forcorrespondenceonly · 10 years
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A rather peculiar un-festive Christmas card with an illustration of fox hunting on the front.
The text inside reads:
For you this Christmas-time I wish
Lots of happiness sincere, 
And may you have just lots of luck
Throughout the coming year. 
Hearty Wishes for your Happiness this Christmas. 
The written message at the end is:
To Daisy. With love & best wishes
From Gwen.  
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forcorrespondenceonly · 10 years
Today I found a box of old cards and photographs, all belonging to a woman named Daisy. 
So for the foreseeable future everything on here will be from Daisy's box. Horray! 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-nine in my postcard collection and the last postcard out of the three that my Mum brought me for my birthday in August. I know how I keep on going on about it, but she really is fab, look, she must have spent ages finding a postcard addressed to a Lily. 
It reads...
"Dearest Lily
Hope you arrived home safely on the tuesday. We arrived here safely on Saturday & having a nice time. Tom & Joe send their best love also Elsie & myself. Wasn't it a wretched day for us to come so goodbye again your's..."
And then I can't make out the name at bottom. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-eight in my postcard collection.
My Mum brought this postcard for me for my birthday because I walk past Banbury Cross everyday on the way to Art College. Oh she is just lovely. 
The message on the back reads...
"Arrived Safely. _____ 2 pm & H. met me - found all well. Don't ____ like Southam with the different room. Old Mel didn't know me. he caught a fast from Oxford 10:20. 
Love and kisses to you all. Many happy returns of the day! Hope the boys are good & that the crowd from Deddington didn't arrive. Yours ever
It is so difficult to read, so I had to leave some parts blank. If you can figure out what the words are, or spot any mistakes, just let me know! 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-seven in my postcard collection.
My Mum brought me a couple postcards for my birthday, because she is a lovely lady. A really lovely lady. It has taken me three months to get round to sorting them out, but anyway, this is one of them.
The message on the back reads...
" W.R.N.S Depot
Kensington WS.
Dear Nan,
This is just a quick P.C to let you see that I went to Kew Gardens yesterday. The orchid house is brand new At the moment I am on the beach at Southend - The mouth of the Thames.  I left with out any breakfast & came here to see the sea. If all is well I should be coming home on the 12th of June for 3 days. 
The W.R.N.S stands for Women's Royal Naval Service. I found a British Path video of the Queen's Mother visiting a W.R.N.S depot. 
The postcard was addressed to A Convent School in Exmouth, but I don't think it was ever sent, which is quite sad. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-six in my postcard collection. 
It depicts the Notre-Dame de Chartres Cathedral in Paris. 
There isn't much else I can say about this postcard, which feels strange, because I can normally dig up more information than this. Oh well. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-five in my postcard collection.
This is the oldest postcard that I own and one of the most beautiful too. It was sent in 1908.
If you look closely on the front the sender has written "Rosa" and look at how elegantly the address is written on the back. I found the address it was sent to on google maps, it so gorgeous, even if it is a supermarket now. Just everything about this postcard is lovely. 
I found this postcard on another website and they described this postcard as...
Early 1900s postcard depicting young girl at the helm of her father's fishing boat on the sea.
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-four in my postcard collection.
The back of the postcard reads...
"To auntie Sam
from Pat & margaret"
I don't think this message is very heartfelt at all, but the beautiful illustration on the front makes up for it a little. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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My Granny gave me a lot of old photographs a little while ago. I've put most of them on this blog, but I seem to have forgotten all about this one. 
There is no writing on the back, but a stamp with the date, which is 28th of August 1941. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-three in my postcard collection.
When I first brought this postcard I thought the back was a bit tatty, which it is,  but now I'm looking at it closely and I can see faint pencil writing. I think somebody let a little girl write a message, but it was never posted. I can make out some words but it is very tricky... 
"Dear ...
How are you I am very ... how is  ... x ...xxx...you... patricia"
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number forty-two in my postcard collection.
I did a little research into Fred Slaymakers Wonder Village and found this page about it. 
He wrote:
"Fred Slaymaker spent ten years building the village out of concrete and rubbish: it includes coal scuttles, bin lids, tea trays, ashtrays, corks, bottle tops and bits of bike."
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty-one in my postcard collection.
Though this postcard may not have a message written on the, the directions are so soothingly polite that I want to follow them. 
If you're interested here is a bit of information about the Chapel that features in the postcard. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number fifty in my postcard collection.
This postcard features the West Cliffs at Broadstairs, which is a great name for a town. There is no message written on the back, so unfortunately I don't know much about it. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number forty-nine in my postcard collection.
Apparently, according to google, this aeroplane is a Delta DC-8. Fun fact: they have unusually large windows, but that is pretty much all I can find out about them, apart from by 1989 they were no longer flying. 
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number forty-eight in my postcard collection.
Here another blank postcard, which I've found in a charity shop. This is what the promenade gardens looks like now. It is quite a sad sight because they don't really exist anymore. A lot of the beautiful buildings have been pulled down and in the place of grass and flowers is a road. 
I'm beginning to think about using these postcards for an art project now. Not the ones with messages, but the ones without. I feel like they are not reaching their full potential by sitting in a suitcase in my desk drawer.  
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number forty-seven in my postcard collection, from 1955.
This is the last postcard I have from the Festival of Vintage held this summer in York. The message on the back reads... 
Dear all at 25 [the house number]
Having lovely time. We went to the passing out yesterday and then to have dinner and dance. The passing out parade was very good. Today we are going to Wookey Hole and Cheddar. See you on Friday. Love, 
Pat, Pete, Jason & George
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forcorrespondenceonly · 11 years
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Postcard number forty-six in my postcard collection.
This is the street that the postcard was sent to. The back reads…
Dear Mum and Dad,
Got your card and letter this morning. Showery this morning. Very windy and cold now. Shocking weather, must see into it. Got seven cards all together, two like yours and two more the same. It’s nice here at Ramsgate. Cheerio for now. 
Lots of love 
Walter xxxxx
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