forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
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     Hey folks, Timey here with an IC blog for an AU and canon divergent Peridot from Steven Universe! In this timeline, an unknown form of “corruption” afflicted the Cluster, which in turn has caused utter devastation across the planet. Gems have been mutated by a process known as Refraction, the earth almost exploded, Steven is a whole lot angstier– and spikier– than usual, most of the Crystal Gems are recovering from varying afflictions, and Peridot is one very stressed little slice of pie with the weight of an entire planet on her shoulders. Cleanup is hard and times are tense, but hey.
     At least the world is saved, sort of. Don’t mind the volcanic fissures and occasional Lapis-related windstorm; it’s a work in progress, and she’s got it under control… Mostly.
     In the meantime, she’ll pass some hours online trying to boost morale and maybe cheer up someone else, too. Also her lab’s locked after working for 72 hours straight, so hey, it’s not like she has anything better to do. Time for internet discourse and seeing how much of a dork she can be to an even wider audience!
      If that sounds interesting and you’re a roleplay blog looking to interact, feel free to give this post a like, a reblog, or both! Disclaimer; performing either or both of these tasks will not in any way reduce the likelihood of being called a clod.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
@aquadin​ liked for a starter!
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     “Ah--! The book, quick! Catch her!” Without any further context, that might have seemed like a really weird phrase to hear. Had someone tossed a tome across the street, or dropped it off a car, or--
     ... Well that didn’t seem normal in the least.
     There was a red book scurrying down the sidewalk, which was weird enough on its own. How on earth was it sliding around like that without any assistance? However, as it came closer, the actual cause became quite a bit clearer; a hand was extended from within, the wrist connecting into pages. For a weird disembodied hand dragging around a heavy old book, it was sure moving pretty quickly.
     “Don’t let her get past--!” Called out Moth again, flapping after it on shapeshifted wings. While it wasn’t often that her friend decided to cause a scene like this, it always left her and everyone in the surrounding area exhausted... Luckily there seemed to be a really weird-looking person up ahead, right in the escaping experiment’s path.
     Hopefully whoever that was had good reflexes...
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
-STARTER CALL; Moth Pearl-
      Alrighty, so! I want to kick off some threads over here, so feel free to like or reply to this post for a starter with Moth Pearl! I should be getting to these this evening and tomorrow, though we’ll see. Length will definitely vary because I’m inconsistent like that.
     Make sure to specify what muse you want it for if you’re a multimuse or have sideblogs!
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications.
      i don’t normally do chainmail just for future reference, BUT i’ll answer this anyway and see if i can send some regular asks to a few folks instead-- and i definitely do appreciate the thought!1, i’m garbage for a good story ok. mix together the right amount of angst, plot, and hope, and i’m all on board-- whether it’s a roleplay, a tv series, a videogame, whatever. i’ve always been in it for the story, whether i’m hearing one or telling one.2, trying new foods, honestly. like? i’ll eat damn near anything, and i always like finding new stuff that i’ve never tried before. bonus points for anything spicy, as long as it’s not like... melt your face off hot.3, dragons. dragons are just Good Shit ok. i’ve loved them ever since i was a kid, there’s just something really cool about them and about their varying lore and designs across different regions, you know? i always have a blast doing designs of muses as dragons too because they’re fun as heck to draw. (maybe I should bring that meme back over here sometime)4, even tho i don’t get to very often, I really love traveling! guess it’s kind of in the same vein as trying new foods; i like just... seeing new places. I loved the mountainous regions out by Colorado in particular, it’s absolutely gorgeous.5, this is probably gonna sound corny as HELL but, like? i just enjoy entertaining people, weird as that might sound. If my crazy plots and weird muses manage to give somebody something really fun to work with, I call that a huge win. I love knowing that I’m on the right track and that I’m not the only one having a blast, it’s why I talk in the tags so much. I usually get super invested in my threads, so it always feels great when I know who I’m writing with feels the same way.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
on one hand, i could work on my 2 drafts over here
on the other, i could instead mess with making a multimuse blog for my mess of dastardly gem OCs that probably should not be released from containment.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
Admittedly Pomacea Pearl wasn’t paying much attention in the “class”, much rather opting to ponder to herself about what led her here. It had been little over about five years(?) since “Steven” had come to Homeworld and convinced the Diamonds about the “error of their ways”. The Pearl’s Emerald was hit very hard by the news of the Diamond’s change of philosophy as it meant that her “services” as a military leader such as herself would no longer be needed in the New Homeworld they were building. To Pomacea Pearl’s surprise her Emerald had actually stepped down at the request of Yellow Diamond, most likely still seeing it as her duty to serve her Diamond. After that Pomacea Pearl was more or less “let go” and free to do what she wanted, but not after some initial resistance from Emerald. Very soon after Pomacea Pearl was made sure to remember that she wasn’t welcome amongst other Gems, the prejudice towards Pearls still being very alive.. especially towards “defective” ones.. Thus she wandered much of Homeworld’s former territories, always being unwelcome by the populace and moving on, that was until she heard about “little Homeworld” a place where she could stay and avoid the hate of other Gems.
When the class ended Pomacea Pearl wasn’t paying attention, still sitting in her seat once the other Gems began walking out. Just about a minute after class was dismissed Pomacea Pearl finally realized that it was over when she noticed how many “students” were missing. She slowly got up from her chair and walked toward the exit, “school” was over and it was time for her to make her way to her house.. the thought of her house calmed her, a place where she could be alone with herself and her things.
Before she left however, a fellow Pearl approached her. Admittedly she was a bit surprised by the other, not really expecting there to be many Pearls here besides one of the instructors. The other’s appearance also surprised her, it was clear that she had been a corrupted Pearl due to her unusual form and had been healed when the Diamonds came to Earth to heal the corrupted Gems.
Pomacea Pearl quietly replied, a little “weirded out” by the social encounter. “Greetings.. “Moth”.. I’m Pomacea Pearl.”
     Moth’s ‘wings’ fluttered anxiously. Judging by the other pearl’s reaction, she must’ve moved too fast after all; part of her wanted to flee the social interaction, but the rest of her knew that would only make the encounter even more awkward than it already was. Time to just commit and see where it led, for better or worse.
     She fidgeted briefly, adjusting her little pile of supplies. Easy, Moth. Easy. You can do this. The little pearl steeled herself, mustering what remained of her dwindling resolve.
     “Pleasure to meet you, Pomacea,” she replied softly, stooping into a little bow. Wait, no, she didn’t need to do that. Old habits died hard, at least she didn’t try performing the diamond salute. That would’ve been next level weird. No luck on asking if the other gem needed help; maybe something else? Hm. “Been finding any of the classes interesting..? I know it can all take a bit of adjustment.” Especially for a pearl, Moth added silently.
     “History certainly isn’t most gems’ favorite,” she admitted, “So I don’t blame you if it strikes you as a bit dull... I hope it isn’t boring you too much, though.” Moth liked the class herself, but couldn’t help noticing the abundance of snoring that often accompanied their teacher’s lectures. Funnily enough, that was actually how she’d learned what ‘sleeping’ was.
     Though, she did have to admit that getting to witness historical events play out within the pages of a gem-powered book was a whole lot more exciting than scribbling notes off of a board.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
First Meeting Starters
“Hello there! I’m __!” 
“Who are you?”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there!” 
“Woah, you’re huge.”
“Woah, you’re tiny!” 
“Lost too, huh?” 
“Mind if I sit here?” 
“I’m sorry to bother you, but do you know __?”
“Excuse me, but can you help me?”
“Excuse me, but you look like you are in need of help.”
“Good evening.” 
“Good morning.”
“Nice day, isn’t it?” 
“Excuse me, but you dropped this!”
“Have you seen __ anywhere?”
“Can you please move?” 
“Are you __?”
“Do you know __?”
“I like your __.”
“Pardon me, but are you okay?” 
“I don’t know who you are, but I think we should run now.” 
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
Send me something to drabble about
A single word, a memory, a piece of the past that you’d like to see in greater detail, a scene between two muses. Let me write and worldbuild, pry into my character’s inner workings. 
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
@blackstardiopside​ liked for a starter!
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     Moth Pearl had seen many gems come and go from Little Homeworld; some came just to investigate what it was. Others picked out classes that suited their interests-- or just to find out what their interests even were. She was rarely surprised by new faces at this point, and certainly had seen a vast array of different gem types pass through the area.
     But... A Black Star Diopside? And such a small one, at that..? She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen one in person, even before Little Homeworld. Moth was quite certain she would have recalled the experience...
     It gave the little pearl some pause. Seated on the sidewalk, she’d just been mostly minding her own business... People watching, occasionally loosely sketching passersby on her tablet to capture their poses. She tried to be discreet about it, but was pretty sure that wasn’t working out as intended. Sometimes Moth tried to chat it up with new arrivals, too, or gave someone directions; she hadn’t been here too long herself, but long enough to have a vague idea of where most places were, anyways.
     She wasn’t sure if the other gem was actually new to earth, but sure hadn’t seen her around here before... Couldn’t hurt to find out, right? Moth’s wing-like veil rustled anxiously before she hopped to her feet, brushing herself off. She was supposed to be getting better at talking to people, so here went nothing!
     “H.. Hello...!” called the pearl brightly, her quietly optimistic tone holding just a hint of nervousness. She even waved one slender, gloved hand, making sure the other gem knew who she was speaking to. That was what people usually did to catch each others’ attention, right..?
     ... Wait, if she was noticed, what would she say next? Oh dear. Moth suddenly wondered if this had been such a good plan.
     Hopefully it would count for extra credit.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
so folks i’m tired and braindead but how about those SU: F eps huh...
i watched in dreams 3 times in a row and i regret nothing
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
     Why do I hear boss music?
     All jokes aside though, Phantom Fable has a dang good soundtrack, definitely worth a listen if you’ve never played the game!
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
    Moth had noticed an unusual little pearl in a class or two over the last few days, definitely a new arrival. She hadn’t tried to reach out yet, but for some reason... She felt like she probably should; the mostly monochrome gem seemed so... Alone.
     Moth knew if she hadn’t had Fable, she never would have been able to come so far. Did this stranger need the same hand up..?
     Yet, she was hesitant. What if the apparent shyness was actually just total disinterest? What if she scared the other gem by mistake? What if she overstepped and make things awkward? What if she said something wrong and messed up and--
     No, Moth chided herself, no more second-guessing.
     This could be the perfect test of what she’d learned so far; she needed to be more open, more assertive, more outgoing. Moth felt a slightly playful yet reassuring nudge against her hand, an ornate red book moving slightly of its own accord. She made a decision; at the end of this history class, she’d try to start a chat, at least get the other pearl’s name.
     So, when the lecture finished up, Moth wasted no time in stashing away her transparent writing tablet and notes, the history book slapping shut as she hurriedly stacked everything together. Was the gem still there? Yep, hadn’t made it out the door yet. Good, perfect. Stifling her feelings of apprehension, she scooped up the little pile of belongings and trotted right over, hoping not to alarm the other pearl too much.
     “... Hello,” she started feebly. Not the best intro, hm. She’d have to work on that. “I noticed you seem to be new around here...” Was that weird? That was probably weird. Better keep going, Moth decided. “I’m, uh... Moth. That’s what everybody calls me, anyway. Um..! How have your classes been going..? I can help catch you up on notes, if there’s anything you missed.” That felt like a suitable improvement, significantly less awkward.
     Geez, sticking to wallflower status had been so much easier. Moth idly wondered how people did this every day without spontaneously combusting; she felt like she was going to burst into flames on the spot.
     Hopefully her nerves weren’t showing too much.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
@trickstersshadow​ liked for a starter!
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      Now, who the heck was that? Sure this was a planet filled with humans, but usually they didn’t come out this way; in fact, she’d specifically come to this little hideaway in the woods because of the quiet solitude, just birdsong and the chattering of wildlife keeping her loneliness at bay. Moth hastily dismissed her transparent writing tablet, the pale green screen swiftly vanishing from sight in her grasp. She could log her innermost thoughts later, right now there was a stranger in her midst!
     “Um--!” she started, straightening and clearing her throat to try and settle her nerves. It only halfway worked. “Are you... lost?” When had this person even gotten there? Moth wasn’t quite sure, but maybe she’d just been a bit too lost in thought to notice. That was probably it.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
    you don’t get to die         &&  be reborn the same.                  you come back,                      but you come back wrong.                                 this is the price you pay                                      for  r e s u r r e c t i o n.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
-STARTER CALL; Moth Pearl-
      Alrighty, so! I want to kick off some threads over here, so feel free to like or reply to this post for a starter with Moth Pearl! I should be getting to these this evening and tomorrow, though we’ll see. Length will definitely vary because I’m inconsistent like that.
     Make sure to specify what muse you want it for if you’re a multimuse or have sideblogs!
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
     So I was thinking about Fable’s “true nature” being a Graphite gem, and decided to google what the ‘meaning’ of graphite is to see if I could work that into the design and abilities and just...
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     Thanks google I had no idea this choice was actually Perfect.
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forgotten-fable ¡ 4 years
@outofthisgxlaxy liked for a starter!
     Moth Pearl had seen a fair number of other gems come and go from Little Homeschool, most with varying degrees of corruption from their time on earth. She certainly was no exception, still bearing the marks and wing-like extensions to her veil that inspired her nickname, ‘Moth.’ As such, signs of past trauma were certainly nothing new to her, the little thing was surrounded by it so much she barely even noticed anymore.
     However, this was something much different, she knew that right away.
     She almost dropped her drawing tablet, pausing right there on the sidewalk. Moth had seen other pearls around before in passing, but none of them had shown signs of damage or corruption; one was a Crystal Gem, the others she wasn’t so sure about. But this? This was someone else who may well share her experiences, or at least that was what she assumed. ‘Was she a tester, too?’ Moth wondered silently. She didn’t recognize this individual from her own operation, but maybe there’d been other facilities like it. Whatever this pearl had been through, though, it certainly had left its mark.
     Realizing she was staring, she paused awkwardly before glancing down to her tablet. Hm. The drawing class wouldn’t start for a bit yet, it couldn’t hurt to spare a few minutes and get to know this newcomer, right..?
     Feeling a bit stiff and self-conscious, Moth approached, trying to appear casual as she shifted the tablet under her right arm. It laid perfectly flat against an odd red tome and a few books of modern poems. “Um... Hello!” Her voice was quiet, soft as the rustle of ancient pages. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you here to learn, too, or just to visit..?” Hopefully that wasn’t too intrusive. Moth was never sure, it felt so weird trying to be assertive.
     But hey, that was why she was here, learning. It was a start, anyway.
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