#Viridian | viridiansilverwing
formsuperion · 1 year
"Hiiiiiiii--" It's a silver-white Seeker but she's significantly smaller than average; she's not cold-constructed and hasn't reached her full adult size, which will probably be shorter than most of them anyway. The green feliformer at her side is silent, but sends a text communication. ::We heard that you want to come trick or treating.::
"She doesn't talk out loud much unless it's important. I'm Silverwing and she's Viridian."
::The Autobots called me BlackCat, but my mother correctly pointed out that I'm green, so that's silly. She is a black cat. I'm not.:: "We throw a trick-or-treat party in the atrium and the residential tori--toruses--I don't know! Anyhow there is a rule that you can't trick habs that aren't participating, the ones who've opted in put out a pumpkin light. There is usually only human-safe food at the atrium but even though you're from Earth, none of you seem to be human? We're members of the Sparklings Activities Committee!"
They don't question that the Aerialbots are sparklings. They know some people get put in adult size bodies that never change size and have to have painful frame refits to change anything. It happened to Viridian's mother and Silverwing's father. People did stupid stuff before the war, Silverwing knows, and that's why there was a war, even if it lasted too long to be sensible.
(from @viridiansilverwing)
The Aerialbots, for their part, remain clumped together, Silverbolt at their core and looking plainly anxious despite his earlier agreement to meet. Slingshot was bristling, though only subtly, and of the rest of them?
Skydive was leaning toward the two newcomers hopefully, trying not to loom, Fireflight was beaming, and Air Raid's wings were flicking up and down at a speed his clumsy wingspeak was nearly indecipherable.
"Hi!!! I'm Fireflight and these are my brothers Silverbolt- Slingshot- Skydive- Air Raid!" Fireflight chattered excitedly; his own wings had lifted as high as possible and he appeared to be vibrating. "Hi, Hi, we're excited to meet you, do you want to do Halloween with us?"
They're all bigger than the other two young Cybertronians, but they aren't crowding. Even Air Raid is trying to keep from his customary aggression.
"We're not human." Silverbolt confirms. "And we're Autobots, or we're supposed to be, but we're from Earth. We do like Halloween." He adds. "We just learned about it recently."
"Do either of you like cactus?" Skydive asks hopefully.
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dontpetmeibite · 11 months
Magic Anon
Pumpkins, you have all the pumpkins.
Pumpkins everywhere
Ravage knows who to blame when anything involving Halloween stuff gets out of hand, and that is a fact. A short while after the war ended and communications between Earth and Sanctuary didn't have to be monitored, ordinary Earthlings and Sanctuarians found themselves on an interconnected dataweb courtesy of Soundwave (and Jazz and Ravage both helped).
Immediately thereafter, her subadult daugther and her best friend got Tumblr accounts and learned about "spoopy season".
Every year since then, the sparklings of Sanctuary have enjoyed trick-or-treating in the residential torus--participation by residents is optional, but those who are willing to participate put pumpkin decals on their doors. Ravage did not actually know--until now--that a pumpkin was an actual Earth fruit.
Apparently, someone has decided to turn it up this year, because someone has delivered enough pumpkins to the Ravwaves' family habsuite that they are everywhere, She even found one in the washracks... after she took Catfish and Sparkthief in there because she had found them covered in pumpkin...guts. Which they had been throwing at one another gleefully after breaking one open.
(She really needs to learn that when they're quiet it's not always good, and that there are two of them, meaning they can do the amount of mischief Improv used to do squared.)
Viridian appears in very short order and completely forgets that she's supposed to be getting yelled at because she starts to jump up and down with joy.
Silverwing, though, is more cautious.
"Lady Ravage," she says, "Viridian thinks you ordered them for us. Because we didn't order them. And you're the one who does gardens--?"
Ravage swallows whatever she was about to say. She's got two wet bitlets anyway, one under each arm.
"No. I thought one of you did it, and I was going to ask what the Pit you thought you were doing by having them dropped off here instead of the storeroom we gave you on the rec deck."
Viridian laughs. {{Come on, Mama, we're not idiots.}}
Then she steps into pumpkin guts and slides across the floor. Ravage can't drop the bitties, so she's reiieved when Silverwing catches her.
"We'll take them," Silverwing offers. "We can let people who are giving out treats put candles in them! When the Aerialbots get here...we'll make them help us carve them all."
Ravage stares at them for a moment, before she remembers that the decal participants put on their doors looks like a pumpkin with a face on it. Then she shrugs. "Sparkthief and Catfish found the ones in the kitchen. Some of those won't do you much good, but I'm absolutely fine with your taking the rest of the pumpkins elsewhere."
"We'll get Dedication and Soundblaster to help. And Wallop and Clobber and Suckerpunch probably, too," Silverwing says; Viridian's already sending comms.
"You could make Vortex help, since he always insists on trick-or-treating even though he isn't a sparkling..." Ravage suggests.
"...no," says Silverwing. "Vortex doesn't need to know about the pumpkins! If he finds out they can be smashed, we will have a mess exponentially worse than the one the babies made. Viridian! Tell Laserbeak not to tell Wildrider either!"
{{Cut that one kinda close there, girlfriend, but OK. Not telling Wildrider.}}
Silverwing grins. "You could've just let them keep playing, Tante Ravi."
Ravage sighs. "They were tracking the mess through the house. Viridian just almost fell--!" Then she scowls. "Rumble and Frenzy--"
"Rumble's not here," Frenzy says as she opens the door. "He's with Miko on Earth. Wow, pumpkins!"
"I give up," Ravage says quietly. She lies down on the couch with the bitlets, who immediately run back into the kitchen. "Just keep them in the kitchen, all right? We can just hose the floor down in there. If I find pumpkin guts on the floor of my dance practice room..."
Viridian to Family: I wonder where we can get enough candles, though....
"I'll ask the Aerialbots," says Silverwing cheerfully. "After we know how many pumpkins there are, and we've cleaned up the kitchen, or your mother will have a migraine."
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