formsuperion · 3 months
"Cause there should be two Halloweens." Air Raid states, triumphantly. He jostles Silverbolt a little as he shoulders into the Aerialbot huddle, but it's absent, no real strength behind it, and Silverbolt nudges him right back.
"Two Halloweens, and something for Raf." Fireflight agrees sagely, but his optics are sparkling.
"I bet I could ask Silverwing about planning parties." Skydive contributes.
".... Do you want something? We saw what day it is. On the calendar." Silverbolt wants to know.
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formsuperion · 3 months
"Mentors are just... Mentors." Silverbolt shrugs back, with a flick of his own wings. "You found us, got us to come here. That's like being a mentor."
"You did." Air Raid complains. " 'Flight wanted to go back to Earth to get all of our Halloween stuff, but we got told we needed supervision to be allowed back there." He makes a face.
".... Do you want something? We saw what day it is. On the calendar." Silverbolt wants to know.
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formsuperion · 3 months
"... But... isn't it a day for mentors?" Silverbolt asks.
"You haven't been around, either." Air Raid complains, sidling up to nudge his brother, shoulder to wing.
".... Do you want something? We saw what day it is. On the calendar." Silverbolt wants to know.
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formsuperion · 3 months
".... Do you want something? We saw what day it is. On the calendar." Silverbolt wants to know.
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formsuperion · 4 months
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                                   🐸  — Dad Jokes Sentence Starters 
What not a better way to earn a laugh or a fac palm when interacting with on another! Here’s a list of the most cheesiest, and stupidest dad jokes for your roleplay needs
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“What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.“ 
“I’m afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered.”
“My wife said I should do lunges to stay in shape. That would be a big step forward.”
“Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing? In case they get a hole in one!”
“Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it’s a soap opera.”
“What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common? They’re both Paris sites.”
“What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie? Sofishticated.”
“How do you follow Will Smith in the snow? You follow the fresh prints.”
“If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.”
“I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the refrigerator all along.”
“Dear Math, grow up and solve your own problems.”
“Have you heard about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet.”
“I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don’t know y.”
“A skeleton walks into a bar and says, ‘Hey, bartender. I’ll have one beer and a mop.’”
“I asked my dog what’s two minus two. He said nothing.”
“I don’t trust those trees. They seem kind of shady.”
“How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut.”
“I don’t trust stairs. They’re always up to something.”
“Did you hear the rumor about butter? Well, I’m not going to spread it!”
“Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired.”
“Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.”
“This graveyard looks overcrowded. People must be dying to get in.”
“How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles.”
“I have a joke about chemistry, but I don’t think it will get a reaction.”
“What concert costs just 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback! “ 
"I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now.”
“I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know…”
“Shout out to my fingers. I can count on all of them.”
“That car looks nice but the muffler seems exhausted.”
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formsuperion · 6 months
Send me “Can’t sleep?” to have a tired conversation with my muse in the middle of the night.
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formsuperion · 6 months
random sad dialogue … sentence starters
“You aren’t blameless in this.”
“You don’t have to keep it all in.”
“Not everyone is out to hurt you.”
“You’re too good for someone like me.”
“You’re hiding secrets from me… why?”
“You’ve got the saddest soul I’ve ever seen.”
“The shadows are safer than the harsh glare.”
“I’ll keep you safe… the way they should have.”
“I didn’t need you here. I didn’t want you here.”
“No, I don’t think you love me… but you used to.”
“They’ll never apologize. You have to know that.”
“Don’t you think you’ve been alone long enough?”
“Why can’t you be honest with yourself for once?”
“If you really didn’t care, then why did you come?”
“You have too many scars for someone so young.”
“There’s nothing you have to hide from me. Share.”
“I’ve already lived too much for someone so young.”
“Don’t look at me with those sad eyes. I can’t bear it.”
“You never even had the chance to be a kid, did you?”
“I don’t want your apologies. they don’t mean anything.”
“Forgiveness is earned. And you have a long way to go.”
“You’re allowed to step into the light. You’re allowed to live.”
“Don’t talk to me about loyalty… not after what you’ve done.”
“I keep trying to atone… but, it just never seems to be enough.”
“You think solitude keeps you safe. It doesn’t. It keeps you lonely.”
“I’ll leave if you want me to. Will you just hear me out first? Please?”
“After all you’ve been through, how do you still find it in your heart to care?”
“You’re still breathing, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were a ghost.”
“I don’t want you to know. I don’t want you to see the awful, tainted parts of me.”
“What happened was horrible, and cruel, and unfair. You’re allowed to be angry.”
“There’s nothing wrong with lashing out sometimes. It’s better than holding it all in.”
“This world’s a dismal place. It chews up all happiness it finds and spits it out bitter.”
“I love you, And you don’t need to say it back, or even reciprocate. I just needed you to know.”
“I’ve always done everything by myself, survived by myself. I don’t see why that would change.”
“You don’t get to disappear, then come back like nothing happened. Life moved on without you.”
“They say you’re not supposed to hold grudges, but I don’t believe that. It keeps you from making the same mistake twice.”
“Everyday, I ask myself why someone like you would choose to stay with someone like me. And everyday, I come up empty.”
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formsuperion · 7 months
"I'm Silverbolt." The biggest jet greets warmly. "Hello. This is Air Raid, that's Slingshot and Fireflight over there, and the cuddlebug here is Skydive."
Skydive laughs, a little, field a bit loopy with tired-happy. "Hi Viridian and Wildbreak and Dedication and Silverwing." He chirrs. "... Did Wildbreak watch our maneuvers today? We're getting really good at flying in a big formation."
What do you call a pile of jets?
They've found the sun room and are happily sprawled all together in a tangle of limbs.
Even Air Raid is basking happily, tucked against Silverbolt on one side and Slingshot on the other.
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formsuperion · 7 months
"... Hi." Air Raid greets, opens an optic and fluffs his plating in greeting.
"Hello." Slingshot echoes, and the others murmur their own greetings as well.
Skydive rolls over, just enough to angle his wing higher, inviting whoever pleases to join their pile. Flights work better when everyone is in sync.
What do you call a pile of jets?
They've found the sun room and are happily sprawled all together in a tangle of limbs.
Even Air Raid is basking happily, tucked against Silverbolt on one side and Slingshot on the other.
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formsuperion · 7 months
What do you call a pile of jets?
They've found the sun room and are happily sprawled all together in a tangle of limbs.
Even Air Raid is basking happily, tucked against Silverbolt on one side and Slingshot on the other.
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formsuperion · 8 months
Fireflight is taking up sky dancing. It's a wonderful conversation starter, and it's good for working on his concentration!
Plus, it's fun!
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formsuperion · 8 months
go out on a group date with the stunticons
"... What? Why?" Silverbolt blinks in confusion. "Also... No thank you."
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formsuperion · 8 months
[Item Purchased]
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"Silverbolt, when I'm on Sanctuary, I eat with the rest of the humans in their commissary. When I'm in my apartment in Tsukuba Science City, I also have plenty of food. I can afford food wherever I go. I have a job with the EDC and grants that support my research."
Raf sighs.
"If I don't want to eat alone, my mama and abuela will feed me in Jasper, or Mrs Darby will. On Mars I can eat with Charlie at Utopia Planitia. It's sweet of you, but I do not need you to buy me a lifetime supply of canned glop. That stuff isn't really even good for us except as an occasional thing when we're too busy to get something better."
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formsuperion · 9 months
Testingly, Skydive chirps. His wings lift. He chirps again, warbles.
"... That sounds weird. But... Cool." Air Raid huffs. "Maybe whistle too. Like this." He adds a rising whistle sound.
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formsuperion · 9 months
"It's cool you found a way to make cleaning fun." Fireflight offers, and pets at the tinsel around his arm again. So shiny....
"Oooh what are your favourite snacks?!" He asks eagerly. "There's so many kinds we never even knew existed-- but I really like those layered aluminium crunch chips. And the gold dusted gummies. And the nickel chews. And all of them!"
"My mother cleans the vents like this when she thinks the ones in our hab are too gross." Viridian smiles. The voice seems to come from her throat, bypassing her intake entirely. It sounds like Soundwave's old filters, only feminine. "I don't know if it works on the glitter--I am not sure anything does--but it's more fun than doing it the other way." She looks meaningfully at Silverwing, whom she knows was thinking of inviting just Skydive and Fireflight over, so the two of them could get to know each other better. But Silverwing shakes her head. They can do that with all the brothers around. No need to exclude anyone. "We can always have snacks!" says Silverwing; even if she weren't still recovering from her final moult-upgrade, she's a Seeker, and Seekers eat a lot.
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formsuperion · 9 months
Fireflight chitters back, once more completely instinct. "Hi Viridian!" He tells her. "We were just talking about the Combiner Games. My brothers and me didn't know about those."
A pause, grinning at her. "That looks like a fun way to clean glitter!"
An ear flicks out of their range of sight, and then Viridian turns and stands under them, where she lets out a loud miaow. Despite the plaintive noise, her tail is quirked up into something a lot like a bladed question mark.
Silverwing laughs. "I'm sorry, were we talking about you while we were flying around up here taking down decorations?"
Viridian's mouth doesn't open, but a voice--the modulated voice of a text-to-speech emulator--responds. "I like being admired as much as anyone else does."
She has been having a great time, actually. She has sponges and mini-vacs strapped to all four of her feet, and she's been running around on the floor removing the glitter, as much as is possible anyway. There might be more efficient ways to do it but those would be boring.
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formsuperion · 9 months
"That could be really fun! I mean, we could watch the combiner games footage, and maybe have a movie night of it-- with snacks?" He adds hopefully. "And we could watch whatever else, too."
A pause. ".... And Viridian is really cool. We all think so. Even if we'd never seen a beastformer in person before."
Fireflight likes all the pretty lights and shimmery tinsel.
Too bad they have to take it all down now.
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