After they put the four sword back and became one again, Link learned sign language so he could talk to Shadow.
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Vio can't sleep if Shadow isn't near him.
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Shadow is like a mole where he can't see very well in the light realm and needs glasses, but can see super well in the dark realm.
submitted by @littleherooftheland
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Red stress bakes at night when he thinks that the others are sleeping.
submitted by anonymous
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Red is crazy good with a knife. The others don’t know since nobody watches him cook.
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Blue adores swimming.
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Red, Vio, and Shadow are really good singers, while Blue sounds like a dying cat crossed with a seal bark. No one has ever heard Green sing except Shadow, and only once. Green made him promise not to tell anyone that he can beatbox.
submitted by anonymous
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Green is 5'7, Vio is 5'6, and Blue is mad for being 5'5 because he's shorter than Green and Vio. Red is 5'3 and Shadow is 4'11 1/2, because the original Link was tall so Shadow is short.
submitted by anonymous
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Shadow sometimes shapeshifts into a cat and cuddles with Vio on the couch.
submitted by @singingvio
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Blue being really self conscious about his body and Red telling Blue he's beautiful and perfect the way he is.
submitted by anonymous
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how could i have forgotten my peak of blue in heels. bless this fandom and their additons 🙏🙏
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Vio is brilliant at carving bows. In fact, he made himself a new one once his old one broke.
submitted by anonymous
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Red found Shadow and Zelda doing each other’s makeup once, and they both insisted he join them, much to Red’s delight.
submitted by anonymous
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Red once shattered Blue’s kneecap while training. He is much stronger than he looks.
submitted by anonymous
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Blue is a good at making spicy food.
submitted by @bluelink4ever
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Vio can’t sleep if Shadow isn’t near him.
submitted by anonymous
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Vio is incredibly talented at reading sheet music. He can read it and play from it even if it's a piece he's never seen before, but he can't play by ear to save his life. Even if he's heard it multiple times. On the other hand, Green always has a lot of trouble with sheet music but can play a new piece by ear like magic.
submitted by anonymous
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