forgethowtospeak · 2 years
he's sleeping now.
i can't touch him, but he's at peace.
he's sleeping now.
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forgethowtospeak · 3 years
something just happened
i really should be sad
but i was there and i helped instead
and now that i'm alone
all i feel is like
i am stuck in limbo
just waiting for something
to change
for something
to snap
for something
to be heal
for something
to break
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forgethowtospeak · 3 years
i am so tired of trying to be healthy while you are sick
while you try and i try and we both fail
i am so angry I want to throw things and blood boils out of my head
when will this be over and done
when will this be over
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forgethowtospeak · 3 years
dear doctors,
why can't you ever say you're wrong?
why do you always try to pretend you know what's going on and ignore what she says?
why do delay and delay and delay
tell her she feels pain because she's "anxious" and not because she has fucking flesh growing in the wrong places
why is it that you put in her files that she's a "drugseeker" without her ever asking for drugs?
why do you tell her that visiting the doctor frequently is drug seeking behaviour when the reason she visits frequently is because her illness is not being treated?
if she really did have problems with addiction, why haven't you tried to remedy that? is addiction not an illness?
why do you send her to physiotherapists who treat sports injuries and not disease?
why don't you know how your system works? why do you send her to people that you say can do this or that to help her, but when called they explain that those things are completely out of their power to command?
why why why why?
all the scars left behind by your ignorance are growing and growing and growing
who will fix those?
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forgethowtospeak · 3 years
sometimes i wish that i was sick so that people would take care of me for once.
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forgethowtospeak · 4 years
i'm hungry and hungrier when will it end
i worry about you and i just can't pretend
i wish you could talk to me and i wish i could hear
to stop all your pain and all of your fear
i'm hungry and hungrier when will it end
i just want to eat and i just can't pretend
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forgethowtospeak · 5 years
you hold in your silence all the fucking reasons i hate you.
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
i'm so tired of being anxious...
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
control is the game, isn't it?
when you feel out of control, you control me more
it's why you make up rules that i have broken without knowing, why
you tell me i am wrong and you are right for reasons i don't understand, why
when you are scared, you make me scared too
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
i feel like my father is a rich child and i am his caretaker, i must endure his tantrums whatever the reason and cannot fight back.
only difference is i'm not paid.
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
i'm running on fumes
each day took a little out of me and each day took even more
i don't know where the end is and even if it'll come
when i think it's done it starts all over again
when am i allowed to rest?
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
i forgot when last i saw those friends until i dreamt of them and missed them
sometimes i feel like i was never important to them and i feel so lonely
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
i want to grow thorns.
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
when did i cross the line from nice to pushover
when did i stop doing things as a favour and start doing them to avoid arguments
when did this become my job
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forgethowtospeak · 6 years
i acted like a child today, not innocently, but maliciously, but for good reason, but maybe not good enough, and i don't know if it was the right decision and it's a small thing but it's a big thing and I don't know how to feel about it or even how i would react if i were to do it over again
i think i worry too much about how i appear to others but also not enough and so i do these foolish things, but are these things good things just hard, but i don't know how much i should trust myself and how much i should reign myself in, so i am
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forgethowtospeak · 7 years
gurgling steam rising up the flesh of my throat
dark waves pushing up below my cheekbones
so fuckin angry that the spines are peeling out my eyes
red boiling static under my skin
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forgethowtospeak · 7 years
so fuckin angry that the spines are peeling out my eyes
red boiling static under my skin
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