foreverheadinclouds Ā· 23 days
AITA for trying to make my son try to kill his half brother?Ā 
i (1000+X) tried to make my eldest son (150M) kill his half brother (15M) and now they both want to kill me.Ā 
iā€™m a sorcerer, but iā€™m a bit of a mad scientist as a side hustle, and i like to perform experiments for fun, especially on other sorcerers. 150 years ago,Ā i created 9 cursed spirit-human hybrids. up until a few months ago, they were all kept in tubes in a high school basement.
in the mean time, 16 years ago, i discovered that the soul of my old frenemy's (1000+M) twin brother that he consumed in the womb was reincarnated, so i had a kid with him too, my youngest son.
this year, my youngest son ate a few of my frenemy's preserved fingers, so my frenemy was living inside him, in a sense. in an effort to make contact with my frenemy for a new experiment which i cannot reveal at this time, i stole three of my older sons from the high school basement and let them out.
my youngest came into a conflict with the younger two of the three sons i released, and he and his friend (15F) killed them. my eldest seemed really upset, even thought it didn't seem like that big of a big deal to me. later on, i lost the need for my frenemy's help, so i told my eldest he could kill my youngest to avenge his brothers.
somehow, when they were fighting to the death, my eldest realized that my youngest was his half brother. he ended up having some kind of mental breakdown and didn't kill my youngest. now he's mad that i tried to make him kill his brother, which i don't really see how that's relevant to the situation.
every time i've seen either one of them since they fought, they've tried to kill me. i don't really know what i did wrong. i'm just investigating the nature of sorcery, my life's passion. honestly, i wish they would show more respect for me as their parent and not jump me every time they see me. AITA?
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 11 months
There has been a couple of new anime project announcements that are for titles close to my heart. Iā€™m a bit slow to the news but Iā€™m so so excited!!!
Black butler and Natsumeā€™s Book of Friends are getting new seasons! Both are manga series I have been following since they first began, so the excitement is slightly uncontainable šŸ˜‚
Some sight speculations on what might be adapted below, but no specifics.
Season 7 for Natsumeā€™s book of friends (夏ē›®å‹äŗŗåø³; Natsume Yuujinchou): wonder which chapters theyā€™ll adapt for this season. They are all good so no preference there. We are slowly learning more about the history and exorcists so very excited in general.
A new season for Black Butler (黒執äŗ‹; Kuroshitsuji): Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll continue directly after the last arc they adapted, the Book of Atlantic, so probably the public school arc? Since the public school arc is 19 chapters, more chapters than the circus arc already, that might be all we get? But Iā€™m not sure how the actual page counts compare. I would be very happy if they somehow get to the green witch arc, but more than excited if they only adapt the next arc. (That said, I am hoping they are actually going to adapt the manga arcsā€¦ šŸ«£)
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 1 year
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More culling games analysis this week, in my continued to prove this arc is more than just fighting and thereā€™s a lot of thought put up into the matchups between these characters. This meta will focus on why Noritoshi and Maki two characters who had almost zero interaction before this point are now teaming up together in the fight against Naoya. Though this fight is their first interaction to date, there are actually a lot of parallels already set up between them which Iā€™ll elaborate on underneath he cut.Ā 
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 1 year
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Jujutsu Kaisen, Chapter 203 Thoughts
As Iā€™ve said before the fights in Jujutsu Kaisen arenā€™t just a chance to show off cool powers and new super moves, there is a set up and theme to every fight. There is a lot more going on in this fight then just a one-sided last stand between Choso, and the main villain as they try to stop Kenjakuā€™s theme.
Ā First, there is the history between them, Kenjaku being one of the many abusive fathersĀ  (/mothers) in the Jujutsu World abandoning children whenever theyā€™re not needed or donā€™t suit his purpose, fighting Choso someone for who family and his responsibility as the oldest brother is everything to his character. Kenjaku represents a negative character foil for Choso, when compared to him represents his opposite in every way. Letā€™s explore their foiling under the cut.Ā 
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 2 years
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Ciel going for a midnight snack
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 2 years
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part of your world - spy x family mermaid AU / twiyor
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 2 years
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Some of the Bleach art I did for swordtember
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 2 years
You don't need to be a long time follower of mine to know that I am very interested and critical about what social media does about our understanding of healthy and such.
Sadly, I noticed something that seems to be a small trend at the moment. The gastric sleve surgery. It is one that is performed to help with wight loss and currently one of the more popular ones for clinics that help obese people since it has fewer risks (not putting something in your body, ...).
So what is making me so sad about the surgery? Nothing. Nothibg about it at least but shockingly there are clinics that market it like those one euro/dollar green tea salves you can get on Wish and Alibaba but do in truth nothing. And the worst of it? There are certain influencers offering codes to the people watching them to reduce the price even more.
At the end of the day it is and always will be a surgery. I don't want to scare you away from doing them because it is something relatively safe if you are in a good hospital. But if I see in my search those surgeries in another country, one in which I will never see the doctor ever again, in my mothertounge then that screams shady.
Please get help from a doctor or another expert who specialises in diets. If you need that surgery they will help you get in touch with safe clinics and will help you afterwards because such surgeries aren't just something done within fife minutes but need surveillance from an expert afterwards as well.
Please take care! Stay safe and have a good day.
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 2 years
This meme is a MURDER ATTEMPT.
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I am absolutely fucking serious. The original meme, without the big red denial, is someone's attempt to fucking kill people.
There is NO SAFE DOSAGE of pennyroyal oil. Even Mother Earth News says there's no reason to use pennyroyal essential oil for ANYTHING, even topically or as a fragrance, for fuckssake! That should give you some idea about how dangerous it is!
Pennyroyal tea, plant matter in hot water, is a traditional abortifacient. It is *incredibly* dangerous, induces abortion by bringing the body close to organ failure (and frequently pushing the system right over the edge, because dosage is impossible to meter), but I would drink a gallon of it before I took a half-teaspoon of pennyroyal essential oil.
Two teaspoons, taken across 48 hours, has successfully killed someone.
Three teaspoons taken as a single dosage killed the consumer within THREE HOURS.
The person who made this meme is PURPOSEFULLY, ACTIVELY, trying to get desperate people killed!
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 2 years
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Everything about you and me
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 2 years
My thoughts on Spy x Family ā€” tropes and subversions
(This is all just my opinion) The reason I got sucked into the manga in the first place was because I liked the tropes it advertised (fake marriage, spies, secret identities) and boy did it deliver. However, while the characters might appear to have common tropes, some of the tropes are also subverted, which makes the characters refreshing without losing familiarity, if it makes sense?
The Forgers are a parody of the quintessential nuclear family: a father, a mother, a child, and their pet (most commonly a loyal dog). Instead of introducing all components of said nuclear family in one go, the manga does it one by oneā€” first Loid-Anya, then Loid-Yor and Yor-Anya, then Bond-Anya, and then Bond-Loid/Yor. This gives each character / dynamic its own place to shine so the readers can watch their bonds develop naturally.
Loid and Yor are both typical and atypical. Loid is a classic spy with good looks, possesses many talents, operates coolly and efficiently etc etc. However, he is also a classic ā€œfamily manā€ who clearly cares for his family. He even has the trope of thinking childcare is the most difficult thing in the world, and he absolutely cannot understand Anya (typical fatherhood lmao). While Twilight may appear to be cold and emotionless (reinforced through Fionaā€™s perception of Twilight the spy vs Loid the father that readers are used to seeing), readers can see when he slips up. An example is the scene when Yor gets drunk and Loid falls unconscious in front of her, then wakes up on her lap. When faced with the idea of Yor liking him romantically, Loid looked shocked before instantly activating his Twilight mode. Loid was also very stunned by how easily he fell asleep around Yor. A flustered Loid is rare, but itā€™s the little scenes that add depth to his character.
Yor again has several tropes condensed in one character: the caring housewife, badass assassin, the clumsy, well-meaning, almost ā€œcomic reliefā€ character etc etc. Yorā€™s irrationality acts as a foil to Loidā€™s rationality. Personally Yor is a refreshing character because while she can be violent and badass, she is also somewhat of a dork (seen as when she was like ā€œoh noo I jammed my finger :cā€ after she killed a bunch of people). Yor acts as the housewife but her horrendous cooking is a running joke. She is freakishly strong, but also embarrassed about it at the same time. Yor might be committed to her job, but she also shows a sensitive and ā€œnormal housewife sideā€ of being afraid of ā€œnot being good enough for Loidā€. The different sides of her work together perfectly.
Influenced by the famous Mr and Mrs Smith, people would probably expect the two to be working against each other in secret while falling in love. WISE and the Garden are not direct enemies, and this trope is used for Loid and Yuri instead. We donā€™t get the ā€œlovers feuding in secretā€, but we get the ā€œbrothers-in-law from rival factions have to act nice in front of the sister/wifeā€, which is arguably a refreshing twist on this trope. This also adds to the trope of ā€œconcerned brother thinks husband is not good enough for his precious sisterā€ as Yuri is fighting against Loid as both a brother and a SS officer. Yuri falls into the trope of ā€œyounger brother who loves his sister a little too muchā€, plus he and Yor have the ā€œsmart younger kid / klutz older siblingā€ dynamic. However, Yuri is also shown to be an intelligent man who is dedicated to his SS work, showing he is not as ā€œdumbā€ and ā€œYor-obsessedā€ as he might seem.
Fiona is similar to Yuri in the sense she also embodies tropes of ā€œcool emotionless characterā€ (rationality as a foil to Yorā€™s irrationality) ā€œin love with male leadā€ and ā€œdetermined love rivalā€. What makes her refreshing is that by the end of her first appearance, Fiona has acknowledged Yor is superior and has a respect for her, while Yor is completely clueless about it. What couldā€™ve turned into a petty catfight or dramatic love triangle justā€¦ never happened. (Or at least it was just one sided rivalry). Fiona knew she had lost and left. Also, Fionaā€™s passion for Loid is in direct contradiction to how she usually behaves like, which adds a new side of her and is quite funny.
You can also do this with the kids. I really adore Anya's character because she was an abused kid who was experimented on and gained superpowers. One would expect a character like her to be withdrawn and stoic, but she's the opposite of that. Anya is bold, fearless and curious. While Anya is clingy and has abandonment issues, she isn't shy either and isn't afraid to throw temper tantrums (even though that might anger her parents). Anya is simultaneously smart and dumb- she is very witty, has street smarts, and quite perceptive of her surroundings. However, she is shown to be struggling academically (probably because she's learning things 1/2 years above her level) and jumps to unrealistic conclusions (eg. helping Damian would immediately save the world). Lots of other mind-reading children would be tortured by the thoughts of others and end up being really mature and intelligent. Anya, however, acts like her age. She subverts the trope of "abandoned kid finds new family" "experimented child escapes from facility" but also fits right in the trope of "hilariously blunt comic relief child" and "matchmaker kid".
Reader's first impression of Becky (polished, cutesy rich girl with recognisable design) is that she'll either be 1) Anya's best friend or 2) the Mean Girl. Initially, we lean towards the latter. Becky snubbed Anya and Anya didn't care much about her. However, the "Mean Boy" role is very quickly filled in by Damian and co, then Anya punches Damian (in defence of Becky). Becky instantly transforms from "rich girl looking down on commoner girl" to the "best friend who is a huge romantic" trope. Then we receive a glimpse into Becky's backstory of how she struggled to make friends, and how she latched onto Anya. Readers already know Anya just wants to be loved and feels slightly misplaced in the upper-class Eden circle, so she also latches onto Becky. Their friendship may have developed quickly, but it's realistic for 5/6yos. Their friendship is continuously reinforced, with Becky somewhat acting as a "guide" to Eden and the upper class. Becky also supports Anya in her crazy schemes to get Damian's attention.
Damian again is full of tropes. He's the "tsundere bully" "rich, spoiled, smart kid" "second son syndrome / just wants Father to notice him" aka. a mini Draco Malfoy. Compared to everyone else, Damian is possibly one of the most typical characters. He has major daddy / older brother issues. He's spoiled, but he has a crush on Anya, so he alternates between acting like a jerk and being nice. He's in constant denial about his feelings. He is academically talented. He's like a baby version of a typical 2000s shojou manga "rich tsundere boy" love interest. However, what helped to characterise him is that chapter when he and his buddies went on that field trip. There, we see Damian without the context of both his father and Anya (aka. main plot characters). He's just a kid, having fun with his friends, being scared of worms, etc etc. This makes him more likeable.
Another note about Damian and Anya is that Damian embodies the very, very classic trope of "boy has feelings for girl but doesn't know how to deal with them so he bullies her!!". And the boy's crush justifies the bullying somehow. However, that is cleverly dealt with in the manga. Yes, Damian has a crush. No, his mean actions aren't justified. Multiple characters call him out whenever he's being a jerk, from Anya, Becky, teachers, to random classmates (eg. a girl during the arts and crafts chapter was concerned when Damian made Anya cry). Nobody says "boys will be boys" or something. Bullying is not romanticised. In latter chapters, you can see that Damian actually isn't as mean towards Anya, and most of the insults are said by his goons. (Damian doesn't stop them, thus making him a bystander, but also I don't expect much from a literal 6yo spoiled kid) There is some slight and slow character development. However, Damian's character is built on the fact that he switches between "modes" quickly (concerned mode for Anya, spoiled brat mode due to his upbringing, obedient son mode because his father doesn't care), so even though it might appear that he hasn't changed because he is still constantly switching being mean and nice, I personally feel like he has matured slightly. I was very relieved when for ONCE the good ole crush/bullying trope isn't heavily romanticised by the manga and its characters.
As a last point about Anya, I think her mind reading powers acts as an excellent plot device to help readers know more about the thoughts of characters. Usually this is delivered in the form of monologues, but Anya's live reaction/ commentary to said monologues (live Anya reaction anybody?) makes it funnier and more interesting. We can visibly see Anya's shock when character tropes get subverted (eg. Fiona declaring her love for Twilight while putting on an emotionless facade, Damian suddenly being "not a jerk").
I do really enjoy the character design and the first impressions we get, only for said impressions to be somewhat subverted. When characters show their different sides, it's usually quite funny but it also makes sense. In my opinion the characters (or at least the main cast) in SxF are all charming and memorable.
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 3 years
kids really need to learn that we're all multifaceted beings, full of different interests and desires who lots of times hold paradoxical beliefs or opinions and such. you are not and should not aspire to be as the sterilized social media version of you. of course you are not a single aesthetic-core, it's completely normal to sometimes want to wear long skirts and go to a picnic in a clearing and other times wand to wear baggy shorts and go skate. or whatever the fuck. a mix of both. who fucking cares? stop. go outside
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 3 years
About Yuu and Enma
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怌THE COMIC怍 As the title says, main character is also an exclusive manga's character ā€”a character with a previous life. Although there are some similarities with the app prefect, he's involved in Heartslabyul Chapter with a completely different approach. For those prefects who spend time in the app world, I would appreciate your support. 怐Toboso怑
This tweet was made by Yana a few seconds ago.
Here, she's explaining how yes, we have a different time line in the manga than in the game. She's asking for the comprehension of the Fandom and for your tolerance, now that is clear that the manga would have a different approach and slight differences.
So guys, confirmed by our dear Yana: the Yuu-verse is real.
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 3 years
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Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens: all novel covers.
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 3 years
For all of you that thought that DGM was going to beĀ ā€œjust another shonen animeā€ and were not prepared for all the trauma dropped on us, i am sorry but hope you continue reading/watching. I promise its a great series.
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 3 years
Cater Diamond - Happy Birthday
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You can unlock this story by getting Caterā€™s SSR Birthday Attire
Translation under the cut
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foreverheadinclouds Ā· 3 years
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One hundred and twenty nine years ago, the world was welcoming one of the greatest storytellers ever.
Ok, Iā€™m one day late and I really wish I could have created something new for the birthday of our dear old friend, but in any case, itā€™s always good to celebrate the fantastic works of the one and only, J.R.R. Tolkien.
Hope you are surrounded by all thatā€™s green and good, dear sir. Thank you for the world you brought to life!
And a happy week ahead everyone! šŸƒāš”ļøšŸ“–
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