folderlock-blog · 10 years
Shellshock is used by Botnet, vulnerability release will lead to disaster again?
Recently, the widely-used GNU Bourne Again Shell(Bash) in Unix and Linux operating system was found a severe security vulnerability that allows to be remotely execute code. This vulnerability was called Shellshock.
  Shellshock has been described as one of the most serious and most common network security vulnerabilities so far, even the government and military system with highest technology became susceptible owing to Shellshock. Therefore some experts pointed out that the severity of Shellshock even exceeded the Hear bleeding vulnerability that caused panic on network security professionals.
  According to the Financial Times reports, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has confirmed the existence of this vulnerability, and has warned the public and private sectors or organizations around the U.S.; British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) issued a warning to British agencies, claiming that this vulnerability affected country critical infrastructure.
  The terrible points of Shellshock vulnerabilities are: First, omnipresent, from the web server to the physical networking equipment; second, the latent time can last for 20 years, so its damage and threats assessment is extremely difficult. These two points are similar to heart bleeding.
  According to Arstechinica, there were attackers scanning and using Shellshock vulnerability within 4.5 hours after Blue Coat has found it, and there were DDoS Botnet using Shellshock in attacks. But there is no evidence showing that hackers beware of this vulnerability before releasing, which is also similar to the heart bleeding vulnerabilities.
  This means Shellshock release is likely to repeat the tragedy of heart bleeding vulnerabilities, resulting in a large number of attacks occurred, which poses a new question for the entire security community. At present many security companies are publishing Shellshock vulnerability scanning diagnostic tools, people can search one to diagnose your computer.
  For more information about data security and information protection, you can visit here.
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folderlock-blog · 10 years
An useful technical blog about keylogger, folder protector, usb security and so on.
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An useful blog about folder encryption.
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folderlock-blog · 10 years
An useful blog about Keylogger for Mac.
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folderlock-blog · 10 years
How to password protect a folder? Kakasoft Folder Protector is an easy-to-use and reliable tool to secure/encrypt folders/files with password.
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folderlock-blog · 10 years
Any Keylogger is one of the best keyboard loggers for tracking/monitoring all activities, block websites and applications, limit PC time on the computer, free download and have a try.
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folderlock-blog · 11 years
We Need More Awareness of Harm of Cyber Bullying
We Need More Awareness of Harm of Cyber Bullying
In the past, people were bullied in the real world and the bullying is always in the form of physical attacks, and nowadays you're bullied online with humiliation. It's very hurtful. Cyber bullying can be even more destructive than face-to-face bullying "because you get a sense that the whole world is being exposed to what is being said to you."
Why does the hidden cyber bully get away with their abusive behavior? The answer is quite simple, really. More awareness needs to come about with regards to cyber bullying and cyber stalking. Many website owners just want to pass the buck by claiming they are all about representing the "freedom of speech". Unless there is an actual contact link or telephone number to speak to someone directly regarding hateful, malicious content posted by a hidden cyber bully, it is nearly impossible to get the content removed. There is a real need for more anti-bullying programs to bring further awareness to the general internet public about this ever increasing problem. For those who make the statement that "bullying is just a part of everyday life", you might as well be saying that "rape is a part of marriage". It's absurd at the notion that this form of abusive behavior is acceptable. It isn't.
But all the attention over cyber bullying is a double-edged sword. In one respect, America is finally waking up. And yes, it's due in large part to the Internet. The flipside of that is it's also motivating a lot of people to be meaner to each other. Because in the mind of the hidden cyber bully, it is such a cool tool to show off how mean they can be.
As parents, how can we prevent this from happening with the adoption of a bully prevention program? The search for an effective bully prevention program is not an easy task. I have witnessed many times through the past, and I found that keyboard logger can meet the need, for almost all parental control tools can be used to set time limits for children’s Internet use that parents can effectively control children’s online time to prevent them spend too much time surfing the Internet which will be harmful to their physical health. What’s more, parental control tool should have block system which can set block for some certain websites that contain inappropriate contents such violent and pornographic contents. Generally, keylogger also has function of keystroke logging which can help parents remotely control children’s Internet use and keep fix eyes on their computer activities.
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folderlock-blog · 11 years
Anykeylogger for Mac OS X can log any online activities on Mac including keystrokes, websites, applications, clipboard and snapshots on Mac computer
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