forestcat666 · 29 days
Laurence, Laurance, and Lawrence
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forestcat666 · 2 months
Go ahead and screenshot this as a hater post to hate me for but whenever people romanticize Rhaegar/Lyanna/Jon as a family, I’m thrilled he was actually raised by Ned with Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, & Rickon.
This doesn’t apply to people who romanticize Lyanna & Jon as a family because I do that too 🫶
Just the idea of R&L being a happy family with Jon is actually infuriating when you remember that Rhaegar’s first family has to brutally die for that *dream to thrive* along with Lyanna’s brother and father.
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forestcat666 · 4 months
reblog this if you like getting silly asks
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forestcat666 · 4 months
A link to my new blog
Hey guys I created a new blog just for my 'Targaryen's survive AU, this blog will still post stuff for the AU but the other blog will be exclusively for things related to the AU.
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forestcat666 · 5 months
post from my game of thrones account
Dammit. I keep getting attached to ships that only make sense in my fanfics.
My latest one is Loras x Viserys.
Like.....they never even interact in Canon, they don't even appear in the same book or season!
But for some reason while I was writing a Viserys chapter for my Targaryen's survive AU and he was talking to Loras I just felt something and decided they needed to have some romance.
They weren't even being friendly, they were fighting with each other.
Anyways in my AU the Targ kids have a thing for the Tyrell kids.
Rhaenys x Willas
Viserys x Loras
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forestcat666 · 5 months
From my other account
Tell me why I want to ship Jon with nearly every man in game of thrones.
Like there's just something so fruity about Jon that I just don't understand. I feel like every chapter I write for Jon needs at least a tidbit of him thinking about handsome men.
And God forbid something to do with Satin. Jon is on his bed kicking his feet and twirling his hair.
Anyways what do you guys view Jon as? I'm curious.
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forestcat666 · 5 months
My newest AU
New AU
My newest Fanfic is called Dysfunctional Familial Ties.
It's a modern AU that mainly follows Jon and his messy familial relationships. two chapters are out so far but I'm currently writing the third one.
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forestcat666 · 5 months
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mother's cloak
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forestcat666 · 5 months
Post from one of my accounts
Jon In my AU with Taylor swift song lyrics because I love traumatizing him and there's something wrong with me and I assign parts of songs to characters.
Everybody moved on (from Robert's failed Rebellion)
I stayed there (stayed in the panic of it despite being born at the end of it.)
Dust collecting on my pinned up hair (collecting dust because he's seen as a failed part of the prophesy)
They expected me to find somewhere, Some perspective, but I sat and stared (Aerys thinking Jon should be grateful despite all the pain he gets put through because Aerys didn't kill Jon, but instead Jon is horribly traumatized and hurt)
Right where you left me (this could be referring to Lyanna or Rhaegar depending on the mood. Lyanna left him by dying, Rhaegar left emotionally and mentally, offering no protection or love to Jon)
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forestcat666 · 5 months
this is me from my other account
My AU (the Targaryen's survive AU) started at the same time as the Canon books so all the characters are the same age as they are at the start of the books, with this in mind I was thinking of scenes for the future in my book and...
Jon in my AU on his seventeenth birthday, realizing that he's now older than his mother ever was...
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forestcat666 · 5 months
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aemond one eye 👁️
original post : here
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forestcat666 · 6 months
How an entire family got banned from a coffee shop
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forestcat666 · 6 months
reblog this if you like getting silly asks
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forestcat666 · 6 months
Im not sure if anyone still remembers the little club buuuuuuut
Little Leo and Raven from the Little club are boyfriends.
They are pretty much always touching, Raven is touch starved and Leo just loves physical touch.
Raven is 5'3, Leo is 5'5, Leo will not let the fact that he's two inches taller than Raven go, Raven hates it.
Raven tends to go days and sometimes weeks without brushing his semi long hair, he just never payed attention to it, so when Leo notices Ravens hair getting bad he'll get Raven to sit down with him while he de-tangles, he plays some music or a show while he does it so Raven won't squirm to much.
They watch horror movies together with the intent of scaring the other so they'll get scared and want to cuddle, usually what happens is they both get scared and end up clinging to each other.
They both frequently break into each other's houses at night, just as a little surprise so they can cuddle each other while they sleep. It's such a common occurrence that neither is surprised when they wake up and see the other lying with them in bed.
They hold hands constantly.
Leo's hands are soft and really gentle, Ravens hands are calloused and have tons of scars on them.
Raven wears dresses semi often, usually Gothic Lolita dresses, Leo loves it, he just thinks Raven looks so pretty.
I headcanon that Raven is seventeen and Leo is eighteen.
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forestcat666 · 6 months
Thought back on older mcyt roleplayers and remembered these two
I fucking hate hats btw
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I imagine Raven has piercings and Leo has a few hidden ones like a tongue piercing
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After drawing that I started screaming at my brother about how I fucked up and made them boyfriends and now I can't stop
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Leo totally bought the dress
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forestcat666 · 6 months
My blog
greeting, I'm forestcat666, i have several other blogs so if you think you know me or recognize my user, you probably do.
this is a general blog, i will post anything from any fandom i am in, including
Game of Thrones
The little club (specifically stuff from little Kelly and Little Carly channel)
fairy tail
yeah GOT, anime, and Minecraft youtubers, i'm a mess.
Ships from aphmau: Zene, Zanus, Zane x Gene x Zenix x Sasha, Dante x Zenix, Sasha x Lucinda, Vylad x Kacey (Katelyns little brother not Nana)
Ships from GOT: Jon x Satin, Jon x Tormund, Sansa x Margaery, Robb x Theon, Jon x Theon, Aurane Waters x Aegon/young Griff, Aurane Waters x Jon,
Ships from the little club: Raven x Little Leo, Little Kelly x Donny, (Not many for little club)
ships from fairy tail: Gray x Natsu, (even less ships for fairy tail)
DNI terfs, homophobes, racists, sexists, zoophiles, and people who support maps
unless you are hurting anyone i couldn't care less.
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