forgerybuilt-blog · 6 years
kise during this whole thing:
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forgerybuilt-blog · 6 years
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when u hear that kagami-chi has been talking shit ^_^
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
not 2 b rude but if u can afford it please go n watch black panther @ everyone rather than streamin a pirated vers online
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
“ but your day will come. ”
prompted. & always accepting! / @aodoom
  THE  YOUNG  BOY  LOOKS  UP,  a  type  iia  diamond shining  from  his  eyesocks   ;   the  most  famous  titled ‘ the  hope ’.     some  people  say  you  can  visit  it  in  museums, but  you  can  also  just  look  at  the  boy’s  yes,  blue   &   glazed,   SHINING  WITH  A  THING  THE  SUN  COULD  NEVER  CONTAIN.     he  remembers  dreaming of  watered  grass, how  it  smelled of  earth   &   he  laid  there,  looking up  into  the  blue  sky  without  a  cloud  in  it.     he  hasn’t  smelled it  since  the  day  of  his  father’s apprehension   &   he  doesn’t  know  if  he’ll  EVER  get  to  experience it  again.     but  they’re standing  on  the  rooftops,  for  almost  no  particular  reason but  to  avoid  a  traffic  jam   &   the  sky  was  blue  today.     a  few  clouds, but  that  was  it.     he  hadn’t  even  said  anything, but  nic  could  either  a)  read  his  mind  or  b)  everyone here  just  dreamt of  the  same  thing       ———-       escaping  from  this  HELLHOLE,  that  is.
  THOUGH  IT  COMES  WITH  A  STING  OF  GUILT,  because there’s  hope  for  him  whereas nic  would  never  see  the  outside  world,  not  with  his  rank.     the  blonde was  also  raising an  eyebrow  at  the  optimism that  the  twilight almost  never  expressed, since  it  was  just  quite  rare  for  him.     he  feels  it  would  be  like  letting  a  lion  that  has  grown  up  in  CAPTIVE  out  into  the  wild  with  no  knowledge of  the  real  world,  so  maybe  the  thought  of  escaping  from  all  this  had  never  crossed  his  mind.     he  would  never  DARE  to  ask  such  a  thing  either   ;   he  had  only  told  his  sister   &   loretta  about  his  wishes to  go  back  to  the  outside  world, considers  it  a  private  matter.     they  were  all  sleeping  on  death’s  doorstep anyway,  curled  up  like  a  kitten  that  had  been  cast  out  by  its  owners   &   after  a  while  even  the  hard  mattress  in  the  brothel was  just  another   ORDINARY  THING   in  their  routine.
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  BUT  FOR  NOW   he  turned  to  the  elder, something  close  to  a  SMILE  ghosting  on  his  lips  as  he  shoved  his  hands  in  his  pockets   &   let  his  eyes  wander across  the  spotless sky  one  more  time.     then  his  gaze  rested  back  on  the  twilight,  who  now  appeared to  have  raised an  eyebrow  at  the  unusually long  pause  they  had  made  here  on  this  particular rooftop.     kise  just  chuckled   &   walked  over  to  him,  now  actually wearing  a  grin  as  he  looked  on,  waiting  for  nic  to  jump   &   follow  suit  before  he  decided  to  say  something.          ❛     I  REALLY  HOPE  SO.     but  for  now,  let’s  deliver these  packages!       ❜         adverting  the  attention  from  his  first  sentence,  he  gave  the  celeber  nic  was  carrying a  strong  pat  before  jumping, feeling  air  run  its’  fingers through  his  hair   &   for  one,  fleeting  moment, HE  FELT  LIKE  HE  WAS  TRULY  FREE  AGAIN.
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
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fuCK MAN AMBER TY SM I LOVE THIS TO BITS !!!!!!! i will forever scream abt this & your art is so nice like stfu ?? kise w/ a flower crown just makes me so happy & if it’s niji putting it on him it’s even better fdjkhhdksh 💘💘💘💘💘
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pls don’t judge my lack of art skills but @forgerybuilt it’s nijimura putting a flower crown on him like i said.  💖
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
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 HEY EVERYONE,  i  decided to  pop  in  here  real  quick  bc  everyone  is  posting  their  valentine’s  day  selfies  &  altho  i  dun  rly  celebrate  it,  i’m  out  &  about, so  have  a  pic  of  me  w/  my  first  time  of  false  lashes +  the  inside of  a  swiss  train  djkshkdhfksdhksd  but  for  realies,  i’m  so  happy  to  have  met  certain ppl  in  this  comm  &  i  haven’t had  a single bad  experience  on  here  (at  least  personally w/  my  own  friends)  since  coming  back  from  a  long  break  &  i  am  so  happy  that  i  can  call  some  of  you  my  friends 💖  💖  💖    :’  )    bUT  ALSO  LOOK  AT  MY  HIGHLIGHT !!!!!  ✨  bc  i  haven’t  had  a  lotta  muse  for  kise  lately, i  have  been  over  on  @divinityborn​  or  @notbrittle​  but  i  sure  as  hell  won’t  abandon  my  Golden  Boi,  i  just  need  a  smol  break  !  so  hopefully  everyone  has  /  had  a  great  day  &  know  ily  all  🌹  💞  💞
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
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*    &  it  would  seem  to  people  that  you  took  the  saying,  ‘ TO  CUT  OFF  A  LIMB  FOR  SUCCESS ’  just   a  little  bit  too  literally.
indie.  private.  phosphophyllite  from  houseki  no  kuni.
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
i switched my acc for this just to confirm
kise and tatsuya together? more like INSTANT K.O.ED nijimura. 
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
9) things u said when i was crying because 1. kise is a crybaby & 2. i just love to hurt myself w/ some tasty angst : )))))
PROMPTED. / @forgerybuilt.
“hey, stop that.” harsh words as knuckles gently rack across the other’s scalp. it’s a basketball game, and there’s no time for tears. you just gotta get payback and follow through with the fact that you said you were gonna win. and that’s what they’re gonna do. eyes narrow on the opposing team, hands on his hips, “i’ll lecture later, kise. go show them what you’re capable of.” it’s his graduation, and kise cries. he should have expected this, but none of them know that he’s leaving for america as soon as he leaves from here, and he manages to give them all one last head ruffle, and a small lecture before he turns, and flicks kise in the forehead. “no crying.” he watches kise’s games, even though he’s in america, he has some old teammates go and film the games for him. of course, they do this with other members too – but lips curl when kise’s zoomed in on, and there are tears on his face, “really, nothing’s changed, that idiot. always crying.” it’s fond though when he speaks. it’s years later, and kise still cries about everything, and nijimura is there now. and he’s not good at comforting people, so he challenges him to one on ones, or takes him out to eat, or anything that he could come up with to distract him. “do you believe in aliens?” he remembers saying one time, as the leaned over the ledge of some building that nijimura usually goes to to clear his head. when he gets diagnosed with cancer , kise cries. it starts slow, and then builds up and nijimura can see the guilt on the other’s face. too many cigarettes that nijimura has been near, he can just read the wheels turning in kise’s head. he wonders if maybe he looked like that with his father here too. he hates this place, it’s too bright, too clean, to everything he’s not and kise is still kise, still a crybaby and nijimura takes comfort in that fact. he pulls him over, racks his knuckles on the other’s skull, and scoffs. “it’s not your fault, stupid. this shit happens.” a pause, “and besides, i’m not gonna lose to this. you should know better.” 
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
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if i could go back in time again i would, i would, i would be better and gentle and different i would, i would, i would
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
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all i draw is kise
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
*  RELATIONSHIP CALL. because  this  loser  needs  friends  so  pls  help  me  out  : )  check  the  tags  to  see  what  kind  of  great  experiences  kise  can  add  2  ur  life  &  then  like  this  !!!!!!!!   👀
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
the (1) thing that always gets me in the heathers’ musical song “ i am damaged ” is the last lines, where jd says “ our love is god ”, once for every person they killed & once for veronica & then there’s a pause before veronica says “ say hi to god ” & idk why but that reALLY STICKS W/ ME !!!
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
I am agitated and restless and tired all at once.
Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry written c. January 1925 (via violentwavesofemotion)
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forgerybuilt-blog · 7 years
‘ i am not a good person. don’t pretend i am. ’ have kise being cynical while smoking one : )
prompted. / @forgerybuilt.
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there are many things wrong with smoking ; nijimura could off the top of his head name at least 4 of them. he’s seen so many people come in and out of the hospital with lung cancer, how their loved ones couldn’t do anything – and there’s that pain at the bottom of his stomach at the idea of kise being in the hospital. no. he had to deal with his father ; his coach – he doesn’t want kise to end up there too.  it wouldn’t be fair. dark eyes stay on the glaring red cherry of the cigarette where ash begins to form and lips thin out as kise explains himself and he stomach twists. of course. people who smoke are always running away from something – and maybe, kise wasn’t as fine as nijimura had hoped. the disappointment that came with seeing it, ( he’s use to it - he’s seen it before, but kise never stops and nijimura gets use to it. ) he walks across the room, sitting on the bed next to the other, and looking out at the moon. there’s a red neon light that’s glaring at nijimura in the back of his head, and he’s sure it’s saying that it’s his fault because it probably is. things like this are usually his fault. fingers tighten on his knees and the only person he’s disappointed in is himself. he speaks after a few moments of gathering his thoughts because that’s his job. he’s the senpai , he’s the teacher , he’s the friend and he’s the one who leads and teaches. he lets his head tilt and see the way smoke curls around kise and the moon bounces off of golden locks, and nijimura thinks that kise is other-worldly in this moment and he breathes out. “you’ve always been a good person, kise. of course, there is straying off the path – that’s normal. we’re humans, it’ll happen. it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.” like him, how he’s got anger in his veins and a fist ready to attack whenever he’s cornered. he turns his gaze away  from him, “–you don’t get to tell me what i think of you, kise. that’s for me to decide.” 
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