foodcourtzine · 3 years
Heya! My name is Jill (cookiegamer on ao3) and I'm one of the contributing writers for the food court zine. My recipe is strawberry daifuku, and I'll be writing about everyone's favourite old men, Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth. I really hope you guys enjoy my work and all the other works of this zine too. I for one am very excited to read and admire everyone's hard work coming together! Until the zine is ready to be published, here is a a little something to keep you going until then! @foodcourtzine
"Phoenix took out his knife and carefully followed his own instructions. “Then you wrap your strawberry up in it, and voila!” Phoenix presented his creation.
“You make it look so easy,” Edgeworth muttered as he struggled with sticky hands.
Phoenix smiled and turned back to his work when he heard a loud clatter.
Phoenix watched as Franziska flung her dough into the desk like she was punishing it for disappointing her.
“Looks like you’re not the only one having trouble,” Phoenix commented.
“I command you to do as I say! Don’t you know who I am?” Franziska slammed her fist into her dough like it personally offended her.
“Franzy, you can’t threaten the dough to do as you say,” Maya said, surprisingly the voice of reason for a change. “Watch me.” "
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
hey folks!! here’s a preview of my piece for @foodcourtzine, a recipe based ace attorney zine!! i cant wait for you guys to see all the awesome work everyones put into making this thing 💖
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
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Hype to say I'm an artist for the Ace Attorney themed cookbook @foodcourtzine! Can't wait for y'all to see what we have "cooked" up! Haha. Get it? G...get it? :')
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
hey everyone! i’m a writer for @foodcourtzine, which is an ace attorney fanzine with art, fic, and recipes! my food is de killer’s ice cream 🍦 please go give our account a follow and keep an eye out for the finished zine in the near future!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
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hello friends! i'm a. camerata and i'm in charge of recipe development and cooking for all of the savory meals in @foodcourtzine. you can look forward to recipes for food inspired by and referenced to in the ace attorney games, like angel starr's "crunchy goodness," aka the fried fish bento, pictured here!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
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hello my name is guste! i'm a mod and an artist for @foodcourtzine, i love food and the legal system sooo much ♥♥♥ i'm gifting you a small preview of my piece and hoping you'll enjoy what the zine has to offer!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
op we have some GREAT news
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
it's been a while since we heard anything, so i just have a couple questions! who are your contributors? when is this zine coming out?
Hello! Sorry for the wait. Due to difficulties with COVID-19, we do not yet have a release date. However, we can tell you that we are approximately 70% done creating the content and are also hard at work composing the zine's graphic design. Throughout the week, our contributors will be making introductory posts that we'll reblog right here. We hope for your continued support!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
Hello, I’m River, and I’m a writer for @foodcourtzine​! Here’s a little sneak peek of my fic for the zine:
“Well, what do you think?” Mia asks, and Maya smiles with her mouth full.
“It’sh gweat!” She declares, deciding this is her new favorite food (she’d also said that about three different things within the last week, so that may not mean much, but she’s eight, she’s allowed to change her mind).
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
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I'm Mercury, and I'm a moderator and chef of @foodcourtzine. I'll be handling all the desserts for the project. My favorite recipe so far is for karinto, better known outside Japan as Ema's trademark "Snackoos". Please look forward to our team's work!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
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hello, my name is rory, or adrian…if you would like to call me that. i’m a mod and contributor for @foodcourtzine​!! i run a dinky little ace attorney blog, and like to draw comics and cartoons in my spare time
above is a preview of my own zine piece….what could franziska be up to here?? 👀
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
Hi! It's been a while since your last update, is this zine still ongoing?
Hello! The zine is currently under construction as our artists work on their pieces and our chefs finish the last of the recipes. More updates to come!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
Applications are now closed.
Thank you to everyone who applied!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
Applications will close tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12p PST/3p EST/7p GMT!
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Now recruiting artists and fic writers!
Food Court is a new Ace Attorney fan zine that's half cookbook and half creative works. Ten foods, some sweet and some savory have been taken from the Ace Attorney games and are being turned into recipes, complete with helpful photos. Each recipe will be accompanied by drawn artwork or a short fanfic.
So far we have mostly artists so we're definitely looking for some writers! We have five spots open at the time of writing this post. No deadlines as of yet, but if you join please be prepared to start your piece reasonably soon. Profits will be split nearly-evenly among all contributors with those who are also editors receiving a slightly higher percentage. Do not interact if you are: racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, transphobic, anti-BLM, a proshipper or a TERF. Click here to fill out a short application. We look forward to having you!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
hi! is there a place to find out more about the zine schedule/it’s moderators? thanks & have a good day!
Hello! We don't have a solid schedule yet, but it would be nice to get this out by the end of the year. The moderators are @no-hetsplanation-for-aa and myself. My url is @clowncomputing, but I'm not really on Ace Attorney Tumblr. Feel free to DM us with any other questions!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
Whoops!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry if you tried to apply in the last hour or so. Applications were briefly down but are now back up!
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Now recruiting artists and fic writers!
Food Court is a new Ace Attorney fan zine that's half cookbook and half creative works. Ten foods, some sweet and some savory have been taken from the Ace Attorney games and are being turned into recipes, complete with helpful photos. Each recipe will be accompanied by drawn artwork or a short fanfic.
So far we have mostly artists so we're definitely looking for some writers! We have five spots open at the time of writing this post. No deadlines as of yet, but if you join please be prepared to start your piece reasonably soon. Profits will be split nearly-evenly among all contributors with those who are also editors receiving a slightly higher percentage. Do not interact if you are: racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, transphobic, anti-BLM, a proshipper or a TERF. Click here to fill out a short application. We look forward to having you!
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foodcourtzine · 3 years
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Now recruiting artists and fic writers!
Food Court is a new Ace Attorney fan zine that's half cookbook and half creative works. Ten foods, some sweet and some savory have been taken from the Ace Attorney games and are being turned into recipes, complete with helpful photos. Each recipe will be accompanied by drawn artwork or a short fanfic.
So far we have mostly artists so we're definitely looking for some writers! We have five spots open at the time of writing this post. No deadlines as of yet, but if you join please be prepared to start your piece reasonably soon. Profits will be split nearly-evenly among all contributors with those who are also editors receiving a slightly higher percentage. Do not interact if you are: racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, transphobic, anti-BLM, a proshipper or a TERF. Click here to fill out a short application. We look forward to having you!
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