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body comparative
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Sea Faerie by GingerKellyStudio
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Cordylus cataphractus
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a way of differentiation ive always seen between the houses and the signs in a cosmic landscape is like, the natal planets in sign people (i.e sun in sagittarius) are the “locals”. like they carry the city plan of the houses in them, they are the pinhole light of all the knowledge in there. to view it from the inside out. and those with natal planets in the houses are the “tourists”, there to soak up the experience and scope out the passageways. to view it from the outside in. so the sagittarius is the guru, the working psychiatrist, the philosopher, and the ninth house person visits the ninth house in search of the guru, in line with his dreams to study the mind, and to learn from the locals. and if you could visit the houses i’m sure the natal dominant people would be like sovereignty (fifth house!!), sought experts, and wise guides. while the signs are are the unique archetypal expressions of the planet in question, the houses are the fields of expression, the living sphere that we pour the qualities of the signs into, the air we breathe, the space we find meaning -cherry
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The Most Beautiful Village In Greece
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♒ Aquarius wonder the unimaginable questions, ♐ Sagittarius philosophize and take steps to answering them ♊ Gemini teaches it to the world
♓ Pisces bring the compassion, the nursing and someone who can respite others ♑ Capricorn build and manage the hospitals
♎ Libra throw a dinner...
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He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Psalm 91:4 (via comeonmyjourneytofaith)
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I was recently talking to a friend about targeted spells—- that is, spells that use a concern from the person you are going to cast on (hair, blood, spit, personal items, etc). Anyways, she talked about using dried blood, which set of all kinds of ick factors for me,...
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Nightmare Jar
Some friends of mine were having pretty aggravating nightmares, so I put together some jars to help them out. Tools and ingredients:
Small clear jar or bottle (a baby food jar works well or anything you can seal)
Black yarn
Hair of person needing protection
Sharp objects like nails, screws, glass, and my favorite are the pod casings from buckeyes
Rose petals (optional)
Start by placing hair in the vessel. This tricks whatever is coming after the person into being drawn to the jar. I suppose you could also use a portrait, fingernails, or any other “decoy” you wish. (My friend made one for a friend once using her own hair instead of the person having nightmares and received good results from that as well.)
Put in your sharp pointies now. They are going to poke and prod at the negativity and trap it in the jar once they’ve been drawn in, caging it in.
Next, put in your herbs. Mint and Lavender are meant to help the afflicted gain restful and calm sleep, plus mint has cleansing properties.I added rose petals for love.
Add about half of your salt.
The black yarn is meant to absorb the negative energy that is drawn in by the hair/nails/picture/etc. Wrap it up into a tiny little ball and drop it into the jar, imagining the darkness getting sucked into the yarn.
Pour the remaining salt into the vessel and seal it up. Feel free to include any relevant sigils or runes you wish on the outside of the bottle, and/or ask for a deity’s blessing.
Keep the nightmare jar near the bed. A windowsill is best, as you will need to recharge the bottle in sunlight every so often. So if you can find a place where it can charge and clean in the sun by day and be there for you at night, that would be ideal.
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Oh are you still doing the spell thing because there's a fucknut asshole who needs some bad luck but I'm kinda new to all of this and I don't want this to have horrible repercussions if it doesn't work??? Basically could you do a really easy to do karma/bad luck spell.
Here! Have Some Bad Luck, Fucknut! The Spell
representation of the intended (image, drawing, poppet, name written on paper)
Make sure your representation is complete and you’ve imbued the item with your feelings towards them. No need to mince words or be vague. The more clear you are, the more clear the spell’s direction will be. Either roll up your representation (if paper) or just take hold of the poppet, and place the string under it, tying your first knot. Feel free to make it tight.
With the knots, repeat this: “With every knot, the bounds tighten, the luck will sour and your day will sicken, [intended].”
I like to go for the traditional 9 knot method. You can do simple knots or more complex knots, it’s a matter of preference. After you have completed the ninth knot, light your candle. Say this: “Nine knots were tied, nine [days, weeks, months, years] will [intended] suffer the bad luck. Nine knots, tighten and hold, nine knots to destroy [intended]." With this, choose the time you want it to last. That’s up to you. But pick wisely and clearly. Singe the knots with the flame as a sealing effect.
After you finish that, blow out the candle, saying: “The deed is done, the knots are sealed, suffer the bad luck you have brought upon yourself.”
When the time is up, cut the string from the representation and dispose of the items any way you deem fit.
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A Guide to Spell Writing by intrepidcrow-girl
Candle Color Meanings from natural-magics
Cannabis Witchcraft by intrepidcrow-girl
Creating a Sigil by intrepidcrow-girl
Cursing Stones from hellboundwitch
Enchanting and Charming Items by cindernook
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