“Well, you could have been born a part squirrel part human, but you know, not everyone is as blessed as me.”  Tippy Toe squeaked beside her, a chirping sort of laugh of approval.  
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“Oh.  Right.”  Of course, the Academy would be like any other place, social hierarchy most important.  Doreen nodded, then rolled her eyes at his following comment.  “I can do more than that, thank you.  I am a genetic marvel.”  She grinned.  “I can also climb and I have other… physical attributes commonly attributed to squirrels.” 
“You’re... you’re joking, right? I can’t tell anymore with this place. How would that... you can’t just fuck a squirrel.”
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“All right, keep your secrets,” he laughed when she didn’t elaborate on her other attributes, “You’d make a good cat burglar with that skillset. Or... squirrel burglar I guess.”
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“Have you never heard of a book fair? They used to be really popular when I was little, I think.”
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“Dude. You have got to come with me.” He mutters to himself, “How many sci-fi books can there be?” Then shakes his head indignantly. “Okay, so maybe there are a lot of shitty sci-fi books, but sci-fi is only the best genre ever. It asks us big questions, like what the limits of our humanity are.”
“If they were a thing back home, I sure didn’t notice. Can’t say I was ever that bookish though.”
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“Man, I’m trying to cram my head full of so much real shit, I think I’ll leave the speculation to the arts students.”
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Maria Hill: Blake! hey! You might wanna see this… Don Blake: What is it, Maria? Maria: Um… Don: Oh, no… Maria: It’s Osborn. He’s here for Stark. Don: Maybe. But if he was here for Stark, he’d be here. He’s attacking Asgard. Maria: Well, that answers the question of how nuts he is… Don: You listen to me, Hill… You quickly and very quietly take Tony Stark and get out of here. As far away from this place as you possibly can. You don’t stop. For anything. If Tony resists you, knock him out. Maria: What are you going to do? [Don picks up his waking stick and heads for the door] Maria: You’re going to need a bigger stick. Don/Thor: Guide me, Father… [KRAKAKOOM] Norman Osborn: Positions. – From Siege #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, art by Oliver Coipel I always love that transition from Donald Blake to Thor…
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“Yeah, books. Like when you put words down on paper? They’re selling a bunch of ‘em at some…” He looks down at a flyer. “Some game store.”
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“I know what a book is, jackass,” he laughs.
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“I just don’t see how they fit into a fair. Plus, how many sci-fi books can there even be? Sounds lame.”
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“You lost? You almost took a wrong turn into the showers.”
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“We’ll see how it goes I guess, but I am a. fan of football and food. It’s one of those timeless winning combinations.”
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“If the drinking gets competitive, not to worry, I have my First Aid. Nobody’s dying on my watch.”
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“Well, unless they’re dying of hunger after we demolish an ungodly amount of pizza.”
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Anyone want to go to the sci-fi book fair this weekend?
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“Sci-fi... book fair?”
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“Alright if you’re sure. A cheering section will be nice though. It’ll make us feel much more important.”
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“I’m Pepper by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”
“What can I say? I bring the party.”
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“Don, Don Blake. You new around here?”
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“Hey, you’d be surprised. They ask a lot of questions about a lot of different things. Your expertise on muscle groups and ligaments might just come in handy.”
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“I’m just saying my trivia usefulness is very limited. You round up some geniuses for the team, and I’ll be your cheering section.”
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“It’s been tragic really. I am totally in on pizza, but I don’t really drink, takes way too much to get a reaction.”
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“We’ll have to test that out sometime, have you drink the guys under the table. No pressure, though. I’ll order a couple pizzas and put the game on in the common room. Food and football always brings people together.”
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I feel like it’s been weeks since I’ve done anything but go to class and go to the gym. 
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“Well isn’t that a dismal situation. We should order a pizza and get wasted!”
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“Apparently there’s a restaurant nearby that has trivia night. Anyone want to go?”
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“Unless they’re grilling us about muscle groups and ligaments, I’d be useless. Probably fun to watch, though.”
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“Behold the right prescription for dealing with yon miscreants! Take one sacred hammer… and bother not to call me on the morrow!” - Avengers #316
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Long Hair Appreciation Part II
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For the first time in my life, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do
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Thor in Thor and the Warriors Four Issue #4
written by Alex Zalben
art by Gurihiru
lettering by Dave Sharpe 
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“Nah, I mean I’m not a big fan of snow or ice, but rain is fine. Refreshing even, depending on the weather.” 
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“I think people spend too long fighting the rain, trying not to get wet. When you just accept it, it’s really not so bad. You won’t chill to the bone if you keep moving. Great for running in. I... kinda miss that, being able to go for a run.”
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