foundmytreasure · 5 months
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foundmytreasure · 2 years
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i’m afraid what i did today will make me lose all of you.
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foundmytreasure · 2 years
when I say “everyone’s on their own timeline”, I mean it.
there’s no right age to learn something by. there’s no right age to be settled down, to move out of home, or to start your own family. there’s no right age to start working, if you work at all. there’s no right age to graduate.
life isn’t a series of boxes you need to tick. do things at your own pace. slow down if you need to. it’s okay.
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foundmytreasure · 2 years
Beauty exists because life exists. Vibrant plants look best when they’re well taken care of. Fields of green and patches of grass look best when they’re watered regularly. You can tell when a pet is doing well, fed well, brushed and washed and loved. In people, someone’s kindness makes them more beautiful. Someone’s sense of humor. The snort when they laugh. The way they mispronounce certain words, their habits, their individuality. The color in their cheeks, the little scars and the stories behind them (fell off of a trampoline, thought I could swing without holding onto anything, my sister hit me with the remote because we were fighting over the remote—and the way they laugh or shake their head telling the story). Expressing their emotions. Being fragile and soft. Being loud and talkative. Beauty is so interesting because it goes farther than outward appearances, and sometimes even seems to affect it. I think, the more unapologetically alive you are, the more beautiful you are. The more you find beauty in other people, in the depths of them and not just the way they look, the more you’ll find it in yourself.
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foundmytreasure · 2 years
you can always start again. clean up your socials, make new playlists, donate clothes you no longer wear. try out a new recipe, move to a new city and make new friends, pick up new hobbies you never thought of before. there is no limit to how many times you can press the reset button. it's okay to change and start over. you don't need anyone's permission to do it.
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foundmytreasure · 3 years
How to start again ✨
delete apps and social media that lowers your mood 
wear a new scent, throw away things you don’t need, delete contacts of people who make you feel unworthy, unfollow social media that makes you feel bad in any way
make a new playlist that makes you feel confident and happy 
in a journal, write down why you want to change, the traits of the person you truly want to be, the places you want to go and people that make you feel inspired
write down the things that stop you and bad habits you have, and replace those with new mindsets and habits 
before you sleep, make a detailed, achievable routine for the next day, that includes everything you want to do, including activities that genuinely make you happy
try new hobbies, like baking/cooking, playing a musical instrument, making art, learning a new skill, a sport, or a new language. you can easily get free resources online 
think about the ideal version of yourself. you can be like that, if you try your best and work hard. 
do not overwork yourself or set overly lofty daily goals and forget to do things like drink water. make your sleep and health your number one priority.
spend less time on your phone scrolling through social media. have a method of focusing on other things, like Pomodoro method or using the Forest app. 
if you can’t concentrate, commit yourself to doing it for 5 minutes. once you get into the flow it’s much easier to concentrate.
be patient and kind with yourself. it’s hard to change overnight. you’re the only one who can help change you, so be a friend to yourself.
once you start something, promise yourself you will finish it. 
have new weekly routines, like going to a cafe every Wednesday afternoon or indulging in your favourite tv show every Friday night.
do not deny yourself of good things; there needs to be a balance. similarly, do not be too generous and overdo it too much. 
dedicate a day to clean your room and organize your things if you feel stressed out. 
it may feel scary to change, as you may feel like it’s not the real you. but you’re still you, just the best version of yourself.
have a relaxing morning routine to look forward to, like making a nice breakfast, having a skin care routine, stretches, journalling, or thinking about nothing for a few minutes
have a mental image that makes you excited to do something. visualize yourself completing the goal and concentrate on it every morning.
however, learn not to rely on motivation because your brain will often turn off motivation, especially when you first begin something. have a routine, a specific time to do something, and do it. 
notice the places and people that drain your energy, and try to avoid them. find people who make you feel energized and places that calm you.
think about an enjoyable part of something. for example, when studying you can look forward to learning new things and when exercising, listening to calming music or using nice stationery. it’s actually more fun than you think. 
even though it’s hard, don’t compare yourself. you’re on your own path, and it doesn’t matter if people are better than you, because there will always be someone better than everyone. don’t be afraid to suck. so draw badly, write bad poems, run slowly, make embarrassing mistakes and fail everything. you can’t be good at something unless you’re terrible at something first. and doing anything badly is so much better than doing nothing.
don’t tell anyone about your new beginning, just start and let the results speak for themselves.
you can change and be your ideal self. but it will be hard to do that if you don’t believe in yourself. so make sure you challenge negative thoughts telling you can’t do something. tell yourself firmly that you can do it and then prove your negative thoughts wrong.
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foundmytreasure · 3 years
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
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Nothing is a waste of time if you enjoy doing it, no matter what anyone says 
If you like what I do, please consider buying me a coffee :)
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
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© GLITTERY CHAN☽ [1, 2, 3] please do not edit or crop logo
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
Here’s an album for you… KAI - The 1st Mini Album KAI
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
maybe the real gifted was the friends we made along the way
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
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Ending the Prophecy
of the Tragic Two
Finally the prophecy of the Tragic Two has been broken. The cycle that kept spinning has finally become still. Each pair suffered a little bit less than the last because of one value: they learned to work together.
The first generation is the darkest and loneliest. The pair was broken from the beginning because of betrayal and manipulation. It was never a true partnership and it ended in bloodshed.
The next was tumultuous to say the least. There was a long period where they were isolated from one another but once they reunited and decided to work together, they started to find themselves on a steadier path. They have many wounds to clean but they are on the road to recovery.
The third duo started off in comeplete opposition but sound found themselves United by a shared goal. From then, they never took a step without the other by their side. Together they were able to put an end to the original pair’s dark and disturbing plan, effectively ending the prophecy with their own hands. They found great solace in one another. One might even call them soulmates.
The final duo were at odds only briefly and found companionship as it was modeled for them by the previous pair. They did whatever they could to help end the spinning cycle created in the wake of the initial corruption by the first pair. They found great light and friendship in one another.
So, although, this prophecy was started with darkness snd isolation, it was ended with one idea...
We are always more powerful when we work together.
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
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Pang + Looking at Wave
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
Things you don’t believe yet but are true:
- you will make it through this
- your struggles are very real
- your pain is real
- you’re worth the trouble of getting help
- you’re worth the effort
- you’re not a burden
- you deserve to be here
- anxiety lies to you
- depression lies to you
- anger lies to you
- loneliness lies to you
- disorders lie to you
- insecurities lie to you
- you are not a failure
- you are not a bad person
- you are not meant to be alone
- you are not ugly
- you’re not useless 
- you are not worthless
- you are loved
- you are good enough
- you are valuable
- you are beautiful
- nothing can replace you
- no one can replace you
- you make people happy
- you make people smile
- you give great hugs
- you changed people for the better
- you brighten someone’s day
- dogs love you too
- you are cute
- you are intelligent
- you are appreciated
- you deserve so many warm hugs
- you deserve affection
- you deserve to be a priority
- you deserve new beginnings
- you deserve to stop hurting yourself
- you deserve to forgive yourself
- you deserve things that are too good to be true
- you deserve lasting happiness
- you deserve a life worth living
- you will meet new people
- you will go to new places
- you will find your way again
- you will find a new home
- you will find belonging
- you will find meaning 
- you will find new things to obsess over
- you will find new passions
- you will fall in love again
- you will learn from mistakes
- you will have realizations
- you will grow
- your best is yet to come
- your problems will lose 
- you will love yourself
- you will accept things you can’t change 
- you will care about yourself again
- you will be happy 
- you will achieve great things
- every part of you will heal
- love will come back
- happiness will come back
- peace will come back
- excitement will come back
- good things and blue skies will come back
- you will get another chance
- your future is bright
- you will reach your goals
- you will pass that test
- you will overcome your fears
- you will get better
- you will heal completely
- you will be stronger
- you will find a way
- this will pass
- things will get easier
- keep trying
- you’re growing from this
- you’re doing amazing 💛
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
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Time and Third - Philia
(Affectionate Love)
“Philia is love without romantic attraction and occurs between friends or family members. It occurs when both people share the same values and respect each other — it’s commonly referred to as “brotherly love.”
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Chanon and Pom - Agape
(Selfless Love)
“Agape is the highest level of love to offer. It’s given without any expectations of receiving anything in return. Offering Agape is a decision to spread love in any circumstances — including destructive situations. Agape is not a physical act, it’s a feeling, but acts of self-love can elicit.”
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Wave and Pang - Pragma
(Enduring Love)
“Pragma is a unique bonded love that matures over many years. It’s an everlasting love between a couple that chooses to put equal effort into their relationship. Commitment and dedication are required to reach “Pragma.” Instead of “falling in love,” you are “standing in love” with the partner you want by your side indefinitely.”
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
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foundmytreasure · 4 years
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wanted to elaborate on this a little because it’s very important. that’s a healthy relationship right there. yanan was venting to hui about how being alone gets lonely, about how being alone is hard for him. little did he know, hui had pre-arranged this so that he could spend some time with him and talk to him, because he knew yanan needed and wanted it. yanan was also talking about how he fears that sharing what he thinks will ruin the mood and the way hui approached the whole conversation was super good and sincere. some people find it really hard to open up therefore they tend to bottle up, so for hui to say that felt very… comforting. this is why pentagon have a very healthy relationship. they’ve created an environment that’s safe for one another and a space where they’re allowed to share whatever emotion they’re feeling without being afraid or ashamed. “it doesn’t matter if the vibe goes down” … it’s like, “it’s okay, we’ll empathize with you. it’s okay, we’ll cry with you. it’s okay, we’ll feel it with you.” because there’s room for everyone and everything, and i’m grateful that hui is reinforcing this concept as the leader. another thing i loved is how this aired on tv and was uploaded on youtube as well, it potentially helped others… it’s so nice and heartwarming. ahhh man this really had me thinking :(
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