oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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okay so this blog is going on hiatus bc i haven’t written on here in over a week and i want to bring another blog back. 
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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honestly if you befriend matteo and all that there’s still a high chance he’ll try and eat you. 
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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  ❝ you don’t like me , do you ? ❞    it’s said with a flare of annoyance , hands drumming against the chair as he looked at her.  he could see that , it was plain to see when she continued to sip at her tea ( or whatever it was , he didn’t care ) and attempt to ignore his existence.  he finds it incredibly rude and was definitely making him start to lose his patience with the other.  
it was normal for him to drop into see jeannie’s friends.  just to make sure they knew he was watching if anything else.  jeannie was his.  he had to make sure she was with the right sort of people.   ❝ i can practically taste the disgust from here.  ❞  if he was being honest , he didn’t like it much either.  it was rather mutual. ╰ • º¸ ☠️ @mctriarchy liked for a starter.
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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   ❝ younglings these days.  always so rude. ❞   he’s still aggravated by jeannie’s actions and how she’s run away from him.  he was good for her , it was expected that he want to protect what was his.  no one else was good enough for her and it wasn’t his fault that he got a bit close with them , shared the images with jeannie.  she should known better by now , and yet she made the same mistakes.   ❝ i don’t like this , i don’t like that , do you have to eat my friends.  ugh. ❞  he’s deadly serious about the eating thing.  more than a few of her friends have gone missing over the decades.  ones that had gotten that little bit too close.  
a huff and he’s tapping a hand against his thigh , obviously irritated.   ❝ how do you not kill them ?  i just wanted something pretty and ended up with a handful. ❞      ╰ • º¸ ☠️ @deauvergne​ liked for a starter. 
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ cryoconquer:
                                                              ❝   don’t  JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS,  matteo.  i’m a complex man,  i can enjoy the merits of both.   ❞    single arched brow ascends over a keen gaze,  nimble tongue articulating syllables with uncharacteristic precision,  as if purposefully  ( and perhaps a little thoughtlessly )  attempting to challenge matteo’s preconceived notions of who he was.  the absence of his usual nonchalant,  nearly theatrical  DRAWL  was paired with a momentary smirk,  gaze flickering with mirth before he once more spoke like his usual self,  a gesture given in blasé dismissal as if no change in his speech had occurred.   ❝   haven’t seen it before.  i’m down for whatever you wanna watch,  honestly.  you know me,  i’m not very  FUSSY.   ❞   
                                                             darting fingers crawl along matteo’s jaw,  AFFECTION provided in small touches,  each one a further exploration,  as if dmitri were searching for the limits of their intimacy,  excavating their arrangement in order to determine what was fondness and what was purely impersonal lust.  matteo’s kiss was returned with slow  DETERMINATION,  dmitri lifting onto his toes to meet matteo,  dropping swiftly down once their contact was torn,  his gaze remaining focused,  intent,  head canting as he examined matteo’s expression as he spoke,  amusement curling itself into the bend of his lips,  a laugh hovering on his tongue,  BLOOMING  through his words as he spoke them.   ❝   okay,  well,  i mean,  if we can only bring food into the porn cinema,  then that’s the obvious choice,  cause,  i mean,  why would you see a movie without food?  nah,  i’m happy seeing an actual film.  and not bein’ surrounded by creepy older dudes masturbating.  i get enough of that when  I’M  AROUND  YOU.   ❞
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   ❝ you sure , babe ?  i don’t know if i can deal with complex. ❞   he’s joking , of course.  it’s all said with a devil’s grin as his hand runs up and down his side and then up to stroke his cheek.   his hand squeezes there gently before pulling back slightly , only to step that little bit forward so they were touching from top to toe.  he still didn’t understand how he had fallen for dmitri.  it was odd and foreign and he’d only started talking and playing with him because he knew it would upset jeannie and now they were here , like this and doing this.  it was strange , that much was true but he had given in long ago.  how couldn’t he when dmitri looked at him like that.  he was in love and it was odd.  he wasn’t quite sure whether he liked it or not but dmitri was worth finding that out.  
a small swallow and matteo turns his head slightly so he could kiss probing fingers , grinning slightly for a moment.  he’s trying to ignore the internal storm that was raging inside him.  he didn’t want to ruin their night out. if they ever were going to make it because they always seemed to have an issue of getting out of the actual apartment complex.  a hum and he’s pulling away for a moment with a laugh.  he can’t help but shake his head some.   ❝ do you speak to all your elders like that or just the one you enjoy sleeping with and kissing and spending time with ? ❞  said with a kiss to his nose before laughing again.     ❝ you enjoy seeing me get off. i think the session is in a couple of hours but we can leisurely stroll our way there after we get stuck in traffic half way there. or we could make out in the car like we always do.  that could always happen. ❞   he didn’t mind either way.     
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ urulxce:
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           ❛    when was the last time you saw jeannie?  ❜ his heart was racing; the damned anxiety that caused his fingers to tremble betrayed him. he had forgotten to take his medicine this morning, and he did not much like the thought of jeannie’s sire provoking him. still, there was a clear smile on his face as his skin began to heat, an indication to his abilities manifesting. if the other was not too careful, if he tread too close, he was bound to get BURNED.
         ❛    you may be her sire, but it’s quite CLEAR she wants nothing to do with you. perhaps it would be best to scurry off back where you came from. quite PATHETIC really —- the way you’re following her as if she is your world, not the other way around. though I don’t blame you —- jeannie is quite a gem, isn’t she? ❜
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   ❝ a few weeks ago.  she didn’t tell you , did she ?  she’s lying to you already. ❞   a low laugh , he can hear the constant drumbeat of his heart and it wasn’t stopping any time soon. pathetic.  utterly pathetic.  he was so weak , who was he to have the affections of what was his. he noticed the warmth with an eyebrow raised though he doesn’t comment on it just yet.  he will when it think it’ll actually hurt him.  a little sunburn would be annoying , but that just meant he’d have to go on a killing spree and with how weak the boy was he was very sure that he wouldn’t want that on his conscience.   
a long laugh at that , deep and guttural but still extremely cold.  how stupid was that man.  was he that naive to think that she would stick around ?    ❝ do you know that she fucks her victims before she eats them ?  it’s a good show , she makes it good and the minute they come she eats them whole.  awful way to die but she gets off on it. ❞  she was known for her flights of fancy and he was just another one.  her list of lovers were as long as his own , possibly longer.
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ urulxce:
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             lips curl back over teeth, revealing their GLEAM, his eyes flashing dangerously. he was a PERSONIFICATION of rage , his heart beating wildly against his chest, the beast slumbering in his belly stirring. still, none of this BLED to the surface, his smile uncanny, his head cocked to the side.   ❛ what business is it of yours?  ❜ a dramatic sigh pressed against his lips, his fingers moving to brush his breast.  ❛ let me guess? she left you and now you’re jealous. ❜ his laughter was MELODIC, mocking in its nature as he refused to cower before the other male, though his anger had been far from sated.
                               ❛   I can see why.  ❜
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   ❝ oh no.  she didn’t leave me.  i’m her sire. she can never leave me , not while my blood sings in her body. ❞  he’s smug about that , moving that little bit closer to him , wanting to provoke him.  he always had fun hurting others , especially if they got between himself and jeannie.  one of the many reasons jeannie’s lovers left her was that he killed them.  or seduced them , which would definitely be plan number b if the incitement of violence didn’t work.   ❝ your heart is racing.  you know everything i’m saying is true.  she won’t stay faithful. ❞   
he was very good at seduction.  it’s how he had wooed jeannie after all , and everyone else after her.  he hadn’t exactly been lonely in his time without her , something he liked to rub in thanks to the wonders of technology.
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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   ❝ so you’re jeannie’s new squeeze.  interesting. ❞  he’s pretty , but not as pretty as he is , slight sneer on lips as he walks around him , hands in his pockets.  he’s not too worried , jeannie always ended up back at his side after a while , whether he made it so it was impossible to be anywhere but , or of her own volition depending on just how terrible things had gone.  mortals were fickle things after all , better for a meal rather than a relationship.  
jeannie would figure that out once and for all at some point.  maybe after this one had abandoned her , just like the rest had.   ❝ let me guess , she let you fuck her on the first date. ❞   @urulxce liked for a starter. 
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ cryoconquer:
                                                     ❝   gene kelly’s always  FUN  –––––––  coincidentally,  so are make out sessions.  especially ones i get to have with you.   ❞     heavy brows arched with playful suggestion,  the mischief held in baritone articulation said with a certain impish innocence,  roseate lips relishing each syllable as it was spoken ;  his gaze never leaving matteo as he spoke,  a predator regarding his  PREY.  his fingers curled into the fabric of matteo’s shirt,  holding onto him as if he somehow needed the support,  the security,  but in truth he knew with little doubt that their power was not   EQUIVOCAL.   they were both beasts hidden in plain sight,  certainly,  and dmitri had no doubts that more blood had been scrubbed from matteo’s skin,  but dmitri’s monstrosity had  SHARPER  TEETH   ––––––   barring the literal sense. 
                                                           blossoming smile radiated upon dmitri’s lips,  but it was an  ALGID  brightness,  warmth,  whether intended or not,  never quite reaching dmitri’s flesh.  he was not a being meant for softness,  for love,  but then again,  neither was matteo  ––––––  and perhaps that was why dmitri would always feel such  DISTANCE  between them.  perhaps it wasn’t just jeannie,  as he liked to tell himself it was,  giving form to his uncertainty ; perhaps it was simply that neither of them were capable of such  INTIMACY.  they had hands meant for destruction,  not protection.  but still dmitri would use his to move to hold matteo’s jaw for a moment,  delicate in his touch,  as if he wished to pretend he was capable of understanding FRAGILITY.    ❝   what i’m sayin’ is don’t pick a movie that’s too fun  –––––––   cause then i’m gonna be upset i’m missin’ it.   ❞
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   ❝ mmn , well.  i feel like you like what happens after a make out session rather than the make out session itself. ❞   he’s teasing , of course.  he actually likes ( loves )  dmitri  ( unlike his past paramours )  and was willing to give him the whole world.  he would , if dmitri asked but he didn’t seem to want to.  maybe he didn’t have the bloodthirstiness that he did.  hopefully that wouldn’t be an issue later on.  it probably would be , matteo has never been really been able to hide that for very long.  he was surprised that dmitri hadn’t been disgusted by his fangs.  they weren’t exactly pretty.  at least dmitri hadn’t seen him eat a corpse yet.  it was a horrific sight to see.  not something her would probably voluntarily tell or show him.  a lie or an omission , he didn’t really care.   
his hands hold onto dmitri , hands moving to his hips and squeezing gently as he lets out a low laugh.   ❝ i won’t put on singing in the rain then.  cover girl ?  it has rita hayworth.  pretty thing in person she was. ❞  a small wink only a slight mention of his immortality as he squeezes dmitri.  he does wonder if dmitri is with him just for the thrill and the sex.  was love something either of them were able to do , even if they were willing to say that they were in love with one another. maybe they did , maybe they didn’t.  
but matteo didn’t really care as long as dmitri had no plans to leave him. he presses into his boyfriend’s touch before bending down slightly to kiss him and then back to smile.     ❝ or we could be frightfully disgusting and go to a porn cinema instead and we won’t get kicked out or arrested ?  and we can bring in as much food as we like. ❞
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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okay, to stop any crap where people favour matteo over jeannie i’m putting in place a new rule: if you don’t follow me on jeannie as well as matteo , i’m not going to follow or write with you. matteo is scum and he only plays a very small part in totally in the life of jeannie rowe.  he is a side character and always be a side character.  please do not forget this. 
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ deifyvhs:
A kiss? A kiss! Certainly not! It really was all blood and fucking with these creatures, wasn’t it? A species consisting entirely of nymphomaniacs. Anne Rice had the right idea all along. She must have personally known some vampires, the cheeky dame. 
        ❛   To put it plainly, it would hurt them.   ❜
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It would be best, Jazzy thought, to completely ignore the attempted sensuality of the situation and not respond to the first comment at all; the last thing this too-beautiful creature needed was any encouragement. 
Besides, he didn’t want to hurt the poor thing’s ego. He didn’t seem the sort to hear “no” very often, and he might turn to ash before Jazzy’s very eyes were he to say such a word. 
He would have to proceed with caution, though. Gutter-minded animals could twist anything. 
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   ❝ so you don’t want a kiss ? i am incredibly offended. ❞   he is a man of ego !  always will be. his vanity was something procured as he got older.  he used to be kind.  once.  just liked books , reading what had been.  but he’d shed that skin , lost it behind him.  now he is just cruelty embodied.  
maybe his greatest win over jeannie would be that she had this to look forward too.  she would have no chance at happiness that way.  she wasn’t like him.  that had been his greatest mistake.  she had stars in her eyes.  he liked facts.  she had just been pretty and someone to woo while in italy.  jeannie had been just that.  
at the moment he was just trying to taunt him , try to get something out of him other than just a compliment. in this moment that just wasn’t enough !  he was being incredibly greedy and that was always going to be something of a fault for him.  but he didn’t care.  he never really cared about that.  integrity in things other than his work were something he was incapable of.  
he was not to be trusted. honestly he was still surprised that he had lovers , long term ones at that.  some for decades , and he was not speaking of jeannie rowe.  she was nothing to him but something to tease and tug and make cry.   ❝ i’ll blow your mind.  do you really want to say no to that ? ❞    
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ cryoconquer:
                                                                 it was perhaps more  COMMON  an occurrence for dmitri than he wished to admit to,  that he ended up in situations with no clear conception of how exactly he had gotten there.  of course he remembered meeting jeannie, and he remembered how street lamps and neon signs had reflected off her skin,  and of course he remembered meeting matteo,  how could he forget how  SUAVE  matteo had appeared,  with how much sophistication he had spoken,  the hunger that consumed his gaze so much more furious and inquisitive than that which lingered in jeannie’s.  but still,  there was something incomprehensible about how he was now the subject  ( at least  TEMPORARILY )  of matteo’s affections.  but even when they were alone,  it was as if jeannie’s scent wafted between them,  the ghost of her fingers against their skin still haunted their most intimate moments.  it was never just the two of them,  nor would it ever be,  dmitri feared.  not that he did not hold a certain adoration of jeannie,  but he was not one who liked to  SHARE. 
                                                          ❝   sounds  AWESOME.   ❞     dmitri’s grin was lazy,  relaxed,  as he turned his gaze upon matteo,  fingers gently resting against his shirt as dmitri watched the movements of the other’s expression with avid fascination,  still attempting to fit together all of the pieces that would craft his understanding of the man in front of him.    ❝   what movie were you thinkin’?   ❞    head canted as aegean gaze fixed upon matteo’s,  innocuous curiosity held in dmitri’s expression,  the youthfulness of his broad features laying innocence into his expression,  concealing what  MONSTEROUSNESS  slumbered in his breast,  less overt than matteo’s,  but perhaps all the more deadly for it.
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at first this had been a game.  not that he’d ever admit that to dmitri.  it would break his heart to know that he was just trying to rob jeannie of something she always craved.  love.  affection.  a family of her own.  but that hadn’t lasted long at all.  it had been weeks when he had realized just how special dmitri was.  far more special than jeannie had ever been.  she had been just a jewel in her crown.  something pretty but vapid in the ways he cared for.  dmitri actually understood him , was willing to understand how needlessly cruel he could be.  he was willing to accept that , which still partially confused him.  not very many were willing to love a monster after they knew they were a monster.  
jeannie was.  she had loved him endlessly , but he was sure jeannie would fall in love with a rock if she thought it could give her the affection she craved.  and anyway , she was out of the picture.  at least in his mind.  he hadn’t once picked up one of her calls , answered anything she tried to send to him.  what was the point ?   ❝ i’m glad you’re pleased with that.  i’d be happy to be anywhere with you. know that dmitri. ❞   his voice is fond as he pulls dmitri into a kiss , hand gently cradling his neck.  he was tempted to postpone their trip to the cinema and spend more time in the bedroom , but he should spoil dmitri some.  they couldn’t fuck the rest of the lives away completely.  it would be all the more sweet when they got home.  if they waited to get home. 
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   ❝ i was thinking something classic , but not too heavy.  i do plan to have a steamy make out session with my very hot boyfriend. ❞   he was a sucker when dmitri looked up at him like that. all wide eyed as if he was innocent.  they both knew that wasn’t true.   ❝ how about a fun affair with gene kelly or something ? ❞    another kiss to his lips , body pressed against the other for a moment.    
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ roseyed:
she’s  mine ,   the  words  fill  her  arrant  contempt ,  a  prideful  part  of  her  wanting  to  fight  back ,  though  she  plays  it  off  with  contrived  softness .   ❛  and  what  were  to  happen  if  she  were  no  longer  yours ?  ❜   fingers  stroke  through  his  hair ,  a  hypothetical  with  latent  legitimacy ,  after  all ,  amélie  was  tired  of  sharing  jeannie   ―  a  girl  who  never  learned  to  share .  still ,  she  purrs ,  a  satisfaction  arising  as  he  continues  to  ravage  her  smaller  body   ―  there  is  pleasure  in  knowing  that  she  indulges  him ,  that  he  enjoys  the  taste  of  her ,  filling  her  with  a  distorted  sense  of  pride .   ❛  don’t  get  carried  away .  .  .  ❜   she  taunts  with  shortness  of  breath  as  swollen   &   bloodied  lips  curve  into  a  simper   ―  appearing  a  holy ,  bloody  mess  before  him .
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❛  no ,  not  lazy , ❜   she  halts  with  her  hair  still  rigidly  in  his  grasp ,  a  tongue  running  against  his  jaw  with  kittenish  mien ,  cleaning  off  her  own  smeared  blood .  the  small  noise  he  emits  conjures  something  carnal  within  her .   ❛   ―  just  distracted .  ❜   then ,  manic  eyes  seek  his  gaze   &   with  his  girth  still  in  her  grip ,  she  tormentingly  strokes  it  against  herself .
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   ❝ that will never happen , pet. ❞   in his eyes his grip on jeannie was strong.  she needed him.  she may have amelie now but she was mortal and unlikely to take to getting the bite.  and the very thing that jeannie hated most was to be alone , something that always played to his advantage.  she’d come crawling back to him sooner rather than later.  though he’ll play nice with amelie for now.  to kill her would be stupid.  that would only anger her.  he just has to swoop in the minute she dies , which wasn’t too long in his eyes.  it would be worth it in the end.  a small smirk and he shudders , hands moving to her hair and tugging for just a moment.  liked to see that flicker of pain run through her body.  it looked and smelt delicious.   ❝ you like it when i do.  don’t lie to yourself. ❞  she’s feral and it’s beautiful , hands tugging further into her hair , one hand slipping into her hip , covering a bruise he’d already caused. 
a low laugh and he’s bucking up into her touch.  a hiss falls from lips and he tips his head back , giving into the sensation.  it’s only moments later that teeth are appearing , sharp , eyes now cat like slits rimmed with gold.  anything but mortal but still beautiful.  he would always be beautiful.  and maybe so would she.  if she stayed alive that long.    
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oldfshioned-blog · 7 years
╰ • º¸ ☠️ roseyed:
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❛  please              you  may  have  made  her ,  but  you’re  nothing  like  jeannie .  ❜   she  says  with  a  demure  smile  as  his  grip  tightens  against  her  malleable  flesh ,  as  if  to  soften  the  blow  of  her  words .  but  she  means  it .  matteo  was  cruel   &   malignant  with  his  intentions ,  jeannie  was  not .  nor  was  amélie  foolish  enough  to  fall  for  what  he  was  so  blatantly  attempting  to  do   ―  after  all ,  with  matteo,  she  only  enjoyed  this .  ❛  you’ll  have  to  learn  to  stop  taking  what’s  her’s .  ❜   then ,  a  quiet  gasp   &   her  breath  nearly  falters  as  he  rubs  his  protruding  bulge  between  milky  legs .  something  carnal  begins  to  build  inside  of  her  when  he  licks  across  her  features ,  something  salacious  in  knowing  that  the  blood  is  her  own .
she  feigns  the  act  of  pondering  whilst  she  resumes  unbuttoning  his  shirt ,  petaled  lips  trailing  against  the  smooth  of  his  chest  when  it’s  finally  been  removed .   ❛  mn ,  i  think  so   ―  but  that  won’t  really  persuade  you ,  will  it ?  ❜   her  head  lifts  only  momentarily  to  match  his  complacent  gaze ,  she  knows  what  he  wants ,  wants  her  to  writhe   &   beg  for  him .  something  she  had  no  plans  for .   ❛  never ,  there  just  hasn’t  been  anything  worthy  of  mention  these  days  .  .  .  ❜   velveteen  timbre  trails  off  as  her  hand  reaches  for  his  member ,  adding  light  pressure .
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   ❝ i pride myself on that. ❞   outwardly cruel.  had always been inside.  jeannie was pretty but of little substance and it boggled the mind that amelie wanted anything to do with her.  maybe that was why he was being extremely cruel.  he didn’t like the fact that he was being spurned for a two bit bimbo.  she had her perks , but nothing he couldn’t give her.   ❝ she’s mine. ❞  a small laugh at her reaction , digging fingers in tighter as he continues to lick and suck her clean , leaving a brutal mark at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.  he’ll be feeding from there soon anyway.  she always did end up giving into him , though she was always so reticent to beg for him.  hopefully that would change , he never liked it when sexual partners were stubborn.   ❝ you always taste so good , darling. ❞   purred as he pulls lips away , laughing softly when she presses a kiss to his chest.  
he’s looking down at her , hand moving up to begin tugging at her hair , wanting her to look up at him.  look him in the eye as they did this , so she was not allowed to pretend this was someone else.   ❝ that means you’ve been lazy. ❞   a small hum and a grunt the moment warm flesh touches his own , lower jaw covered in her blood now.         
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