fmaraldi · 2 years
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fmaraldi · 2 years
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Love this illustration!
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fmaraldi · 2 years
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Dear J.D Salinger,
Your book is absolutely amazing, the idea you have to write about knowing yourself and all the difficulties that are in life, I actually think that the characters of the book are kind of unlikeable, besides that, in my humble opinion, The Catcher in the Rye is a really enjoyable book. Thanks for writing this book, I'm sure many people feel identified with it, and it might even help them in similar situations. Hugs
Your bro, Franco Maraldi.
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fmaraldi · 2 years
Book Review
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My recommendation about this book is that you need to read it, the time this book is ambient is good because it shows little details for example, there is no technology in the history.  Read this book because it’s a really good representation of the human brain and the emotions that are demonstrated are very deep. This book has pros and cons, and for example the characters are really hard for you to like, because they don’t have a good emotional stability.
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fmaraldi · 2 years
Stream of consciousness
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Hello! Today has been a rough day I woke up at 5am but I didn't get out of bed so I fell asleep again! Oh! yesterday dinner was so good my mom is great at the kitchen. Tomorrow I have a soccer game im so excited for that! Well anyways after I fall asleep my dad came to my room to wake me up again because I was late for school. My mother cooked yesterday spaghetti with tomato sauce it was absolutely delicious. If we don't win the game we are out of the championship! Also I almost forgot to tell you I have been reading a lot Catcher in the Rye. I get to go home in an hour im so tired, I arrived late to school because I fall asleep one more late and im getting a negative annotation. Anyways I have two chapters left of the book and by far im loving it. I should pay attention to class so I will be posting later in the blog! I hope my mom cooks a great dinner today too! I will help her tho. 
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fmaraldi · 2 years
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We get to see this symbol when he buys this record as a present to his little sister Phoebe, but while the story continues I realize that this record is more deep and has a double meaning. Shirley Beans Record symbolizes that Holden needs to preserve his innocence but at the same time he has to mature
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fmaraldi · 2 years
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The theme I chose is growing up. This book is the perfect representation of that theme because the story is about a teenager that goes through the process of growing up and tries to keep going even though very bad things happen to him throughout the book. An example would be that he gets kicked out of his school because he was failing 4 out of 5 subjects, and still has to know how to continue with his life. Holden is a very unique teenager, he doesn't like to interact with other characters, and always prefers to be alone. 
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fmaraldi · 2 years
Welcome To My Blog
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Hey everyone, my name is Franco Maraldi and I'm a student of Lincoln International Academy, well, one of the best students in the school actually. I’m very sure that y’all want to read my opinion about this book so continue reading. First of all i'm going to talk about me because i’m a very important person, besides being a really good reader, I also like to play soccer in my free time and of course i'm a really good player, and is very funny when we are chosen the teams and they all choose me to be with them. I’m 16 and I consider myself a really funny person, well all my friends consider me funny. I woke up at approximately 5 AM to go to school and of course I read every morning for a minimum of 10 minutes. Well I have talk to much about myself, even though I love to talk about me, anyways this blog is going to be about the new book a friend recommend me, it’s named “The Catcher In The Rye” I hope you like my blog, if it's like this continued seeing my profile.
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