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cis person asking a trans person extremely invasive questions moodboard
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a grownass trans adult who is not a child: i would like to have srs please :)
cis people: ew no why would you do that. that’s literally genital mutilation. you’re ruining your privates, your down-theres, your special bits, and for what. for aesthetics? so they kinda sorta look like the opposite? clearly you cannot make this decision for yourself. shut up and also fuck you
anyone ever: hey maybe we shouldn’t routinely circumcise infants for cosmetic reasons and should instead allow people with dicks to make that decision for themselves when they’re of age
cis people: hmm. no lol
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The word "theyfab" is literally like the gom jabbar test for cafab enbies. Trans women online are using a mean word, will you maintain your composure or will you snap and go off about these mean shemales and their male socialization? An animal caught in a trap will gnaw off of its own leg to get away, what will you do
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probably the most real demonstration of online versus offline discourse on "transmascs versus transfems" infighting was at a transmasc meetup where one person was like "eugh i've just had suuuch bad experiences with transfems, i don't trust them" and the guy next to me just blinks and goes "hey uh. my wife is a trans woman" and the rest of us chime in like "yeah we all have transfem friends, what's your problem"
and then after talking to that person for longer we discover that they almost never interact with the trans community outside of tumblr and don't have any contact with transfems face to face
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
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this line of this /r/ftm post is making me lose my mind. the rest of the post had nothing to do with any of this and i dont know why it was added
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
cis people love to pretend trans people are fragile crybaby snowflakes, but if they lose one argument against one trans woman they will freak out so hard there’s a 75% chance they’ll dedicate the rest of their life to politics aimed to destroy all trans people. weird as hell.
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
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Source of info: Dr. Garcia. If anyone knows who to credit for taking the pic, send an ask!
Topic: Transmasculine lower surgery recovery
Image description:
-Step 4: Early after surgery
-Self-exploration as soon as feasible after surgery: Tactile & Erogenous
Neuroplasticity: benefit to early and repeated exercise of a pathway
-Recommend patients experiment
with as many variables
 as possible, as early as possible
     Stimulation-type variables:
Touch (rubbing vs. other)
Light vs heavy touch
Vibrational stimulation (e.g. vibrator)
Temperature (e.g Trojan lubricant that warms when mixed)
Self versus partner (self first!)
-Reassure: Nature and distribution of sensation may change during recovery may take time to achieve orgasm
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
Trans ppl: dont assume all trans men have a vagina and dont assume all trans women have a penis
Cis ppl:
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
It’s odd to me whenever a post on here expresses surprise that “truscum” or transmedicalists are overwhelmingly trans men, and specifically trans men with overwhelmingly misogynist views, bc like it’s not actually that wild of a thing:
(1) Men have an incentive to view the current gendered status quo as natural because it privileges them; (2) those who are viewed by a transphobic society as questionably men, or almost men, or men lite, and are denied the privileges of that natural category on that basis, have an incentive to prove to that society that they solidly and unquestionably belong to that category; and (3) the field upon which the dominant cultural epistemology rests – the way that truth is proven, that reality and being are defined – is science, it’s medicine, it’s psychiatry.
So is it any surprise that (1) men invested in misogyny and a patriarchal system (2) attempt to demonstrate conclusively that they are men by (3) translating their proof onto the field of scientific fact?
This isn’t just singling transmedicalists/trans men out, by the way. The exact same pattern can be seen in incels that attempt to prove their genetic superiority because they are not (in their minds) granted the privileges they should be receiving as men.
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
I think a lot of awful discourse about transmasculinity would be dead in the water if we just accepted that no queer men can have the same relationship to manhood as cishet men, and that it isn’t that trans men are affected by misogyny bc we’re Female but that trans men, as queer men, are affected by misogyny bc queer men are by default seen as at best, not trying hard enough to be men, as double agents and traitors to manhood.
Like, people keep acting like the gender binary is Real and therefore there must be inverse trends for trans men and trans women, for gays and lesbians, etc. rather than … trans and gnc people of all kinds will always have more in common w/ each other than w/ cis people, and all queer people will always have more in common w/ each other than w/ cishet people.
Also, everything queer men have in common w/ trans women is smth we have in common w/ cis queer women.
(I’m leaving race out for now, so it’s pretty simplistic; I have a migraine, so anything more complex than “casab is still not a class” is beyond me.)
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
So are trans women "big muscle-bound troons" or "weak effeminate faggots"? Are we "ugly and unwanted" or do we have unfair advantages in beauty contests? Are we "clockable from a mile away" or super secret agents infiltrating women's spaces unseen?
The answer is whatever makes us more threatening or more detestable given the context.
Respectability can't save you. There's no set of behavior that can satisfy them, they want us to disappear.
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
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Vintage Trans Pride Pins circa. 1970s-90s
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
you’re correct to call out transmisogyny in online queer spaces but i think you undermine your point when you misgender people while doing it. addressing the trans men you’re referring to as “princess” and telling them “you can hang out with the boys when…” really makes it read like your goal is to demean these trans men for not conforming to your idea of masculinity rather than to call them out for their transmisogyny.
i admittedly struggle with tone so maybe i missed the mark on this one, but the point was that it's difficult to take the masculinity of another transmasc seriously when they don't themselves/when they lay it down and fall back on their Female Biological Frailness whenever it allows them to dodge accountability for, or wield the cudgel of, transmisogyny. this is a more specific strain of queer transmisogyny that i think is often more difficult to call out because of its accountability-dodging nature, and while its focus and victims are obviously transfems, i would also say that as a non-schroedinger's type transmasc, i find it incredibly demeaning and dysphoria-inducing myself to see these guys make blanket statements about our "female biology" and ontological glass bones. i don't think a butch-rib "princess" is really a drop in the ocean of bioessentialism and proxy-misgendering which these guys impose not just on themselves but also on their transmasc brothers in the name of being better misogynists.
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frankencocksupremacy · 3 months
just wanted to say i love how my bulge looks in boxer briefs. happy pride month!
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frankencocksupremacy · 4 months
the person who said phallo has no erotic sensation is either misinformed or lying. nearly all ppl who get phallo have their original capacity for sexual pleasure and typically gain more. if you yourself are transmasc i'd be willing to detail further in private, but please seek this information out through medical sources and people who have had the operation instead of relying on tumblr randos just as poorly educated on the matter as any random cis person off the street lol
How does post op penis work in terms of sexual pleasure? Like for vagina they make the clit out of the penis head. I realized I don't know how phallo works sexually.
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frankencocksupremacy · 4 months
i'm post-op RFF phallo. i'm around irregularly, but if you shoot me a message sometime soon i'll try to answer any questions you have
Having an internal debate recently as to whether I wanna get bottom surgery
I’d put it to the side for years despite being initially down for going on T and having bottom growth, but the only surgery option I’d ever seen was metoidioplasty, which I really didn’t like the look of and it turned me off everything.
But now that I’m older and have more comfort with my body, I went back to consider T and bottom surgeries and found phalloplasty, which I really like the look of. Now I’m genuinely considering it with the option to keep my vagina.
It’s still a big decision though, both financially and about my body, and I know there’s a lot of skin grafting that comes with it which has me concerned about my tattoos. So on that note, if anyone who’s gotten the surgery would like to share their experience, I’d love to hear it!
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frankencocksupremacy · 4 months
Yes, Gender Dysphoria is a Delusion™ and desiring medical transition is “the same as an anorexic person wanting a liposuction,” which is why undergoing medical transition has had such a positive outcome a majority of the time and it’s recommended that trans people with Gender Dysphoria should be allowed to transition how they want and have their gender identity respected as the best way to address it…the parallels are uncanny.
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