forgivven-minds · 5 years
Thank You...방탄소년단
For BTS, Armys and My Best Friends.
I know BTS wont see this lmao or if anyone will even read this but here goes.
I dont know how much of this is going to make sense. Its just going to be another post of all my thoughts and feelings randomly mashed up in to one. But I will try my best to make sure it makes some sense for the non to few people that may read this lol.
November 30th 2019 marks two years since BTS bulldozed their way in to my life turning it upside down, sideways and launching it around but most imporantly making my it 1000000000000x better.
Never in a million years did I think by clicking on the DNA music video that came up on my twitter time line that day would lead me to a whole new world. I never imagined it would open so many doors for me, i never imagined it would lead to so many insane adventures, So many amazing memories and A world wide family. I had no idea it would lead to just a fraction of what BTS have brought in to my life.
The past two years have been the best two years of my entire life. Id be wrong if I said I found BTS, The facts are BTS found me. They found me when I needed something new and fresh. They found me when I was lost, when I needed Happiness, Light, Laughter and Love in my life the most. They found me and saved me!
BTS found me when I was going through some hardships in life. A few days before they found me I lost my grandad, during this time I was already dealing with an extrmely unhealthy and toxic friendship I was trapped in as well as battling my own personal demons. I was in a very dark place and I cant imagine how much darker it could of gotten if BTS hadnt of rescued me. They helped me through these hardships, they pulled me through to see the light. They helped me grieve my loss. They helped me make desicions that would change my life for the better. They simply Saved me.
Ever since BTS entered my life EVERYTHING has just gotten better. I went from being a very lost soul, not knowing what I wanted from life, Not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, Not knowing who I am or where I belonged to knowing exactly who I am, where I belonged, What I want to do with my life and what I want from life. They helped me create Dreams I never thought I would have, They helped me create small goals and life long goals, They opened up so many doors for me. They made my mental state a million times better and clearer. They Taught me how to Love myself, they made me apprecate the little things in life, They made me a better person to myself and to other people.They made me Happy, TRULY HAPPY!!!!!!
BTS gave me two of the greatest gifts of life:
Althought I already knew these wonderful people I call My Family before I even knew of BTS. BTS made them My Family, They brought us closer to each other individually and as a group, They showed us what a real family is like, They Showed me who my real Soul mates are, They showed me what real love feels like and They Gave me The Friendships I’ve always dreamt of having. They brought me closer to some of the most Important people in my life and I am forever gratful. They didnt just make me happy, They Made my family Happy too.  BTS are a true gift that keeps on giving.
BTS opened the door to the world of Kpop for me, Throught this I’ve met so many amazing people, Its Brought people I already knew closer to me (you know who you are if you’re reading this) and given me so many amazing memories, adventures and brought so much laughter in to my life with them. But the most important people its made me closer to are my 2 Best Friends Leah and Kels. Its been a little over a year since they got in to Kpop .... I may or maynot of dragged them in to this dangerous world lol... you’re welcome ladies haha. But what a year its been, we have seen so many amazing bands and artist, we have traveled the country multiple times for Idols and we (me and leah) have even been to berlin twice for kpop shows (Got7 & Music Bank). We saw BTS’ first ever UK show together and recently went to Night 1 at Wembley god damn stadium. These are hands down the two of the most important shows Ive ever been to, Seeing the Biggest Band in the world with my Two favourite people was nothing but magical and perfect. These two girls have done nothing but bring happiness, light, love, peace, laughter and crack head ass antics in to my life, they might be crazy and we might share 1 Braincell between the 3 of us but i wouldnt change it for the world......just the distance haha. Thank you for being my rocks, my shoulder to cry on, my biggest supporters. Thank you for being my second star to the right, my home. Thank you for loving me for who i am and all my flaws. Thank you for being my serendipity. I love you endlessly. Heres to many more adventures and crying over BTS haha.
Since BTS came in to my life I had never felt or expressed love like this, from and to BTS, My Friends and life in general. They have given me an entirely different perspective of life, They have influence me so much, from the way i look at life and the way i see things, They taught me what positivity truly is, They taught me to always look for the positives even in the negatives, They taught me to live in the moment, To express myself fully, To not change for anybody, To accept and embrace myself to the fullest, They showed me there is clear blue skies after the storms, no matter what obstacle life gives me i can over come it.
BTS arent just 7 extremely handsome guys from South Korea who Sing, Dance and Rap, they are so much more than that, They are Teachers, Influencers, Lovers, Ambassadors, Healers, Therapists, Peace Makers and so on. They arent just guys that make music, They are people who make music with a meaning, a story and a lesson. They share their hardships, Their battles, Their recovery and their triumphs. Their stories and lyrics didnt just help me but millions across the world. They created a family through their battles, They taught millions how to love themselves, To put themselves first and To be Happy. They took adventage of knowing their music is an escape for people and used it to teach an important life lesson as well as creating the most amzing feel good music.
Thank you BTS for a wonderful 6 years of Builing this family and making the world a better place one step at a time. I might not of been in the family from day one but I can happily say the past two years have been the most imporant becuase of your infuence and and change upon me. thank you for all your hard work, Thank you for pushing yourselves, thank you for the sacrifices youve had to make, Thank you for sharing your battles and stories, Thank you for giving us your all even on your harder days. Happy 6 years, Heres to many many many more!!!!!!
We in this Bangtan Sonyeondan shit for life xox
Thanks for reading my unorganised, messy and repetitive thoughts hope it wasnt too painful to read lol.
I LOVE BTS!!!!!!
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forgivven-minds · 6 years
If I Stay, You Stay.....Part 2
Part 2 of my scrambled thoughts and feelings…..Enjoy
What is music…?
Music isn’t just vibrations that travel through the air, its the people you meet because of it, Its the people behind creating your favourite records, the memories you make, the sheer joy of just jamming out to your favourite song in the car with your best friend, the free feeling you get listening to your favourite band/artist live. The excitement meeting people you idolise, the people that created your favourite song, the song you connected with because you and that person share a similar story the lyrics tell.
Music is so much more than those vibrations traveling through the air………what is music to you?
To me there is no greater feeling than being at a concert. Being surrounded by your closest friends, By hundreds or thousands of people who share the same love for music as you.Not feeling judged, just completely comfortable in your own skin enough to be your true self. The overwhelming feeling when that artist/band steps on stage,The feeling of the atmosphere and energy in that venue lifting you up.The care free feeling you have for those few hours is what I live for, forgetting any issues I have in the real world and just living in the moment, the moment music takes over you soul and takes all the weight off your shoulders for those few hours. Live music is what I live for.
Being at a concert is so refreshing its like a break for your heart, mind and soul. It makes you forget anything negative going on in the world and in your personal life no matter what it is. But for me its not just live music that can help me forget my problems just simply jamming out to my favourite songs with my favourite people is one of the best things I thin you can do to forget reality for a few moments, being able to connect to music and calling it my special place is so amazing. Its all down to those people we idolise the people making the music, sharing their life stories whether they are positive or negative and having them open up about their struggles though their music. Artist make them selves vulnerable by sharing these things so we connect to their music, connect to them on some what a personal level, to spread messages that things will be OK and that negatives can be turned in to something positive like them sharing a negative memory but turning it in to a beautiful song that thousands of people will connect to and take something from. By them showing us their vulnerability through their music and for them to share their stories it gives people hope, hope that things do get better, makes people realise that they aren’t alone even their favourite musicians go through shit because they are normal humans they just have an opportunity and platform to share their stories and  help other people in this messed up world.
 Have you ever wanted to meet a Band/Artist for years and over that time you managed to gain a few interactions on social media, maybe you’ve even seen them live but have you ever wanted to meet someone so badly? And for so many years you would imagine how it would be to meet them, how you’d feel before, during and after you’ve met them, wondering what that Artist/Band is actually like in person. Then finally after all those years wondering, its your turn to see if everything you pictured in your head was right? Time to meet that Band/Artist. The overwhelming amount of excitement and happiness that come crashing over you knowing after so many years you are going to finally meet the people that write your favourite lyrics, the people that wrote the songs that added light to your darkness, the people who you may considering saved your life. Its a feeling like no other, all your emotions come to surface, the excitement and adrenaline take over your whole body because the people/person you’ve looked up to for so many years, the people you’ve been a fan of since day one are stood right in front of your very eyes. Its your chance to finally tell them everything you’ve ever wanted. These are the moments I cherish and I’m sure the artist cherish as well.
Recently I saw a little rant on twitter by Telle Smith the front man of one of my favourite bands The Word Alive, he was talking about how some fans (not specifically TWA fan just fans in general) call musicians assholes or being rude to them for not meeting fans after shows. He started speaking about how amazing it is to travel and play shows across the world but its a huge sacrifice they have to pay, he was trying to get people to understand that they as musicians are still humans they have loved ones at home, they miss people, they are away from their families for so long they struggle as well and people need to appreciate and respect that. So Here’s to all the bands/artist that tour the world, share their music, share their stories, show their vulnerability to us. Speaking on behalf of myself and I’m sure a lot of others it is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to make amazing music, for showing us we aren’t alone, for being away from your loved ones so we can see you live across the world, thank you for reflecting back to negative and positive memories so we as fans can relate and connect to you on a personal level, thank you for putting yourselves out there even when you’re going through hard times, thank you for sharing advice be it via social media or in person and thank you for taking the time out to meet fans when you do. We are extremely grateful because just like you we owe our lives to music, you guys are the ones that saved us and in some cases just like we as fans saved you.
To Be Continued
find part one further down
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forgivven-minds · 6 years
If I stay, You stay
my emotions are all over the place tonight, i feel so at peace with myself and my life. I’m happy and feeling very blessed and grateful. I decided to do some writing tonight about my thoughts and why I’m feeling grateful and i wanted to share it. whether it gets read or not I’m glad to be sharing this :)
We all feel like giving up at some point in our existence, whether its because you’ve simple just had a bad day or something in your life occurred and made you want to give up for days, weeks, months or even years. We all deal with this kind of thing in our own way some better than others. Some people may take a small negative occurrence and deal with it like its the end of the world, some people might take a huge negative occurrence and just brush it off like it was nothing. There is going to be a point in ever single persons life where they just want to give up.  Me personally I want to give up on a regular basis, sometimes ill have so much negativity thrown at me all at once and I just bottle it up and all it takes is the tiniest occurrence to happen and I snap, I go in to melt down, I WILL WANT TO GIVE UP! But then something positive, bright and amazing will happen and it puts everything in to prospective. I am here for a reason, the people that are in my life are in MY life for a reason, the things that happen in my life negative and positive happen for a reason. There’s a whole world out there for me to experience, there are so many more adventures waiting for me, so many more opportunity so many more people for me to meet yet. My time isn’t up, even when I feel like it should be its not. In my life right now I have an amazing support system, my family that including my friends. I am surrounded by the people and things I love the most. Music and positive company is all I need in life, I would not survive without my music and my family.
Everyone has that one unique thing in their life that makes them the happiest person alive, it could be absolutely anything But its the only thing in your life that you truly connect with and only you and that one thing can feel that connection.  For me, my true happy place is music, now I know most of my friends, their one unique happy place is music as well but I know for a fact they don’t have the connection I have with music and they don’t feel what I feel when I’m surrounded by music. They will feel something just as strong and powerful as I’m feeling but that’s their personal connection, not mine. My Biggest music influence when it comes to my own happiness is my favourite band Sleeping with sirens and their front man Kellin Quinn. As a band those guys have given me a connection to music I’ve never had before. 5-6 years ago when I first came across them I connected to their music on such an insane level. I discovered them when all this started, when I wanted to give up for the first time, when I was so unhappy I started my journey to rock bottom. And I truly believe if I hadn’t discovered sleeping with sirens at that moment in time I would of hit rock bottom a lot quicker than I did and I truly believe I would of hit rock bottom a hell of a lot worse than I did if I hadn’t discovered them. Musically they just made my heart happy and took me to a place id never been before. Lyrically they hit home, they spoke the words I was trying to get out but couldn’t find, they gave me a place to go where I was truly happy, they gave me hope and a light that I never thought I would have again. Sleeping with sirens saved me.
Kellin Quinn as an individual brought a separate kind of hope and light in to my life. He gives off a message of encouragement, hope, strength and love. During the guys shows kellin has given some incredible speeches before certain songs, the one that I love the most, the one that really hit home and stuck with me was a speech from a show in 2013 where he said “I want you to know you can do anything you fucking want with your life, don’t let anyone tell you different. And I wanna let you know it doesn’t matter how bad things are right fucking now, they will get better. Live your life. Don’t let anybody beat you down so hard that you would take your own life. You live your life and stick your middle finger up and you say “I’m gonna live!” and a very recent speech he gave, he said “ I don’t know why I’m up here sometimes. I tell you one thing; I’m transparent, I’m not good at hiding my feelings, I’m not good at smiling or faking it. If I’m not in the mood, I’m not in the mood, and that’s OK. I wanna tell you something: you’re not alone. If you feel like you’re the only one who understands you, that’s not true. Even the people that are here, that you think are the most confident motherfuckers in this world go through not knowing why they’re here or why they’re alive. I tell you one thing, you know what? I’mma stick it out. And the reason why I’mma stick it out is because I feel like there’s a reason why I am here, other wise I wouldn’t be here. So I’ll make a promise with you, If I stay, you stay. Don’t give up on yourself”  I know for a fact Kellin has saved lives just from those speeches and all the other times he’s given advice. Those speeches to me helped me, they gave me that push I needed at those two separate times. Those two speeches will stick with me forever and I will always live by them and thank Kellin for his words. Along side Kellin’s insanely powerful yet simple words, his song writing and sharing his personal life past and present is so inspiring. Knowing that someone I look up to and so many other people across the world look up to has been through/ is still going through the same depression, anxiety and or life events that are similar to Kellin’s is in a way comforting. It shows you’re not alone and having kellin open up to the world like that is something I and all the other fans will cherish and appreciate forever. He’s shown us it does get better, there are bumps in the road, things will be rocky for a while but there’s another side to this rut and we can get to the other side in one piece.  
Sleeping with sirens and that whole scene of music bring awareness to all these heavy subjects through their lyrics, events, warped tour etc. To the bands that have played warped tour and supported all the incredible sponsors and workshops there and helped push the message of saving lives I am forever grateful and wish to fly over to the US to attend one year. This scene of music is why a lot of people who listen to their music are clean from self harming, seeking help for their depression and or anxiety. This scene of music is why people choose to live! Bands like sleeping with sirens who bring the message of your life is worth living to each and every show is why people believe they are worthy, they are brave, they are strong and they are capable of getting over this obstacle in their life. And I am forever grateful for that. I am forever grateful to them for saving my life. This scene of music is why i am still alive. To music in general it is one powerful, beautiful thing I call my happy place.
To be continued……
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dance machine 👑🕺🏼👏🏼
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Daddy ?
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Friendship goals 👬🙌
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cause of death: that second gif.
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yoonmin ; tony montana 😎
like/reblog | @nctawgi
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kim yukwon, a rocker
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Like or reblog if you save it ^^
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Low quality boyfriend pics of U-kwon (Block B)
Cr. @/uk_530 on Instagram 
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