Too High - Jamal Turner Scenario
Too High
Jamal Turner x Reader
Summary: Going to an amusement park with Jamal Turner who has quite the fear of heights.
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          Strolling hand and hand, you and your boyfriend Jamal approached the ticket booth of the amusement park to purchase wristbands for all the rides. Once you both received you respective bands, the two of you dashed deeper into park. Before arriving at the parkgrounds, the two of you discussed how you  planned on riding on all the the roller coasters and amusement rides despite Jamal’s drastic fear of heights. Glancing at your surroundings, you noticed parents, children, couples, teenagers and adults whisking around seldomly and in crowds. The evening breeze and atmosphere assured you that tonight would bring grins to both of your faces.
          “Let's start out small and work our way up.” Jamal tells you determined to not scream on the headlining roller coaster of the night that many knew for having the biggest drops and fastest speed. The two of you made a bet on whether he would it not with  a measly twenty bucks on the line.
          You chuckle at him. “How small so wanna start? The teacups?” You joked with him yet he remained serious.
          Humming he flashed you a meek smile while suggesting, “How about the carousel?”
          You scoffed.  "The one with the horsey.”
          Pulling your hand, Jamal guided you in their direction with a nod. “That's the one.” He grinned at your reluctance.
          “You better be glad there's little to no line for that.” You grumble while trying to keep up with his quick pace. After the carousel, you both casually strolled through the amusement park not forgetting to stop at the cool ones that were close enough to the ground for Jamal to function. You gave each other whiplash on the bumper cars, nearly vomited on the teacups as they were more extreme than you expected, spun around some more on the Gravitron, and rode on the smaller roller coasters that all made Jamal scream. You two had smiles on your face for the entirety of the time with lots of laughter coming from the both of you. laughing, wide open smiles spread across your faces.
          Looking at the long line, you and Jamal finally approached the ride you placed a bet on.
          “I don't know.” Jamal mumbled.
          Glancing at him your eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
          “I mean, I don't know if I can go on this ride.” He says before breaking eye contact with the machinery in front of him.
          You shrugged pulling him away. “Hey it's fine we don't have to.” You began to be walk away until he grasped your hand.
           Shaking his head, he returned to wait in line. “I want to do this.” He declared.Staring into his eyes you saw his slight fear and felt his hand tremble. “No you don't.”
          “Well I don't, but what would Ruby say if he knew I chickened out?”
          You rolled your eyes at his stubborn nice before placing your arm around him. “I'll tell him you didn't chicken out even if we don't ride this.” You assure while rubbing his shoulders.
         “No. You wanna ride it so I'll do it with you.” He smiled as the line moved up.
           Raising your eyebrows at him, you chuckle, “If you think you'll be fine then let's do this.”
He nods while shifting from foot to foot. “I'll be fine.”
          “I'm not fine. I'm not fine. I'm not fine. I'm not fine.” Jamal chanted with messed up hair as he left the rollercoaster area. Coming from the kiosk with a brand new laminated picture of Jamal screaming his lungs out and you laughing at him on the ride.
          “Ferris wheel?” you asked him once you approached him which caused him to lifelessly give you a slow nod.
          You took your spot in the small cart with Jamal and scooted closer to him. The world became so far below you and it didn't seem to matter to Jamal as his focus was on you. He admired your smiling face looking down on everyone -something he could not bring himself to do.
However, when the ferris wheel stopped when you one of the closest cars to the top because of more people getting on at the bottom, you began to shake the cart a little bit which scared Jamal.
          “Can you please stop?”
          “Stop what?”
          “Shaking the seat! What if we die?”
          “At least we'll die together.”
          “Please stop. I'm begging you.”
          “I’ll stop if you can make me.”
          His brown eyes widened as you turned to face him. Regardless of his fear, he leaned over and pressed his lips against yours as you rested close to the birds. You both embraced each other, enjoying the moment.
Once the ride began moving again, and you jumped in the air out of shock which shook the cart and caused Jamal to groan. “These amusement parks aren't for me. I just to stay on the ground with some cotton candy.” He mumbled.
          You pulled him in for another kiss.
A/N: I’m back :) lol... This was initially with Ruby but I decided Jamal needs some love too.
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Dating Ruby Martinez Would Include:
His parents considering you guys free babysitters for the twins
Watching telenovelas with his abuela would become typical for you
He would always try to steal your attention though which would lead to him getting scolded by you and his abuela
If you were both in his bedroom then the door could not be closed
Like ever
Couldn't even be cracked
The door would need to be wide open
He would be super secure in your relationship
Besides when it came to Cesar despite the Diaz boy making it clear that he wanted nothing more than a platonic relationship
"I trust you but it is him I don't trust."
He'd just have to take precautions when it came to you too
He would insist y'all wear over the top and overly cringey Halloween couple's costumes if the squad decided to go trick or treating that year
Nicknames would become inevitable
It would probably get the point that if he called you by your actual name you would think he is mad at you
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Look at my glitter art I made with the twins."
"Is that all?"
"Pretty much."
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Oww! Why'd you hit me! I didn't do anything."
"You called me Y/N. I thought you were angry. My heart was racing and everything."
"My heart is racing too but just because I'm madly in love with you, baby."
Jasmine would support you guys but she would give you that whole, "If you break his heart, I'll break your face," speech
When you are sick Ruby would cater to your every need
Monse would vet you to be the point she'd probably know your social security number, your blood type, and your parents credit card information
She really just ask a lot of questions which would leave Ruben embarrassed
If you are someone who gets periods he would probably buy you sanitary napkins and chocolate without much fuss
He'd probably even brag to the cashier like, "This is for my sweetheart. I love them a lot."
Your relationship would probably start because Jamal told you that Ruby liked you
Ruby would have confessed in confidence but Jamal can't close his mouth for more than 24 hours
He would like to be cuddled (he's a little spoon)
His parents would trust you more with the twins than Ruby
Your parents would always compare you to Ruby though
"Ruby has his whole life together"
"Ruby is so neat"
"Ruby is really polite"
"Why can't you be more like Ruby"
You thought he was pretty great too though so you wouldn't mind too much
It would still annoy you though
He'd invite you to hang out with him a lot even if you guys didn't really do much when together
Ruby is probably really clingy and bathes you in compliments whenever he gets a chance
He is very dedicated so it'll be hard to get his attention when he is hyper focused
Example one: Olivia's quinceanera
Example two: Finding the Roller rink money for Cesar
He'd have so much faith in you to rise above your small town of Freeridge and do big things with your life
He'd be your biggest fan even if you broke up
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You and Who? - Monse (On My Block) Scenario
You and Who?
Monse x Reader
Summary: Small hint of a love triangle between Monse, You, and Cesar. Takes place before she gets back from camp.
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        Oscar: the man of the hour and Cesar's older brother who the state released from prison a few days ago. Ever since the prodigal stoner returned, everything and everyone in Freeridge changed - especially Cesar. Ruby, Jamal, and Y/N rarely saw their friend due to his reinstated affiliation with his family gang. Honestly, the "squad" (Ruby, Jamal, Y/N, Cesar, and Monse who went to writing camp for the summer) knew that Cesar could never escape the ruthless life he lived since it ran in his blood. Like Oscar, Cesar was born as a Santos and will sadly die as a Santos no matter where he ran to hide.
         With this in mind, instead of fighting to steer his future in the direction he desired it to go, Cesar simply gave up and followed his brother's commands. Despite the local teenage family of misfits wanting to stick together throughout the summer to prance into senior year together, the remainder of the group accepted the fact that Cesar morphed into a whole new person. Yet, when a rumor began to spread around town about this "whole new person" and a close friend of theirs, the fam felt a need to set the records straight between old friends.
         "I hate him! I hate him so much! We did so much for that fucking asshole and then he can easily embarrass Monse like that. He's officially cancelled! If I ever see him again it'll be too soon!" Y/N raged as they kicked the side of Ruby's house. Jamal and Rubien were also mad at Cesar too yet Y/N's anger appear more explosive than theirs.
         Ruby stood up from his seat on the stoop to place a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "I would go pound that guy into a pulp too Y/N but acting violent won't solve anything. Sure in the moment you could hurt him but the damage has been done already. So calm down. God damn!" Ruby attempted to reason.
         Y/N shook their head. "Do you know how hard it is to go into high school with a reputation? What if this incident with Cesar causes people to think that Monse is easy or that they can take advantage of her. Cesar needs to think of the shit storm he'll create before lying about his friends, our family, like that." Y/N ranted while holding eye contact with Rubien.
         As the tension developed between the two, Jamal decided to intrude into the conversation. "What if it wasn't a lie? When we confronted Cesar about it, he sounded as if he was saying the truth." Jamal reasoned while referencing the group's talk with Cesar not too long ago.
         "It can't be true!" Y/N screamed which caught his friends by surprise.
         Ruby furrowed his eyebrows. "What makes you so sure?" Ruby asked the question that he and Jamal both had in mind.
         "Monse would have told us." Y/N murmured trying to cover the fact that before she left for camp Monse told them that she liked them. How could the girl have confessed to them and fuck Cesar before bouncing for camp. Something just did not add up and Y/N would have to wait for Monse to come back to receive an answer.
        Deep down though, Y/N knew it would not be answer that they wanted to hear. Maybe Monse said she liked them as a joke or as a dare. Yet, if it was a dare why would she kiss them? As all the questions and thoughts swarmed Y/N's mind, Y/N dismissed themself from the group.
         "I gotta go." Y/N frowned before sprinting off Ruby's porch towards the direction of their house. While running down the street Y/N could not help but to scold themself for even considering being with Monse. They are family and though it may not be a blood family it was still family. If they were to get together everything would fall apart.
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