foreststarflaime · 8 minutes
who takes fortune cookies way too seriously?
Everyone but Sephiroth lmao
*The guys are all opening their fortune cookies after dinner*
Zack: Mine says a ton of good luck is coming my way. Great!
Sephiroth: I hope you don't actually believe in those. They're clearly false and meant to pander to the customer's desires and clearly hold no truth.
Genesis: Mine says I'm a respected individual adored by all.
Sephiroth: Exhibit A.
Angeal: Mine just says I'll soon be rewarded with great honor. That's nice!
Zack: Seph, open yours!
Sephiroth, reading his fortune: It says that my descent into madness will begin once I learn the truth of my origins and the lies surrounding them, that I’ll grow enraged, burn down the nearest village, and then follow my mother’s voice, acquiescing to her whims as I vie to rule the planet as a god.
Zack: !!??
Sephiroth: I take it back. This is very plausible, actually.
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foreststarflaime · 10 minutes
Ohhh that’s…look he’s just trying to protect his family ok he did nothing wrong
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LOKIIII LOOK AT HIM. MY BOY (gn). JUST A LITTLE GUY. A LITTLE LIEZARD I can’t wait to see what mischevious atrocities he will commit 🥰
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foreststarflaime · 21 minutes
"So youre straight right?" "Oh youre not straight, you must be gay then?" No im a secret third thing: obsessed with dragons
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foreststarflaime · 22 minutes
Zack would be that bro who like
Sephiroth: "You're impeding my personal space." Genesis: "Funny, that's not what your mom said last night." Zack: "KISS." Sephiroth: "You don't have to stand so close to me. I'm asking for an extra inch of breathing room, it's not that difficult." Genesis: "Fuck off, I'll stand where I want." Zack: "MAKE OUT." Sephiroth: "Is this about yesterday's mission? Because I said I was sorry." Genesis: "Oh? ARE you? Because I thought you were DYING for me to 'have your back for a change'. Since I'm apparently not supporting you enough." Zack: "RIP HIS TOP OFF." Sephiroth: "I just said that it would be useful for you to keep an eye out while I'm working. I can't do everything, you know." Genesis: "OH? That'll be the day. Our lord and savior Sephiroth can't do it all. What a novel concept." Sephiroth: "Genesis--" Zack: "SHOVE YOUR TONGUE DOWN HIS THROAT."
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foreststarflaime · 23 minutes
to this day i think one of the funniest moments in all of Gravity Falls is the episode where Soos is going on a date with that woman at the mall and she gets roped into battling the monster of the week with him and in the climax he’s making combat plans with Mabel and Dipper and the woman says, “Soos. These are children.”
It absolutely takes me out every time because this is a rare outside perspective in the show from another adult who rightfully points out how absurd it is to expect the children to fight
But as an older cousin and someone who’s been a camp counselor, like Soos I too have spent entire summers as an adult surrounded primarily by 12 year olds and I know for a fact how quickly I could find myself relying on them as equals in a supernatural battle against gnomes or whatever the fuck
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foreststarflaime · 24 minutes
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Blue Birch Marsh, 2024 by Jef Bourgeau.
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foreststarflaime · 25 minutes
on one hand, I don’t think Bill is all that particularly interested in sex or any of that nasty human goop stuff. On the other hand, the sentence “he fucked that triangle” is so objectively hilarious that I’m nonetheless taking every chance I have to say it. He fucked that triangle hell yeah
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foreststarflaime · 27 minutes
i have several thoughts on translation and tolkien. not just the textual role of translation in the conceit, no, i want to read the two towers in arabic because some things about the rohirrim would really, especially resonate in arabic. for example, the lament for the rohirrim, and the style of the old english lament that tolkien borrows to evoke maximum nostalgia, grief, and distance from the past, is almost perfectly an echo of the arabic ritha’. 
i found a translation of the fellowship that used the word jinn as a translation for elves, and several people took issue with the choice, but i found it simply perfect. elf, in english, has two connotations in the same way that the word jinn does, and the translator chose this word for a reason. i found it a clever choice.
‘elf’ can evoke either galadriel and fëanor or santa’s little helpers, and you would not swap out this iconic, useful word for another because of either connotation, would you? ‘jinn’ can likewise evoke figures of great mystery and mystique in worlds far removed from our own, or it can evoke horror stories told around a campfire. not only does this match the word for elf in english, in a sort of way, it perfectly captures the sheer difference between elves in the silmarillion and elves in the lord of the rings. 
now, i should love an arabic translation of the fall of gondolin that captures how extremely ancient baghdad it is of turukáno to craft two trees from silver and gold in a city that will never be finished, that will be built and rebuilt forever in the memories and the art of others. 
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foreststarflaime · 28 minutes
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when it gets so bad you gotta draw biblically accurate aerith and tseng mourning over zack’s death together 🥲
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foreststarflaime · 29 minutes
Hhhh I love what they’re doing with Egill’s brand of magic!! And also Loki’s, yknow patron god and all. I love it so much when magic is based on the power of language and especially story, it’s what got me by the throat about the Agent of Asgard Loki comics and it’s grabbing me by the throat again here
May write my thoughts about that down in a longer post later when I get the time—if I do I’ll link it here
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foreststarflaime · 2 hours
Ok so I was joking about the polycule but next episode and now there actually is a canonical polycule?? If Loki joins it I guess I’ll have to hit myself with the apollo meme
// ep 5 spoilers
OHHH MY GOD LOKIIII. HE’S LYING SO LEIF HAS SOMEONE BESIDES HIMSELF TO BLAME OH MY GODDDDD he’s so used to being the villain he’ll make himself one when he’s not to save the few he lovessss rahhhhhhh he just wants the best for his kidsssssss THATS MY BOY (gender neutral)
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Also r they gonna kiss 😳 Loki polycule endgame??
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foreststarflaime · 3 hours
AGZS get turned into babies!
Lazard and Kunsel are put on babysitting duties.
Lazard gets Angeal and Sephiroth. Kunsel gets Genesis and Zack.
Angeal: Is freaking out because all of a sudden, his object permanence is GONE and he has no idea where his cherished Buster Sword is. Dreams and Honor are NO MORE! He yowls and cries and bumps into the wall looking for it, whereupon Lazard decides to distract him by generously donating his stress toy to the wailing infant. Angeal delights in this, squeezing it to death, completely forgetting about the Buster Sword altogether.
Sephiroth: He mostly just seems frightened and on edge, crawling under the desk to hide, scrunching up, trying to make himself as small as possible. He never cries. Or if he does, it's not vocal. He just doesn't seem to want to be touched at all, never speaking apart from a shaky warble of half-intelligible language. "Muh-ma-mah-maa". Lazard puts a pillow and a blanket under the desk just in case Sephiroth wants a nap. The baby crawls beneath the blanket and curls up into a tiny ball, holding himself, not making a peep.
Genesis: Genesis is a certified BITER and nearly rips a chunk off of Kunsel's arm before going for his face next. It seems like he's the closest one who actually kept his mind following his transformation, and he's PISSED AS HELL about it. Kunsel has to fend off a pint-sized hellion who is dead-set on taking the whole world with him if he's going to be trapped in such a frail little body. Let me tell you, there are some STRANGE things in the world of Gaia, but Kunsel would argue that getting flipped off by a literal baby takes the cake.
Zack: Hyper, loud, and sticking his nose into EVERYTHING. He gets lost everywhere he goes, even with Kunsel doggedly trying to keep track of his movements. He's constantly on the move, tumbling and crawling around, nearly getting himself killed toddling headlong into disaster zones. Eventually, he finds his way into Lazard's office and crawls under the desk to snuggle close to Sephiroth. Kunsel and Lazard ooh and ahh about the wholesome Kodak moment before discovering the cute little "present" Zack left just behind Lazard's coat rack.
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foreststarflaime · 3 hours
“Alhaitham would remind the teacher if there was homework” this “alhaitham would be #1 in the akadeymia” be so fr haitham skipped every class and was notoriously known by kaveh for not showing up
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foreststarflaime · 3 hours
Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol
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foreststarflaime · 3 hours
Miniroth met his older self?
I know that would certainly be... Something.
Miniroth runs for his life, because it appears his older self is hell-bent on killing him. The adult Sephiroth, or rather the twisted mirror of the former adult Sephiroth, chases him with a murderous rage unlike anything Miniroth has ever seen before. Miniroth's entire existence is little more than an ugly reminder of what was, what Sephiroth can never allow himself to be ever again--WEAK.
...Conversely, Miniroth meeting up with Sane!Sephiroth would actually be rather therapeutic, if not slightly confusing for the boy. Sane!Sephiroth takes one look at him before drawing him into a gentle hug, telling him that he will be alright, that everything will work out for him someday, and that he will find people who love and trust him.
...All it takes is a little compassion.
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foreststarflaime · 3 hours
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foreststarflaime · 3 hours
All of them are my everything all hail AGS o7
GenSeph is the past.
SephGeal is the present.
GenGeal is the future.
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