free-scenarios-club · 8 years
Hello! \(^o^)/ I've got a cute one in mind! Haruka, Rin, and Souske's partner trying to scare them by dressing up as a ghost (actually they just put on a bed sheet over themselves) but failing miserably?
Haru: Haru would merely blink before raising an eyebrow at you.
“Oh, were you trying to scare me, Y/N?”
Rin: Rin would laugh, patting your head.
“Nice try, Y/N, but you’re gonna have to try harder than that to get a guy like me scared!”
Sousuke: Sousuke would chuckle to himself, clearly amused.
“Funny. Not scary. But hilarious.”
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free-scenarios-club · 8 years
Both teams reacting to a naughty video that their s/o recorded for them as a early birthday gift( when their s/o is beside them )
Haru: Haru’s into many questionable things: wearing swim trunks in the bathtub and eating mackerel for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but…this video reaches a whole new level. His eyes sure do light up at the sight. He doesn’t say anything though, but the smile on his face is enough to assure you that it was an excellent birthday present.
Makoto: Makoto rubs his neck, licking his lips. If he knew you were so nasty like this, he would’ve had you two do something more ( > u 0 ).
Nagisa: Nagisa somehow finds a way to tease you on how sexy and naughty you are. So sexy that the mischievous little blond can’t help but run his hands up and down yours thighs. In short, Nagisa’s very happy with his gift.
Rei: Once the video starts, Rei’s face is flushed. He keeps stuttering on how unreasonably naughty and inappropriate this is, but it’s obvious his words aren’t matching his feelings. His eyes are glued to that video, even after it ends. He’s finding ways to dissect the booty.
Rin: Rin devilishly grins at you once the video ends. It’s as if a shark has found a prey to feast on…get it?…Shark?
Sousuke: Sousuke would turn to you with a smirk and recommend that you show him your moves live in the bedroom next time.
Aiichirou: Ai is speechless from beginning to end. He’s probably not breathing either. Get him to a hospital.
Momotarou: Save. Download. Burn Disc. You name it. You’ll probably never see that video again, and he’ll have it on repeat forever.
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free-scenarios-club · 8 years
both teams attitude towards a s/o with piercings and tattoos? ^.^
Haru: Haru doesn’t really care about whether his s/o has piercings and tattoos. In fact, Haru’s kinda fond of them. From an artistic perspective, he thinks they’re really beautiful and appreciates how they symbolize something about a person.
Makoto: Makoto’s not used to seeing piercings and tattoos. But in his opinion, piercing and tattoos are okay to have and to look at. His attitude on them are ‘meh’.
Nagisa: Nagisa thinks tattoos and piercings are pretty cool. He admires the rebellious edge to them. Just expect him to gushing over them a lot. Like a lot.
Rei: To be frank, Rei’s not a fan of piercing and tattoos. But that doesn’t mean he’s completely against them either, and he absolutely understands that piercings and tattoos don’t define their beauty.
Rin: Rin thinks piercings and tattoos look really badass! Rin is one of the last people to judge someone who has them. He just has natural liking for them, and is probably thinking about getting a tattoo or something one day.
Sousuke: Sousuke thinks tattoos and piercings are edgy and really cool. And at the same time, they have a certain grace and beauty. Not to mention, for him, they add another degree of sexiness to a person.
Aiichirou: Ai’s kind of skeptical of piercings and tattoos at first. But once he gets used to them, he thinks they’re actually pretty and nice.
Momotarou: Momo thinks tattoos and piercings are awesome! He’s probably go on and on how amazing and badass you looked. How they also looked like you could kick anyone’s ass, and you should probably try and kick his right now.
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
You: You’re not gonna come with the good ol’ “oh sorry i was busy with life but i’m still very much working on scenarios thingy” and then you post a few and disappear for 15 years again, are you? You’ve been gone since the middle of September, and it’s November now!! We’re really confused rn
Admin Fanboy and I have been gone for long, haven’t I? Lemme explain. Responsibilities came to visit all of a sudden like: 
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Ya see, this year I’m a sophomore in high school. I promised myself I would try my best to prioritize homework before hobbies so that’s what I’ve been doing. But sheesh, getting my education is stressful!! School hasn’t been an easy ride! Way too much unnecessary drama and troubles and way too much drama and troubles gives me panic problems (Yo girl got panic disorder btw) which leads to more consistent depressive episodes which leads to mental breakdowns. In short, my mental health hadn’t gotten its shit together. And my problems don’t stop at school either, so this is has been for the past two months:
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And I know you’re there, waiting for me, but I can’t find the motivation to do anything. As some of you may know, depression does that to you. Plus I had been getting writer’s block a lot and I want to give you the best of my effort that I put in my scenarios. I’m also an aspiring screenwriter and I care a lot about pace and characterization and blah. So when I finish up scenarios, I wanna be all like ‘yaaasss bish slay’: 
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You: *something about reassurance, pity, worry on if i’ll continue the blog or confusion on why I don’t just give the blog to someone else or something like that*
No, no, no! Don’t be worrying about me, alright? I don’t want you to worry. I just wanted to let you know what’s up. I chose to start this blog cause I wanted to make others happy with my work and to make my ideas come to life. I’m not giving that up anytime soon. Cause one day, I hope I do beat my illness so I can say “Depression, Panic Disorder, what’s good?” and just finally be truly happy. But I’ve still gotta take on my responsibilities and this blog is one of them and I truly appreciate each and every one of you who have stuck with this blog, even though I have no clue what your beautiful faces even look like. I love you guys. Like really, thanks for following and reading this blog. And thank you especially if you’ve read this far.
As for when I’ll continue, I should continue this month. Whether it’s tonight, tomorrow, or next week, but definitely this month. Again, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.
You: Wait, what about Admin Fanboy?
Oh, almost forgot! Admin Fanboy’s not experienced as I am in anime fandoms and blogging and all that, so he only works when I do. Plus like me, he’s got projects and school and blah to work on. But fret, we’ll both be back! Thank you very much for reading! 
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
It's Admin Fanboy's birthday!!!
Give it up for my awesome best friend everybody 😀
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
What would both the teams react like if they found out that their s/o didn't have a family? Like how would they try to make their s/o feel better when they felt lonely. And I love your blog it's awesome
Haru would understand, considering living in a house all alone with his parents barely around. So if his s/o was ever lonely again, they could meet up with Haru and they could cherish each other’s company. Besides, his s/o has him, right? He’d hope he counted as family.
Makoto couldn’t really empathizes with the s/o due to him having a big family, but he would place himself in their shoes and really take their feelings into consideration. Makoto will ensure the s/o that they’d feel a sense of family with him and all their friends. Whenever they feel lonely, all his s/o would need to do is come to him, and Makoto will sure enough comfort them.
Nagisa can kind of understand how the s/o felt. There was period of time in his younger days when he didn’t have Rin, Makoto, and Haru to hang with. So if they ever feel lonely, they can just call Nagisa up and he’d be sure to have some adventure ready for them both to go have fun on.
Rei would probably turn to some internet research on how to “cure loneliness”, but once that doesn’t work out, he’d just comfort his s/o. He’d starting visiting his s/o on days they’re available on so they wouldn’t have to feel alone all the time.
Rin could sympathize with his s/o. He remembers how he felt so lonely in Australia even when he was in crowds and crowds of people. So whenever his s/o feels lonely, he’ll take them out to gaze at and play in the ocean.
Sousuke would be bothered by the fact that his s/o’s upset because of loneliness. He remembers when after Rin moved to Australia and stopped sending letters.  He’d reassure them that they’ve never truly be lonely cause he’ll always be there for him when they need him.
Aiichirou would discuss a little about himself and his family situation in order to open himself up to the s/o. He wants to show relation in some form, and make the s/o know that they can tell him anything. Aiichirou would be respectful and understand whenever the s/o was lonely, trying as he might to take time out of his day or even swimming practice to be there for them, and that’s saying much.
Momotarou would try as he might to raise the spirits of his s/o whenever they felt lonely, by being there for them. Though he might be loud and spontaneous in his attempts, but he would do anything. He has a older brother that looks out for him, so he wants to do the same for the s/o.
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
Both teams while meeting their s/o for the first time at a swimming competition
Haru would appeared to be nonchalant, but truly inside he’s falling hard for his s/o. He opens himself a little bit more, offering conversation to spark at the least. We haven’t seen this side in Haru before.
Makoto would be sweet as he approached his s/o for the first time. Good impressions are everything for Makoto, when in a situation like he is in now. As he develops feelings for them, then he might get nervous flashing his famous smile, and rubbing his head. He would want to know more about the s/o and probably relate on something.
Nagisa would be bubbly as ever, instantly forming a huge crush on them the second his eyes first laid on his s/o. He’d be super kind and fun to hang around, but his heart would be wildly beating every second he was with them.
Rei would extend his hand out to his s/o nicely greeting them, conversing about the upcoming match which seems to be very important to him. He would be taken aback if the s/o showed any signs that they might be interested in him, but he will accept it to be true.
Rin would definitely be massively flirtatious at every turn too. He’d drop subtle hints that he was interested in them and would even invite them to hang out later.
Sousuke would be giving them a little smile the entire time. He’d have a certain loving look in his eyes that he wouldn’t be able to hide.
Aiichirou would be really polite gentleman. He might stutter since he’d be super shy and flustered. He’d wanna leave a great lasting impression on them.
Momotarou would be obsess with his s/o, trying with every fiber in his being to impress them. Nothing is too big for a chance to catch his s/o blushing or even being interested in him in the slightest. He might be awkward and too straightforward.
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
Can I request Samezuka, Iwatobi, and Seijuro receiving a much needed confidence boost from their girlfriend? Like they are feeling stressed/upset with something they did and she makes them feel better. :) thanks for the blog!
Haru would take her hand and squeeze it.
“…Thanks for support. I really needed it…”
Makoto would flash her his charming smile and kiss her on the cheek.
“Your personality really does shine through, (Y/N).”
Nagisa would give her a tight hug, rubbing their cheeks against one another.
“(Y/N), This is why you’re the best girlfriend in the world!”
Rei would grin, blabbing about how his girlfriend always knew what to say.
“Ah, your words are such beautiful poetry.”
Rin would be flushed by boosting words of his girlfriend, acting like a total tsundere.
“Don’t bother flattering me, babe.”
Sousuke would smile.
“This is why I love you.”
Aiichirou would blush and nod in agreement to the advice given, and politely thank his s/o for their advice.
“Y-you’re t-too kind, (Y/N)!”
Momotarou would appreciate the advice, snuggling up close to his s/o in a sharp flare of happy emotions and love.
“Oh my gosh, you’re too cute!! That’s why you’re #1!”
Seijuuro would chuckle and grin, while ruffling their hair.
“That’s my girl, always finding a way to make things right!”
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
Iwatobi + Samezuka showing off for their s/o at the pool and as the boys go to dive they lose their swim suit in the process :P
A light blush would creep up on Haru’s cheeks when realization hits him. He’d try to not make too much of a scene so you wouldn’t notice that something was up. He’d mutter responses of how he was fine if his you ever questioned or noticed his strange behavior.
Makoto’s face would be red as a fire hydrant. He’d try to cover up the very fact that he was naked as a shaved sheep, but in short, he wouldn’t do a very good job. He’d get even more flustered if you found out and came near to try to help him find his swimsuit.
Nagisa would be a little embarrassed at how he got naked on accident. But he wouldn’t have too much shame. He’s not really the one to care if he’s naked in front of you or not.
Rei would be ashamed that he lost his swim suit in the waters, and a surprising blush appears on his face. He won’t come at of the pool, until he was presentable again.
Rin would be flabbergasted, but would try to play it off. This usually doesn’t happen to him. He though being a crybaby would retrieve his swim suit in quick haste and become rigid if the s/o laughed at him.
Sousuke would shrug it off, scratching the back of his head, trying to cover his parts. He’s not as embarrassed like most would be.
Aiichirou would not stop stuttering. He’d be so embarrassed but he’d ask you for help immediately. After this incident, he wouldn’t be able to look at you in the eye for days.
Momotarou would internally scold himself so much for this. His cheeks would be bright red when he and his s/o made eye contact. He’d probably try to come up with a lie, but fail.
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
Both teams when skinny-dipping with their s/o
Haru bathes in his bath tub with only his swim trunks, so he might as well be naked and dive straight into the water with his s/o. You won’t hear as much arguing on the decision to do so.
Makoto would be really reluctant to even try doing such a thing. But if his s/o and him found a secluded spot to be naked, he would consider skinny dipping if it meant he could make his s/o smile.
Nagisa would be the one suggesting the idea in the first place. Skinny-dipping with his s/o would be exhilarating to him.
Rei knows he has a beautiful body and if no one else is looking, he will consent to it. He won’t be fond of the idea, but he might as well in order to please his s/o which is important to him.
Rin would think over his decision, but will give in to skinny dipping with his s/o. At least they would be happy and he could have the opportunity to practice his swimming.
Sousuke would flaunt his body to his s/o cause we all know he got them “good goods” and advance in their scandalous act. He’s all for skinny dipping and he might as well have fun doing whatever his s/o wants to do.
Aiichirou would be nervous and shy at first, shielding his body from the s/o, but will go along in making his s/o happy. He would laugh at how much they are having fun even though he is out of his comfort zone.
Momotarou would embrace the daring activity with the s/o diving straight in with enthusiasm and without fear, creating a ruckus. He enjoys acting out with his s/o and spending time with them.
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
Happy birthday!! *hands over imaginary cake* I hope you get lots of birthday wishes granted!
Thank you!! And I love cake!
- Admin Chibi
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
lol i forgot to open back the inbox for this account in case anyone wanted to wish me a happy bday through here
- Admin Chibi
☆☆My birthday is today☆☆
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
☆☆My birthday is today☆☆
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
How do you think both teams would react to seeing their s/o in "lazy day" attire. Like sweats and minimum effort to physical looks. Probably wearing glasses and has a cup of coffee with a few books or nerdy movies
- Admin Chibi
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
I love your blog and as a speaker of experience you will get better keep your head up. I have faith in you. Get to this is you can but how do you think the style five, Ai, and Souske would react to seeing their s/o dressed in sweats, no makeup, hair a mess lazily wearing glasses and have a book in hand like lord if the rings or harry potter or the hunger games or john green or like a stack of romantic comedies movies or harry potter movies basically anything nerdy or dorky. I love you so much
Thank you very much for the support! I love you too!
There’s a very similar request done already though. Click here!
- Admin Chibi
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
Iwatobi and Samezuka boys react to seeing their s/o wearing a piece of the boys clothes
I think this request is quite similar to the one you’re requesting.
- Admin Chibi
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free-scenarios-club · 9 years
Headcanon #8
Makoto is a professional twerker.
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