fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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Nothing makes a gamer more nervous...... than when the game auto saves in a SEEMINGLY harmless location.
Right, Ao Lei?
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Is playing Resident Evil 4
“.....This is an awfully convenient selection of healing items.....”
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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"I'm back~ Hehehehe~ I hope nobody missed me too badly~"
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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(( Hey everyone... Sorry I've been MIA recently stuff has been going on. I am going to try and be more active but be patient with me if I disappear randomly.
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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"Next time, I'll just punt that poor little thing down into the sewers with the rest of the waste water, where he belongs."
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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"There was no harm...a mere flesh wound that had already healed. Please, do not fill My Lady's head with false worries. I am just as competent as ever."
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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"A...miscalculation on my part, My Lady...a...personal game that got out of hand. Its not a danger to you or your plans, I swear that."
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“Excuse us…”
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“What cat?”
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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Something lumbers through the fog, glowing eyes searching for its prey. He wasn't letting this cat go. Not now. Not after this insult.
He wasn't going to stop. Not unless he completely lost the cat. The mist was mystical...he could feel the magic in every droplet. As long as he stayed in the magical fog, Mo should be hiding near by. The magic would fade if Mo left...he knew that.
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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"If anyone ever mentions my fight with the cat to My Lady-"
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"You will not be found in one piece."
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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He's angry now.
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
imagine getting owned by a Cat. a CAT
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"I don't remember asking for commentary, thank you!"
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
He let go sure...but Mo almost instantly wishes he hadn't. The old man's hand wrapped around Mo's snout, his grip tight like iron. The small life felt fragile in his hand, and for a single moment, he's focused solely on one thing, making this little kit pay.
He wrenched upward...then slammed Mo down into the solid ground beneath them, his eyes glowing a sharp blue as he did so. He was not going to be upstaged by a tiny little pet!
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
Hey fragment? Can you maybe…take off your shirt? You know you fight really good I bet you’re pretty jacked actually
Fragment stared at you for a few moments before sighing and shrugging. "You are quite strange...but fine."
He pulled off the jacket, then his tie. And finally, he unbuttoned his shirt.
His skin was scarred, marred with gouged of battles long past and forgotten. The toned physique reflected his skill, but the muscles weren't define. There was a softness to him, a softness that came with building muscle to fight, to be used, not just to show off.
But the striking thing...was the warped image of a skull imblazoned a bright icey blue on his pale skin. The jaw hung low below his navel, and the rest stretched up, the eye holes encircling his pecks. Its like one had tried to stretch the anatomy of a head to fit the proportions of a torso.
Fragment put his hands on his hips, for once not smiling but more looking annoyed. "Satisfied, strange mortal?"
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
Violence my god-
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
nooooooo promises :3 that guy was quite pleasant
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"I will rip you in half. Do not feed the voices...only My Lady should speak clear enough to hear."
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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"I'm back~ Did you all miss me?" The mad man cackled a moment then-
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"Do not do that again. Or else."
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
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"Do not bother her about me...she needs not know anything....as long as she stays out of my way, I will stay out of hers..."
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"Ah...time is up...one last question, to bother him..."
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"Why does he have a skull on his chest?"
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fragment-of-bone · 2 years
📝+ Nezha(for the general? since hes here might as well)
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"Has the child learned to think with his head and not his heart? That is the only thought he ever gave that rebel..."
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