fragileguilt · 7 years
Jasper Jordan | Looking Too Closely
by Ilovehertjes
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fragileguilt · 8 years
hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!
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fragileguilt · 10 years
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“Her mom is planning on taking her suicide note off Tumblr so everyone screenshot it and post it and reblog it till your fingers bleed.”
Rest in peace beautiful
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fragileguilt · 10 years
College students can now get microsoft office for free
Just go here and sign up with your college email. You can install it on up to 5 PCs or Macs and on other mobile devices, including Windows tablets and iPads.
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fragileguilt · 10 years
What’s the name of the peter rumancek and roman godfrey ship? I’m sure this exists.
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fragileguilt · 10 years
Captain America Winter Soldier : BZRK
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fragileguilt · 10 years
Going through videos, forgot about this one lol 
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fragileguilt · 10 years
Tormenta + mi casa creepy a las 3AM
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fragileguilt · 10 years
Recently Hemlock Grove producers and creators have given us a second season, and as they have been renewed for season 3, they have been informed it will be there last due to bad reviews and not enough viewers. 
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#savehemlockgrove for more than 3 seaons. Prove them wrong? Of course we will. Reblog and like, trend the hashtag on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and any other social media websites you can think of.
Thanks guys. xx
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fragileguilt · 10 years
Hemlock Grove : Evolution (Contains Spoilers)
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fragileguilt · 10 years
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Breaking news: The D.C. Appeals Court just killed Net Neutrality. This could be the end of the Internet as we know it. But it doesn’t have to be.  Tell the FCC to restore Net Neutrality: http://bit.ly/1iOOjoe
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fragileguilt · 10 years
holy crap I never seen her peeking out of the hall or standing in the bathroom before. Pants, once again, shitted.
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fragileguilt · 10 years
"The Stanley P.T."
Stanley Parable + P.T.
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fragileguilt · 10 years
So now when you do Alt + Reblog, the reblog symbol turns green, "explodes" and then disappears.
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fragileguilt · 10 years
I don't either, come to think  of it.
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fragileguilt · 10 years
this literally happened to me so many times. I was so glad to be done that online course.
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are you kidding me
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fragileguilt · 10 years
Reblog if....
-you have ever had suicidal thoughts - attempted suicide - cried yourself to sleep - self harmed - skipped a meal - have been bullied - been told to go kill yourself - made yourself puke - have a mental illness - have a eating disorder It’s for science…
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