freejaybird · 2 years
70 Taunting Enemies Prompts
Remember, requests are open.
“Is that really all you got?” 
“Come on, you can do better than that.” 
“I’m not even sweating yet.” 
“Think I broke more of a sweat 
“I’m sure you can hit me if you try hard enough. I believe in you.” 
“So close.” 
“You’re… boring me.” 
“I expected more.” 
“Why couldn’t the cops deal with you?” 
“Oh, no.”
“I’m sooo scared.” 
“Honestly, if you weren’t threatening actual lives, you’d be more of a nuisance, really.” 
“This is what I was called for? You?” 
“What… is this?” 
“Do you want me to slow down for you?” 
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll let you get a hit in.” 
“This is stupid. Goodnight.” 
 “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be good enough to beat me one day.” 
“Come and get it.” 
“That actually hurt. Wow.” 
“Compared to my usual crowd, you’re nothing.” 
“Get out of my way.” 
“Having fun?” 
“Aw, you’re not hurt already, are you?” 
“I was just playing. Surely you can take more.” 
“Oh my, is that blood? Just from that?” 
“You have to get through me!”
“Shut up!” 
“I can keep going.” 
“This— this is nothing.” 
“I’ll make you regret saying that!” 
“Then let me make this a little more challenging!” 
“Of course it hurts, dipshit.” 
“You should be scared.” 
“Stop— stop taunting me!” 
“Fun? Fun? Don’t insult me.” 
“I’ll show you better!” 
“I can’t stand you.” 
“Get out of my way!” 
“Over my dead body!” 
“I won’t let you get to them.” 
“I’ll make sure you can’t hurt anybody else.” 
“Over my grave, you bastard.” 
“I’ll take you down if it’s the last thing I do.” 
“If I can’t take you down, I will never forgive myself.” 
“Try and move me, I dare you!” 
“You’re gonna regret that!” 
“You want to see what I can do?” 
“You’re nothing.”
“Keep taunting me and see what happens.” 
“I’ll give you one chance, walk away.” 
“Fine, I guess we’re doing this.” 
“Y’know, talking during fighting isn’t very professional!” 
“Dammit, all right, here we go!” 
You have a stupid smirk on your face, and I’m just trying to be serious. Why are you like this? Can we fight already? 
Why are you taunting me? Stop— stop dancing. We’re in the middle of a fight. 
When the cops/superhero/my friend told me what you were doing, I wanted to stay in bed. And now that I’m here, I’m thinking that maybe I should have. 
Is that bomb fake or real. I can never tell with you.
I’m bleeding from your knife/kicks/punches, but I’m not gonna stop fighting until you’re finally taken down. 
Every time you taunt me, I see red, and you know this. I should be stronger, but I’m not. 
I won’t let you hurt the people I love. Not while I’m still breathing. 
You notice that I’m breathing heavy, and you just keep smirking. I— I can keep going. I can. 
We used to be friends, what happened to us? Why do we always have to fight? 
If you’d just put that gun/remote/knife, we could go home, y’know? We don’t have to keep fighting. 
You’re not fighting like you used to, what happened? 
This is pathetic and a waste of my time, you’re in my way. 
You’ve gotten weaker, I can’t help but let a smirk cross my lips, this is almost… funny. 
You stumble against the wall with half-lidded eyes. It’d be so easy to just stroll by you, but for some reason, I can’t help but keep taunting you. 
You hate me. I hate you. Yet, taunting you is one of my favorite things to do. 
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freejaybird · 4 years
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bounty hunters are…severely far-sighted…
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freejaybird · 4 years
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“Ya know you can breath, Marston?”
Wanted to draw Athur teaching John how to shoot~
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freejaybird · 4 years
Person A: “Oh God…. Not this again.”
Person B: “Hey don’t blame me, I had nothing to do with it.”
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freejaybird · 4 years
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Listen to me. When the times comes, you gotta run and don’t look back. This is over.
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freejaybird · 4 years
Do you think Arthur knew how much Hosea loved him? In a paternal way of course.
Yes, I think he did! Maybe he didn’t realize how much Hosea loved him or that Hosea’s love would have absolutely been unconditional, but I do think that he was aware of the fact that Hosea loved him like a son. 
Every interaction Arthur has with Hosea is positive, which is rare. Other than maybe Charles, Lenny, Mary Beth and Tilly, Hosea is the only character that has exclusively positive interactions with Arthur. Hosea, every time we see him with Arthur, is either being incredibly kind and gentle with him, doting on him, making him medicine or coffee, taking him fishing, telling Arthur that he’s smart, telling everyone around them that Arthur is smart or trying to help Arthur with his problems. When Arthur wakes him up in the middle of the night, Hosea always gently asks him what’s wrong. Hosea was in every way a kind and loving father to Arthur.
And Arthur knew that, he writes in his journal that he loves Hosea more than Dutch, that Hosea has always been nice and kind and loving to him and he loves Hosea back for it. When Hosea dies, the pain in Arthur’s voice is palpable while he screams. After his death, Arthur immediately takes on Hosea’s role of being the stable and grounded person who tries to save everyone and tries to keep Dutch in line. He takes that role on so well, displays Hosea’s traits so well that Dutch comments on it saying that Arthur reminds him of Hosea, that he sounds like Hosea.
Hosea’s influence on Arthur and his love for him is very clear, and Arthur’s affection for Hosea was also clearly laid out in the story. I think they both knew that they loved each other, but I think that Arthur’s low self esteem and self worth likely kept him from realizing just how much Hosea loved him and saw him as his own son. 
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freejaybird · 4 years
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Arthur Callahan 💜
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freejaybird · 4 years
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freejaybird · 4 years
ring dang doo is just yeehaw WAP
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freejaybird · 4 years
My friend sent me this last night at 3am and I haven’t stopped laughing since
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freejaybird · 4 years
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nighttime smoke in clemens point
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freejaybird · 4 years
Javier has a lot of songs. I think this is sad? Maybe romantic?  Curse my lack of Spanish. I speak French so I can understand bits of it since they’re both romance languages.  Potential Javier x reader angst…..
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freejaybird · 4 years
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ᴠᴀɴ ᴅᴇʀ ʟɪɴᴅᴇ ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ 1/∞  ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ: ɢᴜɴꜱ
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freejaybird · 4 years
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freejaybird · 4 years
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Van Der Linde gang → Clemens Point - Tilly Jackson
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freejaybird · 4 years
“Ohhh brother.”
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freejaybird · 4 years
When cowboys do that belt grabbing thing. Reblog if you agree. 
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