focusonpushing · 8 days
She had never wanted this. In fact, it was her worst nightmare. The night of her 16th birthday she got blackout drunk with her boyfriend. She doesn’t remember anything from that night, but it’s the only way she could have gotten pregnant. She had never had sex. She hid it from her parents, her teachers, even her best of friends. She was too embarrassed, too ashamed of what had happened to her. What she would have to do in a few months.
She thanked god when she learned her parents were going on vacation the month she was due. Once they left, she prepared. She got towels and cleaning supplies, and she made sure the bathroom was as comfortable to birth this bastard as possible, while still being easy to clean.
Finally the day came. She had horrible cramps all morning. They started ramping up in the afternoon, causing her to moan, rocking her hips side to side as she leaned on the bathroom sink. She whimpered, crying that she didn’t want this, that she wasn’t ready to be a mom, that she wasn’t ready to give birth and she especially wasn’t ready for all of the pain.
It didn’t matter what she wanted. Her body had gestated her boyfriends seed and now it was ready to be birthed. Her contractions got even worse, causing her to scream out in pain. She sobbed, pushing in anguish as hard as she could, her rape baby slowly coming out of her tight, barely fucked pussy. Once she started to teardrop, things started ramping up… (video)
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focusonpushing · 11 days
Helpful Home Birth
“The head!” I scream. “It’s coming out!”
I grunt again, pushing hard with my next contraction. My belly contorts as I push. My belly’s skin sensative and bright red from how stretched it’s become over these past months. My belly grew too large long ago making me unable to see my vagina, and recently, it’s gotten so big I can barely reach it now too. I've been in labor for the past 20 hours. I was exhausted and desperate to get this baby out of me.
“Can you see it,” I gasp out when my contraction finally tapers off and I can speak coherently again.
“Lean back a bit,” You instructed.
You kneel down in front of my squatting frame to try to peak at my birth canal. I rested my hands behind me best I could. You grabbed my sides and helped guide me back until my pelvis was able to tilt just enough that you could see my birthing vagina.
“Quickly…” I groan. “I can feel another contraction…”
You nod and start to examine my vagina. It only takes a few second before you’re looking back up at me.
“The head is about half way down your birth canal,” you tell me a bit nervous.
“Half way- my birth canal-“ I gasp out before I’m tossing head back and pushing hard. My arms shake as i hold up my enormous frame. I grunt, pushing hard. I can feel the head slid down a little. My arms finally give out when the contraction ends. i fall only a few inches onto my ass.
"Guess now we're lucky the baby is so far in," You try to joke.
I groan in from of you. The baby was now resting heavily on my rear sandwiching my bottom between it and the floor.
"Help me move..." I groan. "This position hurts too much. I want the tub."
"Of course, baby," You say to me before leaning over and looping your arms under mine. With a lot of effort on both of our parts we manage to get me to my feet. Now gravity was back to forcing the baby to weight heavy on my pelvis and birth canal. You help me take a few steps before i have to lean on you as a contraction rips through my body again. I moan and pant through the pain, trying my best to avoid pushing in the hallway of our house..You hold me up until I start to calm down.
"Let's move before another one comes..." I weakly get out.
You nod. Repositioning me before leading me down the hall and to the bathroom.
After we arrived you moved me to lean against the bathroom counter. You still stepped away to get the faucet of bath running to start filling up the tub. I moan and lean with all of my body weight, another contraction had started. I cried out squatting slightly, "I can't wait... i have to push."
I cry out even louder as my face contorts. I push hard. The head sliding just the smallest bit down. When the contraction ends I’m leaning over with my arms resting on the counter. My belly and tits hang low under me, causing my back to harshly arch. You start to help me into the tub when another contraction hits. I insist we keep moving me into the tub. The whole ordeal was awkward and straining, my legs shake with each step and squaring down to get in the water had me pushing twice as hard. I leaned back into the warm water but it didn’t really help. I was panting heavily from all my activity and I could feel my body gearing up for the next contraction.
The next contraction was worse than the ones before. I let out a terrible scream. I push on instinct alone my brain too foggy from pain to instruct my body properly.
"Please help me..." I whine.
"What do you need?" You ask me.
The contraction I just had was calming down. The water lapping at my sensitive belly was surprisingly nice in contrast of all the pain from birthing. I was basically in tears at this point as I mumble out a request.
"Help me push it out..."
You are unable to respond to me right away over my sudden screaming. Another contraction had started right after making me cry out. I grip the sides of the tub and push hard. The contraction fades and i return to brainlessly gasping for you to help me.
"I can't push it for you. That is all you, but I believe you can do it!" You say softly to me. i whine in response too tired to say much. You rub my belly as we wait for the next contraction.
"i cant..." I gasp out. My back arches again as i feel a contraction. I cry out as i push again. The head moving further down. "Check for me! i think i can feel it against my pussy!"
You listen and move your head to between my legs, "Yes its there i can see hair!
“So close…” I push again with the last little bit of my contraction. The head barely moves at all staying just inside my vagina.
You go back to rubbing circles on my sensative belly while we wait for my next contraction. I have my eyes close and head laid back against to back of the tub enjoying your touches. We don’t stay like that for long before I’m moaning again. Then gripping the tub and pushing hard.
“It’s coming…” I scream out. I grunt loudly as I feel my vagina stretching open. The head now for sure making its way out of me.
“Yes! Yes!” You cheer. “It’s coming out! The head is almost half way there!”
I choke back a sob as the contraction ends and I’m left with the largest part of the head wedged between my pussy lips.
“It’s so big!” I moan and writhe in the tub. “It hurts so bad. It burns… it burns…”
My whines turn to moans as I push with the next contraction. “Please!!” I beg as the head slowly slips further out.
I cry out suddenly when I feel the head finally pop free of my vagina. I gasp and reach down between my legs, my hand manages to finally reach between my legs now that my belly has deflated a bit during birth. I can feel the soft hair of my babies large head.
“You’re almost done!” You say to me. “Just one more push.”
“One more…” I repeat even more exhausted then before. I take a deep breath and push hard. With that last push my baby slips free from me and into your waiting arms. You gently place my baby on my chest as it starts to cry.
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focusonpushing · 11 days
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Hoping this will stay up. Some tmpreg birth for you
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focusonpushing · 16 days
Imagine: Cozy Couch Birth
"Ugh…I don't know what I'm supposed to do here…" your husband mutters as his character dies again. You're sitting on the couch together, him playing video games while you labor with your first child. You encouraged him to play something so you could both distract yourselves, you from your worsening labor pains and him from his growing anxiety at seeing you in pain.
You're wearing nothing but a sports bra, sitting on a towel on your couch, a plush blanket over your lower half. You feel strangely cozy despite how heavy with baby you are and how close your contractions are getting together. You rub your distended belly, watching your husband play his game while your mind goes elsewhere.
"O-oh," you gasp quietly as fluid rushes out of you. Is that your water breaking? The pressure in your pelvis is building, concentrating on your cervix.
"You alright, honey?" Your husband has paused his game at an inopportune moment, shaken from his escapism by his worry for you. You let a breath out slowly through your mouth and nod.
"I'm fine, just a rough contraction. Keep playing, this helps." You reassure him even though you know the baby is coming soon, you don't want him to worry. There's something so normal about the way you're lounging on the sofa together, basking in these last moments before parenthood, that you don't want to break the spell just yet.
So instead you watch your husband engross himself in his game again and lie back to make yourself comfortable. The blanket over you conceals what's happening between your legs. Thankfully your waters were soaked up by the towels you'd placed beneath you, so your husband still isn't aware of how your labor is progressing.
You feel an ache in your cervix as your baby's head moves down into position. You rub your enormous belly soothingly, pretending to watch the boss fight when really you're just focused on keeping your breathing as even as possible. You feel your thighs tensing under the blanket, discreetly spreading to make room for your baby.
Feel the baby's head move through your pelvis. There you go, deep, even breaths. If your husband just peeked under the blanket, he'd see you're just about to crown, but he's busy at the moment. You breathe your baby into the birth canal, relishing the heavy pressure between your hips and the sensation of your body pushing on its own.
You subtly shift your hips, gasping quietly again as you feel your baby's head slide its way through your vagina in one big contraction.
Ohhh it's almost here now. Your husband is preoccupied, and you're too engrossed in giving birth to bother him. The feeling of your body pushing out your baby is incredible; you reach a hand underneath the blanket to feel your progress. You cup your baby's head with your palm, breathing deeply and almost silently.
"Still doing okay, honey?" your husband asks as he finishes looting, breaking your concentration. He can't know you're pushing into your hand right now, giving birth right beside him while he's oblivious.
"Yeah, it just feels more comfortable to lay like this," you reassure him. You're lying on your back, your womanhood facing towards your husband, the magic you're working only concealed by a throw blanket. You want to keep quiet but don't know how much longer you can hold on before you give in, spread your legs as wide as possible and push as hard as you can.
You breathe slowly and deeply as you feel the baby rotate inside you, your hand still guiding. You can't help yourself but pant a few times, your breathing raspy from trying to control it. Come on, you can feel the baby's head between your legs. Just a few more pushes, your body knows what it's doing.
Breathe, breathe, the baby's coming. Feel it slide out of you bit by bit, feel your body pushing for you. The shoulders are stuck. You just need to shift your hips a little, but you don't want to alert your husband just yet. Your body is giving birth on its own, you're just trying to breathe and relax as much as possible.
"You sure you're alright?" His voice sounds far away now. All you're aware of is your big round belly obstructing your view of your husband, and your hand cupping your baby's head as you birth, and your vagina stretched to its limits around your baby's shoulders.
You groan, and suddenly your husband is pulling back the blanket to see you quietly struggling to birth his baby.
"Oh my God…why didn't you say anything?!"
You're moaning with every push now, reaching down to deliver your baby, knowing birth is imminent. A hard contraction brings your hands to your hardened belly, so your husband reaches down to catch the baby.
"Oh! Oh! Oh, catch it, it's gonna be fast, darling!" you squeak, your body pushing the rest of your baby out into his waiting hands in one last wet contraction.
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focusonpushing · 16 days
I want to wake up in the middle of the night contractions gripping me tight. You're not home yet and I have to fight the urge of pushing. You make it home just in time from your shift to see me on my hands and knees belly swaying loosely before clenching tight with a contraction, my waters breaking. A sob of relief leaves me as you fall before me holding my face and telling me everything will be alright, that you're here now. I beleive you and I turn around sitting on the floor my back pressed to your chest. I pant quickly, groan, and scream as out child forces its way through my opening and you stay true, ever present force behind me. You have me feel our child buldging past my lips as our baby crowns. It hurts. I sob and push and with a spurt of fluids our child's large head is free. I sob at the relief but it's short lived as the shoulders now push through. Another scream of pain and push and then...our baby is free. I lift our baby boy to my chest. You sob and I cry weakly smiling at our perfect child.
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focusonpushing · 16 days
I want you to rub my belly as I quietly push little by little. I want you to hold my hand and whisper sweet nothings to me. I want you to push my hair back and stroke my cheek. I want you to tell me how good of a job I am pushing your baby out. I want us to look each other in the eyes and smile and kiss, only for me to break away with a whimper as your baby spreads me wide open. Another push and my waters finally break. A sudden, long groan of relief leaves me as my belly deflates and contracts. I want you to be there and watch the finale of what your seed did to me.
And then I want to do it again.
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focusonpushing · 16 days
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focusonpushing · 16 days
I sit behind you in the massive tub, the water doing nothing to ease the pressure ramming through your pelvis. My hand is between your legs, fingers circling the teardrop shape of your opening. You pull your knees back, hips opening painfully wide as you bear down hard with another contraction. My palm fills as the baby’s head bulges and strains against your tight folds. My fingers part to trace the outline of the modest crown, stretching and teasing apart the sensitive tissues until your desperate whines condense into a scream.
It’s okay, take a breath. I’ve got you. The head’s not going anywhere, but now the only way to make it better is to get the baby out. Keep pushing.
My other hand reaches around your massive belly and together they form a ring around the little protruding dome and give you something to push against. It’s burning now, but you can’t stop. Your feet find purchase on the rim of the bath and fingers clutch desperately at your shaking thighs to keep them from snapping shut against the unbearable fiery stretch.
You’re doing so well. You’re at a full crown now, but you’ve got to wait for another contraction to push again. I like you like this—moaning and writhing against me as you struggle to birth this massive head. Perhaps my hands will stay right where they are, keeping you at the peak of fullness for just a little while longer.
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focusonpushing · 16 days
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You turn on the small lantern, your only source of light, as dusk falls. In the brief moment it had taken you to dig the lantern out of your pack the sounds coming from your lover had gone from low guttural grunts to fast desperate pants. As the lantern’s meager light illuminates her heavy form your eyes are drawn between her legs to stare at the now crowning head of your child. “Oh, I feel it!” she gasps out excitedly as the head continues to bulge outwards.
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focusonpushing · 1 month
my favorite one is where she has the kid in like two minutes on all fours on the bed unassisted
Dose puffs😍
(@hyperia83-4 its from your folder, if you want me to delete this ask me)
The video is called b2b movie
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focusonpushing · 1 month
Her noises 🤤
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focusonpushing · 1 month
One of my favorites. A midwife that actually isn't annoying. Now one of my favorite phrases is "You're getting him out"
This birth is amazing and when she said in the beginning "get it out"😍
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focusonpushing · 1 month
She knows the baby's coming. It's coming now she can feel the pressure and she needs to push. They're not even going to make it to the car. She needs to push now. With her body. Her body has been pushing on its own for quite a while she suspects. She didn't know, she's never giving birth before.
Her husband is grabbing the keys so they can go to the birth center. It's too late.
"Tim! Tim come back, she's coming. I want to push!" She whimpers in pain, almost wanting to cry. He comes over to her as she sits on the edge of the couch.
"Take my panties off!" He works them down her legs as she lifts her dress up tucking it between her breasts and her belly.
Her husband can see their child resting behind his wife's tight vaginal lips. Before he can say anything, it's moving and she's groaning. She's pushing. She gasps, letting up on her first earnest pushing effort but the urge is too strong and overwhelming. She bears down again, moaning as she feels her child's large head stretch her so rapidly. By the time the contraction had peaked, she had brought her child's head from a small sliver to the widest part. She was fully crowning, but she didn't let up on the push, she continued to bear down, grunting as the entire head swiftly emerged from her body. The contraction didn't let up. She pushed one more time and their daughter was out.
Stretched so so beautifully 🤭
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focusonpushing · 1 month
Something that is so annoying to me is when there's a million people around someone giving birth and they're all cheering and it's like no this is supposed to be intimate.
I don't need your mom and your sister and whoever else shrieking in excitement. When the head becomes visible or comes out. How does the birthing mother not get sensory overload by everything she's feeling and everyone talking and telling her it's almost over and "one more push" and all sorts of cliches? She doesn't need to be told to "push mama" believable she knows when to.
I wanna hear her push her baby out. I want to hear her moans and grunts and gasps and her partners support whispered in her ear.
You also don't need so many hands near the head especially if they aren't even adding any counter pressure. Move your hand, stop hovering, move your absorbent pads!
You better have a gorgeous crowning if I'm going to tolerate that on your video.
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focusonpushing · 1 month
In the dimly lit room in their apartment, Adam sat in front of his wife Sarah's bulging pussy, one of his hand in his vagina and the other one on her belly. The air was heavy with anticipation as they awaited the arrival of their first child.
As the contractions intensified, Sarah's grip on the bed tightened, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. Adam's heart raced with excitement.
He was overcome with an overwhelming wave of excitement as his wife brought their child into the world. She surrendered to each crest of agony as it washed over her.
Then came the moment they had been waiting for. Sarah's body tensed as she felt the unmistakable sensation of the baby crowning.Sarah's cries filled the air.
Adam's heart raced with excitement at the mere thought, yet he found himself unable to confess the emotions bubbling within him. He struggled to articulate his emotions in this moment, consumed by a sense of shame.
He concealed his bubbling excitement, yet within, he recognized that this moment had been his cherished dream since the tender age of thirteen.Feeling a rush of emotion, Adam leaned in closer, offering words of encouragement and support. "You're doing amazing, Sarah. I'm right here with you".
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focusonpushing · 1 month
Imagine: Birth at night
Word(s): 2.1K+
Tags: 18+ only!! snowstorm weather, pregnant sex, sex-induced labor, explicit birth material, unassisted birth, breastfeeding
The weather outside is terrible in the middle of January, a heavy snowstorm which made it impossible to drive anywhere. Your husband doesn’t complain, in fact he fucking loves it when he gets to spend a whole day at the house with you, his pregnant spouse. 
It’s early evening, it’s getting dark out. The snow is still falling heavily outside. You and your husband are making out on the couch in the warmth of your home, being all sweet and affectionate and telling the other how much you love one another.
“Babe, please,” You pant between kisses, “Please fuck me.”
“Okay," He says. You quickly strip each other of your clothes and lay back down on the couch. He usually has you laying on your side when you have sex, making sure your back isn’t flat on the bed while you’re still so pregnant.
“Are you comfortable?” He asks. “Are you cold at all?” 
“I’m good, I feel really good.” You nod. You turns to face your husband, cupping his face. His gentle, loving gaze, full of want and love and lust, makes you horny. “Please, babe, get inside me.”
He lifts your thigh, panting hot breaths in your ear as he pumps his cock slowly in and out of you, “Ahh~!” You whine out and you buck your hips back against his front.
“Is this good for you, baby?” He asks.
“Yes, it feels good,” You nod breathlessly, filled with so much need for him. “Harder, babe, harder, please.”
“You’re so gorgeous,” He huffs. His hand lifts your thigh further up so he can thrust himself in a little faster as you want it. Soft moans escape your lips with each slow, gentle thrust of his hips.
You and your husband’s whimpers and moans fill the room. You plead and beg for your husband to fuck you harder, faster. Your cries for him just makes him so horny, and so he gives you what you want, thrusting his cock in as hard and fast as you beg for it, but careful enough that it doesn’t hurt you while you’re still so pregnant. And you feel so good and so comfortable, as you reach closer and closer to climax.
“Ohhhh, I’m gonna come…” You moan.
“I know, baby, me too.” He huffs. “Fuck, I’m gonna come inside you.” 
“Please, ahhhhh~!” You whine out as you come, with your husband groaning in your ear as he’s coming inside of you. You’re so sure that the spurt of his cock is going to impregnate you a second time. 
You both pant heavily, trying to catch your breaths. You struggle to turn your heavily pregnant form around to face your husband, so he reaches his arm out to gently guide you. You’re facing each other now, his hand brushing your hair from your eyes.
“How was that, baby? How are you?” He asks. 
“I’m okay.” You assure. “I’m great. But, fuck, that's gonna put me in labor."
“If your water breaks, I’ll help you out, I promise.” He says. The streets outside are closed, so it wouldn’t be possible to drive to the local hospital. He smiles and cups your face. “I love you.” He speaks softly, kissing your lips. “Love you, honey. Love you so much.” 
“I love you too,” You whisper back. 
You started having contractions a couple hours before you were getting ready for bed. You told your husband, who asked if you were possibly going into labor. You said that since your contractions were still far apart at the time, you’d initially thought that you’d get to sleep through it, maybe you'll end up having to possibly give birth sometime tomorrow later in the day. 
No, they’re coming closer with one another. Almost the middle of the night, and it’s no doubt you're in labor. You lean back against the pillows, panting out the contractions as they pass over you. Still up, you look out the window through the blinds which aren’t fully shut. The sky is a dark grey-purple, the air is quiet as the snow continues to fall heavily outside and cover the ground in a thick white blanket.
You then look at your husband, who is asleep next to you. You don’t want to wake him up, but you know you should. Because 1) this is his baby you’re having, and 2) He promised he'd help you with this
Suddenly there’s an immense amount of pressure in your pelvis. You’re hit with a hard contraction, you clutch your belly and yell out in the dark of your bedroom. You feel that fluid has gushed out between your legs and soaked your shorts. He wakes up to the sound of you yelling, sleepily reaching for the nightstand lamp switch to turn it on.
He calls your name out worriedly, sitting himself up and placing his hands on your arm and back. “Honey, what’s wrong, everything okay?” 
“I-I’m in labor, my water broke.” You huff. Visible beads of sweat drip from your forehead. Your husband’s eyes look down between your legs, to see that your water has broken and your shorts are now soaked. Your belly is contracting, and your face is scrunched and visibly in pain. 
He’s fully woken up now, immediately moving himself in front of you. You’re huffing and kneeling on the bed, hunched over towards your husband, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and the back of his neck.
“Ooh…!” You groan as the contraction passes through him. You grab your heavy belly from underneath, his head lowered against his strong chest. 
“Breathe,” He reminds him, affirming his grasp on your arms. “You got this, honey. Just breathe.” His voice is so gentle but firm. 
You shut your eyes and take slow, deep breaths as your body rolls with each contraction. Your husband whispers sweet, soothing, encouraging words into your ears while you labor. Your contractions are coming closer together, they’re getting intense, it causes you to scream out. You two live in a home where you don’t have neighbors, so you don’t have to worry about being heard from the outside screaming through the labor. Your screaming melts into a soft sob, you’re overwhelmed and anxious because this is happening so fast. 
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m right here.” Your husband presses soft kisses to your head through your messy, sweat-dampened hair and gives your large, gravid belly a gentle rub. You rest your head on his shoulders, trying his best to let yourself relax. He guides you as you pant and shift your hips through each contraction. “I’m gonna get you a towel and some supplies.” He says. Quickly for a moment, he rushes to the bathroom and grabs a towel to place underneath you, as well as a basin of supplies. He returns to you, laying the towel out underneath him and holding you steady as you strip yourself of your soaked shorts. 
Your husband reminds you to breathe as your contractions become closer together and he dilates. Your labor is progressing fast, you can feel the baby’s head engaged in your birth canal. And with your water broken, the pressure’s intense and it hurts…bad. 
“I can’t, I can’t…” You whimper in pain. 
“Yes you can, baby,” Your husband speaks softly. “You have me, it’s just you and me. You’re safe.” He runs his hand through your hair. “Does anything feel wrong at all?” 
“No, just really hurtsss…!” You wince as you have another rough contraction, causing you to clutch your belly. “You did this to me…” You whimper.
He rubs your belly as you pant out the contraction. He kisses your forehead, reassuring he’s got you and that he will help you like he promised he would. “I’m sorry I did this to you. Let me take care of you, baby, make sure everything goes well.” 
You nod and start to weep a little. Not just because you’re in pain, but also because your husband is so sweet and gentle and comforting, you feel incredibly safe and loved, in the months you've lived together in the peace you’ve created for yourselves and your baby to be born.
It’s so dark and snowy outside but you two are inside in your warm bedroom which is dimly lit with a lamp. You continue to labor, you’re almost there, fully dilated. Your husband helps you sip some water by the straw from the glass. Minutes pass and you’re exhausted, though your body is telling you that you need to start pushing. 
“Honey, I have to pushhhh...” You grunt. 
Your husband checks you, you’re fully dilated and ready. When he tells you to push on the next contraction, you squat and dig the balls of your feet into the mattress, sucking in a deep breath, and making the first push. You let out a soft whimper of pain as the contraction passes and you stop pushing. 
“Good job,” Your husband says, rubbing your belly. You’re trying to catch your breath. The pressure’s building inside of you. You squat further, heaving with your hand resting on your big belly, pushing on the next contraction. 
“Hrrrggghhhhh!!!” You grunt. “Ahhhhh…” 
“Push, honey,” He instructs. “Breathe the baby down.” 
You sink your knees into the mattress and shift your aching hips. You suck in a deep breath and blow out through a hard push. “Oooohhhh…I’m pushing, it hurtsssss!!!” 
“I know, I know,” He nods. “You’re doing great, baby.”
The air is so quiet when it snows outside. The silence of the bedroom is filled with your screams as you push on the bed. Your husband doesn’t mind your screaming, he just stays calm and tends to you, his birthing spouse. 
You have another contraction, and he spreads his legs further apart to make room for the emerging baby’s head. Sucking in another deep breath, you yell as you fully push the baby’s head out. 
“Good job, honey.” Your husband says, wiping sweat from your forehead with the washcloth. 
“This baby’s big–” You wince. 
He rubs your back and presses a kiss to your forehead. You take a little more time to rest in between contractions, continuing to breathe and push on his instruction. He’s pushing the shoulders out now. You cling tighter to him, letting him know you need him.
“Ohhhh it hurts!” You groan in pain. Your eyes are shut, you feel your body strain a little to get the baby’s shoulders out. “I can’t, babe, I can’t do this.” You shake your head, sobbing. 
“I know it’s hard, babe, but you got this. Don’t force it.” He smooths a hand along the side of your belly soothingly. 
“I’m pushing, I’m pushing…oooohhhhh…” You groan, dropping your head and groaning loudly as you let gravity help you get the baby’s shoulders out. You can feel your body shudder, you have the strong urge to push. You shift your hips a little and groan, exerting and releasing a hard pushing force downwards. 
Your breath hicks when your husband manages to push the baby’s shoulders fully out. You rest your head on his shoulder, panting and sobbing softly because the hardest part was over.
“Breathe, breathe.” He rubs your back with one hand and soothingly rubs his other hand on your belly. “You’re amazing.” He continues to whisper to you words of praise and encouragement, telling you how incredible you are and how much he loves you. As your husband guides you, you resume pushing on your body’s urges. Breathe and push, you remind yourself. The baby’s almost out. 
“Hooooohhhh, it’s coming…it’s coming out fast!” You exclaim, gripping at your husband’s shirt.
“Keep going, babe, you’re almost there. Just a little more.” He holds his hands underneath your legs, cupping the emerging baby’s head. You hold your husband tightly and scream loudly as you give one big, final push, the baby slides completely out of your body and into hia hands. 
“Honey, you did it, it’s over.” He holds the crying baby up so you can see. Your eyes are shut, you’re panting and catching your breath, then you open your eyes to see your baby right in front of you. Your baby's healthy and has a strong set of lungs. 
“There you are, finally.” You sob. Your husband places the baby in your arms. 
“You did so incredible.” Your husband sighs with tears in his eyes, fiercely kissing your face. 
He helps you with pushing out the afterbirth, then helps you and the baby get cleaned up, and cleans up/discards the bloodied towels and sheets from the bed. You wrap your baby in fresh cloth before breastfeeding. You sit up against stacked pillows, with your husband lying beside you with a hand on your shoulder. You both awe at their baby who is feeding on your nipple, then look at each other, and smile.
It’s still so dark out, and the snow’s still falling heavily outside. But inside your home, in your room, it’s warm and softly dim-lit, your new family is altogether in this moment, everything is sound and peaceful. 
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focusonpushing · 1 month
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