forgottenwells · 10 months
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forgottenwells · 1 year
Tarana Burke. Judge Rose-Marie Aquilina. Oprah Winfrey. Hamilton Morris. Statewide District Attorneys< disgusting!
I wrote them letters no response no response,
Next on my list is Michelle and Barrack Obaa about y free speech as a HER Crime Victim and the post 9/11 generation< how this doctor discriminated me but this is also going to be available on the archives of Portland, ashamed to called Portland Rose City with he intolerance of individuals I have met here. so mean! people in Portland are really mean now! East Creative Collective manager was horrible to me, I testified about her at my appeal to IPRC and informed the Commissioner's office as well during Hardesty's career at that field. I am ashamed of East Creative Collective who harbors, literally, harbors and held a rapist for safety during a crime he committed! when I was abused but dropped off by one f the members of this community to the ER. Not only that, their eviction notice on the ART STUDIO SPACE DOOR #20 of my 2019 studio was all caps lock handwritten and everyone could see the humiliation. Portland is SMALL, all DRS and ENVIRONMENTALISTS WILL KNOW OF HOW A HUMAN WAS TREATED. WE ARE GOING TO SPEECH DR. GRAY she earned it. YOU REALLY HURT ME!
YOU REALLY HURT ME. you have no idea how much pain you have caused me but I am testifying publicly about you and the hospital so SAVE IT bc you have fraud AMERICA and my FEMALE RIGHTS ANDMY HUMAN RIGHTS for lying in medical records, attempting to conceal and cover it, and then I have more.
I do not want legacy to mail me anything to my address you medically abused me during a criminal investigation. All environmentalists will know how you treat a HUMAN, DR GRAY! I am from SD, CA btw right next to the Mexican border and I have many Indonesian Friends who are also Muslim. I willRECOUNT the entire event so EVERYONE WILL see how you too responded and when you TOOK ME
KEY point gray:
Muslim sisters prayed together during the Eid al-Fitr
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forgottenwells · 1 year
the marine corps lets go down how all the ways they are discriminating on you too
there average female in this country SOUNDS WHITE
Thats a DRAFT
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forgottenwells · 1 year
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I don't feel free in this state and country after speaking out and facing retaliations a patient, not employee, but patient and also witness to my own crime, from the Office of Civil Rights, the Joint commission of Accreditation, OR Medical Board, Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and the Patient Relations, OR Health Authority, Portland Police Bureau, Victim Rights Law Center, District Attorney Office for Multnomah County when it was MY BODY.
For over 4 year, Portland Police Bureau has left and said there are no witnesses when I know there Are. I filed appeal to the independent police citizen review board, sent letter to Oprah Winfrey, Joe Rogan, Hamilton Morris, and Judge Rose Marie Aquilina with my scripture of the shit at this Hospital ER in NW Portland OR. no one go there r go here and then really be aware. request your medical too because they cherry pick nd they leave out all anything they could be liable for or any abujse they left out of the documents which became part of my case when I was the victim I was treated worse than a fucking piece of shit rapist a rapist. no criminal because we're all human should be treated like shit worse than anything. and this hospital did it! this hospital omitted a very violent crime. im not an attorney so this is not the place where I am going to go and beat them for EVERYTHING they committed and not only they put a human BODY in seclusion in the DARK the dark, but they also didn't mention it. it's where mentioned in the records EXCEPT: when dr . GRAY yes that is the dr who no lawyer rn, but SHE, "patient remains in seclusion." How do you read that?
we will talk about the reality the basic facts of this circumstance at another time in a. different post because this was torture, past my first amendment in a lot of ways, if I would have died, they would have lied, just as exemplified by the fact, yes fact, they left their torment nd torture out of the medical records out the room 8. no mention of neglect, abuse, screaming, crying, pissing, spitting, k pooping, flapping, signing asl, crying, not moving, staring at camera for a long time,
if I would have died they would have covered it up just like they covered up criminal abuse on a victim. complete victim abuse. this dr. I reported her to or medical board. I am writing to her medical school alumni college where she graduated bc I a am actually ormt here. I am from sd, ca where she went to uc sd medical school. wrong girl dr. gray. so privileged. so entitled. for every baby I have, I want my medical expenses paid for the trauma, drama, exploitation you have dragged me under the umbrella. the red umbrella.
I am pursuing a case, alone, but no matter what, there are damages here, for fraud to the government on a Crime Victim on top of that, this is Federal, a Victim,
I have contacted European Countries as well about this,
and I will be contacting the middle east and more of the military about this situation.
I took the ASVAB waiting for my case, not revealing my speech during the assault, k was prepared to have victory from this BT case and move forward and become a true survivor skilled and practiced in repetition and resiliency. but the case was dismissed, so, I became a dishwasher. Thank you Tara Gardner for dismissing a 22 month Rape 1 case with sexual abuse dropped out int he prior hearings. I have no respect for you except the fact you speak monotone, you dress and wear your hair well, but after that grand jury you sure suckered and then at the hearing with the judge where he said so no one was with her in the room when she did na ungloved dan swab kit? and I looked at the da supervisor witness advocate sitting beside me I could not believe this shit and then the supervisor said its ok. I couldn't believe it. another ! hting int his case ! omg. did you fuck up there too.
tara Gardner provided an argument in front of the judge but also in front of th erapist woman 2 where she said during a hearing he wanted to be free for the covid opportunity freeing prisoners awaiting trials (he never had one he never di one this so unconstitutional cuz there are witnesses too) she provided argument of of course another case where victims mother wrote a letter for her daughter as to why her daughter's predator should not be released. then th judge said to tara gardener, that has nothing to do with his case.
I was thinking the EXACT same thing, literally, in every way. this is why it's important for the lady at the collective who has the kids in her workshop next to NOMQAN2 to testify and be a witness but PPB said there are no witnesses. When u asked them what did you do to find witnesses? they responded: we canvased the building. we canvased. I asked what does that mean? they said we passed out our business cards.
I know MRSW SKeisblah this her alias so I truly don't give f, the other guy down the hall, the other guy who they know who they are 666 and then the manager who I am pressing and suing this collective in the big scheme of things for damages for posting a UNIQUE EVICTION notice only art studio following the assault. a hand written eviction noti3e for EVERYONE to see. I am suing this city for fa, ages I whope more people ill get onboard and hep me and so we can donate back ro the comity like organizations such as Portland Street Response, Open Signal, roseehaven, places which Matter. PPB lied to me. I ave put so much work into what they said and tried to 0uash back for their own libration. We all take time, but I came fast I came quick I told that mother fucker I will shoot you like isis but a bitch is going to shoot you
there are no video tapes the cameras are for monitoring only patient relations stated in his response letter to my "grievance" letter or whatever
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forgottenwells · 1 year
Witness for the BT NOMAN2 CASE:
PPB say there no witnesses
how can members of this art collective and this other hobby active space in nw Portland be members of this Portland Community, and also U.S. citizens and refuse to be witnesses in a a crime
you should testify because you have information and you know Portland has extorted and I deserve to be paid for ALL of these damages, short and long term
I am going after this doctor
no matter if I have no attorney iw ant a. law made or ennactedin my name like AMBER ALERT but ALLISONor something so this DR never does all she committed to me on my WOUND and also for misspelling my name when they went and wrote into the medical records with handwriting. they misspelled my name which proves they didn't care, hey weren't references reality like my documents, they did not take ME into consideration. I want a LAW PASSED for the PURPOSE OF PROTECTION for others so this never happens again and these doctors, patient relations and ER rooms are held accountable
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they taught
they said
they preached
AND MORE (I'm not an attorney right now)
exploitation the thang
im sure NOMAN2 is thrilled to here his vacation was like Hawaii while mine was like an erupting volcano the day of and from to immediately following when I went to press charges
I am going after this dr. Marie Antoinette style
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forgottenwells · 1 year
the night bt raped: guy at bar said from New York
"im so sorry for you" I had no idea why he said that
then when bt raped at activspace door slammed and PPB has said there are no witnesses for four years and I still know which door it is
he saw it he heard it and looked over there too
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forgottenwells · 1 year
2018 right before East Creative Collective 2019 of whores:
we'll use a fake name for each assaulter
one: noman1
assaulter two: noman2 his door decked out and as evidenced
PRE-asapROCKYTOUR<I don't listen to him anymore after he ripped
I had noman2's dick in my hand
there is a LADY at the collective who hasn't moved forward or testified I will make alias as the MRS. SKIESMAN with her kids next door to TAPE
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forgottenwells · 1 year
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reluctant willing first one SAVAGE
thumbhole to the maul sergeants rescue squad of disbelief and structureed organisms *cheese*
I should have gone to UC Berkeley I need to go back to school I want to go back to school for a second degree. Will Post Wish/Bucket/Grant List soon.
an overdraft-overdraft- thrown down drilled drilling for drilled drilled for drilling APPA abuse setup cleanup thought out thought through for reason and speculative speculation romance will.
in every speech of MYOWN _HERE_forward (presenting at city meetings 2023)
all is fair in love and war< < < will onto research this piece
in small writing at the bottom of this page small font and side effects for ads because they have to say it really fast
me w/ smile face "sunshi
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Go ahead, put anything.
The Blurbs:
in small writing at the bottom of this page small font and side effects for ads because they have to say it really fast and bust through like a schizo
boop boop mount tabor and swae lee says they love Betty Booper Scooper like Betty Boop song and how that guy assaulted her more than once in that mothers house in roseway
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