fountainortheshrine · 9 years
@trashmerc I don’t know... I don’t know enough about stones or gems to be able to say! But if you hold them up to the light they glow very green indeed.
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
@trashmerc I think so! They don’t want them. If they are valuable though I will give at least most of them back!
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
Today the shop owners below me received a package in with their citrus shipment. The address it was meant to go to was too damaged to read, and it was stamped years ago! They let me open it and it was all little green stones. 
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
((prompt: Hammer and Dweller, date))
Neither Hammer nor Dweller could justify spending much money on a fancy meal; and the nicest restaurants were always packed this time of night. And as glittery and fantastic as the people who frequented these places were, Dweller in particular would have felt alien and drab in comparison. But that would hardly stop her from forming a plan. Now that they were both recovered from their adventure in Blood Stone she’d felt for ages that Hammer deserved a night out in some way--what could be secret and special enough?
In the end it had been quite the task to convince Hammer to let her lead them blindfolded; she’d conceded to let them walk with her freely, hand in hand, until they got near the sea cliffs. Then she insisted that they keep their eyes closed while she led them carefully down the little winding path to the cave she used to live in.
Over the past week she’d spent every free moment ferrying things down here--silks and blankets and streamers from her apartment and little stalls in the market, candles nestled in every cranny and throwing glitter and sparks from the piles of sea glass some of them were buried in. There was a tiny table, set for two, and wrapped loaves of bread. In her pack she’d carefully brought a basket full of food. 
Best of all, at this time of night the first of the great fishing ships were leaving for their nightly haul. They threw bits of light off of the sea and were quickly dwarfed by the rising moon as she crested the dark horizon, flanked by a net of stars. It was all framed by the mouth of the cave, blue and velvety in comparison to the warmth inside.“Do you like it?” She asked as she let them open their eyes, smiling nervously. ))
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
list 1: 1, 27, 30
((Answering these ooc!
1: What’s your OC’s biggest insecurity and how would they react if someone pointed it out to them?
She’s insecure about how she interacts with other people she sees as ‘normal’ in comparison to her; social mores can be hard for her to grasp both because of her isolation from most other people as a child and because of her odd perceptions. She often gets embarrassed after she realizes she’s said or noticed something she shouldn’t. If someone were to point this out to her (which does happen) she gets very apologetic and sometimes withdrawn.
27: Does your OC practise any kind of escapism? If yes, what kind?
HMMM. I’d say so. She’s a daydreamer and even during tasks she can get very lost in her own thoughts and mental scenarios. She also has been really enthralled in decorating her home and doing so (or just rearranging things) acts as a bit of escapism for her. And any sort of game or activity with Hammer, if that counts!
30: What makes your OC defensive quickest?
THIS IS A TOUGH ONE! Dweller isn’t exactly a defensive person. She can be sulky about people treating her like she can’t take care of herself for sure though. She knows she comes across as delicate and naive and she is in some ways, but not fundamentally.  ))
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
Mobile is crashing when I try to answer questions, I'll try and get to them soon!! @~@))
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
((I’ll take questions and opinions for for Dweller, Adrik, and Jaime this weekend! Please send questions to their respective ask boxes. Thank ya!))
09/19 - 09/21: Ask Games
(( Make a post with the characters you’re accepting prompts for if you’re interested in participating in ask games. Please be sure to send a couple questions to everyone playing since we’d like to avoid anyone ending up with an empty inbox.
Here’s some prompt ideas for anyone that isn’t sure of what to send:
AU Ideas
Headcanons - ask for a headcanon about a character - send a headcanon about a character
Opinions - anonymous ic opinions (oc can respond to them if they choose) - ask for a character’s opinions on other ocs (can be answered ic or ooc)
Questions - List 1 - List 2 - or you can send anything you’re curious about
Ships - ship dynamic - come up w a name for a ship (crack/canon) - a ship meme
Writing Prompts –but only if the person’s asked for these specifically… since some folks may not be in the mood to write any fics. be sure to specify which characters you’d like the prompt to be about. ))
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
Is someone watching me?? Has someone been threatening people because of something that I’ve done? I don’t want that to happen at all!!
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
yes! and because i do, i’ll be quiet. that’s what people on the outside that know are supposed to do, right? i don’t want you to get in trouble in case someone is watching so we can pretend i don’t know at all. my loved ones and possessions will be safe if i do that, yeah?
I...what? I wouldn’t be in trouble! And neither would you... Do you think that I am dangerous or something like that? I would never hurt any of your loved ones!
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
anditstaresback replied to your post:anditstaresback replied to your post:I left a clue...
oh. OH. i see. i won’t ask anymore questions. i understand ;3
What? Do you?? 
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
anditstaresback replied to your post:I left a clue and then I found one! And I’d mark...
a clue?
Yes! I have to be very secretive about it, I’m afraid. But I’m glad because I’ve been waiting for one all week! 
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
I left a clue and then I found one! And I’d mark it down as worth the loss of one marble. 
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
((Plant personality thing for Dweller!))
Chamomile: You Are: Easy-going, friendly and well liked, you’ve got a gentle and sweet nature and a calming presence that puts others at ease. Your sensitivity to others may cause you to take on too much of other people’s feelings, though, and you may even be prone to worry.
Echinacea:  You Are: A protector. With an amazing blend of optimism, nurturing and goodwill, you lend your strength and energy to those in need. Your seemingly infinite goodwill and boundless supportive energy make you the one people turn to when times are tough. Your greatest strength is, of course, also one of your weaknesses, especially if you neglect to take care of yourself. At times like these, it’s a good idea to take a step back and focus some of that protective energy on yourself.
Peppermint: You Are: Unflappable. You are cool in the crisis, calm in the storm, collected amongst the chaos. You’re a breath of fresh air, a waft of inspiration to the down-and-out, a refreshing, inspiring, uplifting person to be around. Of course, even a cool cucumber like yourself can run into trouble. You may try to take on too much, which can leave you feeling weighed down and not quite yourself.
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
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Well, welcome to Aventurine! I hope you like it here; and if you ever need help finding things in the city, you can always ask me!
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
trashmerc replied to your photo:Haha! Yes, at least that
hi yeah you can call me vikata I guess. its nice meeting you
It is nice to meet you too, Vikata! Are you new to Aventurine? I haven’t even been here for a year yet myself...
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fountainortheshrine · 9 years
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Haha! Yes, at least that
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