francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
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Enjoyed taking some pics with my Zelda gear tonight! I’m starting to really feel a Link cosplay at some point ;;;;;)))))) 
Master Sword and Hylian Shield were both made from scratch by me! I have video tutorials on both of them that you can watch on my youtube channel :0 (master sword tutorial is coming in the next couple of days)
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francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
hey, cosplayers, i have a question
why do fat cosplayers have to work so damn hard to get the recognition they deserve?
my friend @panicose​ is 250+ pounds and an incredible cosplayer.
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and yet despite being stopped multiple times at our last convention for photos both by himself and within our group, one of the only photos that’s been posted of him so far? he was cropped out of.
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you can literally see his shadow on the floor still, and my arm is cut off because he was overlapping with me.
and i know you guys for some reason despise fat cosplayers. hell, after a literal breakdown over his hard work being thrown out the window because he’s fat, i looked up “tips for fat cosplayers” online and every fucking tutorial i find is filled with nothing but tips on how to lose weight or slim yourself down. shapewear, diets, and makeup tips or more archaic shit to make yourself look thinner
and then after fat cosplayers do everything you tell them, from wearing literal corsets to TAPING UP THEIR FACES, you pull this shit:
you guys force fat cosplayers to work a million times harder no matter how good their costume is simply because they’re fat. if they don’t slim down somehow for the costume, they aren’t trying hard enough. if they make posts about how upset they are, they’re whining (which btw is why I’M making this post instead of him because you guys will listen to a skinny cosplayer with big hips like me). it isn’t fair that skinny cosplayers can get away with anything they want, good or bad, and it’s idolized but fat cosplayers have to be perfect at worst and godlike at best. hell, annoying ass skinny cosplayers can pull off the grossest and most violating shit at a con but if a fat cosplayer says one little thing in character they’re “desperate for attention.”
we’re meant to be a community and you continue to make it impossible for anyone who isn’t a skinny white cis guy or a skinny white cis girl with nice curves to get anywhere. panicose and i have been cosplaying for almost the same amount of time and are in similar circles, yet i get recognized by strangers who follow me and he gets cropped out of pictures.
this shit needs to stop. it’s disgusting and heartbreaking and even worse, i know this post is going to get ungodly amounts of hate because i’m saying this. the gatekeeping in this community sickens me and i’m tired of having to comb the internet just to find a single picture of my friend’s cosplay or schedule an entire private photoshoot (yes we did that) because no one would post pictures of him otherwise.
fix it.
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francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
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Finally got around to making a tutorial on how I made my functional Sheikah Slate. If you are not familiar with using Worbla or thermo plastics I would suggest practising on something smaller first or looking up a tutorial on that specifically.
I hope this helps and if you have further questions feel free to drop me a message!
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francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
Agh my 2B wig got slightly rained on, and it’s still really damp. I’ve left it out for 2 weeks, but it’s still moist???? What do I do??? Help please?????
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francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
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Ralsei is coming along! (I have a wig I just didn’t feel like putting it on)
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francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
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When you realise you cosplayed Asriel and taako and together it makes a closet ralsei cosplay
(( re uploaded because my tumblr mobile cursed the last post ))
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francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
Is it crazy to start a cosplay from a game that came out 6 days ago?? Yes, but I don’t care. Next is Kris from deltarune!
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francitrus-cosplay · 6 years
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My 2B cosplay was one of my first cosplays I made completely on my own, and while there are parts of it I wish I had done better, I learned a lot. I’ll definitely look back on it fondly.
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