fortniteonesie · 6 years
** things i’ve said as resident mom friend **
“ everyone needs someone. ”
“ you need to drink more. and no, i don’t mean more alcohol. ”
“ please let me know when you get home. ”
“ i can’t believe you didn’t listen to me! ”
“ i would say i told you so, but i think the sentiment might be lost on you. ”
“ i’m so proud of you. ”
 “ have you eaten today ? ” 
“ it’s okay, i’m here. ”
“ you had me so worried ! ”
“ who do i need to fight ? ”
“ i’ll make this better, just tell me how. ”
“ you probably shouldn’t try climbing that. ”
“ you’re okay. you’re safe. i’ve got you. ”
“ which hospital are you at ? ”
“ hey, hey calm down. it’s just a scratch. ”
“ go the fuck to sleep. ”
“ it’s three in the morning, why aren’t you in bed ? ”
“ maybe a shower would make you feel better ? ”
“ listen, i know you’re scared, but if you don’t do it you’ll only regret it later. ”
“ don’t force yourself. ”
“ crying doesn’t make you weak. ”
“ you look beautiful. don’t ever doubt that. ”
“ you don’t need to worry about me. ”
“ do you really think that’s a good idea ? ”
“ do i even want to know ? ”
“ what did you do now ? ”
“ i love you. ”
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
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    Crepes? Mortal food. One he didn’t particularly take interest in. It only resulted in a roll of his shoulders, head rolling in sync to stretch. God- He was Hungry- Thirsty. Had to find something, something quick.
    “ They wouldn’t happen to sell steak. Raw to rare ? ”
bailey thinks for a minute , trying to recall the durr burger menu in her head .   the man makes her nervous .   just his very presence is unnerving .   she tugs the sleeves of her onesie over her palms , fiddling with the edges .
“ i ...   i don’t think they have any steak , no . ”  she manages to answer ,  “ but we have patties .   i don’t think you’re supposed to eat them raw , though ...    because they’re minced meat ... ”
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“ is —   is there anything else i can get for you ? ”
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
"Your onesie is legit the cutest," Ruckus said while eyeballing the outfit "I'm jealous," he said jokingly "Where'd you get it from?"
bailey laughs , but the compliment pleases her .   he’s the SECOND person today to compliment her onesie and , honestly , it makes her feel better about the fact she’s essentially wearing pyjamas as day to day clothes .   bailey smiles and shakes her head , the eyes on the top of her hood jiggling from side to side . 
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 “ thank you ! ”  she says ,  “ my dads helped make it .   it sounds strange but , i have …   some stuff going on that wearing onesies just kinda help to FIX .   i just …   feel more comfortable in them . ” 
 she thinks back to her wardrobe and the increasing number of onesies she owns in various styles .   the majority of which are made especially for her with the help of her dads .   even as a kid , she didn’t like the feeling of most clothes until her dads had tried onesies .   she’d fallen in love with them ever since .   that’s when her dads started making them themselves so she had a variety .   some of her favourite space onesies were made by her dads . 
 “ i guess i always have . ”
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
👾 — video games (Btw welcome to the group.)
👾 —  video games
bailey loves video games and she’s pretty good at them !   she doesn’t really have a preference for what type , though .   she loves to play games like stardew valley and animal crossing .   she enjoys playing fighter games like skullgirls and the street fighter games with her dad , leo .   she also loves FPS and MOBA games .   she’s not biased , and she’ll always try a game before she decides whether she likes it or not .   
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
two little tidbits of info about my interpretation of onesie that i didn’t really feel like putting her bio , but are still super important .   they’re rather long , so they’re under a read more !
bailey is autistic .   it doesn’t seem like it , and she may simply come off as ‘ weird ’ , but that’s how most autistic people come across to neurotypicals .   
she can’t cope with rougher fabrics and it’s the biggest reason as to why she wears onesies the majority of the time , especially at work .   it’s a stressful environment and being comfortable helps to lower anxieties and prevent meltdowns .   she does wear normal clothes too , but they’re typically super soft !   
bailey’s social skills are relatively okay !   she’s super outgoing and doesn’t have any sort of social anxiety .   she is , however , VERY prone to taking certain things literally and misjudging other people’s emotions if they aren’t super evident .   she’s walks a very thin line between SUPER empathetic and apathetic , brutal honesty . 
she did require special circumstances in school .   all her subjects were color coded to keep her from getting overwhelmed , she had to have things explained and broken down a little more than her NT peers , and she was permitted extra time and a quiet room during exams .
her special interest is space !!!!!!   it’s been a big interest for her for as long as she can remember .   she also has a thing for video games and , obviously , her onesie collection is very important to her .
bailey is adopted !   it isn’t a big deal to her , and she was very young when it happened , so she spent almost all her life with her adoptive parents .
bailey’s adoptive parents are named leo and brian !   
leo is afro - latino and bi .   he’s a great cook and tells the WORST jokes , but they make bailey laugh .   he has a little gap between his bottom teeth and really dark freckles over his face and shoulders , and some on his back .   he also has a mole / birthmark just above the right corner of his lip .
and brian is white , gay and trans ( ftm ) !   he transitioned while he and leo were dating , and leo was super accepting and supportive .   brian has that typical dad look , with the glasses and the short , swept over hair look .   in contrast to leo , brian is a risk to have in the kitchen alone .   the most he’s allowed to make is toast .   he can , however , paint and sew .   he’s the main man behind bailey’s influx of onesies .   ( but leo helps . )
bailey doesn’t know who her biological parents are , nor does it really matter to her .   she would never , and could never , seek them out to try and replace her dads .   to her , leo and brian are her real parents , regardless of blood .
bailey refers to both her parents together as her ‘ dads ’ .   to differentiate them , however , leo is her ‘ dad ’ , and brian is her ‘ pops ’ / ‘ popsicle ’ .
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
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hi !   my name’s onesie .   welcome to jackass . follow for more soft pastel burger aesthetic .
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
“Are you the durr burger mascot? Or just a really big fan?”
“ not the mascot , ”   she smiles ,  “ that’d be beef boss ! ”   the burger headed man was both the mascot AND owner of the place , and bailey was happy he was the boss .   he treated them well , and the pay was good , so she couldn’t complain .
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“ i do work there though !   this is my uniform . ”   a pause ,   “ well , SORT OF .   i should technically be wearing something similar to grill , but beef lets me wear this instead .   i just …   feel more comfortable in onesies .   you know ? ”
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
"I'd appreciate it, thank you! Welcome to the island, I take it you're a newcomer?"
“ not really new , no . ”  she says ,  “ i HAVE been off island for a while though !   i was a astrophysics teacher at the school offsite . ”   bailey gestures toward the vast , almost unending ocean .   believe it or not , there was actually smaller islands out there that housed other parts of the island community .   the school being one , as well as the military base , among others . 
“ a school on the island was a HUGE no - no considering the whole ‘ battle royale ’ thing , so they had to take it to one of the other islands . ”   she explains ,  “ i was teaching to fill my quota for my dream job ! ”   bailey’s cheery disposition fades as she considers her words .   her dream job .   the one she didnt get .
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shaking her head , she puts on a smile once more .   “ but !   it’s great to be back !   my dads really missed me .   they even baked a cake and everything . ”   complete with the badly written ‘welcome home bailey’ in blue icing .   “ i heard i missed a lot .   apparently there was rockets and weird cubes and rifts to other dimensions and EVERYTHING . ”
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
🎁 🎉 🎨
🎁  —  giving presents to others .
bailey LOVES gift shopping , but she’s for sure the kind of person whose default gift is fluffy socks , plushies and / or pajamas .   however , if she’s friends with and knows the person she’s buying for , she will for sure try to cater to their tastes .   she only gets it wrong like …   20% of the time .
🎉  —  hosting parties .
bailey doesn’t host parties often / at all , and the last party she had for herself was her 13th birthday party .   it was space themed , and her dads helped her set it up .   there was even a rocket cake and everything .
🎨  —  art .
bailey is actually a secretly good artist !   if she does any art , it’s mostly just doodling , but her bedroom back in her dads’ house has a feature wall with planets and stars all over it that bailey painted herself .   another thing bailey used to do when she was a teacher was , if her students drew on their papers , she would add on to or respond to them with drawings of her own .   needless to say , a few of her students absolutely ADORED her for it .
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
🎭 —  performance art  /  acting 
bailey definitely isn’t the best actress .   she’s clumsy , can be forgetful if she hasn’t studied as much as possible , and if she forgets her lines , or is put on the spot , she definitely won’t be able to improvise and would most likely freeze up .  
the only acting bailey is good at is PROBABLY pretending she isn’t upset .   because bailey likes to put other’s feelings before her own , she’ll hide if she’s upset so she can make other people happy .
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
Muse skillset symbol meme
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
"Hey there! Think you can teach me how to make a decent meal from scratch?"
“ FROM SCRATCH ?   i’m not really the person to ask … ”   she hasn’t made a proper meal for herself in a while .   now that she thinks about it , she’s been living off the durr burger menu for about a week .   probably not the best diet …
“ but my dads might know something ! ”   bailey says with a grin .   a trip home for dinner might be a good idea , though she may have to slip in a white lie or two .   after all , can’t have them worrying about the amount of fast food she’s been consuming .   
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“ i’m going to grab dinner at theirs tonight .   i’ll ask about a couple of recipes while i’m there .   check back with me tomorrow , YEAH ? ”
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
“Hey! I really love your outfit - but... I gotta know - is it.... Warm? It looks thin.” Dusty hums, tilting his head to observe the googly eyes on top of the hood.
“ OH !  thanks a bunch ! ”
she holds out her arms and spins in a circle to show off the durr burger onesie she was currently wearing .   “ don’t worry , it’s lined with fleece on the inside so i don’t catch a cold , see ? ”    to exaggerate her point , bailey rolls the sleeve of her onesie up to show off the fluffy fabric hidden underneath the print .  
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“ all my onesies are super warm .   i promise . ”   to continue the conversation , bailey gives him a look over before adding ,  “ i really like your jacket !   it suits you . ”
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fortniteonesie · 6 years
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