freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
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Steve ‘did it hurt - a little’ Rogers
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
Reblog if you want to be spammed with anonymous asks
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
“People who save everyone, usually don’t save themselves.”
— meghanabhange  (via wnq-writers)
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
Happy 🌈P R I D E🌈
I’m glad that you are you.
Just be yourself, nobody is gonna change that ❤️
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
Reblog this if you think it’s okay to support multiple different ships for the same character in a fandom.
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
❤ - gentle or loving touch (romantic or platonic!), such as face caressing, holding your muse, rubbing their back, petting their hair, hugging them tightly, etc
Steve is not fully asleep or awake but rather drifting in the space between the two when he feels a hand smooth over his hair before the bed dips as Peggy slides into it beside him. She hadn’t been sure when she would get in, so he had promised not to wait up for her. And he hadn’t; he’s just not all that good at sleeping alone these days. A smile curls at the corners of his lips. He waits until she’s settled before rolling over, draping an arm over her waist, and pressing his face into the curve of her neck, essentially trapping her with his weight. A content, rumbling hum passes his lips. “Missed you,” he mumbles.
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
just tossing another lil starter call out there as I continue to get this blog up and running. alternatively, if you have an open starter on your blog that you’d like me to answer, feel free to lmk!
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
My muse is feeling touch-starved.
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
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Sam was glad to have made the man laugh, even if the pained look he saw before it already told Sam that he’s hiding something behind it too. “Dude, you made my caramel corn salty with those super-sized tear drops, don’t try to hide it. But you know you’re welcome to come over again whenever I have one playing, alright?” He’s not shy at taking the blame for Steve Rogers watching rom-coms. It’s therapeutic; he gets it. At Steve’s next words, he shifted his weight on his feet but his stance remained open.
The humor and jest in his own eyes fades as he watched Steve’s body language, turning more serious himself as well. “’You been having those nightmares again? Or is this worse ‘cause it’s what’s going on in the whole living.. real life situation?” He knows the man has a lot going on and he’s here to be his wingman, not just on the battlefield. 
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If there were ever a poorly-kept secret of Steve’s, its the fact that, when it comes to movies, he’s more or less the world’s biggest softie. Happy tears, sad tears. . . you name them, he’s cried them at most emotionally-charged movies. Thankfully, friends like Sam don’t do anything but lightheartedly rib him about it in a way that makes a warm, fuzzy little feeling of belonging bloom in his chest.
But even lighthearted ribbing isn’t enough to disguise the fact that, today, Steve’s lack of restful sleep is finally catching up with him in a big way. “I know---I get that stuff like that doesn’t just. . . go away.” It’s been pretty repeatedly, if gently, drilled into his skull by the therapist he’s started seeing as well as Sam. “But just. . . I thought that once I started getting help, those old nightmares wouldn’t be as frequent. They’re---it’s every night, lately.” He lets out a long sigh that seems to deflate him from the very core of his being. “And I don’t know why.”
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
@freedompersonified liked for a starter
“Elizabeth Agnes Barnes, you clear up that mess right now- oh hello, Steven,” Winifred was taken slightly by surprise, having been shouting over her shoulder to the middle of her three daughters and not looking where she was going, laundry basket balanced on her hip. A smile crossed her lips at the sight of the blonde, who she practically considered as one of her own children these days. Lord knew, he’d spent enough time in her home, and James at his.
Steve had backed up a couple steps when he had seen Mrs. Barnes with her head turned, calling for one of Bucky’s sisters. Now that she had caught sight of him though, he grinned, showing off a fresh gap where one of his front teeth had been until recently. “Hi, Mrs. Barnes,” he said. Then, remembering half of why he was there in the first place, he held up the covered plate of some of his Ma’s best cookies. “Ma wanted me to bring these over to thank you for your help the other day,” he said. The other half of why he was there was, of course, to see whether Bucky was able to come out and play, but his Ma’s voice was in the back of his head, reminding him of his manners. “Can I help out with anything?” he asked.
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
closed starter for @misunderstoodcreatures​ // ssb fluff, as promised:
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It wasn’t that Steve was trying to be sneaky or covert, per se. Trying to do a nice thing for someone he had an immense crush on without having to interact directly with them and thus risk unveiling said unyielding crush? Now that was more accurate. Coffee and muffin from her favorite spot in hand, Steve was in her office, about to set said items down on the desk and then beat a hasty retreat when the lights flickered on over his head. His gaze immediately jumped to the door, where Bobbi was now standing. A sheepish smile spread across his face. “I swear I’m not in your office for any nefarious reasons,” he said, holding up the coffee and muffin as proof. “Just. . . snack-related ones?”
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
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“I don’t wanna burst your bubble, dude, but have you seen yourself? You’re not mysterious or spontaneous.” He chuckles through a wide grin, meaning no harm by his teasing. “Is this gonna be one of those ‘please, Sam, I need a good rom-com to cry to’ or the ‘please, Sam, I broke every sandbag in every gym in a 20 mile radius’ kinda situation?
“And you know what, the ‘mighty Falcon’ might be doing better, or worse, depending on your answer, Steve.”
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Steve makes an exaggeratedly wounded noise and face to accompany it, a laugh following soon after. Keyed up and frustrated though he still is, he finds it hard to stay too tense in Sam’s presence. His nose does scrunch up in equally feigned offense when Sam continues to speak. “Okay, when have I ever cried at a rom-com, first of all,” he starts. Last week. It was last week that you did that, Steve. “Second of all, it’s more a ‘I might break every sandbag in every gym in a 20 mile radius’ situation. Basically, I’m taking preventative measures.”
Some of the humor slides off his face and he rubs the back of his neck. “I’m just. . .” He blows out a sharp sigh. “I’m so damn tired, Sam.”
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
closed starter for @shewhowalkedtheearth​
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“Long time no see, Doctor Jones,” Steve joked from where he sat on the exam table when he saw her walk in. It was exceedingly rare that Steve came off a mission for anything other than recon and was able to be cleared by medical with little more than a once-over. He’d been patched up rudimentarily, but it was clear the Captain was a bit worse for the wear. Nothing that wouldn’t heal up as quickly as was his norm, but the way he held himself was indicative of him taking a few harder hits to the torso. The knuckles on his right hand also looked rough. 
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
Delightfully Domestic Starters
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
musingsource :
suggestive starters meme ( nsfw )
why don’t you make me?
i like you better on your knees.
i can think of a few ways to shut you up.
i wonder if you’re as loud in bed as your are everywhere else.
try and stop me.
is that a complaint i hear?
i hope you’re not too fond of that shirt.
why are you siting over there? there’s a perfectly good lap right here.
i thought you liked it when i was bossy.
are you saying this doesn’t turn you on?
i can tell you’re hot and bothered from all the way over here.
i hope you don’t plan on walking much tomorrow.
you’re not the boss of me.
you’re hot when you’re angry.
don’t make me come over there.
i’m this close to taking you over my knee.
you’re being an awfully bad boy/girl.
you know you want it.
you sure talk a big game… but can you live up to it?
i’m not sure you could handle me.
is that a challenge?
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
so, to kick things off again on this blog, have a starter call! usual selectivity will apply. also, please pardon me as I go through my own ask memes tag and rb a bunch of things.
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freedompersonified ¡ 3 years
hello hello! holy wow, it’s been awhile. life has been. . . a lot lately. but things have stabilized to the point where rp is now manageable and desirable for me to return to! this is the good news.
the bad news (kind of bad news kind of not, i guess) is that i’ve been gone and not writing for so long that the thing that makes the most sense to me to do right now is to completely make a fresh start. and by fresh start, i mean dropping all my threads. like, all of them. this doesn’t mean i don’t want to write with any of my partners whose threads i dropped. on the contrary! i very much want to write with you! please hit me up! 
in the meantime, i will be revamping this blog and my multi as well as writing starters (maybe? we’ll see how it goes) and blocking the ridiculous surge of p0rn bots in my follower list!
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