you could’ve done that to any part of the sky
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-literally love the Crow Master dude
-I know you’re not about to touch that lightning rod, Callum, because that would be STUPID
-you CAN risk your life to learn magic just do it LOGICALLY and don’t be an IDIOT about it
-…did Zym just BLOW UP???
-Amaya you can’t just TACKLE someone who’s holding a freaking LIGHTSABER
-why couldn’t she just have been in lava monster form the whole time she probably would’ve won
-so does Zym get superpowers now or something like there had to have been a reason for that
-“I thought I wanted this badly enough but in the end I didn’t have the guts” no you just decided not to be an absolute idiot
-Viren may be evil but he sure isn’t stupid
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macgyvertape · 2 years
Shadow & Bone s2 thoughts
S1 of shadow and bone was a surprise favorite show; I’ve rewatched it a lot as something to watch when I’m cooking or wanted something familiar and comfortable.
After last season I tried reading the books; I didn’t finish Seige and Storm because I kept negatively comparing book Alina, Mal, and Darkling to their show versions. I did like the Six of Crows series but have no interest in the other books. So I’ve got a vague idea on the plot points unlike when I watched s1 
Oh I really like the map to cgi city transitions, and the wanted posters as establishing shots for storyline transitions
Sturmhond meeting the Crows like this, this is so much more fun than the book intro of him
I don’t remember seeing Jasper’s gun misfire in s1 or see gifsets of him fixing it.
Tolya and Tamar get a cool intro camera pan and theyre both really hot
Huh Darkling intro very different than the book, honestly he comes off as someone who spent a bit too much time alone by himself than menacing
How come in pirate clothes Sturmhond becomes the most baby faced of the cast
Love Alina’s stag antler embroidery dress, I’d love to wear a dress with that kind of neckline
Having one of Kaz’s plans go wrong and it not be something he accounts for, really ups the tension and makes Pekka Rollins a threat, and he’s actually more threatening than the Darkling. Wolf mask guy is just a creep, the costume kinda felt out of place
I expected the flying ship look more aerodynamic and either there’s a lot more flying ships or the show really glossed over them being repaired after being totaled because it needed characters to move around in ways they didn’t in the book
“Who do you want standing in that door when the lion gets hungry” then cut to a taxidermied lion. Lmao fun transition
This is one of the shows where I find basically all of the main cast attractive, very much including Inej in a knife fight
“All that matters is we know what’s real” with a political engagement, damn this is so much better than the YA jealousy drama of the books
OFMD AND S&B, edgy dude after his love abandons him starts cutting off the digits of the people who drove the breakup 
Rip to Matthias because the show didn’t seem to know what to do with him, I enjoy his plotline much more than s1 but its because he has such low screentime
The costume budget and workmanship is so good this show as it covers so many different styles and cultural influences
Bloody beaten up Kaz threatening as he gets his long awaited revenge is fucking incredible top moment of the season, especially because for Pekka “but for me, it was a Tuesday” he just couldn’t remember 
Genya’s really going through it this season and characters mistreating her is a more understandable and relatable evil than vague war crimes. “I should be your greatest shame!” and “ask me how I did it” she gets some great moments
Mal’s capture then causal return felt like an awkward plot point, like it shows up here because maybe it happened in the book
Huh for a major season 1 character and a global Big Bad threat the Darkling really isn’t getting much material this season, he just sits around and broods in a dark room while his underlings who wear lots of eyeshadow (to show they’re evil) do things. Like early on in the season he seemed sick but then he isn’t, then he just gives up all his action items about Grisha revolution to chase after Alina
Actually very curious about how much screentime Kaz’s dead brother gets vs the Darkling lmao
I didn’t realize at the height difference between Kaz and Inej until she hallucinated them almost hooking up. Eps 4-8 I watched playing a drinking game of take a drink for every romantic moment
The show really contrasted The Disciple and Neyar have such a good relationship compared to whatever the fuck toxic parent child relationship of Baghra and Aleksander 
Great that the Darkling and Mal can interact and bonus its in some weird fucked up way (dead peoples bones), there isn’t enough of that in fandom or canon 
The final battle has basically no tactics just people running around for cool dramatic timing, especially the Crows fighting in the frontlines
Darkling died in this show like he lived in s2, anti-climatically standing around downbad for Alina
Tbh there’s a lot of sex that could be done with gloves and clothes on 
Lmao where is Feydor he didn’t appear at all
Things I didn’t expect: David being killed off early RIP, Alina not losing her powers and faking her death to live with Mal but instead this weird non emotional breakup, and Zoya to not get more character backstory
Think it's interesting the contrast of the bee highlighted by the camera during the Darkling’s funeral as a subtle hint to the Elizaveta plotline vs the last few minutes throwing in: Jurda Parem, Nikolai’s shadow monster infection, a future war with Fjerda, Alina using shadows, all as continuation bait if it gets another season 
Verdict: enjoyable season 2, I’m so glad this season got about 15 minutes more per episode so it could cover the full Grisha trilogy in case it gets the infamous netflix s2 cancel. Still a favorite show because its  the perfect mix of drama, romance, and just enough writing cracks for fun AUs. The show covered a lot in the 8 hours with a fast moving plot that I watched over 2 days, so I’m very curious how my opinion of plot points will change with distance and reading others perspectives 
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wander-wren · 1 year
intro post
hello hello! my name is wren, or kestrel if you’d like to spice it up, and my pronouns are they/them. i’m a 19 year old english major from the northeast us with a huge love for both books and fandom.
i spend most of my time writing fanfiction, which you can find on ao3. i also have a sideblog, @flfverse, dedicated to my BNHA/Dabihawks centric series Feels Like Flying.
my main interests currently include:
fandom/fanfiction meta
warrior cats
six of crows/grishaverse
the raven cycle
i always welcome asks and interaction, even from people who don’t necessarily agree with me, as long as you’re civil about it. i don’t have a DNI, but i’m not afraid to swing the block hammer if the need arises.
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totallynotbatalt · 1 year
Intro Post
Here we go again
What happened with @totallynotbat. Read here.
So now I can’t do anything.
For @ticklishavian into post
Yes, Phil is a switch- but half of the time he is a Lee who says he’s a ler. (Literally my main blog is full with Lee!Philza)
General Headcannons:
Phil can morph into a crow, by his own power, a small gift that Kristin gave him to help him fly.
Phil is also ticklish in that form, letting out small chirps as he laughs.
✨ Tickle Spots ✨:
Wings - Flap when tickled, or preening will get him giggling softly.
Back - Will basically melt and lightly giggle to the touch.
Ribs - Top or Lower will get him squealing.
Ears - Pointy blackish grey wing ears, that flap when tickled, which will go a bright red like his face.
Neck - Squeaks and giggles, rolling his head around a bit.
Talons - He flinches a lot, hold his legs down to keep him from kicking.
Belly/Stomach - Could make him squeal and laugh in the matter of minutes. It’s a soft spot for him.
He has a ticklish belly button/naval so if you circle it he will basically curl up and try to cover that spot up while breaking into fits of squeals, allowing his ler to sometimes get at the ticklish skin of his stomach.
Legs/Thighs - Will kick them out as he laughs.
Can not handle teasing, will tell you to shut up if you complement or tease him.
His talons that sometimes needs clipping or cleaning, there sensitive a bit.
He gets red on his face and ears, his ears go red first so his ler knows that they flustered him.
Will lose it to raspberries, get him on his ears neck or belly he will lose it in a fit of high pitch giggles.
Will bite his lip or cover his mouth in an attempt to not laugh, his laughter is kind of embarrassing for him to let out, especially when he’s in a Lee mood-
Let the hybrid laugh, fellow Lers!
Cannot handle anything soft so feathers or brushes will make him lose it.
Will not be afraid to get revenge on his Ler even if the Ler gets him back afterwards.
Cannot admit that he’s ticklish unless flustered enough.
Avian.Hybrid : In character post.
Burned.Feathers - Angst
One.Life - Triggering content
Mod Notes from Bat:
Have fun with this!
I can do regular rps as well!
No nsfw blogs!
OC blogs are fine!
Tools I can understand if you don’t want to use. That’s perfectly fine with me!
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5, 11 (for a kill, <3 violence <3) aaaaand 16 :D!!!
</3 sorry I keep procrastinating, the songs were randomized for the music questions to try to keep all songs being like 5 songs and 4 of them are same band & then I lost the doc I was using to write [also tried to exclude lyric-less songs and songs that were TOO obvious yknow?]
5. A song for a badass scene
"The main character" by Will Wood
ngl i wasn't originally a fan of will wood but this was the song that really sticks n vibes with me.
This song is attached to a SUPER old para, like there's maybe 7 paras that even compare (a minecraft oc named Lily [techncially was a parame but no relation now], a generic wolf oc named Fireflie [yes mispelled, and was a persona/parame but not anymore], a joke warrior oc named "fireflama", a warrior with the most hilarious name of "Echo whisper", another one named Quillpaw + Nightpaw, and Cozy [vague slug creature])
>Maybe Crow, Paradox and Moxie could be considered but eh they were basically not full fledged paras back then, only reason my mario powerup mimic isn't there also is because i forget their name </3
But okay back to the song and scene, It'd be a SUPER old para would tear into millions of pieces but same time they have no name currently. But for this I'll call them sue. who should be thrown in the plinko, but if in our world would probably be "Nyancrimew/the person who leaked the no fly list", and just 1980-2010s core & "you ate too much fruit cake1!!!11!"
This is such a petty mary sue who fights people for fun, and is such a sore loser who cheats to win.
I was joking to myself of making a deltarune fan project with this petty person. <- feel free yall to ask if you wanna hear
11. A song for a ki_ _ (kill or kiss, specify)
Please note I’m basically randomizing my songs, so this in this case I’m gonna try to do a kill. BUT for this question is more for me to chose if the song is a kill or kiss.
"Everybody likes you" by Lemon demon
Fits for Sue and like a punishmet. kill. idk how to explain so yeetz
16. Your personal favorite song on the playlist
THIS IS legally the only question that I can’t really give like a solid answer as it changes all the time but
“SCAPEG♾AT” and “Uncanny” by GHOST, “Hourglass” by set it off  and “My eternity” by Vane are some top picks right now.
Scapegoat could fit a lot of characters, as a general theme of my paracosms is recovery. :3
-> future me coming back, yea those 4 songs are still top picks and pretty much lyric-less but "Missing home by nineishuman" slowed is such a funky song. Along with "When will I see you again by Shakka" esp the intro looped, reverb n slowed version by Sno0zy on youtube
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