forgexsphere · 4 years
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[ It would have been better if you were never born ]                                   Indie ** highly selective ** mumu                                                                        feat. Zelos Wilder of ToS
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forgexsphere · 4 years
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【Who do I need to fight? Darlie is cute and amazing, anyone who despises you is stupid and stinky!】
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"It's funny how people will hang out with you, but they will secretly despise you. At least I can tell and put them out of their misery."
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forgexsphere · 4 years
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@heroic-chaos​: "◉" for Damon 
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Rum hues examined the other across from her, she wasn’t familiar with him but sharing a meal with someone other than family might be a good change of pace.
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【Order whatever you’d like to eat! This cute Big Sister will pay for it!】
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forgexsphere · 4 years
Send me "◉" for our muses to have dinner together
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forgexsphere · 4 years
What Pokémon Type is your muse?
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The Ground type is all about balance. Like the very Earth itself, you are careful and deliberate in your actions. Your patience is a virtue, and you rarely lose your balance when navigating tricky waters. However, you can remain an enigma, Ground-type. Be sure to communicate your wisdom to others, and perhaps they can assist you in turn. You are somewhat isolated, due to your introspective nature. You have a strong sense of self, and are rather stubborn when forced to deviate from the course you know to be correct. Again, remember others' perspectives, Ground-type. There is more to the world than the earth we walk on, after all.
Tagged by: took it from my old blog lol
Tagging: whoever
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forgexsphere · 4 years
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                              𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝-𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐨
Multi muse blog featuring KUSHINA UZUMAKI from the Naruto series.
♡ and / or ↺ would be super appreciated!
Muse List
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forgexsphere · 4 years
What do you yearn for
a future you can't imagine
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When you try to think about where you'll be five year from now it feels like there's thick white fog hanging over your eyes, even one year from now feels impossible to know, maybe even a week from now feels like a vast empty purgatory that you just wish had some sense of clarity. It seems like everyone around you has their lives figured out and their futures have solid plans that will take them exactly where they want to go, but you're sitting in your bedroom feeling stuck like a fourteen year old wanting to rebel against your parents even thought they aren't the problem, the circumstance you're stuck in is. You may be fourteen as you read this right now or you might be thirty four years old feeling like a child who never got to follow their kindergarten dreams and now all you can think is how wonderful it could have been if you had run head first into those dreams. You look back to your past trying to edit the choices you made, because you can't even begin to think of what kind of future you may have. Each day has started to blur together, especially this year, life feels like an endless Groundhog Day loop that will just result in you sitting where you have always sat for the rest of your life. The future you want is so uncertain, because at this point you don't know what you want your future to look like. And maybe you have this inkling of an idea or an outlandish expectation that you wish could become your reality, but it feels more like a fantasy than stories about dragons and wizards ever have. You yearn for some sense of clarity, some sign that the future will be what you want it to be or at least be good. There is no easy answer to make that fog blow away from your future musings, the only advice I can offer is to start on that big goal today and each day work on it just a little bit and after days, weeks, months, years of working on that goal it won't seem so unreachable anymore. And if you have no idea what you want from your life and your future, you don't have to know. You can just live your life how you need to live your life right now and that's okay, you do not need a plan, you do not need to have it figured out, all you need to do is keep moving. The future you can't imagine will be here sooner than you think and it's okay if it's not everything you want it to be as long you're happy with the person you become.
tagged by: @azotas​
tagging: you
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forgexsphere · 4 years
you attract: hunger
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hasty fingers that run down your back as their lips make contact against your skin; feeling lightheaded as traces of "i love you"s make their way down your body; breathing in sensation and breathing out fear. you attract hunger. you are afraid of the unknown, so you dive straight into it. you fear the feeling of being alone, so you seek out those who give you ease and love and thrill even if it may not be the thing that you need. give yourself a moment to breathe, my dear. you still have more to explore. once hunger is quenched, you're allowed to stay. don't feel the rush of leaving. the adrenaline you get from running away won't ever substitute for happiness. you are deserving of love, always. let yourself get it.
tagged by: stole it 
tagging: uhh u
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forgexsphere · 4 years
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Sicko... disgusting.. those words hit hard. Slumping down she can only manage to frown. She hated those words more than the people of her village hated her. 〔I’m sorry for assuming your sexuality... Are you looking for your boyfriend...?〕 she wouldn’t judge.
A triumphant smile as she leans forward, usually she’d be cowering away in a corner but this was a kid who could do nothing much against her.
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〔Don’t get snarky with me, I know ya won’t kill him. If ya wanted to you’d have shoved past me and got him already.〕 he didn’t look like the type to kill a mere dime a dozen con artist either. 〔Why is a brat like you even in this area? Looking for yer girlfriend? Or are ya secretly hoping Oracle will tell yer future to ya?〕
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 “g-girlfriend?!” alright, seriously, this girl was for real grinding his gears! it was absolutely shameful that his mind immediately went to hoshi at that. EW. as if—he’d rather die! what a gross thought. ew. he’d rather die.
gritting his teeth, he shot her a scrutinizing glare. “you’re sick, y’know that? you’re a sicko. that’s disgusting, how dare you.”
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forgexsphere · 4 years
                                WHY DO YOU HURT?
                             you swallow pain & fold around it
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you have always hurt. you hold it carefully, and twisted in such a way that other people don't have to see it. you don't choke on it. you don't drown. you just have it, the way some people have freckles, this is a thing that lives in your bones. you fold instead of fighting because you know how to make yourself small, tuck away the places where they have clawed at, swallow the bruises so you seem clean. nobody needs to see it. you will live through this on your own. you know what you need, and relief isn't it. this doesn't mean you cannot reach out - it means it is not in your nature to do so. you should. hiding does not mean you won't be seen.
tagged by: @elementaloblige​
tagging: @feraliix​ 
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forgexsphere · 4 years
A triumphant smile as she leans forward, usually she’d be cowering away in a corner but this was a kid who could do nothing much against her.
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〔Don’t get snarky with me, I know ya won’t kill him. If ya wanted to you’d have shoved past me and got him already.〕 he didn’t look like the type to kill a mere dime a dozen con artist either. 〔Why is a brat like you even in this area? Looking for yer girlfriend? Or are ya secretly hoping Oracle will tell yer future to ya?〕
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He was loud.. too loud.. No one would blame her if she went feral and killed him. 〔Take it back! You can’t hurt him… If you do…〕 she goes quiet for a second as she grips the hem of her shirt…
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〔I’ll make every single day of your miserable life a living hell. I’ll kill everyone you even slightly care for.〕 Oracle was the only one who saw her as something more than a walking calamity.. she’d lose all purpose in her life is some half baked ninja hurt him. If it meant keeping him safe she’d gladly relinquish control to the voice in her head.
hmmm… he didn’t like that. that was not the desired outcome for this situation, at all. a grimace formed on his lips as his arms crossed over his chest. menma’s eyes scrutinized the girl for a moment.
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 “more of a reason to keep him the hell away then, don’tcha think?” he leaned forward with an attitude attached to his voice and a brow raised. he didn’t care if she was all bark and no bite (which he bet she was but… more innocent-looking people have proven to be extremely… difficult before, so he couldn’t say that in good faith), she better stay the hell away from them!
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forgexsphere · 4 years
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He was loud.. too loud.. No one would blame her if she went feral and killed him. 〔Take it back! You can’t hurt him... If you do...〕 she goes quiet for a second as she grips the hem of her shirt...
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〔I’ll make every single day of your miserable life a living hell. I’ll kill everyone you even slightly care for.〕 Oracle was the only one who saw her as something more than a walking calamity.. she’d lose all purpose in her life is some half baked ninja hurt him. If it meant keeping him safe she’d gladly relinquish control to the voice in her head.
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She had just been standing guard while Big Bro Ori was shopping… She hadn’t planned for a ninja to show up, at least this one wasn’t scary and he was familiar… What was his name again? Mario? Magazine? No it was food related… 
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🌸 - 〔Even if Big Bro says you and yer frens are fine cause he’s related to one of em, I’m protecting him from the likes of you! Meatball!〕 that was definitely his name! Or at least she is confident it is.
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okay, he was going to play nice but seriously—meatball?! a growl & he pointed his finger at the girl accusingly. “like i care about your washed up ‘bro’?! you better keep him away from us, or i’ll pop his head off like a bobble head, y’know that?!”
who did she think she was?! the nerve! and so what if sensei hears wind of this exchange and snaps him a new one; at least he’d go down knowing he held his own for a bit!
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forgexsphere · 4 years
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She had just been standing guard while Big Bro Ori was shopping... She hadn’t planned for a ninja to show up, at least this one wasn’t scary and he was familiar... What was his name again? Mario? Magazine? No it was food related... 
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🌸 - 〔Even if Big Bro says you and yer frens are fine cause he’s related to one of em, I’m protecting him from the likes of you! Meatball!〕 that was definitely his name! Or at least she is confident it is.
@forgexsphere​ ;; 🌸
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 “oh it’s you,” came the huff from the raven as he took a few steps away from the girl. he vaguely remembered her from one mission—tracking down what’s his face? ‘s-’ something. menma wasn’t good with names. he nervously licked his lips, realizing the situation he was in. “what are you doing here?”
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forgexsphere · 4 years
I have a fun spin on Albedo
I’ll link sideblog soon
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forgexsphere · 4 years
I have a fun spin on Albedo
I’ll link sideblog soon
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forgexsphere · 4 years
6. The character you have but you never use? 7. Who is your least favorite character?
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I don’t have a least favorite but as for characters I rarely use that’d have to be Lisa and Kaeya. I do plan to make everyone lvl 50 before I world level up though.
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forgexsphere · 4 years
23. Bow, Sword, Polearm, Claymore or Catalyst?
Haha.. 3/4 of my party members use bows and the other is Barbara,,
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