freedomexercises · 1 month
Join a Movement: From the Brink of Catastrophe to the Dawn of the Golden Age
Join a Movement: From the Brink of Catastrophe to the Dawn of the Golden Age Dear Friends, As the dawn of a new era graces our lives, I reach out to you, my cherished companions, with a heartfelt and urgent message. My name is Michael Kell, and for those who remember our enriching times together in “Mind, Brain, and Body with the Good Doctor,” it’s a joy to reconnect. Today, I have something…
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freedomexercises · 4 months
Darlings, It seems my comment tread is not functioning. Will see if I can fix it. The next set of writings are meant for the amazing women in our world. They celebrate the return of the Goddess.
My dearest, of the dear, sweet wife, it is here we belong. The appointed time has returned this day, for Winter Sun to bid a tender farewell to our snowy-shrouded city of grand hopes. Winter Sun’s last luminous kiss, a kiss tender, sweet and lingering heavily upon the gold-leafed cupolas of ancient cathedrals. Each sacred dome shimmering warmly to the Winter Sun’s Love, as you, dearest…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
Why Does Christ Refer To Souls As His Brides?
Greetings to all of you, I have found the esoteric Kabbalism of the Ari presents a sound structural model for understanding evolving life on this planet. But as is true for all Divinely Inspired theological models, it is incomplete. As are we as individuals. If we were completed Immortals, we would not need to seek completeness. Being incomplete does not mean our most cherished feelings and…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
Chapter 16. More Lessons From Gabríel’s Codex
As the sun rose, the Sisters prayed in the little chapel each morning. Sister Anna Marie said I had to stay in bed until breakfast, as she wanted me to grow up properly to marry me. One morning after Sister Anna Marie finished tickling me. I asked, “Mummy, how were new babies fed before anyone invented glass bottles to hold milk?” Sister Anna Marie replied, “You are such a clever boy. It would…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
Chapter 15. Miracles Come Every day To Those With Eyes
Then, Sister Agnes Louise produced our birthday present for Mummy. Sister Agnes Louis had wrapped it nicely. Rita brought white roses to the table in a vase. As everyone stood totally enchanted by the miracle of Holy Love, Mummy slowly opened her present. “I never had a present before, but this must be the best present in the world because it comes from my beautiful son and his special…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
I do not think I ever revealed the reasons behind this blog. I think it is wise to share such information now, as I am seeking persons who want to become agents for Omneity. Contrary, to the teachings of many earlier schools, most sentient creatures live a single mortal life and afterlife. Heaven and Hell exist (as taught in the Occident and Oriental philosophies). Each chooses the afterlife…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
Chapter 14. The Surprise Birthday Party
Dear Friends, I have l;earned that sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. My life is such. 80% of people are convinced of the existence of angels. Humanity has failed to save itself, maybe the angels can> Blessings
When we left the library, I told Sister, “Mummy, your birthday is not over yet. We need to take a walk, and I will buy you a treat, for I saved up some money for you.” So, we strolled towards the restaurant Sister Agnes Louise chose, and when we arrived, I took her inside. Sitting in the corner was Sister Agnes Louise with our present wrapped for Mummy. Sister Agnes Louise waved us to the table,…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
Chapter 13. A Grand Old Library
After we found the medical reference room, I took Sister to a table next to the window, which had two wooden chairs next to each other. The room was absent of other people, thank the Lord. “Mummy, we need to find some anatomy books which show pictures of penises and vulvas and explain all about making babies,” informing her of the purpose of our mission. Sister Anna Marie was silent…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
Chapter 12. Secret Plans
One day, when Sister and I were having a lesson with Sister Agnes Louise, Mummy excused herself as she had to go to the restroom. Seizing the opportunity, I asked, “Sister Agnes Louise. Mummy’s birthday is coming soon. Do you know no one ever celebrated her birthday? Everyone should have at least a small birthday party, I think? I remember two birthdays, and they were nice.” Sister thought for…
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freedomexercises · 5 months
Chapter 11. Creation II
Sister Agnes Louise explained, “Miguel, what you said is true. Do not worry, for such moments of cognisance will only be present when we have our lessons. While you will remember what you learned, you will feel like a little boy, a brilliant little boy. As time passes, you will increasingly love Anna Marie and know that you and she are one but two in expression. Now, you feel she is your…
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freedomexercises · 6 months
Chapter 10. Creation I
Sister Agnes Louise continued her lesson. “Lord Jesus had much respect for his earthly mother and Lady Miriam. He understood that male and female genders are equal, active and fertilising, and receptive and nurturing. All of what I am teaching is in Gabriel’s Codex. The other day, I forgot Gabriel wrote in Vedic Sanskrit, the Indo-Aryan language. I will explain why one day. “The Original Church…
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freedomexercises · 6 months
Chapter 9. A Reading From Gabriel’s Codex
Anna Marie tickled me one morning, saying, “Get up, sleepy-head. It is time for breakfast, and then we are off to help Sister Agnes Louise with her garden chores.” So, I arose and dressed quickly in khaki shorts and a tee shirt. Sister and I went to breakfast and helped wash the dishes before leaving. I enjoyed playing in the soapy water, which reminded me of our bath time. We caught the 10 am…
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freedomexercises · 6 months
Chapter 8. Mummy, Why Are You A Nun
Anna-Marie continued, “Being by myself most of the time caused me to become very shy, and I said little to anyone. The outside world terrified me. I spent much time in my father’s library, reading his classics. I had an imaginary girlfriend named Eugenia, and we played outside in the yard with the animals and plants. “I got used to being alone. I imagined I had lovely friends, and all of us…
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freedomexercises · 6 months
Chapter 7. Living With Sister Anna Marie
A few days later, Sisters Anna Marie and Theresa went to my house to discuss allowing me to live with the Sisters. Sister Anna Marie told me that my biological mother was entirely surprised by the request, as she had been wondering if they would take care of me for a few months. Sister Anna Marie packed up a few clothes and my toothbrush. After all, I was only moving across the street. When we…
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freedomexercises · 6 months
Son of the Holy Mother or Great Goddess
Merry Christmas, dear friends. It is a wonderful solstice holiday which is underappreciated by the Christian Churches. In the Neolithic period (8000 to 2500 BCE), the agriculturists understood that life grew out of, and was nourished by, the female energies. They understood fertilisation by males so to activate the process of a new life. As best typified by Minoan archeology, society was balanced…
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freedomexercises · 6 months
Chapter 6. Sister Agnes Louise (2)
He paused for a moment so I could respond. I did not know what to say, and my mouth blurted out, “Why me? What you are telling me is astounding if it is true.” The Sufi continued, “Professor, the author of this codex, was the favourite of Lord Yeshua. The author’s mother was Lady Miriam the Blessed, the matron falsely demeaned by the Disciples and Rabbis and called a harlot. She was not a…
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freedomexercises · 6 months
Chapter 6. Sister Agnes Louise (1)
True to my word, I have been travelling mentally within the Oneirion, or Psychic Worlds. But I am getting ahead of my tale. Here, past events still exist like knots tightly bound but can be re-experienced, such as the lessons taught to me by Sisters Anna Marie and Agnes Louise. I loved all the Sisters, but Sisters Anna Marie and Agnes Louise were highly advanced spiritually and open-minded. Both…
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