#monse finnie
soul-music-is-life · 10 months
On My Block: Pilot vs. Finale
These babies grew up. I'm crying.
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Bonus because I haven't cried enough:
(Oscar Diaz deserved better)
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And one more for the road (full circle):
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Rewatching on my block and realizing that Mario had wasted potential. He obviously had his own tiny subplot with the whole baby thing but I genuinely think they could have done more with his character. What I really think would have been cool would be to have further explored his relationship to Oscar. You’re probably thinking “Benny they had like 2.5 scenes together, what relationship?” It’s very obvious in season 2, episode 5, that they know each other somehow. They openly talk to one another at the store counter when Mario is buying snacks and stuff for Ruby. Mario is open about what’s going on and about his concern for his little brother. Oscar asks if the snacks are for his baby mama, indicating that he knows about her. He even laughs and listens when Mario expresses his concern. Those topics of conversation are not ones that you have with strangers or even just because your siblings are friends. They know each other someway. Whether because they went to school together or because Cesar and ruby have been friends for a while. This point is also solidified later at the party when they have that drink together Oscar also doesn’t seem to have any issue about Mario being there even though we haven’t seen them hang out before this. At this point, Oscar keeps to his people and only really lets ruby come to the party because he feels responsible for the pain ruby is going through. Oscar would have said no had it been anyone else but allowed Mario to come and had no issue with him being there at all. Either way they know of each other. I think it genuinely would have been a fun avenue to explore in allowing Mario and Oscar to be childhood friends that had fallen apart due to Oscar being a Santo and having them sort of come together again as we watch the parallel of Cesar’s relationship with ruby, monse, and Jamal go through the ringer. It could have been this really cool way of showing that the kids were gonna have to grow up and it would be possible that even though you get older, things aren’t always easier or change all that much. It could have also been a reflection point for them in realizing that, despite how most teens feel, the world isn’t ending and we all go through similar shit at times. We’re all trying to get it figured out.
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themuselesswriter · 1 year
Imagine: You are in a love hate relationship with Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
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“What do you want?”
“Can you stop being a little puta for a minute and hear me out?
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“Why are you here Spooky?”
“I heard you were in trouble so I brought the homies to help”
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“I told you to stop following me around”
“Lay your hands on me ever again and i’ll cut them off”
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“Welcome home papi”
“Happy anniversary, through hell and back, ain’t it?”
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loser-of-hearts333 · 1 month
born to be your fav, forced to be grossly misunderstood
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redrumthem · 2 years
If I could only watch on my block for the first time again
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stuffiveseenontv · 7 months
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Shirt is from Target
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journalforamerica · 10 months
On My Block
On My Block is a coming-of-age story that works through the battles that come from living in the hood. Jamal, Monse, Reuben, and Cesar are a crew, best friends from before the show began. They’re each from different backgrounds, Monse having grown up without a mom, Jamal who has been living a lie to make his parents proud, Reuben (Ruby) who is too smart for his own good, and Cesar whose family is part of the local gang and in turn, force him into that lifestyle. This story relates to the screenings and readings by establishing a unique perspective with diversity at its core. 
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From top to bottom: Ruby Martinez, Cesar Diaz, Jamal Turner, and Monse Finnie.
The characters throughout the show focus on their ability to be friends against hardships. The first season focuses on Cesar and his life inside the gang. The crew knows that this life isn't for Cesar and they do everything to help him. This type of life they live all relates to a cultural identity: a shared home, language, and even cultural barriers. Cesar, Jamal, Ruby, and Monse would do everything to protect one another, even if it meant danger for themselves. I think that speaks to their ability to adapt to their rough environment which can be attributed to the stereotypes that come with being Hispanic and Black.
Although this show focuses on four main characters, one character, Monse stands out among the rest. Monse identifies as multiracial: she’s Black, Latinx, and White. This weekly reading is about multiracial and mixed-persons. Being mixed in this country has many connotations and the article addresses how many students struggle with their cultural identity because they are multiracial. For example, in the NYTimes article written by Susan Saulny she writes, “..But, he continued, “I don’t even like to identify myself as a race anymore. My family has been pulling me in two directions about what I am. I just want to be a person.”.” (Saulny, 2011) It can be hard not knowing as well, Monse didn’t grow up knowing her mom or her heritage, but learning about that side also gave her a new perspective. She got to appreciate both sides, which is very similar to the reactions the students got when they realized they could celebrate themselves, not based on what they identify as, but just because they are there. UWM’s own Professor Gregory Jay once stated, ““Race,” then, can be socially constructed by marginalized groups as a vehicle for self-understanding, political resistance, and cultural affirmation.” (Jay, NA) Professor Jay means that groups like Monse’s can view race as a common ground rather than a diverging point.
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GIF: Cesar (the one with the gun) was threatened (by the guy in the jacket) in a drive-by. The one in the jacket pulled a gun on him. Cesar's brother determined Cesar's best bet at living would be killing the other guy first. This isn't what Cesar wants. This scene depicts what I think can be seen in real life. I've never experienced it, but drive-bys and gang violence are real. They happen, and this scene shows what can occur if someone doesn't really want to participate but is at risk if they don't.
This next scene (shortened on YouTube), is an honorable mention for me. When it comes to racial identity or ethnic identity, this show doesn't explicitly touch on those topics. It's a given when the show features an entirely diverse main cast. However, this scene specifically plays into the intersectionality that was explored in this course. Socioeconomic status is always a topic that arises when dealing with racial disparity and identity. The Halloween scene is the first time the audience sees the characters outside the hood. They go to Brentwood, the preppy, rich neighborhood. The people in this neighborhood are almost entirely white and of a higher socioeconomic status than the main characters. As the scene will show, there's hostility between the poor and the rich kids based mainly on where they grew up and how they lived. I mentally noted this scene specifically as being one that screams importance regarding racial identity and status.
Saulny, S. (2013, February 5). More young Americans identify as mixed race. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/30/us/30mixed.html
"Terms for Multicultural Studies: Defining "Race", "Ethnicity", and "Nationality" - Prof. Gregory Jay
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thursdayxwednesday · 1 month
I was just watching "On My Block" and also caught a bit of the spinoff. Am I the only one who doesn't understand why they didn't make the spinoff about Ruby's grandmother when she was younger? It seems like it has a lot of potential to me, and she's already a character everyone likes.
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Fanfic do Oscar com uma brasileira que se aprofunda na sociedade de Freeridge
Exposed| Looking for a better world| (4145 words) by xitzu Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: On My Block (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Oscar "Spooky" Diaz, Sad Eyes (On My Block), Monse Finnie, Olivia (On My Block), Abuelita Martinez (On My Block), Cesar Diaz, Jamal Turner, Ruby Martinez, Geny Martinez, Mario Martinez, Latrelle (On My Block) Additional Tags: Gangsters, Enemies to Lovers, Comedy, Community: longfic_bingo, Angst Summary: Marcela é uma jovem brasileira que saiu de seu país de origem para viver o sonho de uma vida melhor em Los Angeles. Após longos anos de estudo, a mulher se vê perdida ao enfrentar uma expulsão injusta dos dormitórios de sua universidade, tendo como causa, o fato da moça ser imigrante e bolsista. Sem outra escolha, a futura jornalista se muda para um bairro chamado Freeridge. Perigoso e distante de sua faculdade, porém, o único lugar que conseguia pagar sem contrair dívidas. Com a chegada ao novo bairro, a mulher enfrenta uma diversidade de problemas sociais, entra em divertidas confusões, começa novas aventuras e cria fortes laços com pessoas que jamais imaginaria:- o líder de gangue presunçoso, Oscar Diáz. Um estranho senso de justiça cresce pela nova comunidade que se deparou. Expondo problemas e maravilhas do local, Marcela tenta melhorar a situação da população de sua própria maneira, se vendo de frente com dilemas morais que a fazem repensar sobre si, enfrentando pessoas perigosas pela população e pela própria sobrevivência E em pouco tempo, Freeridge se tornou seu lar sem ela perceber.
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soul-music-is-life · 10 months
Watching your shit show and waiting for the next plot twist
Tag yourself....
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I'm Jamal....
...except when I'm Abuelita:
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BONUS Bonus: When you're watching with your bestie:
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page150 · 2 years
When you're sick 💊- César Díaz x Reader (Headcanon)
Request: None
Pronouns: They/Them
Word Count: 866
Warnings: None
Summary: How I think César would act if you got sick, enjoy!
César hates being sick 
Like really hates being sick
Like goes to school with a fever and pretends he isn’t sick, hates being sick 
Because then he has to rely on people and there’s issues that come with that 
But, the only thing he hates more than being sick is you being sick 
Because that means you’re not your energetic, happy self 
That jumps on him randomly and dances with him 
You’re not eager to study with him (or tutor him, because that’s usually what ends up happening) 
You’re still, and tired, and in pain
And even though he really enjoys taking care of you, it worries him 
So, to keep himself from freaking out too much he’ll put you on bed rest
“Shut up and lay down.” César gently pushes you back down on your bed.
“But, I have to study!” You argue, trying to sit back up. 
“Study? You’re so pale you look like a ghost, you can’t study! I’ll take care of it. Just rest, babe.” 
He’ll stay home from school just to take care of you. Even if it’s just to watch you sleep he feels better being near you. Knowing that you’re safe and not on the ground somewhere because you fainted.
You stir from your sleep feeling a warm hand on top of yours. Opening your eyes you see César sitting on the chair next to your bed, rubbing your hand.
“Baby go to school, I’ll be okay” You whisper. 
“I can’t focus if you’re not there with me.” He replies, kissing your sweaty forehead. “I rather be here with you. Do you need anything?” 
When you get hungry he’ll run around looking for food. Cursing at himself for being unprepared. 
You peek through the crack of your bedroom door at your boyfriend pacing through your hallway, waiting for someone to pick up the phone. Then you hear pieces of his conversation. 
“Ruby, hey, what do you eat when you’re sick? No, I’m not sick. Y/N is. I don’t know, like 3 days. They have a fever, sore throat, runny nose, that kind of stuff. I don’t know what to do! No, I’m not freaking out, just answer the question. What do they need to eat? Soup and popsicles? Yeah, I can get that. Okay, thank you. I’ll tell them.”
Coming back into your room to kiss you on the cheek he says, "I'm going to get you some food and Ruby says to get well soon. He needs you to babysit the twins.”  
Usually you’ll only have a small cold, so you’ll get better quickly, but sometimes it’s worse
He’ll clean and disinfect everything when you throw up. He'll also keep reassuring that he loves you and you'll be okay you no matter how messy you get.
When you cry because of the pain, he’ll hold you and try to keep you as comfortable as possible 
You sniffle and turn away from César in the bed, “I don’t want to get you sick.” 
“I don’t care, how many times do I have to say that. I hate when you cry.” He turns you so you face him and kisses you, while wiping away your tears.
“Sorry, my throat hurts so much.” You say softly. 
“I know, in awhile we can try eating another popsicle. I’ll stay here until you’re not in pain. Just keep hugging me.” 
He’ll make sure you take your medicine when you’re supposed to. Even if he has to threaten you. 
“Sweetheart, wake up.” César whispers, slowly rubbing your back.
“Go away,” You yawn, snuggling into the teddy bear César bought you. 
“Nope,” He pulls away the sheets, revealing you in heart pajamas, clutching the brown teddy bear. “It’s time for medicine.” 
You groan, “It’s gross, I’ll take it later, I’m feeling better.” 
“No, you have to take it down. Your fever is going down, but it hasn’t broken. Take the medicine.” 
“Babe, it’s so gross. Don’t make me take it.” 
“Take it or…” He pauses. “I’ll call Oscar.”
Your eyes widen and you open your mouth so César could pour the green syrup into your mouth. You put your hand over your mouth so you don’t spit it out as you swallow it. 
Putting the sheets back onto you he whispers, “I know it sucks, but it will make you feel better.” 
“I know, just get in bed with me, I’m cold.” 
Once you feel better, he’ll pride himself in his caring boyfriend abilities. 
You sit hand in hand with César at the lunch table, listening to him ramble on how he took care of you. 
“I almost called Oscar, I really didn’t know what to do, but I figured it out. A man has to take care of his partner.”
“I think we all know who’s the man in the relationship, but we’re glad you’re feeling better Y/N” Monse adds.
You laugh, “Thanks Monse, but César did great.” 
He kisses you and pulls you closer, “Anything for you, being without you makes me sick.”
You hug him, then get up to get something to drink. 
At the table César watches you walk away with a smile, before sneezing. 
Monse, Ruby, Jamal, and Jasmine look surprised at him shrug, before saying, “Definitely worth it. 
When you say you’ll take a break, but leave for almost a whole year.🥲So much has happened that I can’t really explain, but I hope you all enjoyed this post. I’m still trying to get back into the swing of writing so I hope this is okay. Just know a lot more is coming! Please like and follow for more. Have a wonderful day ~c'k
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fandomgalore-blog · 3 years
Just finished the final season of On My Block! I’m super sad that it ended, but I’m also glad they didn’t drag it out too long to the point that it would be ruined. Here are my thoughts:
- I love Jamal and abuela’s relationship so much. I don’t doubt he’ll name his future daughter after her if he has one tbh
- Monse had a fantastic character arc and development. I loved her the entire season
- I’m glad Cesar thanked Jamal cuz the dude deserves a million thanks for all the shit he saved the group from
- Loved that abuela left a map for them!!!
- I was actually relieved that the finale was 100% happiness because honestly they deserved it
- Chivo is one of the best side characters ever
- Never thought I’d see Latrelle again, especially another interaction with Ruby, but I’m glad since it was great
- Jamal is the best of the core four. Don’t at me
- I’ve always known Spooky was gonna die and I could tell he was going to when he was packing, but I still felt awful after watching him go out like that
- The parents on this show are so fucking funny
- I loved the realistic ending of neither of the main couples ending up together, but it’s obvious they’ll find their way back some way
- Spooky’s ash spreading was so perfect and then them getting so ridiculously intoxicated right after was even better
- Monse and Jasmine’s relationship was top tier this season
- Jasmine and Jamal were also a fantastic duo
- I sometimes wonder how different the show would be with Olivia, however I don’t miss her
- Jamal having beef with Monse was so funny despite it being petty asf
- Also, Jamal’s little crush on Monse was a great comical twist
- I’m glad Jasmine was finding herself, and I hate that she couldn’t go to Berkeley, but at least she’s happy
- I loved the flashbacks, but I wish they showed some of Jamal being cast aside by Ruby and Jasmine, and how Ruby drifted from Monse
- I loved that Monse and Vero ended up squashing their beef in the end
- Lil Ricky reveal was satisfying to me for some reason despite him not being what I thought he’d be
- I’m glad Monse and her family found peace within her mom’s book for her
- I’m glad the Santos let Cesar leave without a fight
- The first Ruby and Jasmine sex scene where Ruby’s parents were just outside the doors was funny as hell
- The kids explaining all four seasons to their parents was also comedy gold
- Where the fuck is the roller world money????
- Overall, this was a great final season despite its loose ends, and I will miss this show a lot. Hopefully Netflix will make similar ones in the future without canceling it hella early or some shit like that
That’s it for now, but I no doubt will add or subtract from this list in the future. Let me know if you agree or disagree!
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jmaciasgang · 3 years
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On My Block Season 4 New Stills {x}
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stuffiveseenontv · 7 months
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Pants are from Madewell
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words-by-kalyn · 3 years
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz did not deserve this. He was getting his life together 🥺😭😤. HE WAS HAVING A BABY. Cesar you little shit, you should have listened
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Look at my baby
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multivstx · 3 years
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core4 <3
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