francyblogsblog · 11 months
On Monday, It's our second day of intrams. What I did was cook our breakfast and around 6am the people from Calabanga and Del Gallego arrived here at the SPJ school, and when there were a lot of people we entered the court to gather for the parade to be held but no I joined because I was ordered to sell because it was a waste to sell, that's why I ask for help from the S.A to bring the goods inside the court. At around 9 am the games such as volleyball, tag of war, chinese garter and basketball started, and I was part of the basketball women and unexpectedly we won, and at night the Mr. and Mrs. Intramurals started and many other events happened and that event ended around 11pm so I went back to the room to sleep.
Tuesday, the last day of our Intramurals, I woke up early with pain in my body, so I immediately took medicine, so the pain in my body disappeared. And around 10 am our game started which is the basketball women and we won again so we will play for the championship, and after we rested for 15 minutes the basketball game for the championship started and while playing we felt I was very tired and was accompanied by an asthma attack, but it was okay because it wasn't bad and we were winning again and we were the women's basketball champion. And when the intramurals were over, the people went home, and we also went home to Naga.
Wednesday back to normal, when I woke up in the morning my body was really sore as if I couldn't stand or walk anymore that's why I just lay down but I remembered that I had a lot of laundry to do so I had no choice but to wash even though my body hurt because I'm going back to Tinambac the next day, I won't have any clothes to use.
Thursday, I didn't realize that it was already 6:00a.m. so I rushed to take care of my things because I was going back to Tinambac, and I left home around 7:30a.m. and while I was going to Tinambac I had I brought spaghetti because ate Malou said I should sell there, so I brought the spaghetti to tinambac because it was a waste of sales. And I did arrive at tinambac at 9:45 when I thought no one would buy but it was still sold out. And at 10 am we had class but we didn't have a lesson, our teacher just took 1/4 sheet of paper we listed the contributions we made for the intramural because there were plus points.
Friday, I woke up at 6:40 am, I forgot that I had to leave early because I was going back to Naga, because we didn't have class and because ate Malou was also sending me home, so I immediately packed my things, and I left school without even eating anything. And when I got on the jeep, and I have pogi on the side again hehe, and I got off at the naga terminal, and I took a jeep to Villa Grande because that's where I was staying. And ate Malou and I had a snack of cheesdog and coke to drink.
So that's all that happened in my week, THANKYOUUU.
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francyblogsblog · 11 months
Hi guyssss, I just wanna share to all of you what happened during my whole week.
Hi guysss It's Monday again as same routine woke up early to cook, because there was no class because it was holly week but I still did the things that needed to be taken care of at school, and around 3pm we went to the mall to buy food and after that we went home, and then at 10pm we were hungry so we cooked food.
It's another day it Tuesday agajn so this is what happened in my day, at 6am I went out to buy bread and I also buy water. And at 1pm I didn't realize that I fell asleep, and I woke up when Ate Malou came, and she ordered me to go to the other house to get a candle and get some clothes, and when I got home I was scared because I was alone and I feel like I'm with someone there as in it's creepy so I quickly left and got into the jeep and while I was riding in the jeep there was a handsome man sitting next to me I swear it looks like Ronnie Alonte sheshhh, and that's all and I arrived home safe
its Nov 1, undas, so in the morning ate Malou and I made flowers to take to the cemetery, and before we went to the cemetery we first went to S&R with Ma'am Ajoy and sister Malou, and we bought a few things for the house, and we also ate pizza and burgers, and while we were there, ate Malou bought unlimited drinks, so we had unlimited drinks, and then I had a tumbler with me, so I filled my tumbler of soft drinks haha ​​its funny right so that's it. And around 9 p.m we went to the Eternal Garden, and when we got there there was like dance, song and so on, and there were also coast guards there, and we went to my grandfather's grave and we stood still we lit a candle there and we only stayed there for about 1 hour and we went home.
Hi guysss its Thursday i woke up in the morning because i need to cook for our BREAKFAST, and I washed our clothes and after that I cooked lunch, and in the afternoon we packed our things because we were going home to ate Malou's house and as in it's tiring to carry things back and forth but it's okay.
So today is friday another day again, same routine in the morning cooking breakfast and washing up, and around 4pm we went to CWC CamSur Watersports Complex Sports complex in Pili, Camarines Sur because Ate Malou said she wanted to go jogging and when we got there we immediately noticed the sunset because it was really beautiful and around 6pm we went home so when we got home my body hurt because of the length we ran but I was happy because for the first time I also came to CWC.
Hi guys today is Saturday so guess what, what happened in my whole day of course I cooked our breakfast and after that WE did general cleaning so I was very tired the whole day because we cleaned a lot as in but it's fine just because it feels good when your environment is clean, and that's when around 6pm I went to Ma'am Ajoy's house with Angel, because we were leaving early for Calabanga because we had an intrams the next morning that's why we slept at Ma'am Ajoy's house.
Todays is Sunday I woke up exactly 3:30a.m in the morning because we were leaving early for calabanga because the events started early, and when we arrived in calabanga we first attended mass and then we went to the Octagon and gathered there, at around 10 AM the ballroom, cheerdance, impromptu and spoken poetry started, and in the afternoon badminton was held, and while I was sitting, I was suddenly called because I was the one to play Badminton, solo women, as in I really didn't I was the only one to win because it was the first time in my whole life to participate in the game of badminton. So when I won I was very satisfied, and around 5:30 in the afternoon the other students went home and the others stayed behind because they will play badminton because the game must end now because the next day there will be another game which is volleyball and basketball and at 8pm we went home to Tinambac
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francyblogsblog · 11 months
Hi guyssss, I just wanna share to all of you what happened during my whole week.
Hi guysss It's Monday again as same routine woke up early to cook, because there was no class because it was holly week but I still did the things that needed to be taken care of at school, and around 3pm we went to the mall to buy food and after that we went home, and then at 10pm we were hungry so we cooked food.
It's another day it Tuesday agajn so this is what happened in my day, at 6am I went out to buy bread and I also buy water. And at 1pm I didn't realize that I fell asleep, and I woke up when Ate Malou came, and she ordered me to go to the other house to get a candle and get some clothes, and when I got home I was scared because I was alone and I feel like I'm with someone there as in it's creepy so I quickly left and got into the jeep and while I was riding in the jeep there was a handsome man sitting next to me I swear it looks like Ronnie Alonte sheshhh, and that's all and I arrived home safe.
its Nov 1, undas, so in the morning ate Malou and I made flowers to take to the cemetery, and before we went to the cemetery we first went to S&R with Ma'am Ajoy and sister Malou, and we bought a few things for the house, and we also ate pizza and burgers, and while we were there, ate Malou bought unlimited drinks, so we had unlimited drinks, and then I had a tumbler with me, so I filled my tumbler of soft drinks haha ​​its funny right so that's it. And around 9 p.m we went to the Eternal Garden, and when we got there there was like dance, song and so on, and there were also coast guards there, and we went to my grandfather's grave and we stood still we lit a candle there and we only stayed there for about 1 hour and we went home.
Hi guysss its Thursday i woke up in the morning because i need to cook for our BREAKFAST, and I washed our clothes and after that I cooked lunch, and in the afternoon we packed our things because we were going home to ate Malou's house and as in it's tiring to carry things back and forth but it's okay.
So today is friday another day again, same routine in the morning cooking breakfast and washing up, and around 4pm we went to CWC CamSur Watersports Complex Sports complex in Pili, Camarines Sur because Ate Malou said she wanted to go jogging and when we got there we immediately noticed the sunset because it was really beautiful and around 6pm we went home so when we got home my body hurt because of the length we ran but I was happy because for the first time I also came to CWC.
Hi guys today is Saturday so guess what, what happened in my whole day of course I cooked our breakfast and after that WE did general cleaning so I was very tired the whole day because we cleaned a lot as in but it's fine just because it feels good when your environment is clean, and that's when around 6pm I went to Ma'am Ajoy's house with Angel, because we were leaving early for Calabanga because we had an intrams the next morning that's why we slept at Ma'am Ajoy's house.
Todays is Sunday I woke up exactly 3:30a.m in the morning because we were leaving early for calabanga because the events started early, and when we arrived in calabanga we first attended mass and then we went to the Octagon and gathered there, at around 10 AM the ballroom, cheerdance, impromptu and spoken poetry started, and in the afternoon badminton was held, and while I was sitting, I was suddenly called because I was the one to play Badminton, solo women, as in I really didn't I was the only one to win because it was the first time in my whole life to participate in the game of badminton. So when I won I was very satisfied, and around 5:30 in the afternoon the other students went home and the others stayed behind because they will play badminton because the game must end now because the next day there will be another game which is volleyball and basketball and at 8pm we went home to Tinambac.
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francyblogsblog · 11 months
Monday morning I immediately feel very drained and very tired even though I haven't done anything, because I'm coughing and my throat is very sore, and I forgot about the midterm examination as in I didn't really do a review because I didn't feel really feel good, but I also survived the examination even without a review and we finished the exam around 6pm, and we have prepared dinner and when we finish doing what we have to do, we watch a movie together with Ma'am Ajoy and while watching I was doing an inventory. It's Tuesday in the morning as my routine I woke up early and I take a shower and it seems like i can't go in because I'm not feeling well because of my headache and I feel like I'm going to get sick but I chose to go in, because I don't want to skip a subject, and in the afternoon I did inventory again and after that we ate and then we watched the movie again, and after that I went to the room to sleep. On the next day It's Wednesday I'm feeling tired because my cough and cold got worse as in, but I took medicine so it wouldn't get worse and after that I took inventory again and again HEHEHE. and I went to bed early because I felt like I had a fever. Hey guys It's Thursday, its our PE time and it is (gymnastic) and we did exercise and after that I'm not feeling well again because I have asthma but I can handle it because it's not too bad. Friday in the morning my body was very sore maybe because of the exercise we did yesterday, and today I was going to go home early but I didn't because Ma'am Ajoy, Ate Pat and Ma'am Sandra were leaving and they going to Naga for the congress of all SSG, and no one will be left at school and no one will look the canteen so I didn't go home, and when I came I saw the HRS students, because they were going to cook, and I was watching them while walking and I feel like I'm their supervisor HAHAHA so funny and in the afternoon I went home with Kuya Erwin. November 28 and it is Saturday, It's mira's birthday, I woke up at 7 am because kuya Erwin woke up early to take a bath and I remembered that's why he woke up early and took a bath because the Spjians basketball player had a game in the Binalay. I would like to come/watch but I can't because there is a lot to do because there is an event here at home, at 10am we clean up the messes at home and organize toys, and in the afternoon Ate Malou and I design for birthday party at around 6 Kuya Erwin's family arrived, and the children were happily playing in our mini playground here at home, while we were waiting for Kuya Erwin, we prayed the rosary first and then they came Kuya Erwin, Ma'am Ajoy and Sir Ryan, and we had dinner and while we were eating Ma'am Ajoy suddenly started talking about the game that happened earlier, she said it was cheesy like that HAHAHA. And while she was talking I was jealous because I wasn't I attended and I didn't see my crush playing basketball hahaha so funny right and after eating we chatted first and later the guests left and we rested. Sunday in the morning, there was a lot to do like cleaning the house/washing/folding clothes, and after Angel and I did all that we fell asleep because we did so much, and later ate Malou woke us up because we were going to church, and we went to church at the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Peñafrancia and after we went to church we went to kuya Erwin's house because they said we were going to sleep here, and that's all that happened during my whole week
soooo funny because all week I have a cough and a cold haha
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francyblogsblog · 11 months
Good Morning Ma'am Sandra P. Vivo. I would like share to you of what happend in my week, In the first day of this week was that ate Suzette, J-e and I went to Mananao to have uniform measured and after that while we were going to school rain caught up with us and we got wet and for me that was the most dun that happen in my day. On the second day I woke up at 7:00 am and after 5 minutes I showered and after that I dressed up usually I wear jeans and white t-shirt and on that day we had an event called Sci-Math and a lot happened during that day like Damath, Look a-like scientist. After that there was an aghamazing race which is to get the task first and the egg should not break and on that day I'm happy because we took a picture together with my crush.
The next day I woke up at 8:00 am because I don't have a school all I had to do is sell snacks to the students in canteen after that I do the inventory, and in the afternoon we went home to Naga. On saturday I woke up early because I was going to cook breakfast and then we quickly got ready because we were going somewhere because it was sir Erwin dad's birthday and then we went to Villa Caceres because that's where we were going to celebrate his birthday. And this week we are back here in Tinambac and that's all what happened in my week.
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