foxyperformer · 9 days
I think BanchoLeomon might be taking the kids being on their own harder than me. He only met them recently, but they were his babies as much as they’re mine. He loves them go bits.
He taught Salt things I could never teach her. I don’t fight, not like him. I dont think either of the girls would have digivolved any time soon without his training. And I appreciate him for that and so much more.
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foxyperformer · 12 days
It's a sad inevitability that all good things come to an end, including our time with our Digimon. But, every ending is just a chance for a new beginning and with Digimon that means the start of a new growth cycle! Today we're going to be touching on the Digimon life cycle, focusing on how to care for a digitama and what to do while you wait for your partner's new life to begin!
First off, for the newer Tamers in the audience, Digimon do not "die" at the end of a growth cycle. Think of it more like a transformation; the Digimon will shed excess data and surround their Digicore in a hard protective shell while reforming their remaining data into a Stage I form. A Digimon is strictly speaking alive for every step of the process and even if we humans find it useful to assign terms like "brith" and "death" to the process, it's important to keep in mind that Digimon cultures tend to think of it more as a period of rest and rejuvenation rather than a strict end or start to one's life.
Next up we have the tamas themselves! Digitamas, or Digieggs if you prefer, are the natal stage of all Digimon with no real exceptions. Despite looking like the kind of eggs you'd find here on Earth, tamas are actually incredibly durable and require no outside heat to incubate. Fragments of tamas donated for research have been shown to withstand puncture wounds and small caliber fire without so much as a scratch! Lastly, Digitama also display a wide variety of colors and patterns. Patterns seem to be unique to the individual as there is no correlation between the colors displayed on the egg and what species it will hatch into. This is consistent between naturally occurring Digitama and ones that were created via a data composition machine, leading researchers to believe that the color of one's tama is analogous to finger prints in us humans!
"But Lady", I hear you asking, "That's all well and good but how do I care for a Digiegg if they just seem to hatch on their own?". Don't worry friend, there's actually a lot you can do for your partner to help them along in the hatching process! To keep things convenient for mobile readers, I'll be formatting this section into bullet points.
1. Prepare a nest or incubator for the tama: It is true that tamas don't need outside heat to incubate, but a safe environment for both the tama and the resulting newborn is always going to be ideal. Incubators are the high end solution to this, most models being the Digimon equivalent of those backpacks you can buy to carry your pets around in. They're temperature controlled and very easily portable, most actually do have straps to make them into backpacks, so it's hard to argue against getting one. That being said, if you can't afford the steep price tag, a nest will do just fine friend. Bunch up some old blankets and pile them onto a sturdy pillow and your new friend will hatch just as well as one kept in a fancy incubator.
2. Wait: The time it takes for tamas to hatch varies between individuals, and can even vary between an individual Digimon's growth cycles. Some artificial Digitama have been observed hatching in as little as ten minutes, while the longest recorded hatch time for a naturally occurring Digitama was a little under a month! Generally speaking though, most tamas take about three to five days to hatch regardless of their point of origin. Don't be stressed if your friend takes a little longer than usual, you can't rush growth.
3. Be prepared for change: While it is true that most Digimon's Stage I and II forms remain fairly consistent, it is still ultimately as random as digivolution. I've already done a resource post on what to do immediately after a tama hatches so I won't go too in depth here, but it is worth repeating that you should be ready to accept change as it comes and be prepared to help your partner with basic tasks for the few days to weeks it'll take them to reach Stage III again.
4. Last but not least, care for yourself: Even if we know our partners aren't gone forever, waiting for them to hatch can take its toll on us Tamers. It's important to keep yourself busy during this time and to use it to enrich your life away from your partner. I always take time between growth cycles to tidy up around the house and give myself a spa day. I think that having a clean home and a refreshed attitude helps both you and your partner come into this new experience with a better foot forward but you can do whatever will make you happiest! There's no right or wrong way to care for yourself, as long as you put in the effort it'll pay off.
That's all we have for now friends! As always, make sure to send us any questions y'all have on today's post and we'll try to answer them as they come. Good luck, and we hope that y'all's partners hatch soon!
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foxyperformer · 14 days
Oh, you guys know BanchoLeomon? He digivolved recently~. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.
I’m free right now, I could take over his shift if you’re in a hurry.
Alrightz guys! We just arrived in Primary Village. Were meeting up with our friend Leomon once he's done working for the day (he helps with the kitchen here) and then we're headed for the island in the morning! Our other friend is going to meet us there.
Tiny is having a lot of fun meeting all the other recently hatched digimon in the meantime, and even Danni seems to be in a fantastic mood!
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foxyperformer · 15 days
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Friend and her Labramon came over today (Who allowed me to take such a graceful picture of himself and post it online)
It's great to have some company after school and work (^^)d
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foxyperformer · 19 days
Its quite alright!
@digimonirl is actually working on a post related to this, but in the mean time, I can step in.
Hatch times are pretty variable when it comes to Digitama. Some lab-grown eggs take minutes to hatch where as some of the natural ones I’ve taken care of have needed a week or two.
If you want to avoid any damage, I’d recommend nesting. Just put it somewhere nice and soft with a lot of support. If you have something like a dog bed that should do the trick.
As for what to expect when it hatches… well, Digimon babies are a lot like human babies. They cry quite a bit but, thats because it’s the only way they can tell us something’s wrong. Be sure to feed, burp, and take the little thing to the bathroom regularly. Eventually, it should digivolve and when it does, it’ll be bigger. So make sure you set aside enough space.
I'm Hugh and I'm new to this digimon stuff. I recently found a digiegg (digitama? I've heard both being used) and I kind of need help.
I'm not sure what I'm doing and was hoping someone here was willing to give me advice?
My friends have some digimon, but none of them have dealt with an egg and recomended me to ask online. They also said I could record the digimon's growth here when it hatches.
So, my asks should be open!
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foxyperformer · 19 days
Salt and Pepper have set out on their way.
As for me, I think I'm going to take a day off. Bancholeomon said I could leave my work to him today and that's just what I'm gonna do!
That gives me time to answer asks too :p
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foxyperformer · 19 days
Hey, Hugh. I'm Comica.
I'm a Digimon and an experienced caretaker at that. If you have any questions, don't be scared to ask~
I'm Hugh and I'm new to this digimon stuff. I recently found a digiegg (digitama? I've heard both being used) and I kind of need help.
I'm not sure what I'm doing and was hoping someone here was willing to give me advice?
My friends have some digimon, but none of them have dealt with an egg and recomended me to ask online. They also said I could record the digimon's growth here when it hatches.
So, my asks should be open!
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foxyperformer · 20 days
Sorry, sweetie…
I just need one day to deal with this. I didn’t mean for there to be a false start
Today, my sister and I take our first steps out of Primary Village since we got here.
… is what I would be saying if Mama wasn’t too BUSY with to SEE US OFF today! I know it was an emergency, but cmonnnnnn now I gotta DELAY? Ugh!
A Seadramon gets hit with lightning, so what? What happens all the time!!! I wanna go NOWWW
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foxyperformer · 20 days
Its rough…
In your defense, the tank you had WAS Bukamon soze appropriate. I respect that you came to us right away, but yes. A knowledgable digimon being involved in the process would be best.
I can point you in the direction of some of my co-workers if you’d like.
Well folks, no organization is complete without a false-start, huh? I've been absent from the blog for about a week, as I was handling a... situation on the sanctuary (I'll explain, don't worry). I was definitely at fault, and I've been speaking with some digimon from the Primary Village as well as a few Tamer friends about how to best go forward.
At first, once Pitchmon hatched everything was going well. We were getting good data about the best salinity for it's water (thrives in seawater levels, does okay in fresh water), making sure it had plenty of food, and I hardly left its side during the first few hours and days. When it digivolved into Bukamon I was overjoyed, and when it began communicating with me I was so happy.
However... a lightning storm on the property and an improperly sheltered pool meant that an errant bolt caught Bukamon directly. This would normally have been a problem unto itself, but when it warp-digivolved to Seadramon immediately I knew we had a problem on our hands.
Seadramon was understandably scared and was in much too small an area. It lashed out, and caused quite a bit of damage before I was able to get a Tamer to the Sanctuary, and they and their MachGaogamon were able to subdue Seadramon and relocate it to a care facility.
I've spent the past few days figuring out how to make sure things like that don't happen, and have come to the conclusion that I need a partner digimon (Or at least, a digimon who is willing to stay in the sanctuary as a safeguard/ambassador to the other digimon). Until then, I won't be using my Accumulator, and will be analyzing what data I was able to gather before the incident.
Also, thank you for everyone who sent in asks asking about Pitchmon, I apologize for not answering them! I feel terrible I brought someone to risk, we're gonna learn from this!
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foxyperformer · 21 days
We’ve been talking about it and Salt and Pepper want a little more freedom than they’ve had in the past. They’re talking about going traveling for a little while.
I always have our digivice so I can find them should they call for me. And they’ve grown so big since I met them. Maybe it’s time. The plan is that I let them explore the digital world. In the mean time I’ll stay here in Primary Village so I’m nearby if they call.
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foxyperformer · 22 days
Just follow the path, we'll meet you halfway~
I know exactly where you are now. Wasn't aware anyone built a castle up there...
... on the brightside, elm seems to at least be polite and a good host? providing food and drink, clothes, genuinely listening-
you know, minus the kidnapping and the refusal to let you leave, i can see elm being a very good partner. too bad she seems too stubborn to not give up when told no.
I mean,,, I guess??? If you can look past the kidnapping, this is the closest thing I've had to a vacation since I started with the post. I'm not saying she isn't nice, but you're right to say she's stubborn. We talked over breakfast and she basically said all I have to do to leave is agree to being partners and we could work out the details later. I'm not going to lie y'all, I said what I had to in order to get out of here. Also, does anyone know a good taxi service in the Digital World? Apparently those slippers are one way only
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foxyperformer · 22 days
You could hang out with us for a while if you let us know where to pick you up from.
... on the brightside, elm seems to at least be polite and a good host? providing food and drink, clothes, genuinely listening-
you know, minus the kidnapping and the refusal to let you leave, i can see elm being a very good partner. too bad she seems too stubborn to not give up when told no.
I mean,,, I guess??? If you can look past the kidnapping, this is the closest thing I've had to a vacation since I started with the post. I'm not saying she isn't nice, but you're right to say she's stubborn. We talked over breakfast and she basically said all I have to do to leave is agree to being partners and we could work out the details later. I'm not going to lie y'all, I said what I had to in order to get out of here. Also, does anyone know a good taxi service in the Digital World? Apparently those slippers are one way only
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foxyperformer · 22 days
Do you… know where you are? Do you want us to come bust you out?
Is Elm trying to beauty and the beast you…?
,,,,maybe??? So far she's just fed me dinner, made me dress up, and insisted on forming a partnership. I even told her that I literally chose a career because it's simple and boring everyday and she listened very intently. Like I was genuinely trying to bore her and it did not work
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foxyperformer · 25 days
Felt! Congratulations!!!!
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foxyperformer · 25 days
Can you eat meat apples? Cooked of course
If you're a Digimon, yes. If you're a human,,,, well let's just say a guy at my office did that last year on a dare and we had to have a meeting about it
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foxyperformer · 28 days
Not to mention a normal terriermon decided to wear a labcoat would it be a terriermon assistant or if a terriermon assistant ditched its labcoat would it then just be a normal terriermon?
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foxyperformer · 29 days
Could salt have slide evolved into terriermon assistant?
This is a really good question!
Many people think Digivolution is a lot more linear than it truly is~ To answer before I go off on a tangent, yes! She absolutely could have!
Slide Evolution is actually a pretty common occurrence. Digimon are pretty fluid beings. Sometimes instead of “evolving” like normal, our physical forms can be transfigured all together without going up or down an evolution stage. It’s completely healthy and it’s happened to kids under my care.
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