foraphroditesake · 11 months
cause i don’t want you like a best friend
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paring: eren jeager x reader
summary: despite telling eren you want to take things slowly, the two of you jump into a relationship. much to mikasa’s dismay, the two of you seem very happy.
genre: fluff, smut, angst (for mikasa)
notes: PART TWO IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! i am so so sorry it took so long! life is crazy but i am trying. please keep in mind that there is still a lot coming. i am also not a mikasa hater, this is just a work fiction. any and all feedback is always appreciated! i will tag everyone on the tag list in the comments when i get a little more time later today! i have a few errand to run. as always, this probably needs more editing. title credits; dress; taylor swift
warnings: minors dni, fluff, quick getting into a relationship, newly established relationships, eren is a hopeless romantic, eren is a gentleman, eren is a sweet boy, eren falls in love with reader basically at first sight and has been smitten with her ever since, reader recently got out of a toxic relationship and is still healing- but is also very smitten with eren, unrequited love (mikasa), mentions of creampie, jealousy, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), cucking (? mikasa listens while they fuck in a bathroom, and through the wall while they fuck), reader is implied to be bisexual, reader is very femme, reader gives mikasa a slight sexual awakening?, implied slut shaming from mikasa about reader.
word count: 9.3k
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He’s late. Mikasa thinks to herself as she keeps looking at the entrance of the diner they eat at nearly every week.
“Where the hell is Eren?” Connie is the one to vocalize her thoughts, a twinge of annoyance in his tone as they’ve been sitting there for fifteen minutes waiting for him.
Before anyone can say anything else, the door chimes, signaling that someone’s walked in. Mikasa’s face lights up instantly when she sees Eren, and she doesn’t notice the look of hurt that’s cross Jean’s as he sits across the table from her.
Mikasa’s smile turns into a frown once she notices that Eren has you with him. You’ve got on a cropped light blue sweater with some light wash jeans, and the white sneakers you’re wearing have, what she can only assume to be hand painted, blue butterflies. Your makeup is, surprisingly, minimal. Just some light gloss and neutral eyeshadow that has a pop of blue in the inner corner.
Eren has a sheepish half smile on his face as his free hand scratches the back of his neck, “I hope you guys don’t mind, but I invited a, uh, friend to join us,”
You give a shy, half smile and a small wave, “I hope I’m not intruding, I told Eren we could always hang out later. He kind of insisted though,” As you look at Eren, your half smile turns into a dazzling, perfect smile. Eren grins right back at you just as brightly.
Armin goes to speak up, but Mikasa beats him to it, “Well you’re already here. So,” Her tone has everyone’s eyes narrowing in confusion as you look at Eren with a confused grin.
“Of course you’re welcome to eat with us!” Armin interjects before anyone can say anything else can say anything, causing Eren to smile softly at him before shooting a glare Mikasa’s way as he pulls out a chair for you next to Armin and sliding into the chair next to you.
Everyone notices the change in Mikasa’s mood, but no one comments on it. Sasha eyes you from across the table curiously, “Have we met before?”
You tilt your head to the side as you study her, she looks familiar but not enough for you to say you know her. Your eyes avert to the two boys at each of her side before you smile halfheartedly, “Hey you guys are on the football team, right?”
Jean nods as Connie loudly exclaims hell yeah, what about it. You shake your head and look back at Sasha, realization flooding you as you fight back a loud laugh. God, Hitch would have a field day with this one. “You got extremely, and I mean extremely drunk at a party after playoffs last year. Somehow you ended up in the kitchen with me and you kept eating my sandwiches. Even proclaimed your love for me, and offered to, in your words, eat me out for an extra dessert, when I gave you the cookies I had made for some of my friends.”
Jean and Connie bust out laughing at your confession while Sasha’s face heats up in semi-embarrassment. “Oh my god, that’s where that bag of cookies came from?”
Mikasa lets out a scoff at Connie’s words. Of fucking course you bake, just a real Suzie Homemaker. Eren’s head snaps in her direction, before looking over to you to make sure you were still engrossed in conversation with the three across the table; observing the way your eyes light up as you tease Sasha and tell her not to worry, you know you’re easy to fall in love with.
Yeah, you got that right, he thinks to himself.
Averting his attention back to Mikasa, a harsh whisper leaves his mouth, “What the fuck is your problem?” Mikasa’s eyes widen at Eren’s tone. Sure, she’s familiar with Eren’s hotheaded attitude after knowing him her whole life, but she can only count on one hand the number of times it’s been directed at her.
“W-what?” She honestly doesn’t remember what he said. Eren rolls his eyes, annoyed. “What is your problem? You were rude the other morning to her, and now you’re being shitty because Sasha already knows her? What the fuck is your deal?”
From across the table, Jean can tell things are heating up between the two and interjects before they can cause a scene. Despite knowing exactly what they’re arguing, they shouldn’t cause a scene over Mikasa’s one sided feelings in front of you, or in the middle of a restaurant. “Hey, how are your guys’ med school applications going?”
Eren gives Mikasa a look that tells her that their conversation is far from over before turning to Jean and letting out a laugh. “Eh, they’re going on my end, but I only applied to three.”
Your eyes are back on him, brow slightly raised in curiosity. “Oh, which three?” Eren smirks, looking proud of himself and ready to brag, “Harvard, Hopkins, and Stanford.”
His smirk deepens at the impressed look that crosses your face, “Oh, wow! Eren, those are really impressive schools!”
Too engrossed with you, he doesn’t notice the look on Mikasa’s face, but it’s too late and she’s already speaking up. “You didn’t tell me about Harvard and Hopkins?”
Everyone’s eyes are on her, and she tries to cover the distress in her eyes, but everyone notices pretty quickly. Eren’s eyes have confusion in them, “I didn’t know I had to tell you about every school I wanted to apply to?” Sure, it’s nice that they’ve all stuck together this long, but he didn’t expect her to be so upset over the possibility of going to different medical schools. She’s had her heart set on Stanford since she was fifteen anyway.
Your eyes peeking at her over Eren’s shoulder has embarrassment flooding through her, “No, I know. I just thought Stanford was your top pick, is all.” Eren nods, giving her an odd look before turning his body towards you, much like the rest of the table.
Armin speaks up first, awkwardly clearing his throat, “Annie told me you’re an art major?”
An enthusiastic nod comes from you, “Yeah! I plan on going to Italy after I graduate, actually. My mom knows this guy who lives there and he’s an incredible painter. I’d like to spend a summer there to learn from him.”
“That is so cool!” Sasha tells you, “What do you want to do with your degree?” Armin asks you, causing you to frown slightly.
It’s not that you don’t want to work, but you had been with Porco for so long and you guys had plans. He was getting some accounting degree so you could focus on doing things you like, he always told you he would take care of everything else, so long as you are doing something you enjoyed, he couldn’t give a shit. And while the breakup was most definitely for the best, if you’re being honest, you have no idea what you’re going to do with your life.
Both your parents are very empathetic about your situation, and after practically begging you to get out of it and told you multiple times that they’d take care of you no matter what, but you can’t help but feel guilt at the idea of just relying on their money forever. Even if you’ll end up with all of it someday anyway since you’re their only child.
Clearing your throat you look back to Armin and put on a fake smile, “Still to be determined. My mom does some design work, though. So I may work with her for a little bit.” Armin senses he struck a nerve, and before he can say anything else, the waitress comes back to take everyone’s orders.
You order waffle fries and a strawberry milkshake, opting to not embarrass yourself by ordering chicken strips. You would’ve ordered something else, but you didn’t get a chance to google the menu before you got here.
While the rest of your side of the table orders, the ding of the door draws your attention. Seeing Pieck walk in makes you frown, you had forgotten she works her now, not that you know anything about her these days. You’re surprised she even follows you on social media anymore.
Her gaze catches yours, and her eyes widen as she nearly runs into a table trying to get away from your line of sight. You have to refrain from letting out a huff of laughter, god how fucking pathetic. You’re so upset over someone who can’t even look at you? Fuck that and fuck her. Pieck was supposed to be one of your best friends, and sure, she was friends with him first, but you weren’t the only one who got treated like absolute fucking garbage by him. And she’s going to side with him?
Eren senses your mood has dampened slightly, and throws his arm around your shoulders, impulsively nuzzling his nose in your neck. A laugh bubbles out of your mouth at his actions, despite the fact that you try to hold it in.
Your laughter draws Pieck’s attention from the back where she’s hiding, guilt and longing consuming her body. Leaning against the wall, she takes a deep breath as she thinks about how badly she misses you, about how badly she fucked up. She wonders if you think she took Pock’s side in your breakup, and she wishes she could tell you that she hasn’t talked to him since two days after you broke up with him. She just can’t face you, what she did was bad enough. The sad thing is she knows that if she would’ve told you what happened after it had happened, you probably would have forgiven her.
Wiping her face, she sighs and pulls herself together so she can get to work, hoping she can ignore you and the stupid guy that’s latched onto you. What she can’t help but notice is the girl sitting next to him has the same look on her face that she knows she has on her own. Interesting.
Sasha and Connie’s eyes light up when you offer to make the cookies for them again, actually for them this time. The comment causes Sasha to flush in embarrassment despite the teasing wink you send her way.
Eren can’t help but feel his chest warm slightly at the fact you get along with his friends so well practically instantly.
Mikasa’s frown seems almost permanent at this point. Her heart hurts that the one person she wishes would notice doesn’t. The only person that notices is the one she wishes wouldn’t.
A few hours later, Mikasa is sitting in the living room of their apartment as she goes over advanced organic chemistry notes when Eren walks into the apartment. Trying to seem nonchalant, she doesn’t react despite the anxiety creeping up her chest, knowing he’s still upset about what happened at the diner this afternoon.
Eren does his best to ignore her, extremely hurt by her attitude earlier. He can’t fathom why she would act like that, especially when you were nothing but extremely nice during lunch, and the awkward car ride yesterday morning.
When minutes go by of him not saying anything, she thinks he may actually be seriously mad at her for her behavior. Armin walks out of his room before she can go confront him, asking him about you.
She doesn’t have it in her to listen to their conversation, trying to tune out what she does hear.
I really like her man, but she hasn’t been single long, she wants to take things slow.
Well I think you should lay your feelings on the table.
Coming from you? No offense, but Annie didn’t even know you existed until July.
Yeah, because I reached out to her during our summer class, telling her I liked her.
She tunes out the rest of the conversation, not wanting to listen anymore. She stares at the chemistry definitions and equations until she hears the door to the apartment slam and Armin goes back to his room.
Hitch walks into the apartment not long after you get home from lunch, sighing loudly before throwing herself on the couch and laying her head in your lap.
“Today was the worst,” She whines while your hum in acknowledgement, sticking your hand in her hair to rub her scalp.
“Agreed,” Her hand finds yours that’s in her hair, lacing her fingers with yours while she looks up at you with a pout. “Why was your day bad?”
A small huff leaves you as you set your phone down, “Eren’s friend seemed less than pleased to have to deal with them having to bring me home yesterday morning, and then today at lunch she seemed pretty mad about my presence.”
Hitch glances up at you with a raised brow, “I could’ve picked you up, but why would that still be bothering you today?”
You shrug before looking down at her, “I don’t know, I mean it’s not like Eren and I have anything but some tension. But I think I like him, I’ve only known him for like, two days though so,”
Hitch rolls her eyes, “Hun, you were with Porco for almost five years, and you were absolutely miserable for two of them. I’m not saying get into an immediate relationship with Eren, but if you like him, you should go out with him.”
Looking down at her with emotion swirling your chest, guilt creeping in, “But won’t it make me a bad person? Jumping into another possible relationship? Situationship?” Whatever it may be, you think to yourself.
Hitch is completely baffled at the thought, because you both know that Porco has been hooking up with girls left and right since coming back to school; a few of them having the nerve to dm you on social media in an attempt to brag. Not that you cared, if anything you’re desperate for him to move on.
She scoffs and sits up and grips your shoulders in her hands, fingers digging in almost painfully. “God no, and fuck anyone who thinks that.”
Despite her attempt at reassuring you, it doesn’t help much. Porco didn’t take your breakup well, at all. He spent two days sleeping on your parent’s porch hoping you would talk to him before your dad threatened to call the cops. The relationship wasn’t good, but you just didn’t want to hurt him anymore than he already is.
And you really don’t want him to try to hurt Eren.
“Why was your day bad?” Curiosity laces your voice. From the looks of her snapchat story last night, she had plenty of fun with Marlo after you left the party.
Groaning, she nuzzles herself back into her neck, “Stupid Marlo.”
Hitch and Marlo have been doing the off and on thing since they met freshman year at orientation. He wasn’t your favorite of Hitch’s boyfriends; you’re honestly surprised she never ended up with Colt.
For whatever reason, she really, really likes Marlo and quickly became attached to him, so you tolerate him like any best friend would. The past year has been weird for them, he’s so back and forth, indecisive about what he wants since graduation is coming up soon.
Running your fingers through her hair you let a sigh leave your mouth. She deserves better.
Lost in her own thoughts, Hitch makes a mental note to stalk all of Eren Jeager and his friends tonight. Just to be safe, she tells herself.
After Eren rushed out of the apartment, Mikasa immediately went and spent the next few hours lying in bed on her phone. At first she was just trying to distract herself with twitter, but then she ended up on instagram. On instagram, she finds herself on Annie’s page, and Annie’s page leads her to an old picture that you tagged her in. 
The picture isn’t anything special, it looks like it’s from Annie’s nineteenth birthday, captioned with a simple black heat. It’s just the two of you, your cheeks pressed against each other’s while you smile brightly. Mikasa can tell that this was before you really started experimenting with makeup a whole lot, because your face is nearly bare.
She locks her phone and turns over, facing the wall as she takes deep breaths. She isn’t sure why she’s so fucking upset. You aren’t the first girl that’s managed to catch Eren’s eye, and you’re not the first girl he’s brought to their apartment either.
Maybe it’s the fact that she’s never heard Eren talk about a girl the way he does you. Or maybe it’s the fact that even before you spoke to him, he noticed everything about you.
Maybe it’s the way that deep down she knows no matter how hard she tried, Eren would probably never look at her the way she’s seen him look at you this week. His eyes would never light up when talking about her the way they do when he talks about you.
What was so special about you? Would he even have noticed you at all if he wouldn’t have been a TA for that stupid chemistry class?
Was it because of the way you dressed? Did he prefer your soft and pastel wardrobe to her nearly entirely black and navy one? Or maybe it was the way you styled your hair, that could definitely be it, right? No, no, there’s nothing about you that even stands out that much. You’re not even the type that he usually goes for.
Frustration courses through her veins the longer her mind thinks about it. There isn’t anything special about you, you’re no better than her. So why does he want you so badly? Why, why, why? Why hasn’t he ever wanted her?
Eren’s been her best friend since elementary school, along with Armin of course. She’s always loved him, always. Why doesn’t he love her the way she loves him?
She doesn’t even realize she’s crying until she feels the tears streaking down her neck and her sobs reach her own ears, god, she wants to throw up. She’s never been like this.
Sighing, she picks it up to find an instagram notification. pieck.finger is now following you!
Curiosity gets the better of her and she decides to look at her profile, only to find dozens of photos that include you, all the way up to her latest post which was dated July 9th. You’re wearing a very skimpy black two piece that barely covers anything and Pieck is clinging to your right side. In the background of the picture, Mikasa makes out Porco Galliard’s features that have a heated glare directed towards the two of you.
She continues scrolling, not even bothering to wipe the tears off her face, a few of her pictures are just candid selfies, pictures with a cat, and group pictures that include Colt Grice, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, and of course Porco. There are also a few with you, Historia, and Hitch. The more she scrolls, the more she notices a lot of her pictures are of just the two of you, and she’s always got the same look on her face when she’s looking at you. Interesting. 
Standing in front of your door, Eren’s mind, and chest, are running a mile a minute. He definitely should’ve called you first, and he knows he should’ve.
It’s after midnight and he’s not even sure if you’re awake still, but after talking with Armin, he knows it can’t wait.  
Exhaling a deep breath, Eren knocks on the front door to your apartment, sticking his hands in his pockets while he waits for an answer. He thinks his heart might give out when you do finally answer, you’ve got on a satin pink pajama set with a loose braid in your hair. You always look so pretty, so fucking pretty.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you look at him, “Eren? It’s late, is everything alright? I wasn’t expecting you,”
He nods quickly, hoping to reassure you as he takes a deep breath, “Yeah, I just, well you know,” Fuck this is going to be harder than he thought
Relief fills you and a small laugh leaves you as you shake your head, “I know?”
He sighs, and a slight frown takes over his features, “I just felt like I needed to come over here before I lost the courage,”
Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, you frown slightly, “Lose the courage to what?”
Eren bites his lip, “I know I said I can take things slow. That we can take things slow,” you nod, biting your own lip causing him to groan.
“I want you so bad, not just in a sexual way. I just want you, and if you really want to wait then I can wait. I just want you to know that even if you still need time, I’m all in. I know we haven’t known each other very long, but I really, really like you. I’ve had the biggest crush on you since last semester when you walked into Hange’s chem class,”
A hand runs through his hair as he sighs, “I just really fucking like you. And I know you just got out of a relationship a few months ago and want to take things slow, but I just don’t want someone else to come in and sweep you off your feet. “
Grabbing your hand in his own he laces your fingers together, “I just want you to be mine and we take things slow from there.”
Eren’s eyes are staring deeply into your own as he studies your reaction, the green in his eyes is extremely vivid in the hall light for some reason. Your mouth is dry as you take in everything he said, trying to decide what the best response is.
Because, god, do you like him. And him saying everything he just said makes you like him even more, plus your talk with Hitch gave you a lot to think about. Why should you continue to let Porco’s possible feelings dictate you and what you do? You aren’t his anymore. You’re just yours.
Thinking your silence is him misunderstanding what’s been building between the two of you for the past couple days, he takes a step back and drops your hand, causing you to frown, “Eren-“
“No, uh, it’s cool. I just, I think I misread this.” Turning around, he makes his way towards the elevator so he can go wallow in self-pity and insecurities, but your hand on his wrist stops him.
“I don’t think you misread anything.” Between your fingers wrapped around his wrist, where he knows his pulse is thumping erratically and deeply, and the soft tone in your voice, your words have him unable to move.
Gently, you tug his arm, turning his body back towards you. His eyes meet yours again, before they glance down to your lips and then back up again, noticing your eyes are on his lips. A shaky breath leaves his mouth, fanning over your face as your eyes close slightly. “Well, are you planning to kiss me? Or are we just going to stand here all night?”
He lets out a laugh at your words, before leaning down and connecting his mouth with your slightly opened one. His tongue lightly traces against your bottom lip as your arms link around his neck to pull him closer to you. Your teeth nip at his bottom lip, causing him to groan deep in the back of his throat. Hands grip your hips through the satin shorts tightly, but not tight enough to bruise.
He pulls away, hands reaching up to hold your face as he leans in again. He smiles against your lips as he feels you tugging him towards your apartment, praying your roommate out so he can fuck you like you deserve.
The past month has been the worst month of Mikasa’s life.
You and Eren have been inseparable; during the very rare moment the two of you aren’t together, he talks on and on about you. He didn’t even go home with her for fall break like they had planned on doing, instead he surprised you with an air bnb for that whole week in Maine.
Not to mention, you’ve also gotten into the habit of staying at their apartment half the week, which means that she wakes up to you moaning Eren’s name while she listens to the sounds of your skin slapping together, comes home to you straddling him on the couch.
It’s been damn near fucking torture, having to listen to your quiet, breathy moans through the thin wall that separates her room from Eren’s. Having to walk into the apartment and see you two eating some sort of food she knows Eren would never eat if he had any say in it.
Eren, above all else, has always been a creature of habit. Now it seems all those habits involve you. He’s melded his own, however messy it was, schedule to fit your own. He wakes up earlier so he can watch you get ready for the day, a small section of his closet has a few of your own articles of clothing while a drawer in his dresser holds your underwear and sleepwear. He’s also started eating three actual meals a day instead of an energy drink before class, leftover pizza at three when he gets home, and whatever Armin would cook for dinner at eleven before he fell asleep. No, now he eats some sort of breakfast with you, he eats lunch with you, and you’ve taken on helping Armin cook dinner in the evenings you stay at their apartment or ordering some sort of overpriced food that none of them have ever heard of when no one wants to cook. He also uses different soaps; they smell a lot better than the stuff he was using. Mikasa has to admit his hair has been looking softer the past couple of weeks.
The nail in the coffin for her was when you had class later than him one afternoon, so he went and bought new, softer, sheets for his bed. He’s used the same sheets since they moved into this apartment and now all of a sudden he wants new ones? When she had asked him about it, all he had told her was that it was time for a nice change, ‘s all.
It also doesn’t help that you’re friends get along really fairly well with their friend group, so weekly meet ups that used to be between Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Connie, Jean, Sasha, and Marco also now include you, Hitch, Historia, and Ymir. It’s almost like your groups have melded into one. Almost, but not really.
You’re like a parasite that’s not only infected Eren, but everything about her life.
Ymir is probably the one Mikasa could get along with the most, she’s the most laid back out of the four of you. Historia and Hitch are a different story, they’re fiercely protective of you and don’t seem to like her very much. She wonders if they’ve managed to notice something Eren’s been so oblivious to all the years in the few times they’ve joined in on game night.
She imagines that the three of you were mean girls in high school. It definitely fit; three pretty, rich, cheerleaders who don’t socialize with people out of their inner circle of friends. At least that’s what she likes to think, partially due to the harsh glares Hitch sends her when she thinks no one is looking, the other side of her likes to think that because, well pretty, rich, snobby cheerleaders.
Mikasa grew up in a well off family, but your dad is one of the best anesthesiologists in the country and you’re mom not only comes from an extremely rich family but is also an incredible designer. So while Mikasa definitely had a great home life, you’ve never heard the word no in yours.
Evidently, it seems like Eren can’t tell you no either, since he’s bought twelve dozen flowers in the past three weeks and taken you out on eleven dates since you two became official.
He loves taking you out, showing you off. Showing people that you’re his. Especially the guys on the football team when their hanging out with Jean and Connie because he knows it’ll get back to good ole Galliard.
More than anything else, she’s hurt. She, Eren, and Armin used to do everything together and spent so much time together, and now they both have girlfriends. She just feels alone.
While this has been the worst month of Mikasa’s life, Eren thinks it’s been the best month of his.
He’s loved spending the past month getting to learn everything there is to know about you and teaching you everything there is to know about him. You two have spent every possible minute together since he showed up at your doorstep early that Friday morning.
He doesn’t think he’s ever met someone so incredible. He truly has never enjoyed someone as much as he enjoys you, he enjoys you so much he has literally watched you watch paint dry and all he could think about was how good you looked in the lighting, the way the sun was hitting your face while you patiently waited for the green to dry so you could put the blue over it.
Sure, his mom was pretty upset that he bailed on fall break, but when he told her that he was going to spend it with a girl, she had been ecstatic.
Carla was starting to get worried that he would never settle down. When Mikasa had come by their house to visit, Carla threw questions at her about you. How you met Eren, what you were like, if she could show her a photo of the two of you.
Mikasa relented, loving Carla too much to not show her you. She wasn’t too sure if you even had photos of the two of you on social media, but the second her instagram loaded to her feed a picture of you and Eren with big smiles on your faces. Eren had on a black nike hat sitting backwards on his head, hair pulled back in its signature bun while you’re face is pressed up against his, pretty eyeliner lining your eyes with a lilac color sitting at your inner corner.
Carla had squealed in excitement when Mikasa hesitantly turned the phone around to show her the photo that Eren had simple captioned with a simple black heart. Gushing about how beautiful you are and how happy Eren looks and how good you two look next to each other.
Mikasa left pretty quickly after that.
That trip to Maine was the best last minute decision he could think of, but it ended up being one of the greatest ideas he ever had. You two spent a whole week just the two of you, eating fancy over-priced food that Eren knew his father would be livid about once he saw the credit card bill for this month, took fancy bubble baths in a ridiculously large bathtub, and Eren also got to take you to a few fancy museums. Not that he would ever admit it, but the museums were purely self-indulgent, he just wanted to listen to you ramble about all the different types of art, hear which ones you liked the most and why. He really just likes listening to you talk, honestly.
Currently you and Eren are curled up on the couch discussing Halloween costumes to wear for the party one of the frats is hosting tonight. Eren thinks you guys should be a doctor and sexy nurse, typical. But you’re insisting that you have to keep up with the original costume idea that you, Hitch, and Historia already have planned out. Telling him that you thought the costumes were hot and a good idea!
“I’m just sayin’, angels are pretty basic, baby.” Eren tells you for the third time causing you to groan, “Well, for one, we’re going to be sexy angels and two, we always dress up together! I can’t just bail.”
You have a valid argument, from what is on your instagram page, the three of you have done costumes together since middle school, which is over a decade. Last year the three of you were the powerpuff girls, given you were the powerpuff girls in lingerie, but powerpuff girls, nonetheless.
“Oh! You could be the devil! It would be perfect; we could be dressed up together and I don’t have to change my costume! It’s a win-win!”
With how excited you sound; one could assume that you just solved world hunger or something. Which Eren definitely believes you could. You’re a lot smarter than everyone seems to give you credit for.
“Oh yeah, a big bad devil looking to taint a pretty, innocent little angel,” Eren’s voice drops to a low, seductive tone. Hand reaching down to creep at the hem of the pretty, lavender satin shorts you’re wearing under one of his t-shirts.
“Oh, most definitely,” You play along as his hand moves from the hem to the waistband, tracing the dainty lace that he knows is black.
“Mhm, too bad I don’t have anything to wear,” You roll your eyes and huff on a sharp laugh.
“Eren, all you need to wear is black jeans and a black t-shirt. That’s nearly all you we-“
He cuts you off when he sinks his teeth into your neck and his fingers dip into your panties, “E-eren!”
His middle finger traces your clit, applying barely any pressure as he lightly circles the sensitive bud. Relishing in the way your body has come to react to him.
Just as he’s about to pull your pants off and go to town, your phone rings causing you both to groan loudly, a cry of frustration leaving your mouth as he pulls his hand from your panties to grab your phone from the coffee table to give you.
“Hitch, I swear to go-“
Eren doesn’t hear the whole conversation, he doesn’t really need to, knowing that Hitch is probably just calling to make sure that she and Historia can still come over to get ready for the party since Eren offered to drive you guys because Ymir has to work later than she planned.
“Oh? You’re in the parking lot? I thought we said six?” Eren sighs and stands up, adjusting his pants as he goes to prepare his room for whatever it may be about to witness. He wouldn’t ever complain about your friends, especially since they love you as much as they do. But this is definitely not the first time Hitch has shown up when you two are about to fuck.
“I’m really sorry about this,” You start apologizing, knowing he’s about to be kicked out of his room so you three can get ready.
“No! Don’t be, I offered after all,” He laughs and scratches the back of his neck, the last thing he wants is for you to feel unwanted in his home.
You give him a sheepish smile, a slight glint in your eyes as your hold up the bag with your costume, “To make up for taking over your room, you wanna help me put this on?”
Green eyes suspiciously look at the bag, taking it from your hand and opening it, he has to bite his lip to hold in the groan he’s about to let out when he sees the heaps of white lace.
“You’re killing me, baby.”
Eren’s definitely basking in the fact that you and you’re friends have taken over his bedroom. He feels like a real boyfriend, having been kicked out of his room so the three of you can get ready.
Armin and Annie are dressed as some couple from the show they watch together, but they look cute together as they sit on the couch while listening to Eren ramble about your costume that he helped you put on before your friends got there.
“Is Mikasa going?” Annie asks off handedly as she looks between Armin and Eren. Annie isn’t stupid, she knows Mikasa’s been feeling lonely and left out. It makes her feel bad, knowing that even though Mikasa is more hurt because of Eren, Armin being busy is also affecting her.
Eren shrugs while Armin answers, “She had said something about not having anything to wear, so I don’t know,”
Speak of the devil and they shall appear, because Mikasa walks out of her room the second Armin says that.
She’s got on a black and red plaid skirt that she’s pulled up a few inches, and a white button up that’s tied above her navel. She looks kind of like Britney Spears in the ‘baby one more time’ video. She’s also got on a lot less makeup that normal, which causes the three on the couch to do a double take.
“You look great!” “Wow,” “You look different?”
Annie cuts Eren a sharp glance as his words come out more as a question than a compliment, and Mikasa twitches uncomfortably under their stares.
Before anyone else can say anything, you walk out of Eren’s room wearing a white lacy lingerie set, a pretty white robe . The lace sits pretty on your skin and your hair is curled nicely. Pretty gold and white liner lines your eyes, with sparkly pink gloss makes your lips shine. The little halo headband you have on pulls the whole look together.
“Oh wow!” Eren’s eyes on you as he stands, taking your hand and twirling you around so he can get a full look, as if he didn’t see you in it just a little bit ago when he helped you get it on.
Mikasa’s eyes are wide with a bit of shock, her voice speaking her thoughts before she can catch herself, “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Eren’s head snaps towards hers, eyes dark when he sees the judgmental look on her face. “What’s wrong with what she’s wearing?”
Mikasa let’s out a slight laugh, not realizing how upset her is by her statement, “Well, I mean, it’s literally just lingerie? You’re gonna let her go to a part dressed like that?”
Before anyone can say anything else, Hitch walks in with Historia at her tail, eyebrows raised as Eren responds, “It’s Halloween, I really don’t see a problem, Miks.”
Hitch and Historia are both standing next to you, wearing near identical outfits, waiting to see how the next few minutes are going to play out.
“I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just saying you’ll probably just catch some attention.” Armin winces at her word choice and goes to speak up before things can get any worse.
“Hey now-“
“Even if there was a problem with what she’s wearing, it’s none of your fucking business. She looks great and worst case scenario I have to knock someone out.”
Eren’s tone has you shift uncomfortably as Mikasa scoffs at him, “Eren, don’t be rid-“
“End of discussion, Mikasa.”
Hitch, though loving his response, coughs awkwardly at the tension rising in the room, “Well, as amusing as this has been, Ymir is already on her way to the party so we should head that way.”
Historia nods in agreement, reaching for her phone to text Ymir that you guys are about to head that way.
Armin sighs and stands, “Who all is riding with me?”
“Mikasa can ride with you.” Eren doesn’t hesitate with his words as he hands you his keys and tell you to go start that car, he’s just gonna go get his horns and then you guys can go. You awkwardly give Mikasa a half smile before you, Hitch, and Historia walks out of the apartment, and Mikasa rolls her eyes in annoyance.
Eren looks at her, shaking his head in disappointment, “You don’t have to fucking like her, but you have got to fucking respect her, Mikasa. Basically slut shaming her and her friends? Seriousl?”
He doesn’t give her time to respond before he’s walking out of the room, slamming the front door as he leaves.
Armin gives Mikasa a pity filled look before shaking his head, “What you said was unnecessary.” With that he grabs Annie’s hand and leads her out of the apartment. Mikasa sighs before following after them, slight guilt gnawing at her.
The party is in full swing by the time you guys walk in, Historia rushing to find Ymir while Hitch goes to see if Marlo ever showed up. You and Eren elect to go find drinks in the kitchen, Eren promising to limit himself to one beer so you can have a good time with your friends.
He’s got his hand on your waist, flaunting you and your pretty self to everyone there. It’s an ego boost knowing that people want you, and they’re more than welcome to want. But only he can touch you.
You, lost in your own world of Eren, don’t notice the looks you’re getting. The hair sticks up on the back of your neck when you see Porco with Reiner playing beer pong out of the corner of your eye, but Eren keeps pulling you along to the kitchen. Not even letting you pay attention to him as Eren sends him a cocky smirk and wave.
After a few drinks you manage to find your way back to Historia and Hitch, the later grinning and pulling you into her when she sees you. “Oh my gooood! I thought Eren was going to hold you hostage all night!”
Historia nods in agreement at your friend’s typical over-dramatic drunk self. “Yeah! We should go dance!”
You look back to Eren, eyebrows slightly raised as he smiles at you, nodding for you to go ahead as he takes your cup. “I’ll just hang out with Ymir,” He tilts his head over to her, standing in the corner glaring at anyone who looks at Historia for too long.
You smile back brightly, kissing his check before running off with your friends.
Mikasa regrets coming to the party. The schoolgirl getup she’s wearing doesn’t really look any different than what she normally wears, just a lot less material, and she’s practically alone since Annie and Armin came together. Sure, Sasha and the other guys are here, but she wishes Eren was here with her.
She’s been drinking since they got to the party, regret swimming deep inside her as she remembers how upset with her Eren was as he was leaving for the party.
Jean’s been trying to get her attention all night, and if she were in a better mood maybe she would have indulged him a little so she could have some validation that while the one she wants may not want her, but someone does.
It makes her feel sick, knowing she would stoop so low to get some validation from someone who has genuine feelings for her, but she can’t help it. Being wanted by someone feels good, even if you don’t want them.
Instead, she watches Eren from across the room as he stands next to Ymir, the two of them holding yours and Historia’s cups, talking to her while they watch you, Hitch, and Historia dance and grind on each other.
She wonders if it makes him hard, the way you dance with your friends. You’re facing Historia with her hands on your hips, toying with the pretty tulle fabric that sits there with thigh sitting in between your own while Hitch is at your back, right up against your ass while her hands sit at the pretty lace at your ribcage. Head leaning back into Hitch, your one hand travels in front of you to the back of Historia’s while the other goes behind you to rest at Hitch’s nape.
Mikasa feels her underwear damped slightly with arousal, much to her confusion, as she watches the three of you, eyes unmoving from your bodies as it becomes harder to tell where one beings and the other ends. She wonders what it would be like to be sandwiched between you and Historia right now, if she would feel heat coming from your own core’s as she danced between the two of you. Or maybe to be in between you and Hitch, she wonders where your hands would be on her if she were stuck between you and your best friend, if they’d be on her at all.
He’ll fuck you tonight, well he fucks you every night. But the way he’s looking at you now, you and Mikasa both know he’ll be fucking you tonight until your too dumb to even think about anything other than the way his cock makes you feel.
“Um, wow,” She hears Jean say. She doesn’t have to look up to know he’s talking about the three of you, practically everyone at the party is watching.
Annie hums and looks over at you guys before back over to the group, “Oh, they’re always like that. It used to bother the fuck out of Galliard, especially on nights like tonight when they’d be dressed like that. I bet Reiner’s about to cream his pants if he’s here and can see.”
Connie gulps slightly, eyes not moving, “This, uh, this happens often?”
Annie snorts, “All the fucking time.”
“Oh.” “Nice.” Marco and Sasha speak up at the same time, it’s no secret that Sasha definitely has a little crush on you.
“I guess. It’s nice to that Eren isn’t getting pissed off, though.” Annie seems genuinely happy about that, for some odd reason, but Mikasa tunes out the rest of the conversation as her eyes move to Eren.
Armin lets out a laugh, “Yeah, like Eren would go put a stop to that.”
Annie looks up at him, genuine curiosity seeping through her blue eyes, “Is Eren a cuck?” Connie nearly spits out his drink while listening to Armin try to clear up the confusion he may have just caused.
“So, uh, not to be like, well that guy or anything. But have the three of them, ever, well you know?” Ymir’s dark eyes move from Historia to Eren’s, a teasing smirk on her face and eyebrows raised.
“Oh, absolutely.” Her answer causes Eren to choke on air. With wide eyes he looks at the three of you and then back to Ymir in question
She laughs and rolls her eyes, “Oh my god, no! They haven’t all three had some insane, incredibly sexy three way.”
He lets out a sigh of relief, not for sure if he would be able to compete with someone like Hitch for your affections. Historia, obviously, is in love with Ymir so she is something he wouldn’t have to worry about, but Hitch? She knows you better than anyone else, she knows everything there is to know about the ins and outs of you.
“Right, no. Of course not.” Ymir laughs at him in slight mockery before looking back at the three of you. “They’ve definitely made out, though.”
“Right.” Eren has to physically shake his head to get the thought out of his mind before he excuses himself from Ymir to make his way over to you.
Your eyes light up when they find his green eyes that are currently dark with an emotion you’ve become all too familiar with the past month.
“Hey, pretty,” You worm your way out of Hitch’s hold and launch yourself at Eren as if you hadn’t seen him for days.
“Hi!” He smiles fondly at you, “Are you having fun?”
You nod, “Oh, yes! The most!”
As glad as he is that you’re having a good time, he’s getting really fucking hard. Given, he’s been half-hard since you showed him what your costume is, but seeing you dance with your friends the way you were made it damn near worse.
Leaning close so his mouth his by your ear, “Come with me for a few?”
Though comes out as a question, you know better and nod excitedly as you let him pull you upstairs to an empty bathroom.
Eren has you sitting on the counter before the door even closes all the way, hand immediately going to the back of your neck to pull your mouth to his. His kiss is just the right amount of rough, tongue rolling with your own after his teeth bite at your bottom lip.
You whimper lightly as he pulls away to trail wet and sloppy kisses from the corner of your mouth to your jaw and then to your neck.
He bites down when you shift your hips to grind against his denim clad cock, trying to hold in a groan while your own voice goes up in pitch due to the friction of the denim and lace against your throbbing clit.
He peels your panties off of you as he pulls his head from your neck. He quickly presses his mouth back to yours as your hands make work of his belt, drunkenly trying to pull it from the buckle as he distracts you with his tongue.
He pulls away just enough to laugh at your frustration as he helps you with his belt, then pulling his pants down just enough for his hard cock to spring free, one hand moving to your waist to pull you closer to him as the other one works itself up and down his cock to try to relive some of the tension.
“Can you be quiet for me? I can’t wait, but if you’re good I’ll make it better when we get home,”
You nod, head buzzing with lust and alcohol but the submissive gaze in your eyes is still there. Eren likes that you’re like this. Submissive, wanting to please him, wanting him to please you, but just taking whatever he gives you with a bright smile.
Shifting you, he moves your body, so you ass hangs off the edge of the counter and spreads your legs a little wider so he can place his body between them. Pretty lace hangs off of your left ankle as you bend your knee slightly to help give Eren a better angle of your clenching cunt, shining with arousal that’s been brewing since your fun was interrupted earlier.
He guides his cock into you, groaning at the way you clench down on him as he pushes his way inside you. He knows he should’ve prepped you a little first, but he just can’t help it.
The sharp pain causes tears to well in your eyes as his cock bullies its way into your tight cunt. Eren tries to hush you when little cries come out of your mouth, but his own groans are almost louder than your noises your making.
He can’t help himself; your cunt is clenching down on him so tightly as he slowly works his way in and out.
The pain starts melting into pleasure after a few minutes, whines laced with pain turning into sharp gasps of pleasure. Your legs tighten their grip on his torso, signaling for him to move faster, to fuck you deeper. Eren, being the giver he is, does just that.
The sounds of your skin slapping together is drowned out by the music downstairs, but Mikasa can hear it clearly as she stands outside the bathroom door with her ear pressed against it. She isn’t sure why she’s doing this to herself, listening to Eren moan your name while he fucks your sloppy cunt, as he calls it.
She isn’t sure why she continues to listen as your moans get louder, signaling your orgasm, she doesn’t know why she continues listening as Eren’s thrusts get audibly louder as he fucks you harder and faster, trying to fuck you through your orgasm.
She especially doesn’t know why she continues to listen when Eren starts moaning, telling you how he’s going to fuck you so full of his cum and you’re gonna take it like the good girl you are.
Mikasa isn’t sure why she does the things she does, but she finds herself back in Jean’s presence after watching you leave with Eren right after fucking in the bathroom. Giving your friends the excuse that you’re feeling tired and want to go lie down.
She especially doesn’t know why she does what she does when she lets Jean fuck her again, and she yet again lets the guilt eat at her when she hears him mumble to himself that he loves her.
When Mikasa comes back into the apartment, she finds you in the kitchen. She wants to die, and not deal with you right now, but you think that this might be the perfect moment to try and clear the air between the two of you, since you’re fairly certain Mikasa doesn’t like you.
You smile at Mikasa softly from across the kitchen, “I don’t think you like me much, do you?”
Discomfort rises in her as she shifts awkwardly on her feet, eye’s not moving from your own and you take a sip of water from Eren’s favorite cup.
“What would give you that impression?”
You bite back a laugh at her, “Not to be rude, it’s kind of obvious. But I get it!”
Her eyes widen. Do you get it? Do you actually really? Get it? Do you know that she’s in love with her best friend. Your boyfriend.
“You do?” It’s quiet, and you almost don’t hear her, had it not been for you seeing her mouth move in the soft glow of the refrigerator light you wouldn’t have notice she responded at all.
“Oh, most definitely! As a best friend, it’s your job to protect him from anyone who may be bad news. I do that for Hitch and Historia. And it’s really understandable! I know Eren’s never had a serious girlfriend or anything like this before, so I get you being weary of me,”
She has to tune out the rest of your stupid blabbering. You really don’t get it.
Part of her wishes that you did know; that you did hate her for loving your boyfriend. She wishes that you would tell Eren how much you hate her, that she isn’t a good friend for him, to try and drive a wedge between their twenty some odd years of friendship.
She wishes you would show him your true colors so he would hate you as much as she does.
“but yeah, I really do like him, Mikasa. He’s really good to me and I think we make each other really happy.” The fondness in your voice when you speak to him makes her snap her attention back to you, and she has to fight an eyeroll when she looks back at you and sees you smiling at her, a hopeful shine in your pretty eyes.
She doesn’t know what comes over her when she says her next words, “Well, like you said, Eren doesn’t really do girlfriends. So, I imagine whatever infatuation he has with you will wear off sometime soon. I think you give him too much credit, it’s only been, like a month anyway.”
This bitch, you think to yourself as your gaze hardens slightly. A feeling rising in your chest that you’re unfamiliar with as you bite your lip, “Okay.”
Mikasa quietly watches as you take the mug, dump the remaining water out before setting it in the sink, turn around and leave the kitchen.
“Good night, Mikasa.”
And before she knows it, she’s alone again. While you’re in bed waiting for Eren.
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
summary: in which is it the year 2159
word count: 2.4k
author's note: hello hello! TYWA part two has arrived! now updating is going to be a bit different for this. i'm thinking posting each chapter once a week will be what I will do from here on out that way I can have time to write future chapters whilst you all read the one's I have already written! just remember, don't demand me to post, it doesn't help with motivation or make me want to keep writing it! anyways, thank you for the patience! and without further ado, part two!
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“I keep having these dreams. About this girl. Every time I saw her, it felt like I knew her for years. Like she was my best friend in the whole world. And I couldn’t imagine a life without her.”
“Tell me about these dreams.”
“Well…they always start with fire and…”
“What’s wrong? Baby girl, what is it?”
“You’ll think I’m weird, Daddy.”
“I won’t, I won’t. I promise.”
“When I wake up, I’m sad. Like I’ve lost someone. And it feels so heavy…Daddy, I hate it!”
“Sssh, ssh, it’s okay, it’s okay. I’ve got you, alright? I’ve got you.”
“I miss her, Daddy. I miss her so much.”
“Miss who, baby girl?”
“That’s the thing. I don’t even know her name…”
Year 2159
It had been five years since the RDA were exiled off of Pandora and Dr. Chloe Parker was still trying to find her footing on this planet. 
Before the battle, she had been well into the late Dr. Augustine’s Avatar Program. Trained and studied learning to control her own avatar and then using her time to explore all of Pandora’s plants and herbs. And it was interesting, learning about all the medicines here, the potential use for them.
Then the battle at the Tree of Souls happened. Killing dozens of wildlife, many humans and Na’vi alike. It was a sad day to say the least. But after Jake Sully took over as the clan leader for the Omatikaya Clan and exiled the RDA off of Pandora, things began to change for the better.
Dr. Chloe had been one of the humans allowed to stay on Pandora, mostly because she didn’t contribute to the war that struck the planet and because Dr. Max Patel vouched for her and some of the other scientists and avatar volunteers. Now she had spent her time continuing to explore all of Pandora, working with the Na’vi in different clans to study their ways of medicine and perhaps teach them some of the stuff humans do, even though she knew they would probably never use it.
For the past few months, Dr. Chloe, and her small research team, took their avatars and their next journey to the Olangi Clan. A very nomadic clan that worked very closely with the Omatikaya so their home wasn’t too far from the former’s. Their clan leader, Akwey, had allowed them to stay and start their research there as long as they didn’t pose a threat to his people and were respectful of the lands and their ways. Which wasn't a difficult task, especially when there were no more military men flanking the planet anymore.
But as of recently, Dr. Chloe had been requested to retrieve the Tsahik of the Omatikaya Clan, Mo’at since the Olangi’s Tsahik had died in the battle against the RDA. So, instead of researching like the rest of her team, she had been made into a messenger, going back and forth from each clan speaking of something called Eywa…Dr. Chloe wasn’t really too spiritual to care much of who this Eywa was. But if it made the people happy and content, and kept them from shutting down her research, then Dr. Chloe would take one for the team for now.
On the other hand, she wasn’t entirely too comfortable leaving her very first patient alone so much. A patient very important to her research.
When Dr. Chloe found Mo’at, she was with her daughter, Neytiri if she could recall correctly. Dr. Chloe never really had a conversation with the woman—mostly because of her obvious distaste of Dr. Chloe’s presence—and today was no different. Once she arrived in her avatar form, Neytiri hissed and walked away. One of her children, a young boy, followed after her closely.
“Why has Akwey sent you now, Chloeparker?” Mo’at greeted her while crushing up what looked like herbs in a small wooden bowl. Dr. Chloe’s Na’vi wasn’t perfect but she could understand a lot of it after years of listening to both Dr. Augustine and the people talk expertly in it.
“An elder died yesterday.” Dr. Chloe informed her, stuffing her hands into her shorts. “Akwey wishes for you to perform the ceremony.”
Mo’at hummed, not looking up from her work. “One day, he will have to come to my daughter as she will be the next Tsahik of the People. And I will finally rest.”
“Let’s hope that day isn’t soon then.” Dr. Chloe commented with a thin smile. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your daughter doesn’t seem to like me much.”
“You are Sky People. Of course she doesn't like you.” Mo’at stood with the bowl and finally looked at Dr. Chloe. “I am not too fond of your people either.”
Dr. Chloe could understand that in a way. But she was a bit tired of being grouped with the people that tried to destroy Pandora and take it over. Then again, she really couldn’t blame them. If she were in their shoes, she’d hold a grudge too. It didn’t matter if they were the same or not. That anger, that resent, it was uncontrollable and rightful. Dr. Chloe could do nothing but shrug.
“Mmph.” Mo’at then handed her the bowl. Dr. Chloe took it, surprised at the sudden gesture. “I understand you are a doctor among your people. This can be more useful than whatever technology you Sky People insist on using.”
Chloe held the little bowl delicately but frowned, “The technology is not all useless, you know. It does help sometimes.”
“Sometimes.” Mo’at pointed out. Dr. Chloe tried not to roll her eyes.
There was small movement behind Mo’at and Dr. Chloe did a double take. She hadn’t realized they weren’t alone until Mo’at had stood. It was a little girl that didn’t really look like Na’vi. Actually, when Dr. Chloe looked at her closely, she realized the little girl looked awfully similar to someone.
Before she could wonder just who the little girl reminded her of, her earpiece suddenly beeped, alerting her that one of her team members was calling her from back at the Olangi Clan.
Dr. Chloe excused herself before answering her earpiece, “This is Dr. Chloe—”
“You need to get back here fast!”
She blinked in confusion at the urgency in her fellow researcher, Simon's voice, “Why, what’s happening?”
There was a pause, “…Okay, don’t get mad but we decided to take her out of cryosleep—”
“WHAT?!” Dr. Chloe covered her mouth when Mo’at gave her a disapproving scowl and the little girl watched her curiously. She cleared her throat and lowered her voice before continuing, “Why the hell would you do something like that—she’s not even stable enough to take her out—”
“Just let me explain!” Simon interrupted with an exhausted sigh. “We connected her to the machines we’ve been working on for months ever since we first started working on her, remember?”
“Those aren’t even ready yet!” Chloe hissed into the earpiece, walking out of the tent where Mo’at and the little girl still were. “Simon, what the hell were you thinking—”
“It worked, Chloe.”
She went quiet. Her eyes wandered aimlessly around the forest, unsure if she had heard him correctly. When Simon called her name again she finally responded in a hushed whisper, “You’re not shitting me, are you? Y-Your saying—”
“It worked, Chloe, it worked.” She could practically imagine the growing smile on his face as he said this. “She could wake up at any moment now. But with her condition, it’s not exactly permanent and I don’t imagine she herself would be happy with the results, but they are supporting her. They're keeping her alive until we know how to deal with the heavier wounds.”
This was definitely a development. This had been something she had been working on for two years now, hearing that it worked, on a person no less? Chloe couldn’t help but start packing up her things and leave.
“I’ll be right there! Don’t do anything without me!”
And with that, Chloe rushed back toward the Samson she had arrived in, ordering the pilot to take her back to plains.
There was a lab within the tall trees the Olangi Clan lived in. Chloe had it built when she first arrived in the plains. Even though she technically wanted to build one in one of the trees, having a lab hanging from a tree wasn’t exactly the safest position. So, they went with having it on the ground.
Plus, if they had done it in the tree, then the lab wouldn’t be as spacious as they needed it to be.
When Chloe arrived back, she came out of her link bed with Simon waiting for her.
“How is she?”
The two walked side by side with each other, leaving the link room and walking down the long hallway. Simon carried a holographic pad in his hands as he spoke, “She’s stable, still has yet to wake up, but things are looking good so far. The doctors want to start on the severe wounds right away.”
“How exactly bad are these injuries?” Chloe found herself asking. Really, when they first saw the patient, they had already decided to quickly put her in cryosleep with how badly injured she was and freeze her wounds before it became any more lethal to her body. Chloe hadn’t exactly seen it for herself but she’d always kept hearing about how bad it was.
Simon frowned, “Third and second degree burns, a broken rib, and a missing right leg.”
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah, I hear she was a lot worse and the doctors managed to work on her leg and some of the less lethal burns, but she’s not exactly out of the woods yet.” Simon sighed as they stopped in front of the closed door. “We have twenty minutes with her before the doctors get to work.”
Chloe frowned, staring at him incredulously, “What should we say to her if she does wake up?”
Simon shrugged, “Tell of the situation, maybe fill her in since she’s missed basically five years of her life, and…I don’t know, comfort her the best we know how?”
“Comfort is not either of our strong suits, Simon.”
Simon rolled his eyes before finally opening the door.
What did death feel like? Was it this bright? This cold? Were you supposed to feel so heavy, so numb as if you couldn’t feel your body. Maybe your consciousness was floating above your body. There were stories like that, you remember reading about people who have died for a few seconds and were able to see their body outside of themselves.
Okay, maybe you weren’t actually dead. You may not have known what it felt like but you were pretty sure you weren’t supposed to be able to recall a memory as if it were another day. Then again, your body didn’t feel like a ton of anvils had fallen onto it and was pinning it down, preventing you from moving.
You hadn’t realized your eyes had been open until a shadow came into view, blocking some of the light above. Your vision was blurred, really you didn’t know when you had woken up or how long you had been staring up at the ceiling. Yes, that was definitely a ceiling.
Either hell was some bright room or you were somehow still alive.
Muffled voices echoed into your ears. You hadn’t realized, at first, that the voices were coming from the shadowed heads above you. It was like using your ears for the first time, like you were a newborn baby. Hell, your eyes felt like they hadn’t been used before.
Soon, you started registering the voices.
“You think she fell into some sort of vegetative state?” This voice belonged to a woman.
“I don’t know. It’s a possibility. Coming out of a cryosleep can be a little much.” This voice belonged to a man. Neither of them were familiar to your groggy mind. “We might need to get the doctors.”
Soon your vision began to clear.
“Wait, hold on…” The woman above you whispered. She was staring directly down at you, eyes wide with wonder. “I think she’s…”
Your eyes then moved to the second head, the man, when he came back over and appeared in your vision. And like their voices, they were both unfamiliar to you. Even in your foggy mind, you could not recall a single memory where it included these two strangers. Wait, maybe the woman. Back before you had stopped going to Hell’s Gate, you might’ve seen her a few times in passing.
Hell’s Gate.
The bombs.
The ship crashed.
You should’ve been dead.
“Dr. L/N?”
The woman’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts, you refocused your gaze on her and she grinned excitedly. “You can hear me? Understand me?”
With great difficulty, you nodded. Or maybe your head shifted slightly similar to a nod, you didn’t really know.
“Holy shit.” The male muttered in amazement.
The woman continued grinning, “Welcome back, Doc.”
Before you could ask her where you were, before you could question who these people were, it suddenly hit you.
And it really hit you. Worse than a pile of anvils. More like an out of control train that crashed right into your body and dragged you along the way.
That was the type of pain that struck your body once your senses had begun coming back. This pain was unimaginable. It was unlike anything, unlike any pain you had ever felt in your short life.
This was worse. This was what death felt like.
You didn’t remember much of what happened after your chest jolted forward from the shock of the pain. All you saw was the two that had been standing over you, rushing away, shouting for what sounded like help. And in the next few seconds you kept blacking out a few times. The world went in and out. Every sound clashed together around you. Most of the pain, you realized, was coming from your waist, hell, just your entire upper body.
You wanted to scream. But all that came out of your mouth was choked gasps, barely any words or cries. You were crying. You were crying. Yes, you were sure of it.
There was a sharp prick against your neck.
And in the next second, it was like you were falling out of the world and back into the blackness.
Eventually, you would hit the ground…
And Jake Sully would wake up.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari @tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol @thotd-f1 @beaniebeensbaby201 @theoriginalwife000 @3leni @23victoria @lovesickollie @atxara @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @ladylovegood-69 @punchyprincess23 @lovekeeho @lilithmoon14512
543 notes · View notes
foraphroditesake · 2 years
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Taylor Swift attends the 65th GRAMMY Awards on February 05, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.
7K notes · View notes
foraphroditesake · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x human!fem!reader
summary: we won...we won...
warnings: angst but that's to be expected in a battle...
word count: 4.7k
author's note: and this is the last chapter to part one! thank you all for staying so long to finish and hopefully you all will continue to stay for this story well into part two! so without further ado, chapter eleven!!
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When the morning came, the Sky People took flight. And you realized then, watching them take to the skies as if it was theirs to claim, that you had always belonged on land.
You were always meant to watch them fly, you were always meant to be the onlooker until the time came to shoot them out of the sky.
You were the hunter. They were the bids. Perhaps it was the other way around before. Then it would be fitting in this life to seek revenge, continuing the cycle until there was no more left in you. Maybe that was the meaning of life. Repeating, repeating, repeating, and repeating until there is nothing left. On this day, you would allow the cycle to continue just this one.
Maybe in your next life you’ll try something different.
Before they all took off for battle, you had been sleeping in the ship you and Trudy had arrived back at Hell’s Gate in. Trudy came back as early as she could to let you know that all the other pilots thought the ship you were in was damaged and she was moving it to have it fixed. But really she was hiding it in an empty hanger for you to later take off once you’ve finished planting the bombs.
“Thanks, Chacon.” You nod to her right after she explained the basics of controlling her Samson ship and handing you a stolen soldier’s uniform.
Trudy shrugged, “Yeah, yeah, just try to survive this, Doc. It’s gonna get ugly real soon.”
“I’m counting on it.”
After the fleet took off for the battle, you waited for a while in the ship, quietly counting to ten until finally you changed into the uniform and left to work.
Fortunately for you, it was an easy maneuver around Hell’s Gate without being stopped and questioned by a random soldier since a majority of them were out in the battlefield.
The first place you set your first bomb up at was the Armor Bay. This was one of their main sources of weapons and you had no doubt they used it to their advantage in the current battle. If anything, they probably had a greater advantage over the Na’vi because of the advanced technology. Which could possibly guarantee a win.
You tried not to think about that. You had faith in Jake and the others. The Na’vi were fierce and you had no doubt that they would fight until their last breath to win their land back once and for all. And you would give them the advantages that they need by cutting the RDA off at their roots.
The branches had already grown, yes, but it won’t matter in the end when the entire tree falls.
The second bomb would be placed where the barracks, the apartments, and all the living quarters were. Third and fourth were placed in one of the communications towers that linked the main base to the others out on the battlefield.. If a couple of them were to fall, the rest would go down with it from the impact.
You saved the last four for the main building where everything took place. That was their source of communication to the fleet, their eyes on the battle to watch and cheer as their side succeeded. Entering the building was a bit difficult. You had to avoid the cameras, make sure your face wouldn’t be caught. You knew the Ops Center was the main one you wanted to hit but you couldn’t exactly just waltz in there, place the bomb, and then leave without anyone noticing.
Instead, you had to be a bit more strategic about your placement. So, you found a tunnel that led to the Operations Center and placed the sixth one in a vent. A soldier had walked by and you ducked your head down to pass him, not before snatching his radio without him noticing. The last two were placed in some of the labs.
Now you were back in Trudy’s Samson with the Key and the radio in your hands. From the radio you could hear what was going on in the battlefield as different voices came in and out, reporting updates back to the Operations Center. Everything in you made you want to push the button and get on the ship and leave them all to die, giving them no time to realize what was happening.
But there was a part of you that hesitated. There were still good people here, good people like Max Patel trying to help your side win. And then there was Quaritch’s son. He was still here somewhere in Hell’s Gate. Why the bastard kept the baby here was beyond you but it stopped you nonetheless.
In a way you didn’t owe them anything, you didn’t owe them your sympathy. But at the same time that little baby didn’t ask to be born in all of this. Didn’t ask to die because of his parents’ actions.
And because of this, it led you to bring the radio to your lips and form the next words that fell from your mouth.
“Attention Hell’s Gate. To those who are familiar with me, I need no introduction. To those who haven’t heard of me, my name is Dr. Y/N L/N. I’m gonna cut to the chase and let y’all know I’ve planted eight bombs that would go off at any second. Now, I am being merciful—even though it is the last thing any of you deserve—I will be giving you a fifteen minute head start to pack your shit up and leave Pandora for good. If you don’t, well, we’ll all meet each other in hell hopefully.”
Immediately there was static in the radio until Parker’s voice came through, “Who the hell do you think you are?! You have no authority to give any orders, much less threaten us—I need soldiers out there finding her and arresting her now!”
You sighed, “I thought you’d say that, Parker.”
Getting off the ship, you fished out the Key, fixing the settings a bit before pointing it toward the direction of the communications tower. Once you pressed the button, nothing happened for a few seconds.
In the next second, one of the towers exploded, shaking the ground beneath you. Even the sheer force of it nearly knocked you over from where you stood in the hangar. The radio glitched with voices cutting in and out, quickly losing signal with each other. And before you lost signal, you said to Parker.
“Fourteen minutes, Selfridge. Make it count.” You dropped the radio to the ground, stomped on it until it was broken into pathetic pieces, and set your watch to fourteen minutes.
You went back onto the Samson and sat there. Waiting.
A part of you knew Parker wouldn’t listen despite the display you had just shown. Hell, he might’ve been sending people out now to find the bombs and unarm them. Good thing it wasn’t designed to be unarmed. Good thing you had wasted two years of your life perfecting the perfect death trap. Good thing.
Twelve minutes.
“You are too smart to be doing this, Y/N.”
You were eleven when your mother told you this.
One of the very few conversations you did have with her. And most of the time it was her scolding you. Really, it was your own fault. At the time, you thought that acting out—especially in school—would’ve gotten her attention. Would have gotten her to pay more attention to you, would have gotten her to finally be a mother. Be there.
But instead it was always a bother, as if she was doing you a favor by taking time out of her day to pick you up. That you should be so lucky to see your own mother.
“Punching some stupid boy just because you lost your temper? I did not raise you to act so foolishly!” She scolded you while her fingers quickly moved across her phone screen.
You didn’t raise me at all, was what sat at the tip of your tongue. But it never came out. You never said anything, really.
After finishing with whatever it was that was far more important on her phone than speaking with her own child, your mother sighed exhaustedly. “You are too much sometimes…too much like him….just too much…”
You didn’t mean to be too much. All you wanted was to just be enough.
Ten minutes.
You were eight when you asked your father to teach you how to fight.
“I don’t know, kiddo.” He would respond. Though at the time, you never realized how truly tired he always looked. How numb he had become. You were still trapped in your own childlike ignorance. You were always looking at him as some type of hero when really you were just too young, too naïve, too late to see his humanity. “It takes a lot of discipline and…well, I want you to be a kid first before you start worrying about that stuff.”
“But I don’t want to be just a kid!” You’d whine. “I wanna be tough and strong like you, Dad! I want to be able to defend myself against the mean kids at school.”
“Sometimes, you just have to walk away, kid. Let it go—”
“But that doesn’t always work!” You frowned, pleadingly. “They always come back to pick on me. No matter how many times I try to ignore them, they always come back. I want to fight them, Dad! I want to show them they can’t mess with me anymore!”
You remembered pleading with him, you remembered practically begging him.
He never did though. There was never enough time with him.
It always seemed like you never had enough time with the people that you loved.
Seven minutes.
You were fourteen when Quaritch finally showed you how to fight.
After another takedown, you lay there, wincing from the sourness and the growing bruise at the side of your face. You saw through your blurred vision, your opponent standing over you. And then seconds later Quaritch appeared, shaking his head.
“You keep leaving him open to your weakness, kid. You’d be dead in seconds in a real fight.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You grumbled from the floor. Eventually, you slowly sat up trying not to cringe when your side stung at your sudden movement. “I wanna go again.”
Quaritch laughed, “Child prodigy in brains yet not the brightest at times. You’re down, kid.  There is no going again.”
You shook your head stubbornly, “You taught me that giving up was the coward’s way. That they weren’t a real soldier.”
“You’re not a soldier, kid.”
“But I’m not a coward either.” You pushed yourself to your feet, ignoring the frown from Quaritch as you raised your fists up to your opponent again. “We’re going again. Hit me.” Your opponent glanced toward Quaritch, your jaw tightened. “Hit me!”
A smirk grew onto the man’s face, “Atta girl.” He nodded toward your opponent. “Go at it. Let’s see how long she stays standing this time.”
Five minutes.
Through one of the windows of the Samson, you spotted a few people loading onto the last of the Valkyries. It seemed some of them were heeding your warning. Perhaps Max was among them, getting the most people out that he could.
Your grip on the Key tightened. Your heart pounding against your chest. The battle was still going though. Time had to go by faster. You needed to give the others an advantage. And it was hard too because now that the communications towers were destroyed, you were left in the dark about the battle as much as the others.
All you had was fire and a prayer to Eywa.
You were never one to be religious.
Four minutes.
“You have so much anger in you.” Sylwanin told you once.
It had to have been around the time Grace’s school was still open. When you were in your avatar every chance you got. When Sylwanin was alive and well, when her kind smile was still fresh in your mind. When the children were all so lively and excited to come.
You frowned at her as the both of you walked along the path in the forest leading back to the school. “I’m not angry.”
Sylwanin hummed. “You've gotten better with our language. Sa’nok has been teaching you, yes?”
Sa’nok? Right, that was what they called Grace sometimes. What did it mean again? “Yes. I’m still rusty though…” Your mind was still on her previous comment. “Why do you think I’m angry?”
She shrugged as she knelt down toward the ground, running her fingers through the dirt. “Tsu’tey has it too. Toward the Sky People. Yours is similar to his anger.” She then looked up at you curiously. “Tell me, tsmuke. Why are you angry with your own kind?”
“Are you not?” You asked, furrowing your brows. You hugged yourself. Back then it still felt strange being in your avatar’s body. Getting used to the new height, the blue skin rather than your usual skin color, the long braid. It was still a lot to get used to.
“Of course I am. They’ve invaded my home and are determined to make it their own. It is not right.” You saw the same fierceness in her eyes that you’d see in Tsu’tey whenever he spoke of the Sky People. “But…I understand that there are good ones among the demons.” She smiled up at you. “You are good, tsmuke.”
You frowned, heart feeling heavy. “B-But I am Sky People. How can you see me as good?”
“Because you are my friend, Y/N.” Sylwanin told you in English, surprising you. “And you have good heart. Strong heart.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
Sylwanin rolled her eyes before standing, “You never do. I can not show you what you refuse to see, tsmuke.” She tugged at your arm toward the direction of where the school was. “Come, let’s go before sa’nok becomes worried.”
You furrowed your brows, “Why do you call Dr. Augustine sa’nok?”
“You don’t?”
“No… I don’t know what it means.”
Sylwanin shook her head as the two of you continued walking, “The children see her as a mother. Sa’nok.”
You remembered feeling warm when you learned of that. Whenever they called Grace sa’nok, you had already assumed it was some sort of term of endearment in their language. You just never knew what it meant until now.
Sa’nok. What a fitting title.
Two minutes.
You spotted the soldiers before the bullets came flying.
You dived into the back of the ship as they began shooting, making sure your mask was on straight and hadn’t gotten hit by any stray bullets. Quickly, you crawled toward the cockpit, keeping your head down whenever a bullet came too close to hitting you.
Once you reached the cockpit, you threw yourself into the pilot’s seat. Remembering what Trudy had shown you and starting the Samson.
“She’s on the ship!” You hear one of them shout from outside.
“She ain’t goin’ nowhere!”
One minute—
“Ah fuck it.” You mumbled. The Samson was off the ground and flying out of the hangar. Because you weren’t a pilot, the ship swerved a bit on the lift off, nearly running into the soldiers that were shooting at you. Fortunately, that gave you enough time to grab the Key, switch the settings back to what you had planned and pressed the button.
Quickly, you steered the ship up toward the sky.
You felt the force before you saw the orange colors rising to the sky.
From high above, you never saw the explosion but you saw the aftermath of it. There was so much smoke and fire, so much destruction. Hell’s Gate was barely recognizable. You hoped this was enough. You hoped it was all worth it.
Grace had begged you. And you intended to try. You really wanted to try. Even after all of this, even if she doubted it, even if it was dangerous. You wanted to try.
Then again, you were never one to listen to her orders. Not all of it at least.
At least it wouldn’t be your fault this time.
You saw the ship behind you. Some of it was on fire but it was still flying fine. Its guns were now pointed at you.
“Damn it.” You sighed tiredly. “You guys just won’t make this easy on me.”
The guns went blazing toward you. With every bit of your strength, you swerved the ship out of the way of the blasts. The smoke made it difficult to see the other ship which meant the ship couldn’t really see you either. But unfortunately, that didn’t stop it from shooting aimlessly.
Suddenly, the ship’s radio came to life. It was the only communications link that was still intact, but only between all the other ships, not to Hell’s Gate.
“Y/N.” Quaritch voice cut through the static radio. Your jaw tightened. “I know you can hear me.”
You swerved the ship out of the way of another round of bullets flying your way.
“That little stunt you pulled with the communications tower? Could very well get you killed so I suggest you turn yourself in before things get worse for you.”
For a moment, while trying to steer the ship away from the destruction, you wondered if he knew the extent of what you did. That he’d be this lenient with you if he had known that you were the cause of the destruction to Hell’s Gate.
There were muffled shouts and crashes you heard from his side. But it sounded further away, almost as if he was in some sort of isolated room while he talked directly to you.
His voice sounded lower, quieter when he continued, “It’s not too late for you, Y/N. Don’t be like your foolish father. Don’t get yourself killed over this. Don’t be a fucking—”
You switched the radio off, eyes welling with tears.
Stop pretending you care. Stop fucking pretending—
The right wing was suddenly hit, startling you out of your swimming thoughts. You had barely made it away from Hell’s Gate and the ship that had been shooting at you had reappeared from the smoke and was now right behind you, shooting at your ship. The glass broke from the shots and the right wing had caught fire.
You hadn’t been thinking. The other ship was at your side now and since yours was already going down you, in your last attempt, swerved your ship into theirs. Taking it down with you.
Smoke was the last thing you saw.
For the longest time, you weren’t really sure what death felt like when it came. You often wondered this when your father died. What did he feel when he knew he was going to die? What did your mother see before death had claimed her? Did Sylwanin know that she would die? Was Grace truly ready to leave?
Did they feel alone? Did they cry once they realized…?
For this you did not cry.
Instead your smile was gasoline.
And the fire followed.
The radio that connected him to you had suddenly gone dead. Miles Quaritch did not have enough time to figure out what that meant.
One of the wings on the C-21 Dragon had just been blown off by Jake Sully. Most of his men were now dying. They had only been winning seconds before. All he did know was that he had to finish this, he had to put an end to that traitor for good.
Later he would find you. Later.
Your mask had been broken before. You could’ve sworn…
The fire and dying trees surrounded your weakening vision. The heat penetrating your skin harshly.
You were dying.
Was it supposed to be this painful? You couldn’t feel your right leg…
Tsu’tey had been badly injured. A few Na’vi warriors had told Jake this soon after his fight with Quaritch. And now he and Neytiri were both running through the forest, in search of the fallen warrior.
Some of him hoped it wasn’t severe, and wasn't lethal. For your sake. Jake had watched you lose Grace, and had lost so many people before. He hoped they didn’t lose another.
But hope in war was that of a myth.
When Jake saw Tsu’tey, his chest tightened. He was bleeding badly when Jake knelt down next to him. They both knew right here right now that he wasn’t going to make it. That it was too great of a wound to survive.
“Oel ngati kameie, Jakesully.” Tsu’tey croaked upon seeing him.
Jake nodded and whispered, “I see you, brother.”
Tsu’tey breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath while holding his chest where most of the blood had come from. “A-Are The People safe?”
“Yes, yes, they’re safe.” Jake nodded reassuringly to him.
Tsu’tey winced, coughing, “I can’t….I cannot lead the People. Y-You must lead them, Jakesully.”
It felt as if the whole world now looked upon Jake Sully. This wasn’t what he expected nor really wanted. All he wanted was for them to win this war. To win against the Sky People. Jake was not fit to lead a clan…he wasn’t, right?
Jake chuckled in disbelief at the request, “I'm not officer material.”
“It is decided.” Tsu’tey insisted weakly before grabbing onto Jake’s hand, guiding it toward his knife to bring it out. “Now do the duty of Olo'eyktan.”
Jake shook his head, wanting to drop the knife from his hand right then and there. “I will not kill you—”
“It is the way!” Tsu’tey continued firmly, squeezing Jake’s hand.
But Jake continued shaking his head, “I can’t—brother—I cannot kill you…” His voice was barely above a whisper. “She will not forgive me if I do this.”
Hearing this, Neytiri frowned sadly, placing a hand on Tsu’tey’s shoulder. Jake half expected the warrior to continue and insist he do it. Half of him didn’t think Tsu’tey heard him at all when he mentioned you and how worried he was of your reaction to this. You’ve already lost so much.
But the way Tsu’tey smiled, softly and almost fondly, laid what growing fears Jake had to rest. “I know my tsmuke. You know her. She will forgive….And it is good…I will be remembered. I fought... with Toruk Makto! And we were brothers. And he... was my last shadow….” There would be no other choice then. There was no changing a dying man’s last wish. A warrior at that. And it was just as he had said, it is the way. Jake spent a long time with them to know that he could not go against it. Not after all of this. Not after all he had been taught.
There was a look of peace on Tsu’tey’s face as he lied his head back against the rock, waiting for Jake to finish it. And before Jake plunged the knife into him, he heard him quietly say to himself, a sad look suddenly falling on his face.
“Ah, I do not feel her anymore…”
Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo. Ngari hu Eywa salew tirea, tokx 'ì'awn slu Na'viyä hapxì.
Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan was now with Eywa. Another life lost. And now the role of Olo’eyktan had fallen onto his shoulders. The People now looked to him as their leader. Toruk Makto.
But all he could think about was you.
I do not feel her anymore.
Jake raised his head, realization hitting him like a heavy wave. His chest tightening.
He looked at the others with wide eyes.
“Where’s Y/N?”
Hell’s Gate was destroyed. When Jake had led most of the clan back there to send the rest of the aliens back to their dying planet, the place was unrecognizable. There were still surviving aliens, some badly injured from the attack while others were well enough to be walked toward the shuttles that would lead them off of Pandora.
Jake had sent a few warriors out to search for you when your body was not discovered among the dead.  After Max told him what happened, what you had done, Jake didn’t really know what to think. He couldn’t think. All he wanted was the RDA off the planet and to find you safe and sound somewhere, waiting for him to find you.
You being dead wasn’t an option. He simply couldn’t imagine that. You were too strong, too unkillable in his eyes. Perhaps he was stretching his hope too thin, perhaps he had gained a bit of naivety.
But you were not dead. You were not.
Some of what was left of Hell’s Gate was salvageable. The Avatar Compound, the incubators, the main link room. All of it was untouched by you. And of course it had.
Two ships were found just a few miles outside of Hell’s Gate. Both horribly damaged. One body, too unrecognizably burnt to tell who it belonged to. Jake just hoped it didn’t belong to you.
That same night he found your avatar still at the Tree of Souls. Jake got closer to find it still lying limp there, no sign of your consciousness attached to it. Just the avatar. Empty. Even when he knelt down and held your avatar in his arms it felt nothing like you. Just cold and lifeless.
He couldn’t imagine your human body like this. He couldn’t.
All he could do was gently caress your avatar’s cheek with his thumb, wondering if he should accept defeat. Wondering if it was too late.
Wondering if you all really had very little time in the end.
“Don’t burn the damn toast, Tinkers!” Grace scolded when she joined you at the stove.
You frowned, “I’m literally not! You haven’t even given me a chance yet!”
“I told you not to leave her alone with the breakfast again.” You heard Jake mutter causing you to glare over at him. He smirked when he saw your agitated face, “Last time that happened she nearly burned the whole place down.”
“Nobody asked you, Puppet.”
“Place nice, Tinkers.”
“Yeah, play nice Tinkers.”
You scowled at Jake, trying not to ignore the way your face grew hot when he looked up at you with a big smile. It was supposed to be provoking, supposed to get on your nerves. But lately, you couldn’t help but want to return those smiles at one point.
Right now you wouldn’t. No, you were far too stubborn right now to do so.
Norm then entered, looking like had just rolled out of bed. He scrunched up his nose, “What’s burning?”
“It’s not burning!” You snapped as Jake laughed.
Grace nudged your shoulder, “Well, it will burn once you stop tryin’ to prove to them how you’re totally not a bad cook.”
“Ugh! You’re distracting me.”
“You’re supposed to have iron focus. Which is something you should be familiar with, child prodigy.” Grace smirked teasingly at you. She then nodded toward the table Jake was at, “Go sit, I’ll finish up.”
You grumbled, “You’re sure.”
“Oh definitely.”
“Fuck you.”
Grace grinned as you went and slumped down in one of the empty chairs. Jake was grinning at you, “Fuck you too, Sully.”
But the stupid grin wouldn’t wipe off his face, “Hey, don’t get all pouty. At least you didn’t burn the kitchen again.”
You rolled your eyes, “Like you could do better.”
“Probably could. How would that make you feel?”
You tried to keep glaring at him, keep your scowling mask up. But the way he titled his head at you—you’ve grown to find it cute the past couple of months—or the simple way he looked at you made your resolve falter just a bit. These days, for some reason you couldn’t remain angry or annoyed with him. Not for long at least.
“I hate you.” You mumble out, fighting back a smile.
And there was his white smile again, “Or so you keep tellin’ me.”
Norm groaned, throwing his head back, “I hate you both.”
Grace turned back to face you all, “Breakfast is ready!”
Jake held your avatar close to him. Under the eyes of the spirits he blinked away tears.
“We won, Y/N,” He whispered, pulling your face into his chest as he continued whispering, “We won…”
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-togetherr @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari @tojigirll @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformeloll @thotd-f11 @beaniebeensbaby201 @theoriginalwife000 @3leni @23victoria
607 notes · View notes
foraphroditesake · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x human!fem!reader
summary: it's time for war, tinkers.
warnings: none?
word count: 2.9k
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You didn’t realize two days had passed. It all just seemed like one long day where you spent most of it preparing for the war that was to come between the Na’vi and the Sky People.
Jake had left to gather the rest of the clans to join the battle as the new Toruk Makto. Which led you to get to work yourself. Right after his speech, you had left your avatar body just a few miles away from the Tree of Souls and woke up back at the camper when the morning came. Carefully, you climbed out of the link bed. You hadn’t realized that even in your human form there were dry tears on your cheeks and your chest felt hollow just as it did in your avatar body.
For a moment, you sat there and really thought about everything that had happened in the past few hours. You were tired and you were numb. There really wasn’t any time, you never really had time. It felt like it was always slipping from your fingers. Really, you should’ve expected this from the beginning. You should’ve expected that you had very little time left with Grace, that you wouldn’t have much time with Jake, you should’ve cherished each moment you had with them more. You should’ve…
Outside the foggy window in front of you, you caught sight of the ship that you, Jake, Norm, and Grace arrived in. Furrowing your brows, you grabbed your mask and walked outside to get a better look at the ship. You searched around for its pilot.
“Trudy?” You called, glancing around.
“Here!” Trudy popped out of the pilot’s seat with a radio tucked under her arm as she jogged over toward you.
To say you were surprised was an understatement, “I thought you left…”
“Yeah well, I wanted to stay, just in case there’s a plan I need to know about.” Trudy grinned and held up the radio, “Been listening to this all day. It doesn’t seem like Quaritch is striking any time soon but he’s definitely planning on it. So whatever Jake’s plannin’ he needs to hurry.”
You nodded absentmindedly, “Jake knows what he’s doing. He’s gathering the other clans so that our side would be greater in numbers, I believe.” You weren’t really there in the conversation, instead your mind was swimming and your feet were moving on their own as you went back into the camper.
Trudy had followed you inside, “Okay, that’s great and all…But what are you doing here, Doc? Why aren’t you with Jake and Norm? And why do I feel like you have some type of solo mission plan that you got on the side and no one knows about?”
An unamused smirk tugged at your lips, “Then you’d probably be right.” You stopped at a desk and pulled open one of the drawers. Thankfully, the little map you had made was still there. Trudy appeared next to you, looking down at the handmade map you were unrolling.
“Okay…what is that?”
“A map obviously.”
“No shit, Doc. I mean what is it for?”
You shrugged, tucking the map into your pants pocket and then grabbing a duffel bag from under the table, “That depends. Are you willing to help me find them all?”
Trudy frowned, “Find what?”
You walked out of the camper, “My bombs.”
As you kept walking you heard a muttered “holy shit” before Trudy trailed after you. “Where the hell did you get bombs?”
“I made them.”
“Of course you did.” Trudy shook her head, tucking her radio away in her back pocket. “When did you have time to make them? Wait—how many are there? What are they for?”
“How many questions are you gonna keep asking me before we actually focus on finding them?”
“Sorry if I’m a bit troubled that my friend had made bombs and I don’t know what for….” The sudden dawn of realization finally crossed her. “Shit, Hell’s Gate. You’re planning to blow up Hell’s Gate aren’t you?”
You shrugged, leaping over a fallen tree, “If it goes well, then yeah, Hell’s Gate will be up in flames.”
Trudy frowned at you, “Did something happen while you were gone? What happened with Grace….?” By the look of your face, by the way your attitude had changed compared to the last few hours, by the sudden reveal of your secret plans that you had been working on for two years, Trudy knew without you having to say anything. “Damn it, Doc, I’m so—”
“Don’t say you're sorry.” You shook your head, scowling. You stopped next to a tree and a deformed rock. “The only people you get to pay for all of this is Quaritch and the fucking RDA. I’m done sitting by and letting them destroy shit, and continue to destroy everything that is good. Grace was good.” Trudy remained quiet, taken aback by the fierceness in your words and the steel in your eyes. “I won’t let them take more from me, Trudy, I won’t. Not anymore. Not when I can do something about it.”
You turned away from Trudy and knelt down beside the deformed rock and began moving the bushes around it before you found your first bomb. “So you can either help me or stay out of my way.”
Carefully, you dug the bomb out of the ground and placed it in your duffel bag. They were small enough for all of them to fit in the bag together. You had planned this out ever since you built your prototype, drafted many plans until you had one solid idea. Executing it was the one part you were focused on the most.
“Fuck it, yeah I’m in.” Trudy finally said. “Where’s the next one?”
For the next few hours, almost half the day, you and Trudy had spent finding the rest of the bombs. You remembered you had placed them sporadically around the forest in case if someone did discover your plans, they wouldn’t know where to look for them. And the map would have been burned easily.
You were never worried about them going off in the forest or a Na’vi accidently setting one off.  There were physical switches or buttons on them, instead you had built a remote—which you called the Key—that released a kinetic wave that set off all the bombs simultaneously. There was no countdown, no time to get out. Just explosions. All you needed to do was place them in the places worth hitting. Then afterwards…
By the time you found the eighth and last bomb, night had come and both you and Trudy had headed back to the camper to get some rest.
The next morning, you had spent time communicating with Max Patel, updating you on what had been going on back at Hell’s Gate. Quaritch knew about Jake gathering the other clans as they’ve been surveying them for a while. Fortunately for them, they didn’t know about Trudy betraying them or had a clue about your bombs, frankly neither did Max.
“They’re most likely to attack tomorrow.” Max informed you with a grave expression on his face. “Maybe sooner once he’s gathered the fleet together.
You were quietly thinking as Trudy continued to ask him more questions. Once she ended the call with Max, you spoke, “Trudy, I need to be at Hell’s Gate with the bombs.”
She looked at you, furrowing her brows, “Okay…how are you gonna get there?”
“Take me there tonight and maybe I’ll hide there until all the forces, including Quaritch leave for the battle.”
“You don’t think you’ll get caught?”
“They’re too worried about what Jake Sully’s doing to worry about me. Hell, they haven’t even realized they have two traitors on the inside yet.”
“Touché.” Trudy sighed and leaned back in her seat, “Then I’ll take you tonight and blend in with the rest of the pilots.” You nodded and the both of you sat there for a long quiet while. In the corner of your eye, you noticed Trudy was glancing toward the two closed link beds that had both Jake and Norm inside. “Does Jake know about any of this?”
“Do you plan on tellin’ him?”
You didn’t respond.
“…Am I the only one that knows about this?”
You shook your head and said quietly, “Grace did.”
When the evening came, you spotted the toruk flying past in the sky, which told you that Jake had returned and so did the rest of the Omatikaya and the other clans.  The battle was drawing near and for the first time in the last couple of hours, your heart was heavy with dread and anticipation.
You had turned to Trudy before leaving, “Wait for me at the ship. I’ll be right back.”
“So you’re going to see Sully then?” Trudy asked, putting on her mask with a small smirk. “One final goodbye kiss?”
A noise that sounded similar to a snort left your lips, “Fuck off, Chacon.”
You got into your link bed and Trudy stood next to your bed, ready to set it up. Once the lid was closed and the world had gone dark around you…
The forest was there to greet you. And no matter which body you were in, the exhaustion was still there. The hollowness was still there. But you pushed yourself to your feet, staring up toward the darkening sky as the many ikrans flew above your head.
As you followed where they flew to—mostly toward the Tree of Souls—one of them landed next to you.
You looked up to find Tsu’tey was on the ikran and slid off to approach you. “Shouldn’t you be preparing for a war, oh great warrior?”
“I should ask you the same question.” He tilted his head, looking at you curiously. “Do you not plan to fight, dreamwalker?”
You frowned, remembering your plan, remembering Grace’s last words to you. “I am. Just not in the skies.”
Tsu’tey snorted, “Are you not Sky People?”
“I have fallen from the sky long ago and have been on land ever since.”
He considered you for a long moment before he said, “You are not one of them. Not anymore. It took me too long to realize that….” The both of you stopped on a smaller cliff that overlooked the Tree of Souls a distant away. “Sylwanin believed it too.”
You were startled. It had been years since you heard her name, much less from Tsu’tey’s mouth. Never in your life did you think the two of you would ever talk about her, a part of you thought that he believed her death was your fault. Because you were one of them. The Sky People.
“I’m not sure I am deserving of it.” Was your response but Tsu’tey shook his head.
“She believed you were always one of us. You and your sa’nok, Grace Augustine. You’ve always been on of The People.” Tsu’tey nodded contently. He placed a hand on your heart as you stared at him in stunned silence. “As the Olo’eyktan. As your friend. As your brother. I see you, sister.”
With glassy eyes, you placed your hand on his heart as well, “I see you, brother.”
Tsu’tey smiled and despite your sadness, despite the graveness of the war falling onto your shoulders, you returned his smile with a shaky one. “I will see you when the war is laid to rest, tsmuke.”
You chuckled, “Promise?”
Neither of you could make such a promise.
He tapped your heart, “Two hearts.”
You did the same, “One beat.”
Tsu’tey nodded to you. Eventually, you let each other go and you watched him hoist himself back on his ikran. He called to you as he took off, “You fight well, tsmuke! Fight well!”
As you watched him soar away, you thought about his words. His acceptance of you. God, you wished you could take a moment and bask in it, take a moment and appreciate the change in your relationship with him, to take a moment and realize that he thought of you as one of The People. Even if you were so undeserving of such a title.
With a quiet sigh you mumble, “Eywa help me.”
When you got to the Tree of Souls, Jake and Neytiri were about to leave it. Neytiri walked by you, squeezing your shoulder and nodding to you. A part of you wished you had more time to form a relationship with her like you had done with her late sister. You wondered if you would ever get the chance.
Jake approached you next and you found yourself smiling a little at him, “Look at you. Mighty Toruk Makto. Perhaps you aren’t much of a puppet anymore.”
He pulled you into him, his strong arms wrapping around you tightly, so tight as if you’d disappear. When the both of you pulled away, he cupped your face in his hands, “After all of this, when we take down the RDA, I need more time with you.” He chuckled at himself. “It sounds so stupid—”
“It doesn’t.” You reassured him, squeezing both his wrists. “Out of all the stupid shit you’ve said to me, this was quite tame.”
His white smile made your heart flutter. How he had this effect on you, you never knew.
If only you had known what type of effect you had on him.
If only you had enough time to know. But he had a way of making you know in his own way. The way he held you whenever you had a chanced moment alone with him, the way he leaned down—even now—to find and capture your lips with his. As gentle as he always did. His warmth, his lips, his hold, you wanted to stay in this forever, you wanted this to be forever.
You both broke away from the kiss for air but he never let you go. Jake buried his face into your neck and wrapped your arms around him, one of your hands finding his hair and running your fingers through it.
Then your eyes found the Tree of Souls. It glowed heavenly in the night and the base of the tree was empty. Grace’s body was nowhere in sight. You pulled away slightly from Jake but grasped his hand as you pulled him toward the tree, eyes never leaving it.
When you got closer and gently, your other hand grazed one of the stems, as you asked, “Do you think she can see us now?”
You shook your head, “Grace.”
He squeezed your hand before wrapping it around your waist, pulling you close to his side, “I know she would never abandon you.  It’s the last thing she’d want to do.”
You knelt down in the spot where her body had been, your hands running through the dirt and the tree bark. “She didn’t abandon me.” She was taken from you. Stolen. Stealing wasn’t anything new to the RDA.
Jake didn’t have to hear your thoughts to know what you meant, “They won’t take anything ever again. Not from the people. And not from you.” His voice was hard and sure which, in a way you admired and loved about him. “I’ll make sure of it.”
You smiled up at him sadly. Jake knelt down beside, tilting his head at you as he observed you closely. “Will you fight? When they do come?”
He didn’t need to know about Project Pandora. He didn’t need to know about your plans to leave for Hell’s Gate tonight. So you just nod.
But Jake didn’t look too happy about it. He didn’t have to voice it, his face already told you he did not want you to fight. “Be smart.” Jake said, pressing his forehead against yours gently, his hands finding the sides of your neck. “Don’t do anything impulsive. And be a little selfish if you have to, okay?”
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t promise anything. All you did was nod. With another long kiss, this time almost desperate, Jake stood and looked at you to follow.
“I’m just going to stay here for a little while longer.” You tell him. “I won’t be long.”
Jake nodded as he slowly backed away whilst looking reluctant to do so at the same time, “Don’t be down here too long, okay?”
Once he was gone, you were left alone. With no one but the spirits.
There was a part of you that wanted to try and see if Grace could hear you, to try and tell her that you tried her way and that you were left with no option left. You wanted to say you would try not to die but really, who could really guarantee that?
You’ve always known, ever since you were young, that the war was unkind. It was unkind to your father, even when he survived it. It would not change now. The war would always be cruel. Unkind. A demon.
For now you found comfort under the tree. And you stayed there until you decided to leave your avatar body lying there, under the tree.
You didn’t know when you would be able to return to your avatar when you woke up back at the camper with Trudy waiting. You didn’t know whether you’d see Jake again as you stopped next to his link bed before leaving.
There were a lot of things you didn’t know when you boarded the ship with the duffel bag at your side.
All you did know was that the RDA wouldn’t hurt anyone else again.
That, you could promise.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari@tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @erenjaegerwifee @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @dorck26 @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol@tojigirl@thotd-f1 @beaniebeensbaby201 @theoriginalwife000 @punchyprincess23
482 notes · View notes
foraphroditesake · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x human!fem!reader
summary: in which the rda strikes
warnings: probably angst.
word count: 3.4k
author’s note: welp…
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It was almost embarrassing. Being forcefully dragged back to Hell’s Gate, pride stomped on, and to be questioned by none other than Quaritch and Parker. To say you were absolutely livid was an understatement. The last place you wanted to be was here while the Omatikaya’s home was currently about to be attacked.
After being uncuffed—though still heavily guarded and slightly manhandled—you, Grace, and Jake were forced to watch Jake in avatar form destroying a camera on one of the bulldozers. You did your best to not look smug, to not rub it in his face—and you really wanted to—because in the end it wouldn’t help much with your current situation. So, as usual, you elected to be quiet as Quaritch paced in front of the four of you, eyeing you with narrowed eyes.
Quaritch then let his gaze settle on Jake as he knelt down, “So, what, you find yourself some local tail and you just completely forget what team you’re playing for?” He glanced up at you, “She got in your head, huh?”
Grace turned to Parker who was standing on the side, “Parker, there’s still time to salvage the situation! We can—”
“Why don’t you shut your mouth!” Quaritch snapped, standing straighter to block her from getting any closer to Parker.
Grace didn’t miss a beat, “Or what, Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me?”
“I could do that—”
“Parker.” You interrupted before the two could continue going at each other. “You really want a whole shoot out or are you gonna control him?”
Parker sighed and stepped forward, “Yeah, can we just take this down a couple of notches, please?”
“You want to keep your people alive?” Jake finally spoke, looking directly at Quaritch. He nodded toward Grace, “You start by listening to her.”
Despite your faith in Grace you also knew both Parker and Quaritch, the latter especially. You knew that no matter what she said, they will still find a way to get what they want. Which is money and to take over Pandora.
No matter what Grace said, they wouldn’t change. Because that’s the Sky People. The reason they came was for this reason, money and a place to relocate because Earth was dying. Your mother had been one of scientists that studied life on Pandora and the Earth on its last legs. Even she understood that Earth was dying because of the humans living on it and that it had been dying for years and now it was just catching up to them. They had been warned for years and it had gone ignored.
Now they’ve decided that relocating to a whole different planet, taking it over, and making it their new home was the answer.
If that wasn’t history repeating itself…
A video of Jake, must’ve been one of his video logs, came on the screen and Quaritch turned the screen toward them as it played.
“They’re not gonna give up their home. They’re not gonna make a deal. For what? A lite beer and blue jeans? There’s nothing that we have that they want. Everything they sent me out here to do is a waste of time. They’re never gonna leave Hometree.”
The video stopped. Jake was looking at the floor, Grace placed a hand on his shoulder, and you glared at Quaritch.
“So, since a deal can't be made, I guess things get real simple.” Quaritch smirked down at Jake. “Thanks, Sully. I’m getting all emotional. I might just give you a bit wet kiss.”
“You’re such an asshole.” You scowled.
Quaritch, unconcerned, turned to you with feigned curiosity, “And you. Your father would be disappointed in you, kid. Turning your back on your own kind—”
“Fuck you!” Grace placed her other hand on your shoulder, giving you a side look that told you to calm down. And you returned a look right back at her, saying “I told you so” before going back to being quiet.
Parker looked toward the soldiers that guarded the three of you, “Find them a seat somewhere.”
Just when the soldiers were beginning to lead Grace and Jake away, you began to follow only for Quaritch to add, “Actually. I want you to take Dr. L/N to a secure room.”
“What?!” Grace snapped, eyes widening.
“You can’t be serious!” Jake immediately began turning his chair around only to be stopped by a soldier’s foot.
“—She’s one I would suggest to keep an extra eye on as she is a danger to others and herself. I think it would be best to keep her locked away for now.” Quaritch told Parker without so much as glancing in yours or the others’ direction.
“Are you shitting me, Quaritch?!” You hissed as two soldiers grabbed you by the arms. One of them snapping another one of those red cuffs around your wrists. You tried fighting them off but they held a steady grip on you.
Grace tried walking forward, only to be blocked by another soldier. “Parker, you can’t seriously let him do this!”
Parker glanced from you to Grace and then to Quaritch, “She’s our best engineer, Colonel.”
Quaritch nodded, placing his hands on his belt, “Sure. But you’re always free to access her when you need an engineer’s input. Otherwise I like to keep her safe from all of this, Mr. Selfridge—”
“Damn you, Quaritch!” Grace snapped.
You glanced toward Jake and if looks could kill, the Colonel would be dead instantly with the way Jake glared at him. You’ve never seen him so fierce, so angry before. It made everything more real. And the more real things became, the more frightened and angry you became.
But Quaritch continued as if Grace hadn’t even said anything, “After all, sir, not to be too sentimental here, but I do consider her a daughter and I rather not have her in harm’s way.”
The fear was gone in seconds.
“Fuck. You!” You would’ve lunged at him if not for the strong hands keeping you held back. “Fuck you! Fuck you, Quaritch!”
Parker sighed, already tired of this, “Fine, fine, whatever. Put her somewhere please before I get a headache.”
Grace and Jake were in an immediate uproar but could do very little as they were also dragged away before they could do anything to protest it any further. You couldn’t see them anymore when you were led out of the Operations Center and down a hallway. You did your very best to fight their grip, flying out different curses toward them at every second as you were led to the second floor and into a bare room with a single table and chair.
The two soldiers led you toward the chair but you kicked it down before they could even force you down into it.
“Enough fighting you fucking brat!” The one gripping your arm tightly snapped at you.
You spat in his face in response.
The soldier that had picked up the chair spoke before his partner could do anything to you, “Careful, this is Colonel’s girl. Our orders don’t include hitting her just because she talks back, Mathews.”
Mathews grunted in reply and forced you down in the chair, connecting the red strap around your wrists to the hook in the table.
“I’d calm down if I were you.” The other soldier said as Mathews marched out of the room. “Or you’d make things worse for yourself.”
“Says the asshat working for a madman.” You sneered, tugging at the red strap.
That was when Quaritch entered the room. Your anger flared but you didn’t curse him out like you did in the Operations Center. Instead you took to glaring.
“Silent treatment now? Could’ve sworn you were talkative just a few seconds ago.” Quaritch chuckled, crossing his arms. You remained silent and continued glaring. “Believe it or not, Doc, I actually do care. Like I said before, I would hate for you to be in this war, especially on the wrong side…” He then frowned down at you, having the audacity to look disappointed. “But it seems you’ve already chosen your side, huh? Can’t say I’m not hurt.”
He was trying to get a rise out of you. You had to remember Grace’s words, you had to compose yourself, or else you’d lose it right then and there. All this anger made you lose all common sense entirely, and suddenly you were kind of glad your hands were cuffed to the table. Or else you would’ve done something insanely stupid, and right now you couldn’t afford insanity or stupidity.
So once more, you stayed silent but never wavered your gaze from his. You wanted him to know that you didn’t regret it one bit. That you wouldn’t hesitate to do it all over again. That you were never and would never be on his side.
Quaritch, after studying for a moment longer, finally uncrossed his arms and turned to leave. “You’ve made your choice, Doc. Now you’ll live with the consequences.”
You did make a choice. But those consequences had yet to come.
Just before he had the door closed, you spoke. “My dad wouldn’t be disappointed in me.” Quaritch stopped but kept his back to you. “And if you really were his friend, if you really did know him, you wouldn’t have me fucking cuffed to this table.”
He stood with his back facing you for a moment before he turned his head to say, “I did know your father. And he wouldn’t want you in this war, kiddo.”
And with that, the door closed. Leaving you in silence and isolation.
Time was hard to tell in here. All you had to rely on was sound coming from outside of the room. And from outside of the door you could hear footsteps walking by every now and then. But other than that, you were left with nothing but silence.
The fear was beginning to set in once the anger had exhausted you.
A few minutes had passed until you heard muffled voices on the other side of the door. You strained your ears to figure out what was being said but you could only hear a different mix of voices and they sounded like they were arguing.
You leaned forward in your chair when you heard the door unlock. Seconds later it opened and in came both Grace and Jake.
“What’s going on out there? What happened?” Was the first thing that came out of your mouth when they quickly entered the room. “How long has it been? Did Parker and Quaritch—”
“Y/N, we don’t have much time.” Grace glanced back at the door. Once it closed she continued, “Quaritch is going to hit the Hometree no matter what.”
Your heart dropped, “Grace—”
“Parker’s giving us time to go in and convince them to leave.” Jake added, drawing your gaze toward him as he rolled up next to your chair. “I have to tell them the truth, it’s the only way we can get them to listen.”
You shook your head. Your hands twitched to reach out to him but you remember your hands were currently tied. “They’re not going to leave—”
“We can try—”
“No, Jake, they’re not going to leave!” You whisper to him, desperately. “This is only going to lead to war, okay? And the Omatikaya? They don’t even have the force to fight back fairly, the RDA is going to wipe them out—this is what Quaritch fucking wanted!”
You turned to Grace, giving her a meaningful look. Grace shook her head. Now you were becoming impatient. “Grace, you know they’re not going to stop. You said do your way and look where that put us. I can—”
“No, kid.” Grace frowned at you. “We are not there yet. We won’t go there. There’s still more time.”
Jake furrowed his brows, “What are you talking about?” He then looked at you. “Y/N?”
You didn’t want to tell him. Funny how the tables switched between the two of you. Now you were the one hiding something from Jake. Only, you were able to listen and understand what Jake told you about Quaritch and his mission. You weren’t so sure he would like the idea of you hiding bombs and wanting to use them. Pretty sure he’d do everything to stop you just like Grace was.
That was the last thing you needed right now.
“How long do you have?” You finally asked, not looking at either of them. “To convince them?”
“An hour.” Grace crossed her arms. “We should probably go now.”
“Will they even let me come?” You tried asking.
Jake frowned and shook his head, “We tried to tell Parker you’d be able to help since the people knew you as well…”
“He wouldn’t compromise beyond that.” Grace scowled. She glanced toward the door and sighed. “We gotta go, Jake. Tinkers, sit tight, alright? We’ll find a way to get you out of here.”
You nodded and watched as Grace opened the door. Jake’s hand landed on yours, pulling your attention toward him. “We’ll figure this out, okay? I promise. Hey,” Suddenly his hand cupped your face. You hadn’t realized you’d been crying until he wiped the tears away, “I’m not gonna let him harm them, I won’t.”
Really, you didn’t know why you were crying. Whether it was for the Omatikaya, for both Jake and Grace, or for the decision that’s been weighing on you ever since Jake had revealed to you what Quaritch had asked him to do.
At this point, you didn’t try to find a reason for the tears. You just let them fall.
You didn’t really remember what you said to him or if you even responded. All you did remember was Jake pressing a kiss against your forehead before leaving with Grace. Seconds later the door was closed and you were left alone again.
This time instead of cursing at the walls you hid your sobs into your arms, allowing the silence to swallow you whole once more.
No one else had come to see you. Somehow it felt like hours had passed by since you last saw Grace and Jake. You wondered meekly whether they succeeded and convinced the Omatikaya to retreat Hometree. You wondered, if allowing yourself this naïve hope would make you feel better as you sat here, useless.
It did not.
And for another moment, you found yourself wondering what your parents would’ve thought of this. Their own daughter, being illegally detained for standing up for a race of aliens, betraying your race as Quaritch would say. Would they have been on his side in the end? Would they have turned against you too?
They had both died when you were still quite young, still had barely any time to truly get to know them. What would they think of you now? Your mother’s brains and skills. Your father’s ambition and unyielding determination.
You wondered. And wondered. And wondered. And wondered.
A sudden thud from outside startled you out of your dazed thoughts. For a second, you were sure you imagined it until the lock clicked and the door opened.
The last person you expected to be there was Dr. Patel.
“Max?” You gapped but he pressed a finger to his lips.
“No time! Trudy already freed Dr. Augustine, Jake, and Norm and their heading to the runway. You need to go now!”
Max cut the red strap off your wrists. You immediately stood as he rushed toward the doorway. “Wait what happened? What do you mean you freed them?”
You followed Max out of the room, finding no guards outside of the room, and started rushing down the hallway. Better to ask questions while you are moving instead of standing there and wasting time. If you were given the chance to escape, no matter the suddenness, you were going to take it, questions later.
He poked his head down a hallway to check if it was clear before continuing, “They were arrested for treason a few hours ago. We’re getting you guys out of here now before anyone finds out.”
Just as you turned a corner, you nearly collided with a soldier.
“Shit!” Max hissed.
The soldier stopped the same as you and Max. After checking to see if there were any more soldiers walking around, you took the chance and elbowed the man as hard as you could, kneed his stomach, and threw his head against the wall multiple times before his body went limp in your arms. You grabbed his gun before his body fell to the floor.
Max furrowed his brows as you continued running down the halls. “You know how to use that?”
You rolled your eyes, “I was raised around military men and a paranoid mother. What do you think?”
“Sorry, I just never seen you with a gun before.”
You smirked a little, “You’d be the first.”
After a few more turns through different halls and taking one elevator, you eventually made it toward the door leading out to the airstrip. You opened the case and grabbed a mask, placing it on as Max backed away toward the way you had just come.
“Where are you going?” You questioned, furrowing your brows at him once you got the mask on.
“Jake says he needs someone on the inside, so I’m gonna be here.” Max pointed at the door. “Your job is to get the hell out of here. Now go!”
You didn’t have to be told twice. You pulled open the door, made sure your mask was on tight, and dashed outside.
Night had come, so it was a bit difficult to figure out just which ship you should be looking for.
That was until you heard someone call out your name. You searched the airstrip, ducking behind a crate before you spotted Norm and Grace were a few jogs away, leaning out of an active helicopter, waving toward you.
“Over here!”
You started running again. And that was when the bullets started. You glanced behind you to find further up on a balcony, Quaritch was shooting at the ship. You took your own gun and aimed at him a few times, making his aim sway a bit when he dodged your shots. That gave you enough time to speed up.
The ship was lifting in the air, Norm reached out for you as you got closer. You ducked her head when the bullets came flying again and then jumped up to grab onto Norm’s hand. He caught your hand.
“I got her! Let’s go!” Norm shouted as he pulled you up.
By the time Norm got you up, the ship was high up in the air and out of reach of Quaritch’s bullets. You crawled toward one of the seats and got in.
“Were you shooting a gun?!” Norm asked after you buckled yourself into one of the seats. He was looking at you and the gun in your hand. “Since when could you shoot guns?”
“Since always?” You rolled your eyes.
Once the ship got further away from Hell’s Gate, Jake and Norm whooped out in victory. Jake turned to you with relief on his features, his smile growing. And for that moment, you allowed yourself to return his smile.
And foolishly with your happiness, you searched for Grace’s matching smile. Only you froze when you saw her across from you. Blood stained her hand.
Seeing how your smile instantly dropped, how your eyes widened, Jake looked toward Grace.
“Aah, damn it.” She sighed, wincing. “This is gonna ruin my whole day.”
You unbuckled your seat belt and rushed toward her. “Y/N! Shit!” Jake’s voice barely registered to your ears as you managed to take the seat next to Grace. You moved her shirt aside to find more blood on the side of her waist.
“No, no, no, no.” You trembled, pressing your own hand against the wound. “Jake! Jake, she’s been hit!”
You felt an extra weight come over as another hand pressed against yours and another grip your elbow. “Get a trauma kit!” Jake shouted to Norm.
“J-Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake—” You stuttered. This was a bad hit. And she was bleeding too much. “S-She can’t—she—”
“I know, I know.” He squeezed your arm, his voice remaining confident while you were practically falling apart. “I know.”
Grace grunted, “Damn, that bastard.” She held onto your wrist with her other hand as she continued wincing.
“You’ll be okay.” You tell her Na’vi. “Everything will be okay.”
Grace chuckled softly, “Ah, Tinkers.”
It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari@tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @erenjaegerwifee @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @dorck26 @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol@tojigirl
514 notes · View notes
foraphroditesake · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x human!fem!reader
summary: in which project pandora is revealed
warnings: none! word count: 3.6k
author’s note: it all goes downhill from here…prepare yourselves
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You didn’t mean to become distant. You didn’t mean to pull away. But when you got really focused on something, it was hard to really pay attention to anything else.
And right now, you were focused on planning out Project Pandora. The last few days you had been locked up in your lab sorting through plans and past designs and trying to figure out the best way to do this without Quaritch knowing or suspecting anything. If anything, he probably did suspect something considering how loudly you voiced your disapproval for the RDA. Just didn’t know what extent you were willing to go. Honestly, you didn’t know either.
Grace was starting to notice your withdrawal, the way you didn’t eat or barely interacted with her and Jake, hell you even ignored Norm’s side comments. You knew that the more she worried the more likely she would start to figure out what you were doing. And you’ve been able to hide this project from her for half a year, you weren’t about to let that change now.
Which was why you were sitting with Norm and Grace, eating with them while Jake was still asleep that morning.
“They must’ve worn him out the other day.” Norm muttered, glancing toward the back where the sleeping chambers were.
“There preparing him it seems.” Grace sipped at her tea. “His ceremony’s today. He’ll be officially one of the Omatikaya by the end of tonight.” She glanced toward you knowingly, “Pretty big deal.”
You nodded quietly, poking at your breakfast. “What do we do after?”
Grace didn’t respond. Even Norm remained quiet.
“So nothing?”
“So, I'm working on it, Tinkers.” Grace sighed as she got up to throw her now empty cup into the sink. “Just give me some time, I’ll think of something.”
“Parker and Quaritch won’t listen.” You argued calmly, getting up as well. “Grace, you know that. They want that Unobtanium crap and guys like Parker and Quaritch aren’t going to stop just because we’re preaching kumbaya—”
“Then what do you suggest we do?!” Grace hissed exasperatedly. “Convince the Na’vi to leave their homes? Because we all know that’s not going to happen, no matter how diplomatic we try to be. Na’vi people will not leave, they will fight it and then we’ll have war on our hands!” She shook her head, running a hand through her red curls. “I don’t know what else you want me to do, kid.”
You knew what to do. You’ve known what to do for months now. “Someone has to do something.”
Grace narrowed her eyes, “Let me figure it out. Give me time.”
“Morning, Jake.” Norm said loudly, causing the two of you to turn to said man.
Jake was watching the two of you, obviously sensing the tension in the room. His eyes stayed on you longer as he asked, “Everything good?”
Norm glanced toward Grace and despite your stubbornness you did as well. At the end of all of this, Grace was the one in charge. All of you looked at her each time no matter what.
Grace was looking at you steadily and you realized at that moment there were way too many observant eyes on you. Watching you as if you would blow up any second. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Right, Tinkers?”
Perhaps you were being paranoid but you could’ve sworn that maybe, just maybe, Grace somehow knew what you were planning. She couldn’t have figured it out that quickly though, right? Of course, she knew you like a mother would a daughter but still, no one should know about the project. Not even her.
You have to be careful now.
“Peachy.” You forced a tight smile before grabbing your bowl of unfinished breakfast and throwing it in the sink.
Just as you were about to walk away, Grace grasped your arm, stopping you. “Don’t do anything reckless.” She tightened her grasp, giving you a stern look. “I’m serious.”
After a few seconds, she finally let you go. You didn’t say anything as you sauntered toward the door to your lab. Once you got to the hallway a voice called for you.
Despite yourself, you stopped at Jake’s voice and turned to find him rolling toward you in the small hallway. Seeing him now reminded you that the two of you hadn’t spoken ever since he admitted to both you, Grace, and Norm about what Quaritch tasked him to do.
You weren’t purposefully avoiding him. Though you also weren’t going out of your way to talk to him either. Really, you wouldn’t blame him if he were upset with you right now.
“I know you don’t want to talk to me right now, I get it and you have every right.” Jake started which surprised you. “But—”
“Jake, I’m not upset with you.” You assured him before he continued. An exhausted sigh left your lips as you leaned against your lab door. “I just have a lot on my mind right now.”
“Quaritch.” Jake frowned.
“More or less.”
He massaged his face tiredly before grunting, “I can figure out a way to fix all of this, to fix my mess. I-I know you love this place and I don’t want him—”
“You and Grace have an awful habit of carrying the world on your shoulders.” You commented, smiling sadly at him. You stepped forward, brushing his short hair back, causing him to look up at you. “Leave some for the rest of us, yeah?”
Just as you were about to drop your hand away from his hair, he caught your hand and directed it to rest against his cheek, his gaze never breaking from yours.
“Come to my ceremony tonight?” He asked quietly. Your heart fluttered as he squeezed your hand, “Grace will already be there. I want you there too.”
A smile stretched onto your face just as it became warmer by the second, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be there.”
“Tsmuke!” Osa gasped excitedly as you and Grace arrived at Hometree. The younger girl ran over toward you and hugged your waist despite her mother’s protests.
“Hello, little one.” You smiled, patting the top of her head.
She looked up at you curiously, pulling you down to your knees. “Are you here for the ceremony?”
You nodded and allowed her to pull you toward the crowd of Na’vi as they began to gather. You could spot Tsu’tey in the midst looking grumpy but tolerant. Mo’at was also among them but stood at the front next to the clan leader and her husband, Eytukan. Of course, you and Grace both stood out since you were wearing clothes while the others wore their usual cultural clothing. You wondered if you’d ever be brave enough to wear what they wore. If Jake could rock a loincloth then perhaps you could do the same if you put your mind to it.
The very idea made you smile quietly despite your distracted mind.
Soon Jake joined the crowd of Na’vi that waited for him. His body was covered in white markings which you guessed was a part of the ceremony. The crowd parted just a bit so that he could stand in the middle and in front of both the Olo’eyktan and the Tsahik. Neytiri was with him, smiling proudly when her father stepped forward.
“You are now a son of the Omatikaya.” Eytukan announced. “You are part of The People.”
The Olo’eyktan was the first to place his hands on Jake’s shoulders and then the rest of the people had followed, touching each other’s shoulders, all of them connecting to the new son of their clan.
Grace grinned proudly and even her joy rubbed off on you a bit. Truly, you wished you could enjoy this entire moment all together, you wished you could be standing next to him, becoming one of the People as well. But even you knew this wouldn’t last long.
At least you would have this moment. At least you’d have this calm before the impending storm ahead.
Maybe in another life…
“Moping already?”
Later that night, you were sitting against a tree, absentmindedly watching both Jake, Grace, and Neytiri talking amongst each other, nearly blending into the crowd of people.
Tsu’tey was walking toward you and squatted down next to you, “Why are you not celebrating with your fellow demons?”
For a moment, you wondered how he’d react if he knew about Jake’s mission. How he’d react when he found out that you knew as well and didn’t tell him. You felt as if you were somehow betraying him, betraying the Omatikaya people the same as Jake was.
“Huh? What is wrong with you?” Tsu’tey pushed your head, snapping you out of your drowning thoughts. “Since when are you this quiet? You’re usually as mouthy as him.”
You shook your head, “It’s nothing. So what’s next for him? Now that he is one of the People.”
If Tsu’tey noticed the way you quickly changed the subject, he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead he focused his narrowed eyes on Jake who was standing next to Neytiri. “He can try to become a warrior, make himself useful. And then he can choose his mate or mates, whichever the people decide.”
“Mates?” You repeated incredulously. Yes, you heard the Na’vi could choose a mate but more than one? This was news to you. “Like at the same time?”
Tsu’tey looked at you as if the answer was obvious, “What, do you Sky People do not do that?” You frowned. He scoffed and smirked cockily, “Of course you don’t.”
“Well, not all the time...” You mumble.
He rolled his eyes before gesturing toward Neytiri’s father, “The Olo’eyktan used to have a second mate, along with our Tsahik. She died years ago.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“No pity, tsmuke. It was long ago.” Tsu’tey stood. He then smacked your arm, nudging you off roughly, “Now get up. Go talk to your demon friend.”
You rolled your eyes and got up, “Always so demanding.”
He tapped his heart twice. You did the same.
“And keep him away from her.” He glared hotly in Jake’s direction as he was still standing with Neytiri.
And now that you looked at them, really looked at them, they looked close.
It was strange though. You did not get mad. You weren’t entirely hurt either. Perhaps this made things easier for you. Perhaps now you could go through with Project Pandora without anything holding you back from it.
Because once it’s launched there’s no going back. There was no coming back from it.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw that Jake was now in front of you, smiling down at you.
Jake studied you for a moment, cupping your cheek gently, “Why are you over here all alone—”
You backed away, “Um, I’m uh, I have to go.” He stared at you in confusion as you removed his hand, “Tell Grace I’ll be back at the station.”
Just as you were walking away, Jake followed after you, grasping your arm, “Whoa, whoa, what’s going on with you? Doc—”
“Nothing!” You turned when he pulled you back. “It’s nothing, okay? I just need some time alone.”
“Y/N.” Jake moved in front of you, now blocking your way, forced to face him. “I know something’s up. You’ve been acting strange since this morning and I’m worried, okay? I’m worried about you. Hey—”
He caught your face between his hands. Despite yourself, your eyes fluttered closed. Drowning in his touch, the way he held you how you always yearned for him to, his scent overwhelming your senses, your foreheads leaning on each other.
The two of you stayed like this, neither one of you saying anything, afraid of what the other would do. Just when you felt the gentle graze against your lips, you stopped him, shaking your head and pulled away.
“I need time.” You whispered, not meeting his gaze. “Go back to the ceremony, go back to Grace…and Neytiri.” You placed your hands on his chest, further pushing him away. “I’ll be fine.”
Jake didn’t let you go right away. Instead he moved his hands from your face toward your hands against his chest, grabbing them and squeezing them tightly in his hands.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” He told you a small smirk lifting his lips. “At least not without me.”
You lift your shoulders half-heartedly, “I’ll try.”
The next morning, your pillow was snatched from underneath you.
Your eyes snapped open, “What the fuck—”
Grace stood over you, glaring at you as if she were challenging you to finish the sentence. “Get in the link bed.”
She stalked away as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and staggered out of your bed. Everything was too confusing, you woke up too fast, and now the world around you was muffled and groggy. The only thing you could make out was Grace’s back as she continued down the short hallway and into the link room..
“What…What’s going on, Grace?” You asked, finally able to take in your surroundings after a few seconds. She didn’t respond to you as she pulled open her link bed. Norm was already awake and setting it up. “Grace, what—”
“I do not want to talk about this here.” The way she talked to you made both you and Norm stop, startled. Now that you were looking at her, she looked pissed and perhaps even frightened. But of what you did not know.
Wait. Did something happen? Did the RDA do something? Where was Jake?
“Jake is already linked up.” Grace hoisted herself onto her link bed as if she read your mind. She then pointed toward yours, “Get in!”
“Alright, alright!” You scrambled toward your link bed, pulled it open, and got in. Norm came to you seconds later, “Do you know what’s going on?”
He shook his head, “No. All I know is she was in a rush to get Jake into his avatar so she could talk to you. Must be serious.”
Well, that certainly didn’t help. But you didn’t say anything as Norm closed your lid and linked you to your avatar.
When you peeled your eyes open, you found Grace standing in front of you. Yellow eyes glaring at you.
You sat up, checking your surroundings. Just as you remembered, you were still in the forest where you last left your avatar. Now you looked back at Grace, “Okay, what’s going on—”
Before you could even finish, she dropped a bunch of papers down on the ground in front of you. Once you saw the familiar designs that belonged to parts of your project, your eyes widened as you began scooping it up.
“How did you—”
“Don’t speak in English!” Grace hissed before pointing up. “The RDA could be watching!”
You considered your options as of now. Okay, she knew of the plans because of the designs and blueprints. But she didn’t know where you had hidden them. If you had to guess, she went into your lab and found these. Fortunately, you prepared for this and didn’t hide the actual project in your lab.
“What the hell are you thinking?!” Grace snapped, gesturing wildly to the papers you had now rolled up in your arms, “Creating bombs?! Have you fucking lost your mind?!”
“If I had lost my mind then I wouldn’t have been able to build it.”
“Don’t be a smartass!” Grace scoffed in disbelief, running her hands through her hair. “I can’t believe you would do this, do you know how dangerous this is? Do you know what would happen if Quaritch would’ve found this?!”
“He wouldn’t have—”
“You don’t know that! And you sure as hell didn’t make it difficult since those were sitting out in broad daylight!” She began pacing, shaking her head as she took in deep breaths. “How long has this been going on?”
You didn’t reply right away.
Grace whirled around to face you with wide frightened eyes, “Y/N, HOW LONG?!”
“Since the day he shot up the fucking school!” You snapped finally. Her eyes remained wide as she stared at you, jaw slacked. “There! Is that what you wanted to hear?!”
“No, Tinkers.” The look of disappointment made you falter. “I don’t want to hear that you created bombs just to get back at the RDA. To get back at Quaritch. What happened to not letting him get in your head? It’s all a suicide mission, Y/N!” You looked away, clutching the papers close to your chest. “How many did you make?”
You frowned, “Eight. Nine if you count the prototype.”
“Jesus! In two years?!”
You shrugged pathetically, “I am a child prodigy.”
Grace scowled at you for a moment until her eyes widened again, “Fuck, they’re not in the station are they?!”
“No! I’m not stupid!”
“That’s fucking debatable!”
You breathed out a tired sigh and knelt down as you tore the papers apart into little pieces until the designs were nothing but trash. You began to cover it up with dirt. Grace continued pacing in the corner of your eye. “What do you want me to do, Grace?”
It took a few moments for her to gather herself. Grace had never yelled at you like this before, never had she raised her voice at you in the years you worked side by side with her. You didn’t recognize her when she was angry with you. Hell, you hadn’t recognized yourself in years now either.
“To not use them.” She finally said as she stopped pacing. Instead, she approached you and knelt down in front of you, helping you dump more dirt on the shreds of paper. She then placed a hand on your shoulder. “Let us find another way. One where you don’t get hurt in the end.”
You dared to ask the question you knew she was afraid to ask.
“And what if your way doesn’t work?”
Before Grace could say anything, the bushes rustled further away from you. Both of you froze. You glanced around, looking for anything to defend yourself with. Instead, Jake and Neytiri appeared through the bushes, wide eyes meeting yours and Grace’s.
“What’s going on?” Grace asked when she stood. You followed slowly, gauging their faces carefully.
“The Sky People!” Neytiri hissed, gesturing wildly where they had come from. “They’re killing the forest! They are destroying everything!”
Your heart sank. This couldn’t have come at a worse time. Neytiri ran off and Jake stumbled after her, not before shouting to you and Grace, “They’re bulldozing the forest! We have to warn them now! We have to tell them!”
Grace and you glanced toward each other before running off after them. Fortunately, for you, the Hometree wasn’t too far from where you and Grace had been. When you arrived, many of the people were gathered together and from what you understood as you got closer, it sounded like they were beginning to lead an attack on the RDA after what they did with the bulldozers Jake mentioned.
Once you got close enough, Grace cut toward the middle so that she could be heard by the Olo’eyktan and the Tsahik. “Stop, please! This will only make it worse!”
Tsu’tey scowled at her, “You do not speak here!” He then turned to the rest of the Na’vi and shouted, “We will strike them in the heart!”
“Damn it.” You muttered, wide eyes bouncing everywhere as the warriors hooted in agreement.
“Tsu’tey!” Jake appeared next to you with Neytiri. “Don’t do this!”
You grabbed Jake’s bicep before he could go any closer. You had seen the look cross Tsu’tey’s face before any of the others. The way he glanced between him and Neytiri, the way it was clear his mind was quickly jumping to conclusions, leading him to charge toward Jake.
“Tsu’tey!” You shouted as he shoved Jake to the ground. Neytiri was quick to grab you out of the way as the warrior went for Jake. “Tsu’tey, enough!”
“You dare!” Neytiri screeched after moving you safely out of the way, hissing at Tsu’tey.
He ignored the both of you, scowling, “You mated with this woman?!”
Your heart felt as if it had stopped for those few short seconds.
But Jake shook his head quickly as he staggered to his feet, “No! No, I didn’t!”
But Tsu’tey didn’t look convinced as he went for Jake again, taking out his knife. This time Neytiri had tried to interfere but her father pulled her away before she could reach the two men. Grace was at your side, gripping your arm, silently telling you not to be foolish and get involved.
“This is stupid!” You hissed at her.
“Yeah, well, we’re both not fighters. Let’s remember that, Tinkers.” Grace mumbled, keeping you at her side.
“Correction, you’re not a fighter. I am.”
“Just listen for once, Tinkers!”
Once Jake finally threw Tsu’tey off, leaving the latter with a bloody nose, he finally spoke. “I am Omatikaya. I am one of you. I have the right to speak! And I have something to say to all of you.” He glanced toward you, “The words are like stones in my heart.”
But you did not get to hear the rest nor did Jake say anything else. The last thing you saw was the world tipping over and feeling as if your consciousness has left your body.
Just as large breaths of air enter your lungs, your chest jolting upward. You had never been suddenly pulled out of a link like that, especially not without you knowing beforehand. Usually Norm would tell you.
But instead of Norm opening the lid, it was a geared up soldier standing over you. Wainfleet.
“Hey, cupcake.” He grinned down at you, taking out a red strip as he yanked one of your wrists out. “Looks like you made the boss mad.”
You tried fighting his grip, scowling at him, “Fuck you!”
Wainfleet sighed, feigning hurt. “Damn, Doc. I didn’t know you were always so feisty. Best save that energy for the boss.”
And in the next second, you were dragged out of the link bed.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari@tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @erenjaegerwifee @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @dorck26 @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol @tojigirl
546 notes · View notes
foraphroditesake · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x human!fem!reader
summary: in which you and jake sneak off for a night ride
warnings: none!
word count: 2.4k
author's note: jake and reader are just cuties hehe <3
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“Jake Sully, where are you taking me?” You asked for what felt like the hundredth time as you followed him through the forest.
The man was practically jumping around excitedly, glancing back at you every now and then to check if you’re following with a large white grin.
“Hey I know you’re a little out of your prime but at least try to keep up, Doc!” He teased, a laugh then falling from his lips.
“Shut up.”
Really, you had never seen him this happy before. In the three months you had known him, sure he’s given a few smirks and dumb jokes every now and then, but hearing him laugh and smile unashamedly, that was something new. Something that could be dangerously addicting if you allowed yourself to let your guard down too easily.
But the thing was, in a way, your guard has always been down around Jake Sully. You just hadn’t realized just how vulnerable you were around him until a smile tugged at your lips just at the simple sound of his laugh.
After a few more minutes spent running around the forest, you finally made it to a clearing of sorts where an ikran was waiting for the both of you.
You were cautious to approach but Jake confidently strode over toward it. Jake chuckled when glancing back at you, “He won’t bite, Doc. Promise.”
“When did you tame your own ikran?” You asked, slightly in awe at just how far he had progressed with his training with Neytiri.
Jake hoisted himself onto his ikran and smirked down at you, “You really don’t listen when I talk, huh, Doc? I literally told you and Grace about this like a week ago.” He then stretched his hand out to you. “Come on.”
“Wait, what?” You glanced from him toward his ikran worriedly. “Um, are you sure about this?”
He tilted his head, “I won’t let you fall if that’s what you’re scared of.” You stared at his hand for a few seconds, your own fingers tingling with want. “Trust me?”
“Still debating.” You hummed but reluctantly your hands weaved with his. His muscles flexed when he pulled you up until you were sitting behind him. His hand was still around yours as he stretched your arm around his waist until you were holding onto him. Even from behind him you could tell he was smirking, “You’re enjoying this too much, asshat.”
Jake leaned back into you and murmured, “Just hold on tight.”
Right after he said that, his ikran’s wings expanded, and then it took off. You let out a yelp from how fast it took off, your screams mixed with Jake’s joyful laugh. It would’ve been like music to your ears if not for the fact that you were flying on an unstable animal.
You briefly did research about ikrans in the past though you never read much further about them. All you knew about them was that they chose you first and once they did, that is when you bond with it. But it’s known to be quite the dangerous task which is why you were surprised yet impressed with Jake’s obvious success in being able to get one for himself.
After finally getting over your initial shock from the takeoff, you were able to take in the view before you. You always knew Pandora was beautiful but seeing it from the sky, flying as you would in your dreams. But dreams didn’t feel like this. Dreams didn’t make you feel so alive, so free. Dreams didn’t have the wind blowing in your face, intaking the air around you and letting it flow into your lungs.
Your head was thrown back from the euphoria of it, eyes fluttering closed as you breathed in and out. One of Jake’s hands grasped both your arms and kept them around his waist when you leaned back further. Seconds go by and your stunned screams turn into giggles and a big smile.
This was the most free you’ve ever felt in a while.
Jake patted your leg, gaining your attention, “Look, you nearly missed it.”
Further ahead, he pointed toward a tall waterfall with mist surrounding it. The trees surrounding it were so green and so vividly beautiful, you swore all of this wasn’t real. It was all too good to be true.
Jake leaned into you before saying, “You might wanna hold on a bit tighter, Doc. Things are about to get wet.”
The ikran took a sudden dive, making your stomach drop just as well.
“YEAH!” Jake hollered as they flew toward the waterfall.
“JAKE I SWEAR I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” You shout, squeezing your eyes shut when you get close toward the water.
You buried your face into his back when the water sprayed on you. By the time you opened your eyes, you were all wet and now flying away from the waterfall. You smacked Jake’s back as he grinned.
“A little warning next time!”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
He grasped your hands again tightly around his waist but didn’t move his hand away. Instead he gently  squeezed both your hands tightly with his larger one.
“Skxawng.” You muttered but hid a smile in his shoulder.
Night had fallen by the time Jake landed his ikran on a cliff that overlooked most of the forest. Even at night the planet was beautiful. It was vastly different viewing it here instead of through a window in your lab. Here you could stare up at the stars and look at the moons. Here it was magic.
The two of you sat on the ground next to each other, legs dangling at the edge of the cliff.
“I’m not ready to go back.” Jake spoke first, gently next to you. As if what he said was something forbidden. Something wrong. “I know this is temporary but…this is…I don’t know how I could ever return after all of this.”
“I felt that way too. Back when Grace’s school was still open.” You admitted. Really it was the first time you had ever said this out loud. Before you were always afraid it sounded pathetic, stupid, and reckless. But now, it just felt nice to get it off your chest. “This place has been more of a home to me than Earth ever was. I’m not sure I could imagine going back either, even if we’ll never truly be one of them.”
“You don’t think we can be?” Jake turned to you with a frown and you were surprised at how desperate he looked. “I mean I-I’m working to become one of them, right? That means something, doesn’t it?”
Perhaps you were too used to his human form where his face always seemed a bit guarded and stoic, hiding away his true emotions and vulnerability. But this Jake was different. He was open. He was happier. He was a different person entirely. You wondered if this was the change Grace had seen. This version Jake peeking out in his human form. You wondered if this was the person Grace believed in. You saw it now.
And admittingly it was a slow journey to get there.
“I wish I could say it does.” You respond truthfully as you turn fully toward him.  “But because of the Sky People, because of what they did those years ago, because of what they’re doing now, we’ll always be outsiders to them.”
“But you love these people.” Jake grasped your arms gently. “You said so yourself, this is your home. Not on Earth. Not with Quaritch. Here. Why not fight for that?”
You stared into his yellow eyes as you paused. And before you knew it, the words stumbled out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“What else did Quaritch tell you to do?”
Jake closed his mouth and turned his gaze toward the view. You grasped his face in your hands and forced him to look at you, “Just be honest with me, Jake. I won’t be mad, I promise. I just want to understand what he wants. What he really asked you to do.”
“I-I can’t.” He shook his head, dropping his gaze to his hands.
“Why not?”
He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
You dropped your hands to his and gave them a gentle squeeze. The two of you were quiet for a long moment. Pandora breathing around you.
Then you whisper to him and only him.
“Grace put everything into that school. Ten years. The children, they called—call her sa’nok.” You glance up at him, “Pop quiz, what does that mean?”
Jake chuckled in disbelief at your timing, “Mother. It means mother.”
You nod, your foreheads now touching. “And when I came along and worked as her assistant, they called me—”
“Tsmuke.” Jake gave a small grin at the surprised look on your face. “Sister. I heard Tsu’tey and Neytiri refer to you that way a few times.”
Quietly, you nodded again. “Sylwanin was my friend. Tsu’tey was like an older brother to me…When they shot up that school…when Sylwanin died…that’s a great pain that no mother should feel. No sister should ever feel that.” A tear slipped before you were able to wipe it away. Jake was quicker though and caught it with his thumb. “That’s why I can’t ever feel like I belong with them, be one of them. Not after everything the Sky People did. I’d feel like a fraud, a liar.”
The entire time you talked, Jake’s gaze never wavered from yours, his hand that wiped away the tear before was still resting against your cheek.
“I understand. I do.” Jake assured you, pulling you closer until your foreheads were touching once more. “I’m sorry.”
You gripped his wrist and closed your eyes, breathing in his scent. His hand slid toward the back of your neck, squeezing it gently. He was guiding your head and you let him. The tips of your noses brushed against each other.
But before you could brace yourself for the breaths to then turn into something more, something different, you were pulled out.
It almost felt like waking up from a long slumber when you peeled your eyes open to find Norm standing over you.
“Jesus.” You muttered, squinting your eyes when the straps were removed from your body. “Damn it, I forgot about the groggy after effects.”
“Sucks doesn’t it?” Norm grinned down at you as you slowly sat up. After flipping him off, he handed you a warm bowl of what looked like soup. “Grace says it helps to eat when coming out of the link.”
“Yeah, I know.” You sighed before taking the bowl into your lap. Norm then moved on to the other link beds and your groggy mind began to catch up with what had happened.
Fuck, you nearly kissed him.
What happened to not getting too attached, especially when you didn’t know where he stood? There was a glimmer of hope that perhaps that Grace was right, that he was on your side, but there was still the unknown.
Why did Quaritch want him to become one of them? Why did he want him learning their culture? What was his game? How did he win in this?
You didn’t get to think too much more on it when Grace, who seemed to have been out of the link beds longer than you had, spoke. “I can’t believe you’ve made it this far, Sully. I want to say I’m proud—really I do—but how far are you actually willing to go here?”
Jake’s voice hit you before you saw him, “It’s the last part to finally becoming one of them. I’m close, Grace. I’m willing to go as far as I can.”
When you got up from the link bed, you sauntered over toward the table Norm was already sitting at and listening to both Grace and Jake. You kept your gaze down at your bowl, not really ready to meet his gaze after their moment.
“You know you’ll never be one of them, Jake.” Grace sighed, leaning against his now closed link bed. “The Avatar Program was meant for you to link up with these bodies, yes but it was always meant to be temporary.”
“I tried telling him that.” You mumbled out, placing your bowl on the table.
“I have to try.” Jake pressed. “I have to finish this.”
The room was quiet after that. You still couldn’t meet his gaze or even look at him without feeling like your face would catch on fire. But this conversation was a nice distraction, made you forget momentarily for a bit.
“Why are you pushing so hard for this?” Grace then asked. You knew she knew the answer, which is why she asked it. But you wondered if he would tell her. Grace did have a way with people.
“You know why I’m here.” That’s when you finally looked at him. His own gaze flickered from Grace to yours for a few seconds before he continued, “You know Quaritch sent me.”
Norm choked on his soup, his jaw dropping. “Wait, what?!”
Grace held a hand up to him and Jake hesitantly continued, “He wanted me to infiltrate the Omatikaya people. Become one of them and find out how to screw them out of their home.”
“What?” Now it was your turn to be startled, your heart dropping to your stomach. “That’s—he…you—”
“Oh my god.” Norm muttered, massaging his face.
You should've known that was his angle. You should’ve seen it from the start. Of course Quaritch would send him here to try and get them to leave their home, to leave Hometree. This was Quaritch’s way of being diplomatic before starting a war with them just to get what he and the RDA wanted.
“And what about now, Jake?” Grace asked patiently.
“I’m not that guy anymore.” He was looking at you when he said this. “I’m not, I swear it.”
Quietly, you looked to Grace. She was already looking at you, meaningfully. 
He’s changed. He’s changed. He’s changed.
You looked at him and nodded, “I know that now.”
Norm was at a loss, Grace was thoughtful, Jake was regretful, and you were planning.
It was time to set things in motion. It was time for you to stop hesitating and be brave for once. It was time for Quaritch to know that you were never bluffing.
It was time to launch Project Pandora.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari@tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @erenjaegerwifee@naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @dorck26 @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x human!fem!reader
summary: in which you and grace make your return to hometree
warnings: none!
word count: 2.6k
author's note: another chapter! yay!
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It wasn’t until Norm started setting up your link bed did you realize what was happening.
Grace was shrugging off her lab coat and Jake was already linked up by the time you entered. A part of you was relieved. You didn’t have to talk to him yet. You weren’t really sure yet what to think of what happened between you two the other night. So right now, not talking to him first thing in the morning was probably the best idea. Especially, when you were already so discombobulated about what you were about to do.
“Are you sure you want me there?” You asked, standing awkwardly next to your link bed. “The kids probably remember you the most anyway—I was just your assistant after all.”
“I could take her place.” Norm tried suggesting even though you all knew the answer to his request.
Grace hoisted herself onto her link bed, “Mo’at wouldn’t have asked for both of us if she thought those kids were only impacted by me, Tinkers.”
“Yeah, but—”
“You’re too humble, kiddo. Those kids loved you then and they will love you now.” Grace gave you a meaningful look before saying slowly, “But if you don’t think you’re ready, I understand. I won’t force you.”
For a moment, you really considered saying no. For a moment, the word was already at the tip of your tongue.
But you stopped yourself. You stopped because you knew he’d win. You knew this fear would keep you from being in a place you loved. All this time, all you ever did was hide.
You had made a promise to yourself. And Project Pandora was an indication of said promise. This would be a part of it too.
After a short pause, you shrugged off your flannel jacket, “Norm, I’m going in.”
Said man looked surprised as you hopped into your link bed while Grace grinned.
Minutes later, Norm appeared next to your bed after setting up Grace’s, “How long has it been since you’ve been in one of these?”
You sighed. There he goes with the questions. “Two years.” You lied down, heart practically hammering within your chest. “I almost feel like I’m a newbie all over again.”
Norm chuckled, “I’m sure you’ll be fine. Probably better at it than me—actually come to think of it, how long have you been on Pandora?”
“Um, since I was sixteen… So four years now?”
He looked surprised, “Huh, I didn’t know they allowed teenagers to travel to Pandora.”
“Quaritch was my legal guardian at the time. Where he went I went.” You glanced at the computer next to your bed, wanting your conversation to be over. “Is it ready?”
Norm nodded and began closing your lid. Not without saying, “Welcome back, Doc.”
And then there was darkness.
Two years passing had made you forget what it felt like to be home.
Even though you had been in your avatar before, it all felt so new again. A thrilling feeling of being free from your human body and being in something new. A fresh start.
The world was a lot brighter now because of it. You could breathe in the air without needing a mask. You didn’t have to look up at other Na’vi people just because you were several inches shorter than them.
When you first woke up in your avatar, you were surprised to find that you were under a log bridge, it was large enough to hide your body so that no one would stumble upon it and accidently mistake it for a dead Na’vi. Well, then again, a Na’vi would be able to tell that it wasn’t one of their own because of your five fingers instead of four and the clothes you left on the body.
It almost felt like you had risen from a grave. Quite a bit morbid if you thought about it.
In a tree nearby, if you remembered correctly, your handmade spear was still there where you left it. Tsu’tey had taught you to carve it yourself and since then you’ve kept it ever since, despite not being in your avatar body for a long while. You made sure to keep it well hidden so that no animals or other Na’vi would take it.
When you found it, it was a bit splintery but still well intact. Could use a bit more carving, you were sure Tsu’tey would say the same if he saw it. Might even force you to make a new one.
A smile tugged at your lips.
“Hey, Tinkers!” You look up to find Grace’s avatar jogging toward you with a large grin on her lips. “Long time no see.”
You grin, “I’ve always been here you know. It’s not like you haven’t seen me.”
Grace smiled at you and gestured toward your avatars, “Not like this. It’s been too long.” She then gestured toward the opposite direction, “Come on, the village’s this way.”
You had forgotten what it felt like running in your avatar form. You were a lot faster than you would be in your human form, your long legs stretching forward as you went. Plus, without the mask, there was no fog covering the glass around your face, temporarily blurring your vision with how much breathing you were doing with it on.
Instead your face was barren and the breath felt amazing against your new skin.
During the time when the school was open, you had only been to the Omatikaya village only once. And that one time was when Sylwanin begged you to come and hunt with her and Tsu’tey, his original betrothal before it fell to her younger sister. You didn’t know how to hunt at the time so Tsu’tey, begrudgingly, decided to teach you the basics so at least you’d be able to keep up with them. Really, if it were up to him back then, you probably wouldn’t have been invited.
But he would’ve done anything to please Sylwanin. And that included playing nice with her new friend which happened to be you. Even reluctantly learn the handshake you taught them. Tapping your hearts three times. Three hearts. One beat. 
Now it was: Two hearts. One beat.
“Sa’nok! Sa’nok!” Was the first thing you heard upon entering the Omatikaya village. It was the same as you remembered it. Hometree stood tall and proud in the sky, blue dots of Na’vi jumping about in the high branches. You didn’t really expect to see children so soon, but then again it made sense considering around this time they would either be training or following the adult Na’vi around.
Seeing them run toward Grace and you made your heart elated immediately. Some of them you recognized having known them since they were little, now they were taller and almost reached your shoulders. They surrounded the two of you excitedly.
“Look at you all.” Grace smiled as she kneeled down to be at their level. “You’ve grown so much!”
“Sa’nok, look what I made!” One of the children said excitedly, holding up a handmade knife. Seeing Grace smiling and happy with the children surrounding her felt so right. It felt like there had been a missing piece to a puzzle that you could not solve for the longest time. And now, watching Grace be happy as if they were back at the school again, you believed that void had slowly begun to fill itself back up. All the nerves you had felt before were slipping away when some of the kids approached you.
There was a small tug at the hem of your shirt. You looked down to find one girl looking up at you curiously, “Tsmuke, do you remember me? My name is Osa, you gave me a doll. It was—how do Sky People call it? Sheep?”
Your heart melted as you knelt down in front of her, “Osa? Yes, I do remember you! You’re such a big girl now!”
“I know how to shoot an arrow now! Do you want to see?” Osa grinned excitedly, grabbing your hand.
You grinned, “Sure, I would love to see.”
“Let me go get my bow!”
Osa ran off and a few other children took her place. They asked the both of you and Grace where you had been and why they hadn’t seen you in a while. Grace explained it to them the best way she could until Osa came back seconds later with her bow and arrows.
She tugged at your hand, “Come on, come on! Let’s go!”
You allowed the girl to drag you off, followed by a few more kids. You all didn’t wander too far from the village, especially when one of the adult Na’vi said to stay in view so they could watch them. Or rather watch you closely. You didn’t mind it really nor did you blame them. Right now you were just thankful to even be allowed back into the village.
There was a small pond of fish that you all arrived at. Osa readied her bow and arrow, rambling on about how her father taught her to aim and load the arrow. You listened closely and knelt down next to her as she began to aim her arrow at the pond.
“Don’t miss this time, Osa!” One of the older boys, Maw’i, teased.
“Yeah or you’ll scare the food away!” Another boy said.
You hushed them, sending them a stern look, “If you keep at that, you’ll distract her. Then she’ll actually miss and scare them away. We wouldn’t want that would we?”
“No, tsmuke.” They both say with small pouts.
Osa nudged you to gain your attention again. You nod to her, giving her the go ahead. Osa aimed her arrow and waited a few seconds, then she let go of the arrow and missed.
There were snickers behind you, “Ssh!” You say to them before turning back to Osa. “It’s okay, just try again. Those fish can be really fast.”
Osa nodded and retrieved her arrow. She aimed at the pond again. You motioned for the older kids to be quiet and gently patted Osa’s arm, silently encouraging her.
After a few more seconds of her pausing, she let the arrow go. And this time it hit one of the fishes.
“Well done, Osa!” You cheered, clapping your hands happily. When you stood, she hugged your waist tightly and you patted her head. “Go one and get your fish, okay? Then we can head back to the village and show the others.”
Osa nodded and skipped toward the pond to retrieve the fish and her arrow. Just as you gathered up the children, especially the older ones that got distracted by playing amongst each other, all of you started your way back to the village.
At first, you thought it was more kids coming your way but when you glanced over your shoulder, you instead saw Tsu’tey on a direhorse riding toward you. Osa hugged your leg as he stopped in front of you, brows raised curiously at you being surrounded by children.
“Tsamsiyu!” You nod with a grin.
Tsu’tey got off his direhorse, sizing you up and down as he walked paced around you. “I did not expect to see you here or in this form of yours ever again.” He tapped his heart twice.
“Don’t even think about it, Tsu’tey.” You said, doing the same with your heart. You already knew what he was thinking with the way he was examining your physique and spear that was strapped over your shoulder. “I’m not even ready! It’s been years, it wouldn’t be a fair fight!”
“Are you challenging her again?” Maw’i questioned. He was one of the kids you remembered taking care of when the school was open. And there was no doubt that he remembered you and Tsu’tey’s earlier relationship. Had to since the boy practically followed you around when he was younger, especially when Tsu’tey stopped by the school.
“Huh? What of it, little man?” Tsu’tey smirked before looking at you challengingly. “Sounds to me like you’re scared, dreamwalker.”
You rolled your eyes and playfully shoved him away, “That’s enough strong warrior. You know I can’t beat you.”
Tsu’tey smirked but backed off. He fell into step with you as you and the children walked back to the village. As you got closer to the village you saw that Grace was deep in conversation with a few Na’vi women, children still clinging to her as much as they clung to you.
“When are you going to try and become Omatikaya?” Tsu’tey asked you, eyes watching Grace curiously. “Like your demon friend.”
You tried not to snort at the latter bit. Really, you were surprised at his question. It was the last thing you expected from him considering he was so against the Sky People invading his home. But it was sweet in a way. But also the question dampened your smile, just a bit.
“No matter what I do, I do not think I will really belong here.” You say truthfully as some of the kids at your side rushed over toward Grace. “And that is something I’ve come to terms with a long time ago.”
“Hmph.” Was all he said.
You scoffed, “Really? That’s it? No words of comfort?”
Tsu’tey rolled his eyes but patted your head. It was the only comfort he knew how to give. He did it when the two of you were younger as well. Seems like things hadn’t changed that much.
He looked past you and his eyes suddenly narrowed, “Your demon friend is here.”
It was kind of pathetically hilarious at how quickly you turned toward the direction Tsu’tey was looking.
Next to Neytiri was, who you assumed, was Jake in his avatar form. This was the first time you’ve seen it and you were pleasantly surprised at how similar his face was compared to human form. The only difference now was that he was blue and standing instead of being in a wheelchair.
You heard Tsu’tey grumble next to you as Jake’s eyes met yours.
It wasn’t until you saw Jake’s stunned face did you realize that he hasn’t seen your avatar before now. You realized Tsu’tey had left your side, especially when Jake approached you with Neytiri trailing behind.
“Oel ngati kameie.” You nod to Neytiri.
A look of recognition crosses her face as she was sizing you up. After a pause, she nodded in return, “Oel ngati kameie, tsmuke.”
Jake was still looking at you in slight awe, Neytiri noticed this and rolled her eyes. She smacked your arm and mumbled, “He’s still big baby.”
You giggled as Neytiri walked away. Jake looked at you in confusion, glancing from Neytiri to you, “What? What did she say about me?”
“You still have a lot to learn, Puppet.” You patted his arm but then frowned when you noticed small cuts on his chest and the side of his head. “Really? Not even a few hours here and you’ve already bled?”
He caught your hand when you went to check one of the cuts on his chest, “I’m fine, Doc.” He smirked, hand still grasped around your wrist. It grew when you tried hiding your flustered state. “Neytiri’s just throwing me around a bit.”
“Sounds kinky.” You quipped, playfully shoving him away until he let you go.
“Funny, I said the same thing and got a bow smacked in my face.”
“You probably deserved it.”
Jake grasped both of your arms and started pulling you in a random direction, “Come on, I wanna show you something.”
You frown but let him pull you along, “Shouldn’t you be training?”
“Not when the teacher is distracted.” Jake grinned back at you. “Come on before she catches us.”
The mischief in his eyes wasn’t missed by you as he continued dragging you through the forest.
You were definitely going to regret this somehow.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari@tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @erenjaegerwifee @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
I think about how pretty Evan Peter’s nose is at least once a day
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
"my child is completely fine"
no honey, your child is thinking about a pale, starry-eyed man in a black coat who they wanna meet in their dreams in the really unhealthy amounts
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
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# taylor swift icons
like or reblog if you save <3
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
follow me on spotify guys~
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
a playlist for all of those swifties here in tumblr <3
like or reblog if you want
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
you might be cool but are you an assassin named tangerine strutting down a train isle with messy hair and an italian suit with sleeves rolled up to your forearms cool ?
i didn't think so.
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foraphroditesake · 2 years
the lack of harry james potter fics on the internet is atrocious 😭😭
it also sucks when fics are tagged #harry potter imagines or #harry potter x reader and there's not a single hjp fic for like a 100 scrolls.
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