folklifejapan · 2 years
This video shows the shadow flicker from the wind turbines in our project.  It was recorded in the homes of three of my neighbors. They live less than one mile from me in this same Forward Energy wind factory erected by Invenergy. One video was shot on a Friday evening. The next morning I received a phone call from the neighbor behind me that there was extremely bad shadow flicker and I should come over. While there another neighbor called telling that they had bad shadow flicker. This flicker came from turbines 7, 6 and 3a. It can last for as long as an hour.
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folklifejapan · 4 years
Now Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have a press interview. One of reporters asked to him about a medicine called Abigan.
(Originally Abigan is a medicine for novel influenza, it's good for the people having flu, except pregnant women and fetus. When a Chinese city Wuhan had Corona pneumonia disaster last month doctors administered this medicine to their patients and had good results. Now many institutes in the world are testing this medicine 'Abigan' to confirm its effectivity and how to use it. )
As the answer for reporter's question, Mr. Abe said. 'If Corona pneumonia patient wants Abigan to be administered he can request his doctor to use it '
I think this is a very huge and important point. If Abigan is effective enough for Corona pneumonia,, If Abigan is not harmful,, If we can construct reasonable medical system to use this medicine,,, Though we still have many 'if' but we can see the light of hope.
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folklifejapan · 4 years
Hanamatsuri festival at Nakashitara in Aichi Pref,Japan
中設楽の花祭り 2019年12月8日
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My camere does not work well. I must repair it. This is the only photo that I can post here (T_T)
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folklifejapan · 4 years
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Hanamatsuri festival at Nakashitara, Aichi Pref, Japan 中設楽の花祭り、なう。
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folklifejapan · 4 years
Contents of ‘Abe-no Seimei  stories ’
Abe-no Seimei Stories 1
Abe-no Seimei Stories 2
Abe-no Seimei Stories 3
Abe-no Seimei Stories 4
Abe-no Seimei Stories 5
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folklifejapan · 5 years
Hanamatsuri festival at Kochi(河内), Aichi Pref, Japan, 03
Various gods, some are from myth of Japan(古事記Kojiki)
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Kochi's Hanamatsuri has two layers. The base layer is ordinary Hanamatsuri, and story derived from 'Kojiki' is newer layer.  In this festival most remarkable program is '大蛇退治OROCHI TAIJI'  (annihilating huge snake). Of course this is a famous story in Kojiki. A mythical hero 素戔嗚SUSANO defeated an evil huge snake having eight heads by his clever scheme.   Now Let's look at festival yard. We can see a great oni, its name is SUSANO.
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A Shishi(lion) entered the yard. But in this program it plays a role of huge snake called YAMATA NO OROCHI. By SUSANO's scheme OROCHI had got drunk and lay down. SUSANO (oni) approached it and ,,,,
古事記にある通り、八岐大蛇(代 獅子)は酒に酔っぱらって地に伏します。そこへ、スサノオノミコトが近づいて
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槍でグサッ。ひとしきりバトルがあり、スサノオノミコトは倒れ伏した獅子の体内から 天叢雲剣(あめのむらくものつるぎ)を取り出します。(獅子の後ろ足役の人が小剣を素戔嗚に手渡すのが、私の位置から見えました)
He stung Orochi with lance. The two fought for a while. But soon the god won. He took the sword  from Orochi's body. It is called AMANO MURAKUMO NO TSURUGI. (It is one of Three Sacred Treasures.This sword and other two treasures are things that prove their owner to be Japanese emperor, even today).
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At last Orochi escaped
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folklifejapan · 5 years
Hanamatsuri festival at Kochi(河内), Aichi Pref, Japan, 02
Various gods, some are from myth of Japan(古事記Kojiki)
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Many villages in Shitara area have Hanamatsuri festival. Some of them are different from other usual Hanamatsuri in the aspect  of having stories like a stage drama. The  stories came from myth of Japan(古事記 Kojiki).
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AMENOUZUME and her followers アメノウズメとその従者
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folklifejapan · 5 years
Hanamatsuri festival at Kochi(河内), Aichi Pref, Japan, 01
Various gods, some are from myth of Japan(Kojiki)
Many villages in Shitara area have Hanamatsuri festival. Some of them are different from other usual Hanamatsuri in the aspect  of having stories like a stage drama. The  stories came from myth of Japan(古事記 Kojiki).
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folklifejapan · 5 years
Hanamatsuri festival at Tsuki, Aichi Pref, Japan
A festival of winter solstice. Our ancestors believed their spirits got weaken at the season. So they held festival of water and fire in order to get new energy. This is also a festival of rebirth.
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folklifejapan · 5 years
Autumn has come around my house KappaTei, in Mitsuhashi
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folklifejapan · 5 years
2019 Hanamatsuri festival at Higashi-Sonome 3
2019 東薗目の花祭
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The festival of rebirth. They believe this holy hot water make their spirits vivid and their bodies healthy. 聖なる水と炎による生まれ清まりの祭り。冬至のころ、肉体と魂の再生を期して行われる湯立神楽です。
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folklifejapan · 5 years
2019 Hanamatsuri festival at Higashi-Sonome 2
2019 東薗目の花祭 2
2019年11月17日 東薗目 Hanamaturi Festival Nov 17 at Higashi-sonome in Aichi Pref, Japan
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folklifejapan · 5 years
2019 Hanamatsuri festival at Higashi-Sonome   1
2019 東薗目の花祭 1
2019年11月17日 東薗目 Hanamaturi Festival Nov 17 at Higashi-sonome in Aichi Pref, Japan
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folklifejapan · 5 years
森林鉄道と、ある酒屋の物語 17(日本語&English)
A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   17
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Kurijima River at typhoon 2018  2018年の台風時の栗島川  
「ここにいては危険だ。少しでも高いところに逃げよう。津島神社が良い」 正之さんは言った。
車軸を流すがごとき大雨である。加えて、立っていられないほどの強風。そして停電。真っ暗闇の中、耳を聾するばかりの川の音がする。子供たち4人を抱えて、無事に神社までたどりつけるだろうか? 我が家からわずか80mのところにあるのだが。
Masayuki-san said 'It's very dangerous to stay here. Let's get away to higher place as much as possible. Tsushima jinja shrine would be proper.'
It rained bitterly and wind blew so extremely. It kept everyone from standing firmly. Moreover the power had been down.
Chikako-san thought  'In the true darkness , are we able to take our four children to the shrine ?  Even if it's only eighty meters.'
'Let us go.' Masayuki-san said.
'Oh yes, my hus' Chikako-san answered with determination.
The matter was  life of whole family. Chikako-san and Masayuki-san had two sons and two daughters.
Chikako-san thought 'I must keep, I must keep their life, and blood of Ito family '
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Isewan typhoon. The most notorious one which attacked Tokai district in Showa 34 (1959). The lowest air pressure was 894hPa, maximum wind speed around its center was 90m/s (measured by US forces).
Being soaked by rain the family climbed  the stone steps at the shrine and arrived at under the shrin's roof. Their house was almost at the foot of the step. And beyond their house, we was able to see Kurijima river run. From the river the strange sounds came. At first they were faint.  More and more they got loud and the number of them got many. Strange base sounds. Their second son noticed them first.
'Mammy, what is that ?'
'What? You say about what '
The sounds got loud more and more and got many. The sounds like giants' footsteps marching in the underground world.
'That is,,'  Masayuki-san tried to answer but he could not continued his words.
Extreme rain caused extreme flow. And it pushed stones and rocks in the river. Eventually even huge stones could not keep themselves staying still. They started to move. Those rolling rocks collided other stones. Then these stones started to move and collided. It was tremendous chain reaction. Even a person who had lived mountain area for long years seldom see such a scene. It was fearful experience.
The family waited for dawn without any words. Chikako-san prayed in her mind 'Please help us, my god, the god of our village '. And she looked up the shrine's eaves.
5,098 people were killed by this disaster. The morning light came but with huge number of victims.
Because of this terrible typhoon the authorities made a embankment along Kurijima river. We can see it today, as a important part of Mitsuhashi's landscape.
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堤防とかっぱ亭 embankment and Kappatei 
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Days and years had passed like an arrow. Their four children grew up soundly. Boys made swimming goggles by themselves and went to Kurijima river next to their house, to spear fishes with their friends. Girls loved drawing. They drew pictures of princess and ladies on the walls in the kitchen or washroom !  Boys preferred to affix seals which are small free gifts, when they bought chewing gum they can get them. Now we can find some anime hero's seals pasted on pillar in this house.
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folklifejapan · 5 years
Buddha, gods and flowers in Shitara 花に埋もれた神仏、設楽の森で 2
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A small shrine of 田の神様TA NO KAMISAMA(paddy field god) 
Strolling countryside in Japan we sometimes find a small shrine beside paddy fields. It's for TA NO KAMISAMA. In our faith and folklore he comes down from mountain to village area every February. People enshrine him next to their paddy field. And he stay there until October to guard farmer's agricultural work. And after harvest he returns to mountain. This is a basic pattern of Japanese agricultural faith.
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Now I found TANO KAMI SAMA when I was taking photos of flowers. But the paddy field seemed to have been abandoned for long time. At first I felt disappointed. But I saw it twice and three times, and found there was Sakaki sprig. That is a offering.Someone offered it to the shrine. The paddy field had gone. But the faith is still alive.
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‘Enshu haguma’, endangered species
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folklifejapan · 5 years
Would you like Oden ? おでん、どうでしょう? 参候祭りにおいでのフォロワーやfriendsのみなさん
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参候祭り Sanzoro Matsuri festival
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This Nov.9th our village Mitsuhashi is going to hold Sanzoro Matsuri festival. My wife and I live near the festival site (Tsushima jinjya shrine). When you visit there please look for the poster above. That is my house. There I'll offer you Oden for free. Please eat Oden and enjoy the festival. 
more info for Sanzoro Matsuri festival is here
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folklifejapan · 5 years
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Autumn scene at Mitsuhashi, Japan 三都橋、秋の景色。参候祭りももうすぐです。by Shige #したらぐらし #設楽暮らし #設楽町 #奥三河 #愛知県 #三都橋 #すすき #秋 #folklifejapan #mitsuhashi https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bsUuQDkk8/?igshid=ix6soc610ig3
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