#dash nonsense commentary
king-of-wrath · 2 months
I mean, there's only really two ways to handle a fight in RP:
Players agree on a result beforehand, then coordinate the fight OOC as it happens IC (i.e. "Can I stab you next turn?" "Yes, but somewhere non-vital")
Players agree to certain conditions OOC (i.e. "No perma-death"), then roll attack/defense to determine the IC result
Whichever way you do it, the winner has to feel like they actually accomplished something, but the loser can't have everything taken from them (unless everyone agrees on something like perma-death or completely overthrowing someone)
However, there are some fights that just shouldn't happen because the fighters aren't evenly matched (i.e. God vs One ant)
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valtiels-darkness · 9 days
"Why yes, I am the prettiest girl..." He looks around the cold room, hands still within the chest cavity of the corpse. "in the morgue, that is."
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stories-from-the-warp · 6 months
Of course, I want Skaven in 40K
All Games Workshop has to do is revamp the Ratlings into actual fucking rat-men, instead of the stupid nasty Space Hobbitses they currently are. That's all it would take. No rewriting the Hrud, no multiverse shenanigans and no big creation story needed
The Space Dwarfs got overhauled into a serious faction after they got Tyranid-ed, so why not give the diminutive strain of abhumans who are dirty and steal everyone's shit---but shoot too accurately (and fuck too excessively) for the Inquisition to actually genocide---a small makeover?
If "distinct/separate from Fantasy/AoS" was ever a requirement for 40K content, then why are Tzaangors available in 40K, why is there a Beastman bounty hunter on Necromunda and why do demons like Be'lakor and Ka'bandha get to appear in both?
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mxestro · 5 months
For a moment there, I was intrigued- and then I remembered that it was not my Lord Prime.
And therefor of negligible importance.
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wxndswept · 4 months
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"I'm sure you can make it work in some way. Kafka has Himeko and Blade has Dan Heng. You're pretty close with our trailblazer friend, and I..."
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bravewolfvesperia · 5 months
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You know, Jude seems very invested in this saga.
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withered-scribe · 2 months
"So You've Learned You Are Bhaalspawn"
A self-help pamphlet on coming to terms with your heritage
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unknownsoldiers · 2 months
Sometimes it's nice to cook and clean the kitchen while watching Silver's Anatomy while the Conjunx is at work. He may not work in the hospital himself, but he imagines it's likely what happens daily.
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crystal-grotto · 3 months
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Good gods what is going on over there.
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king-of-wrath · 3 months
This fandom has a real problem with falling head-over-heels for bastards with shit-eating grins
Granted, that describes about 80% of the male characters, but still...
Where is your love for silly little guys?
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heartscfvalor · 3 months
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"You know, a pissing contest is probably the most embarrassing thing two grown angels can have."
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stories-from-the-warp · 5 months
I was always under the impression that the Custodes were the Emperor's special boys made just for himself and that the reason why Space Marines have so many limitations (in terms of low survivability, only made from pubescent males and having significant genetic flaws) was because in his Grand SchemeTM, he was going to "Ol' Yeller" the Astartes (which he somehow knew had a 50-50 chance of betraying him) once the galaxy was fully conquered
For the Emperor to essentially hamstring the 20-21 thoroughbreds before the race and inbreed them while giving himself the clearly superior and more easily accessible workhorses makes a lot of sense, if we think the Marines were a temporary thing (a "tool", as it were). If he truly wanted to keep them forever as the eternal vanguard of his empire, then why wouldn't they be able to quickly replenish their losses or have exploitable weaknesses? If he's able to make better troops to act as his own personal guard and elite strike force, then why wouldn't he make the "standard" troops better?
So for the Custodes to be Built BetterTM, be so fanatically loyal and lacking so much individuality that they're basically meat-based automatons, be able to massively overpower a planned obsolescent and inferior version of super-soldiers AND have double the potential population to draw from makes A LOT of sense---if we believe the Emperor to be an arrogant, short-sighted dumbass of a wannabe space tyrant who really thought himself an absolute 8th Dimensional Chess wizard playing Checkers against the universe, then got Surprise Pikachu'd when the tools betrayed him before he could betray them
Huge W for Fabius Bile, who was apparently able to see through Emps' bullshit when he told Malcador it was "impossible" to have Primarchettes and to just take him at his word (being that he was Mr Big Dick Eugenicist Extraordinaire)
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acoldsovereign · 4 months
"--According to my knowledge of time, 24 hours has passed."
For dramatic effect, she paused.
Then added (with a hardened squint),
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"I will be tearing out someone's intestinal track for their insolence and degeneracy."
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theshadowsingersraven · 4 months
Meta-textual evidence and analysis means nothing to certain parts of this fan base lol.
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fatestouch · 1 year
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“…Why do I have a feeling that my beautiful and ever talented oldest child is planning on doing something that’ll give me a headache. Again.”
He’s going to leave her be for now, though. Just put it out of his mind and keep enjoying the energy he’s getting from this amazing moon tonight.
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therapardalis · 9 months
@xsolastine, @xenjoyedthat
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